The Dorito Effect — A Surprising Truth about Food and Flavor

Via Mercola

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Story at-a-glance

  • Animals instinctively select the foods they need to correct nutrient deficiencies based on flavor feedback; humans are equipped with similar chemical-sensing ability, which is being hijacked by artificially flavored foods
  • Flavor experience takes up more gray matter than any other sensory experience, and the largest portion of the human genome involves the creation of your nose. So, from an evolutionary perspective, this chemical-sensing ability appears particularly important
  • Flavor is a marker for the nutritional density of the food. Artificial flavor technology has allowed for the radical deterioration of food quality, as you can easily mask the flavor of inferior-quality ingredients with chemicals
  • Using flavored chemicals, you can now produce food that have virtually no nutritional value, yet the great taste and aroma fool consumers into thinking they’re eating something wholesome
  • Artificial flavors encourage obesity as they entice you to eat food you normally would not want to eat, and eat more than you normally would

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published June 3, 2018.

In his book “The Dorito Effect: The Surprising New Truth About Food and Flavor,” award-winning journalist and author, Mark Schatzker, investigates the introduction of flavor into the industrialized food supply. An investigative journalist by profession, Schatzker’s curiosity about flavor led him to eventually write two books addressing this issue. The first, “Steak: One Man’s Search for the World’s Tastiest Piece of Beef” was, as the title implies, about steak.

“I got deep into the science of flavor [and] the science of how we perceive flavor. But I also [asked a] question that we rarely ask, which is ‘Why does food have flavor?’ We think it’s all very simple. We take for granted of the fact that apples taste like apples and steak tastes like steak. But then when you start to get inside it, it becomes very interesting,” he says.

“I would visit a ranch and there would be a field of pregnant cows and a field of steers. The rancher would say, ‘Oh, the pregnant cows are in a field of clover because they need a lot of protein [when] they’re pregnant.’ Cows don’t even know what protein is, so how does a cow know what to eat?

The answer is flavor feedback. They seek out the flavors that bring their bodies what they need. It’s something we are certainly very alienated from … We tend to think there’s an inverse relationship between health and deliciousness. I set out to do that steak book thinking, ‘It might be that the best steak I find is awful for the cow [and] horrible for the planet; it’s like a heart attack on a plate.’

What I found, oddly, was that the most delicious steak was the best for the planet, nicest for the cow and the best for me. I thought, ‘This is not what I expected. This is not what we were taught to expect. Is there something going on here?’ … [I]n nature … delicious flavors guide animals to the foods they need. So, I asked what is a simple question with a very complex answer, which is, ‘Does it work that way for humans?'”

The History of the Dorito

The story of the Dorito starts with the late Archibald Clark West, a marketing executive who, in the 1950s, worked on the Jell-O Pudding account. In 1960, the Frito company offered him the position of vice president of sales and marketing. (Shortly thereafter, Frito merged with the Lay’s chip company to become Frito-Lay.) A chance stop at a Mexican food shack on the way back home from a visit with Lawrence Frank, the inventor of Lawry’s seasoned salt, exposed West to the tortilla chip.

“He thought, ‘This is going to be the next big thing for Frito-Lay’ … He presented his idea to his fellow executives. They just sort of looked at him like he’s a little funny because they thought, ‘Why would we want to make tortilla chips when we already make Fritos, which are kind of the same thing? … But West was so confident in his idea that he actually funneled discretionary funds to an off-site facility to develop this concept.

He gave them a name, which, in a very bastardized Spanish, means ‘little pieces of gold.’ He brought it back to his fellow executives. He passed out samples of tortilla chips and said, ‘Gentlemen, I give you Doritos.’ I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, ‘OK. This is when the world changed. This is where junk food was forever junkier and more addictive.’

But in fact, that’s not what happened, because the Doritos that first went to market … were just … salted tortilla chips. People in the Southwest … where there was a Hispanic cultural influence, knew that you could dip them in salsa and so forth. But the rest of the country didn’t really get it. The main complaint was that the snack sounds Mexican, [but] it doesn’t taste Mexican.”

