The First Responder: New Design + Frédéric Bastiat Quotes

The First Responder Design

Bastiat is best known for writing The Law. In it Bastiat states that man’s right to “defend his person, his liberty, and his property” comes not from the state, but from God. He continues to argue that the law becomes perverted whenever it violates this natural right, which essentially amounts to plundering by the government. (Language which Ayn Rand would borrow in Atlas Shrugged.)

In The Law Bastiat also explains that a government which concerns itself with philanthropy rather than justice can grow endlessly, as philanthropy, unlike justice, has no limits. Remember this whenever a politician claims they need more power because they want to help people – it is within the scope of possibility that the politician merely wants more power.

Frédéric Bastiat Quotes You Can Legally Plunder

Frédéric Bastiat Quotes

  • “Each of us has a natural right, from God, to defend his person, his liberty, and his property.”
  • “The state is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else.”
  • “Slavery, protection, and monopoly find defenders, not only in those who profit by them, but in those who suffer by them.”


The First Responder Collection

The First Responder Design


Here is a hypothetical for you: Suppose you own a fire extinguisher. It’s not an altogether unreasonable thing to suppose, we think you’ll agree, but more and more people are arguing that you shouldn’t be allowed to have a fire extinguisher because others are abusing theirs. “No one needs anything more than a bucket of water to put out a fire,” they say, “and real men don’t need fire extinguishers anyway.”

None of this would be quite so disconcerting if those same people weren’t also against the existence fire departments.

Now, we’re aware that firearms and fire extinguishers aren’t exactly analogous. The Constitution doesn’t acknowledge your right to own a fire extinguisher, for starters. But we believe this hypothetical illustrates one of the greatest issues facing the free American in the early 21st century.

And the police, for all the good they do, just can’t do enough when it comes to home defense. It takes an average of ten minutes for the police to respond to a 911 call. In that amount of time a home invader could commit so many atrocities that not even Thomas Harris could describe them all in one book.

So here’s what we’re getting at: You are your own first responder. You understand that the duty of protecting yourself and your own falls squarely on your two shoulders, so you take every precaution available. This includes owning an immeasurably useful machine chambered for something that begins with a number like 9, 12, 40, 44, 223 or 357.

Don’t let the extremely vocal enemies of self-reliance take yours away from you. Declare your support for your God-given rights, remain prepared to deal with the worst, and proudly display our “First Responder” message on any one of these fine accessories or articles of clothing.

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Author: Libertas Bella

Libertas Bella. It’s Latin for “beautiful liberty." We chose the name for a few reasons, one of them being that we cherish liberty whether it’s our own or anyone else’s. Libertas Bella has been featured on,, Activist Post, PJ Media, and ZeroHedge.

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June 16, 2023 3:51 pm

thank you for your column. Few can compare to Bastiat’s ability to crystalize the inherent nature of man and the lust for power.

June 16, 2023 3:56 pm

It takes an average of ten minutes for the police to respond to a 911 call.

Must live awful close to a donut shop.

Around here it takes 30 minutes to drive to a police ‘outpost’.

And many cities have a list of crimes the police will not even bother to attend. (but make sure you pay your protection money, er, taxes)

You are on your own.