The Last Source for a Street Mob

Socialist children in college or on the street have no choice other than to be narcissists because no one else will listen to their drivel.  The person or group that exposes their inadequacies is the focus of scorn and hatred in perpetuity.  “You are just a hater” is a sample of the intellectual response of the left when confronted by their errors or their hypocrisy.  These children are the last foot soldiers available to the leftist New World Order crowd. Otherwise both would fall back into oblivion.

Normal people do not hate these clowns as they are not significant enough to be acknowledged which is the source of their angst. They do however provide a great deal of amusement.  The trans mutants do not even realize that they are the last arrow in the quiver of the monarchical capitalist system of political and financial control which their forebears of  previous generations of street protestors were told to despise.  Do you remember “Occupy Wall Street”?  Today the cry is “Support Wall Street” through DIE.  This is a very funny evolution in our political system.

The bankers have used any means to increase their governmental control throughout history.  Our current political financial system originated in the Middle Ages as the  monarchs used these wealthy families as a monetary safety valve because they were the only source of capital available.  This allowed wars to continue long past the productive capacity of the states involved.  Obviously one side usually lost and the bankers wisely hedged their bets and prospective returns by lending money to both sides while they hoped for a truce.  This guaranteed a healthy profit in the war business.

This continued through WW1 and WW2 as well as the Cold War.  The Bank of International Settlements was founded to allow the transfer of funds from Germany to the US in the depression and continued through WW2.  The banks also funded the Russian revolution through Trotsky and Kerensky as they traveled from New York to Saint Petersburg in 1916.  Exxon, IBM, and GE were investing with the “evil” Russian Communists until 1971 and returned profits through the BIS.  (The Antony Sutton series on the control of our government is quite enlightening.) The socialists have used front groups of various types to obtain the foot soldiers for their system of control since Woody Wilson.  Initially the factory worker with a financial complaint was the source of these mobs.

This was also complemented by support by the self aggrandizing New England seminary crowd.  These schools created their own social-intellectual mystique using the donations from these industrialists.  They trumpeted their own greatness that was then magnified by the finances obtained from the JP Morgan Wall Street connection. This led to a Puritan holier than thou funding program of self promoting intellectualism of rule by experts. The endowments and architectural monuments were at their peak from 1900 to 1930.  Their graduates were walking advertisements for the concept of eastern elitism.

These people have not changed since the Mayflower Compact.  They believe there are better than anyone else and do not mind informing you of that fact.  These “experts” then were inserted into an ever growing group of bureaucrats within the DC structure.  They now occupy the majority of the Deep State governmental chairs.  The “common man” was of no use other than to do the bidding of his betters. This created a sense of awe from the simple bureaucrat looking for advancement. They cling to the skirts of their betters while dreaming of attention and pensions. The same elite rules today with the same dearth of results. The names of these condescending ruling clowns are familiar to anyone with a basic knowledge of 20th century history The J.P. Morgan group, Dulles brothers, the Bushes, the Rockefeller’s and Roosevelts were products of the system.

After a century of using different types of the self defined  oppressed masses, only the simple true believers are left to street fight for their betters.  The industrial worker has long since smelled a rat and realizes his job has been sold overseas.  The Adderall addicted ugly womens’ vote and the black vote is taken for granted.  This only left the transsexual transvestites to be unveiled as foot soldiers for their betters.  The overall numbers of followers are declining and panic of our betters is rising as there are no other foot soldiers available. Is that the cause of this sudden attempted acceleration of the system across the globe, or are they just getting a bit over excited as a century old plan is arriving at fruition?  I am afraid we shall soon see.

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May 6, 2023 4:54 pm

This is a nation of children, which makes things very easy for TLPTB.

May 6, 2023 5:19 pm

According to Dr. Robert Epstein, adolescence is an artificial construct of recent vintage, unknown in earlier times or indeed in many parts of the world today. The creation of this category, and the assumptions that inform it (by state and society alike) have harmed young people, he argues, and are responsible for the anxiety and angst we associate with the teenage years. These problems are not evident in cultures that lack this category. We explore Dr. Epstein’s thesis and book in today’s episode.

Ep. 1050 How State and Society Invented Adolescence, and Screwed Up Young People

“Adolescence is a relatively recent thing in human history — a period of years between the constraints of childhood and the responsibilities of adulthood. This irresponsible period of adolescence is artificially extended by long years of education, much of it wasted on frivolities. Tenure extends adolescence even further for teachers and professors.” ~ Thomas Sowell

Add in puberty blockers and unlimited credit and deferral of marriage
= United State of Adolescence.

i forget
i forget
May 6, 2023 6:53 pm

comment image

domestication closes the window on maturity. permanent juvenile-adolescence.

May 6, 2023 7:32 pm

Not correct. All of these future citizens that Mr. Biden is amassing on the southern border will be the foot soldiers for the elite going forward. In my AO there seems to be no shortage of them—more come everyday.

May 7, 2023 6:38 am

Utopia ,dead ahead.