The Dorito Effect

Undeterred, West had another epiphany: “Let’s make them taste like taco.” Up until that time, foods had their own intrinsic flavors and that was that. If you wanted the taste of raspberry or pineapple, you had to use real raspberries and real pineapple. But some speculate that West’s friendship with Lawrence Frank (the inventor of Lawry’s seasoned salt) gave him the insight that you could alter flavors through the use of chemicals.

“You could make whatever you wanted taste like whatever you wanted it to taste like. You could literally buy flavored chemicals and put a dusting on a triangular piece of fried cornmeal and, voila! It wouldn’t taste exactly like a taco, but it would have that depth, that tang, that zest. Frito-Lay then brought out taco-flavored Doritos, and that changed everything.

Let’s think about that for a second. We’re talking about a high-fat, high-carb, high-salt snack that America basically wasn’t interested in. With the addition of flavored chemicals, it turned into a snack people could not stop eating. Let’s also think about this: Prior to taco-flavored Doritos, when people ate tortilla chips, they would dip them in things that are good for you, things like a bean dip or salsa made with tomatoes, made with hot peppers.

Now you didn’t need that. Now you could just dust on the flavorings and they tasted good on their own. This, to me, is a very important moment in the history of our food culture, because it’s when we mastered flavor. Up until that point, roughly speaking, flavor had been the domain of Mother Nature. Now, it was up to, literally, the folks who worked in marketing.”

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Artificial Flavor Technology Destroys Food Quality

This flavor technology is ultimately what allowed for the radical deterioration of food quality, as you not only can easily mask the flavor of inferior-quality ingredients, but impose a flavor that has no business being there — making foods taste like something that they are not, and literally imbue nutritionally empty foods with the “sheen” of nutrition.

This is important for processed foods manufacturers because, as modern agricultural methods have taken a toll on soil health, food has gotten increasingly bland, as the natural flavor and aroma of food is actually tied to its nutrient content. In other words, flavor is a marker for the nutritional density of the food.

Using flavored chemicals, you can now produce food that has virtually no nutritional value, or even negative nutritional value, yet the great taste and aroma fool consumers into thinking they’re eating something wholesome. As noted by Schatzker:

“There’s been a change in quality. When old-timers complain that food doesn’t taste like it used to, it’s not because they’re [remembering] the past through rose-tinted lenses, it’s because food really doesn’t taste the way it used to. We have this ongoing debate in our culture about the importance of eating right. We tell people you need to eat more fruits and vegetables, you need to eat more whole foods, but what have we done?

We’ve made those whole foods blander, less delicious than ever, and we’ve made the processed foods more delicious than ever. This book is an attempt to understand what’s gone wrong with food through the lens of flavor. We think we understand carbs and protein and vitamins, but what we all seek in every meal is flavor, and there’s been a huge change in the way food tastes.”

The Evolutionary Imperative of Taste and Smell

We think we experience the aroma of food when we smell it, but it’s actually a bit more complex than that. When you bite into the food, the aroma goes into the back of your throat and through a small hole up into your nose. This is called retronasal olfaction, and is actually a more powerful form of smelling than normal smelling. This is what allows you to experience the richness and nuance of food.

Brain scans reveal the experience of flavor takes up more gray matter than any other sensory experience. Additionally, the largest portion of the human genome involves the creation of your nose. So, from an evolutionary perspective, this chemical-sensing ability appears to be particularly important.

Experiments by Utah State University scientist Fred Provenza proved that animals use flavors to obtain required nutrients, and it appears the same applies to humans, and that this is why this incredible chemical-sensing apparatus exists.

“For millions of years, it worked perfectly. It helped us balance our nutrition so that we could find the foods we need, get what we needed and not eat to excess,” Schatzker says.

“That all changed in the mid-1950s. The first gas chromatograph went on sale. What’s important to remember is that before that, scientists had absolutely no idea where flavor came from. They knew a lot at this point about things like the macronutrients, protein, carbs and fat.

