Working Man’s Hedge Fund: New Design + Famous Liberty Quotes That You’ll Want to Free up Some Time For

Working Man's Hedge Fund Design

Why should you give a fig about liberty quotes?

Have you ever spoken with someone who has just discovered a new television show, and they’re going absolutely bananas about how you need to watch it too? “Oh, I just know you’re going to love The Foolish Man and the German Shepherd Dog,” they’ll coo. “I know the title sounds a little weird, but it stars an actor I love, and there’s this one episode where the German Shepherd Dog gets jam on his necktie before a big job interview that will split you in half with laughter!” And you kind of have to smile and promise you’ll watch it, and ask them to please stop touching you.

Libertarians are the same way about liberty. “Don’t you love liberty?” they will ask you. “Well, how would you like more liberty? Imagine how much more liberty everyone could have if we only did X, Y and Z! I love liberty so much I’d squirt it on my waffles every morning if only it were viscous instead of an abstract concept!”

But in the libertarian’s defense, liberty really is that good.

Never accept limits to your liberty in consideration of greater protection. The people offering you that protection are by far the most dangerous thing you will ever encounter. And although liberty must be earned by the hardest of people making the greatest of sacrifices, it is as vulnerable as a Fabergé egg in a daycare for children with inner ear infections. Forfeit even the tiniest little piece of it, and the despots, the bureaucrats, and the sadists who infest government will inevitably clamor for the next. And the next. And the next.

Give a mouse a cookie and he will ask for a glass of milk. With that, here are some of our favorite quotes about liberty.

Famous Liberty Quotes That You’ll Want to Free up Some Time For

Liberty Quotes

  • “Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.” – Abraham Lincoln
  • “Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.” – Henry David Thoreau
  • “Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.” – Bob Marley



Working Man's Hedge Fund design


There are many types of investments you could make, though nearly all of them come with shortcomings. Stocks can make millionaires, but all the money you soak into them could disappear the second a CPA spills coffee on his keyboard, a CEO gets caught getting too frisky with a receptionist, or an EMP bricks every computer in a thousand mile radius.

Gold and silver are generally more stable, and opening up a safe full of glimmering bullion makes you appreciate why pirates put up with mutinies and giant squid attacks. But when S really HTF, do you think people are going to be clamoring for precious metals? Or are they going to make a zombie apocalypse look like a day at grandma’s house?

The best investment you can make is one that will appreciate in value in direct relation to how horrible the future turns out to be. You’ll never trade shares of an extinct company for a tin of Vienna sausages. You’re not going to discourage a band of raiders by showing off your shiny baubles, either. Ammunition, on the other hand, will prove itself of inestimable value in either type of exchange.

Are you the type of investor who’d take an FMJ over an IRA any day? Do you pass on bonds in favor of bonded jackets? Would you rather keep your money safe with the help of Lake City instead of Citigroup? Then you get it, man – you believe in the true working man’s hedge fund, just like us!

The Libertas Bella Working Man’s Hedge Fund collection celebrates the smart cookies who keep their life savings in M2A1 ammo cans. Wear these fine T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies with pride, because you know that lead, copper and dinitrodihydroxydi azobenzene salts are the only materials with truly lasting value.

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Author: Libertas Bella

Libertas Bella. It’s Latin for “beautiful liberty." We chose the name for a few reasons, one of them being that we cherish liberty whether it’s our own or anyone else’s. Libertas Bella has been featured on,, Activist Post, PJ Media, and ZeroHedge.

Notify of
May 1, 2023 7:39 am

Put pockets on the tee-shirts and you will have a customer in me.

May 1, 2023 9:01 am

Got that right. A shirt without a pocket is just a nighty for the overnight gal in the morning.

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
May 1, 2023 9:35 am

Availability in 100% cotton would be nice.

When CBCDs are in place what will be on the “not approved” list of purchases?
Better buy those items now while still available.

May 1, 2023 8:30 pm

Somebody’s been squirting on his waffles…

A libertarian’s version of Liberty only benefits the wealthy and powerful.

It is a selfish child’s creed: “You’re not the Boss of me.” And “I got mine, screw you!”

You see, Libertarians blame you for not being born to a wealthy family, not having good health, not being in the in group, for being poor, of low IQ, or having other disadvantages. They’ll steal from you with their contracts, their usury, and their advantages, and if you complain, they’ll tell you you simply didn’t work hard enough.

So many of the Libertarian intelligentsia work cushy jobs at gov’t funded universities or oligarchic think tanks, running cover for rapacious business interests, and will tell you that the Gov’t is the problem.

Libertarians love liberty so much that they will allow you the freedom to sell yourself into slavery, chattel, sexual, financial, or otherwise.