They knew a lot about vitamins. But flavor was a mystery, [in large part because] flavors exist in such minute amounts — we’re talking parts per million, parts per billion … With the gas chromatograph, you could take a piece of food and literally turn it into a gas. You volatize it and send the gas through this big coil. The coil separates every compound out.

Out the other end comes each flavor chemical, and then they would analyze it. It didn’t take long for them to analyze the flavors in things like fried chicken, tacos, tomatoes or cherries. Then they started making [the flavors] in flavor factories. They started putting them in foods … Junk food is high-calorie, nutritionally empty food, that is true. But here’s the thing; we wouldn’t eat that stuff if not for the flavor. That’s what was added to make it irresistible.”

The ‘Natural Flavors’ Scam

As the Center for Public Integrity points out, industries can basically decide for themselves what is safe for you to eat. Of the 10,000 food additives on the market, 95% to 99% have never been tested for safety when consumed in isolation, let alone been tested for synergistic toxicity that can occur when you combine several of them together.

People have gotten savvier about this in recent years, and many are now trying to avoid artificial flavors and colors. Yet the food industry is still tricking most of us.

If you read food labels, you’ve likely seen the inclusion of “natural flavors.” If this has led you to believe they were different from and healthier than artificial flavors, you’ve been soundly deceived. Originally, “natural flavors” referred to things like spices and spice extracts — flavors obtained through natural means. This changed when consumers began rejecting foods containing “artificial flavors.” Schatzker explains:

“When consumers started getting frightened by the word ‘artificial,’ the flavor companies began to make the very same flavored chemicals using natural means … It’s the same flavored chemicals, made through fermentation or evaporation, for example, and not through more chemically complex ways. The bottom line is, it’s the same stuff … There is nothing more wholesome or more natural about these so-called ‘natural’ flavorings.

In fact, you could argue the artificial ones are better because they’re purer. When they make these natural flavorings, they don’t have full control over what they’re getting in. They take these chemical extracts and they don’t know exactly what’s in there.

The problem is you have mothers looking at things like yogurt tubes and granola bars; they see this word ‘natural flavoring’ or they see ‘no artificial coloring or flavoring,’ and they’re being totally hoodwinked.”

How Artificially Flavored Foods Are Driving Obesity

Most people eat too much these days, and more than two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese as a result. Processed, artificially flavored foods have a lot to do with this, as these chemicals make you eat food you normally would not want to eat, and eat more than you normally would. Remarkably, even whole foods like chicken and pork are now getting flavor enhancements, as the real thing has gotten so bland.

Again, this loss of flavor is a direct result of the way the animals are being raised. “We raise our livestock so quickly and so cheaply that it tastes like cardboard,” Schatzker says. “So, it’s not just Doritos and soda. It’s everything. We might think we’re making a healthy choice but, really, we’re being fooled in the same way.”

On a side note, there are even flavorings in cigarettes, and the reason they’re there is because it would make teenagers like them more. “That’s a testament to its effectiveness — getting consumers to do things they wouldn’t ordinarily be inclined to do,” he says.

Breeding Flavor Back Into Food

Unfortunately, while the junk food industry has top-notch flavor experts working for them, many fruit and vegetable producers fail to give any attention to flavor at all. Not only is this hurting the sales of whole foods, but more importantly, as mentioned earlier, flavor is a marker of nutritional density. While poor soil quality plays a significant role, plant breeding has also contributed to the blandness of many foods.

Take the tomato for example. Many older people will tell you today’s tomatoes taste nothing like they used to. Schatzker spent time interviewing Harry Klee, Ph.D., a horticultural science professor at the University of Florida, who since the early 1990s has been trying to crack the mystery of what happened to tomatoes.

“The truth is we’ve genetically damaged tomatoes,” Schatzker says. “They have literally forgotten how to be flavorful, because for so many years, we’ve been breeding tomatoes to produce a big crop, to have a long shelf-life, to be disease-resistant.

It’s amazing how much more productive tomato plants are than they were, say, 100 years ago. They’re more than 10 times as productive. But we’ve paid for it in flavor … [I]f you don’t select flavor, you lose flavor …

Knowing what we’ve done means we can take steps to undo the damage … [Klee] found is that there are about 26 flavor compounds in tomatoes that really drive the experience of liking them … So, he thought, ‘If I can figure out how the tomato makes each one of those, I can target it and I can breed for it. By ordinary, classic breeding, I can target those flavor pathways.’

What he found is that each of those 26 flavors is synthesized from an essential nutrient. This basically means that the flavor of a tomato is like a big chemical sign telling your brain there’s good stuff in here. This is why we have noses. This is why we have this chemical sensing apparatus, because it leads us to the nutrients we need.

When you start to fix the flavor problem in the tomato, you improve the nutrition and you improve the chemical representation of that tomato, so that when you bite into it you go, ‘Yes. That’s a great tomato’ … Klee has created a modern tomato that has the flavor of an heirloom, but it still has the yield and the disease resistance. It’s not GMO. It’s just a classically bred tomato. It really is the best of both worlds …

It works so beautifully in whole foods. But when you create a tomato flavoring in a factory and you put it on a potato chip or you put it in a sugary tomato sauce, you’re creating this experience of tomato, but you’re not delivering the nutrition. That, I think, is a really elegant illustration of just how things have gone off the rails.”

You Can Trust Your Intuition When Eating Real Food

Your body was designed to identify the best foods for you in any given moment. The call of certain foods is really difficult to ignore. However, problems arise when your body is being tricked into craving foods that don’t contain the nutrients promised by their smell and taste. The system does work, however, if you eat real food.

“My advice to people is to eat the most delicious food you can, but buy real foods,” Schatzker says. “Don’t be frightened of calories. Don’t be frightened of food … The other thing I’d like to tell people is be aware of your own eating experience … I think there are two different kinds of delicious.

There’s a delicious where you can’t stop eating. This is what happens to me with flavored potato chips or Doritos. You have one and you just can’t resist putting your hand back in the bag … These are experiences to be avoided …

Then there are other foods — dark chocolate is a great example; a great tomato is a really good example — where the point isn’t to stuff as much into your mouth as fast as you can. The point is to sit in a kind of deep contemplation of this incredible flavor experience. That, to me, is a better kind of food experience to have. I don’t think it’s one that you need to be afraid of. I think it’s one that will give back.

Also, be aware of how you feel after a meal. Try to integrate that into your perception of food. I’ve eaten some pretty low-end fried chicken that had that manic I-can’t-stop-eating [sensation], and an hour later I felt dreadful. If you can remember that feeling, it makes you less inclined to go after that [unhealthy food] again in the future.”

As discussed in many other articles, fruits and vegetables grown in healthy soils without toxic chemicals are a flavor sensation that is hard to beat. It certainly cannot be replicated with chemicals. Fortunately, Schatzker assures us horticultural scientists are now working on breeding flavor — and hence nutrients — back into a several foods, including strawberries and sweet corn.

While it may take time, there’s certainly hope for the future. We just have to keep our eye on the goal, which is to bring real food back into the lives of everyone. To learn more about the impact food additives have on our food selections and health, be sure to pick up a copy of Schatzker’s book, “The Dorito Effect: The Surprising New Truth About Food and Flavor.

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April 16, 2023 7:45 am

Food at restaurants are peppered with msg for the same reason. They will never tell you that they are doing this. Not all restaurants but many still are. Crazy that one has to ask if they are using msg. Forget non gmo and soy and canola. Those are cheap badges of honor and a given unless once again, you ask. Chic-fil-A uses peanut oil plus gmo canola or gmo soy oil in and to cook with on their products. They also soak their (oops marinate…) their. chicken in msg too. I am always amazed at the overflow lines at overpriced Chic-fil-A with people thinking that the food is ‘healthier’ and doing no research on the matter.

April 16, 2023 3:25 pm




The Gut: Our Second Brain

April 16, 2023 10:22 am

I’ve found that many fruits and vegetables – peaches, strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and many more – taste noticeably worse than 20 or 25 years ago. Many have degenerated so far that I can’t eat them at all.
They are hybridized for appearance, for yield, for insect tolerance, for shipping longevity. Flavor seems to have been entirely forgotten.
There have also been numerous reports that the nutritional values of natural foods are falling as well.

April 16, 2023 11:43 am

‘hybridized’ is totally different than a ‘gmo’ product.
Many fruits and veggies have already been gmo’d and they don’t have to tell you.
Hybridization has been going on since the dawn of time.
Just as the ‘Organic’ label just means (hopefully) that no artificial chemicals were used to fertilize.
They can still be gmo and still be organic. Gov changed the meaning of ‘organic’ quite a while ago.
Whole Foods has been caught before labeling their fruits, veggies, products ‘organic’ when they were not. And labeling them ‘non gmo’ when they were. With Bezo’s as the owner now….think it’s changed?

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
April 16, 2023 12:18 pm

With respect to the tomato, I recall reading more than a decade ago how UC Davis (which has an ag department) is ‘credited’ for many of the tomato varieties today — including the ones that can, literally, fall from 10,000′ and not get bruised or broken … and, of course, they taste like drywall …

I don’t buy tomatoes from grocery stores — even many ‘organic’ ones have almost zero flavor … and, of the ones that are available for home growing here in the Pacific NW, most of those have zero flavor, too, in order to grow in this climate.

  Anthony Aaron
April 16, 2023 12:56 pm

I don’t buy them either – wet cardboard, imo. I grow enough in summer to can them, and when they run out, they run out. Agree on the ‘organic’ ones not tasting any better.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
April 16, 2023 1:58 pm

The ones I like to grow at home are called ‘Sweet 100’ — NOT the Sweet 1000 — they’re prolific and sweet and juicy — like a tomato should be …

April 17, 2023 8:52 pm

The thing about genetics is that once they are bred out, they cannot be bred back in again.

If you only have the current crop of tomatoes to work with, you’ve lost that old-fashioned flavor forever.

You can no more select for flavor that is gone than you can use chihuahuas to breed timber wolves.

Also, MSG is often labeled as “Spice.”

I had a girlfriend from Argentina who said all our food tastes like plastic. She’d right.

And the FDA is not your friend.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
April 16, 2023 10:55 am

Only eat Whole Foods your body will thank you for it.

You will look better and get more and better sex

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
  A cruel accountant
April 16, 2023 10:56 am

In other words Doritos will destroy your sex life

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  A cruel accountant
April 16, 2023 11:15 am

You will look better and get more and better sex.

Hilarious. 😂 Like you would know.

  Abigail Adams
April 16, 2023 11:43 am

The secret is to eat clean whole foods early in the day, say dinner at 4:00 pm, in order that your body has a full 5 or 6 hours before you go to sleep . The body does 90% of repair while you sleep and eating late shifts the enzymes used for repair to the task of digestion. This works well for senior who do not hold down the 9 to 5 work schedule but it can be adjusted to slightly later.

The human body is tuned to get maximum sleep healing between 10:00 pm and 1:00 am with the natural circadian rhythmes, which is why I fail because I am usually on TBP. 🙂

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
April 16, 2023 11:47 am

The secret is to eat clean whole foods early in the day, say dinner at 4:00 pm…

And cocktails, amirite?? 😊

King Coel of Wales
King Coel of Wales
April 16, 2023 3:50 pm

the natural circadian rhythmes, 

Those are huge.
Simply being up in daylight and asleep at night will correct many body functions.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 16, 2023 11:07 am

Eat whole foods. That will eliminate the vast majority of the garbage in your diet.

  Francis Marion
April 16, 2023 12:30 pm

Yes. Ingredients should be food objects in one’s hands, not printed words on labels.

April 16, 2023 11:52 am

Slightly interesting story but with the usual, rambling, repeated phrase, shit writing from Mercola.

Brevity is better.

Does Mercola get paid by the word or something?

i forget
i forget
April 16, 2023 1:32 pm

Brevity ain’t better. It’s Parkay.

Zappa sang-advised eating yellow snow is ill advised. But whats advertised-subsidized spreads … easier, more conveniently, than butter.

And the not few, the not proud, margarinemen killed Zappa.

Parkay is a margarine made by ConAgra Foods and introduced in 1937. It is available in spreadable, sprayable, and squeezable forms.

Parkay was made and sold under the Kraft brand name by National Dairy Products Corporation from 1937 to 1969, then Kraftco Corporation from 1969 to 1976, Kraft, Inc. from 1976 to 1989, Kraft General Foods, Inc. from 1989 to 1995, Nabisco Brands, Inc. from 1995 to 1999, and ConAgra Foods, Inc. since 1999.

The product label states that the product contains 0g trans fat. Yet the ingredients listed on the package include hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils. The Food and Drug Administration allows food manufacturers to claim “0g of trans fats,” so long as each serving of the product has less than half a gram of trans fat.[1]

comment image

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  i forget
April 16, 2023 2:00 pm

Well … you can get your fat from a tranny … I’ll opt out of that one …

good to see Your standard handle...
good to see Your standard handle...
  i forget
April 16, 2023 4:31 pm

…Thought i saw a few ‘hints’ here & there.

Still on the wrong side o’ the limb i’m sawin’.

“This is why we have noses. This is why we have this chemical sensing apparatus, because it leads us to the nutrients we need.”

’twas @ least partially WHY the loss of taste/smell was engineered into the Bio-Weapon

  i forget
April 17, 2023 7:50 am

Even the UN wants to ban hydrogenated fats: Crisco etc.
But they leave out margarine, now re-labeled with the current buzzword ‘Plant Butter’. Anything ‘plant’ is good for you, lol.
They have now developed another (garbage) artificial oil (remember olean?)approved by the fda (lol) for human consumption that they are introducing to food manufacturers to use instead of their traditional cheap gmo soy and cheap gmo canola. The artificial one is much cheaper than those to use, so the bandwagon is rolling….

April 16, 2023 3:37 pm

Most articles are to long. Just say what is necessary and shut up.

Briefly, as possible.
Briefly, as possible.
April 16, 2023 4:34 pm

“Most articles are to long. Just say what is necessary and shut up.”

Classic Objectivity. Good job.

April 16, 2023 3:52 pm

I remember when Doritos came out. I thought they were terrible. Way too much flavor, and this were the regular variety not the nacho cheese.. I was about 7 of 8. This was intuition telling me how terrible they were health wise.

April 16, 2023 4:52 pm

Doritos, just like all the other chips, used to taste a lot different. Just about everything did.

Whatever it is they are making chips with in America now — in Doritos’ case, corn — is not how they were made back then. Doritos, Fritos, Cheetos, Tostitos, they all taste artificial, because they mostly are: corn syrup-coated and sodium-infused GMO garbage. You used to could actually dip chips like Doritos (as the author states) into salsa without them shattering in your hand like Rice Krispies, but those days are gone. Whatever they are putting into these chips, it’s very little chip.

Oddly enough, the convenience stores around me all carry Mexican-made Doritos and other Lay’s chips, and they rock. They come with warning labels on the bags about the chips having a high fat and sodium content, from the Mexican FDA-equivalent; imagine that, if we had an FDA that did such a thing.

The best thing about them, they use nixtamalized corn to make them, so they are thick and tortilla-like — the way Doritos started over here (minus nixtamalization, but still like tortillas). They taste like Doritos ought to taste, and come in a few different flavors than American Doritos. Way better than them, too.

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
April 17, 2023 3:37 am

7 of 8.. Dang! So close to 7 of 9!!!