WAR is PEACE – IMPLOSION! – Ivermectin – CB-Man – Secret Seven – GB News Update – “The Faces” – Global Digital – Mortgage Bomb – US Assets – Tolerance? – Letter from Great Britain [06-24-23]

All wars are Bankster’s wars, always and everywhere. All you need do is FOLLOW the MONEY and ask: “WHY NOW?”

A sincere appeal to people around the world: Wake Up – Speak Up – Do Not Comply! Here are two minutes of desperate appeals to the 99%; spoken at the European Parliament recently.  https://www.algora.com/Algora_blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/8961528989620613747.mp4

Some 48% of people around the world are very or extremely interested in the news – down from 63% in 2017. In Britain, the proportion is even lower at 43%, researchers from Oxford University’s Reuters Institute reported recently. The authors said that audiences “cut back on depressing news and look to protect their mental health”.

BUT what about protecting our children?  Be ever vigilant – they are coming for the children now: (Hat Tip Kent somewhere in USA)  https://rumble.com/v2uyr8j-lesson-from-a-child-molester-dads-be-a-threat.html

Jesus came to saves us but how many are listening? This crazy logic dictates that in order to maintain peace we have to go to war!

KIA (Killed in Action) – here is the roll-call – killed for NOTHING!  After 60 years the same bloody thing is happening again in UKRAINE, all because the Banksters have deemed it to be so. Maybe it’s time for us to zero these A-holes?  In the meantime we are left to excoriate in their Kabuki Theatre as it unravels in Britain and HMG sends another £2.5Bn to Zelenskiy.


STOP PRESS – The ghoulish industry that has built up around the wreck of the Titanic has exposed some hellish fault lines encompassing the morality of ogling the wreck by billionaires for fun and profit.  For my part, I consider the wreck to be a site of sanctity which must be owed the reverence of a war grave. In the past I have lost friends and comrades-in-arms to the wasteful horrors of sudden crises appearing out of the blue. Nothing is ever what it appears to be – check out this HERE


NEWS FLASH: Ivermectin, the anti-parasitic medicine, was seen by most of the world as a medical miracle prior to 2020.  When the scamdemic PsyOp hysteria exploded in March 2020, Ivermectin had become taboo; something verboten to openly discuss.

If you talked about it on MSM, you were labelled a conspiracy theorist and a purveyor of ‘medical misinformation’. If you mentioned it on social media, you’d be either shadow banned, or have your account suspended. And if you were a doctor prescribing it to your patients, you faced the real prospect of having your medical license revoked.  That’s how serious this topic had become

Three years later we are now beginning to understand the truth of this evil mass PsyOp engineered by a cabal of global elites centred on unelected alphabet health agencies driving our world towards a catastrophic depopulation event. Ivermectin is an essential treatment for the Covid bioweapon, and the reason it was so strongly rebuffed by ‘The Science’, MSM, and governments around the world, was to maintain their ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ (EUA) status for their killer mRNA-based bioweapons – aka ‘vaccines’.

Not only in USA, but also all around the world, the NIH, CDC, and FDA have all been recommending people against using Ivermectin as a potential treatment for COVID. With the FDA going so far as to release a statement on Twitter, saying: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

This is a massive exposure of a global PsyOp involving hundreds of thousands of corrupted agents across the globe. I will be writing much more about this massive interconnected web of elite banksters and their bought and paid-for lackeys. I have identified some of the key players below but this is just the tip of a dystopian iceberg hell-bent on destroying your health, your elected government and our 21st century economy.



THOUGHT FOR THE WEEKIs Brexit the root of all our problems, as Blair & Co and Mark Carney opine, or is it the Central Banksters trying to take over the world?  Let’s get down to the root of the ‘Remoaner’ accusations, notably the Globalist Bankster’s leading light Mark Carney.  I was trained to always ask with whom I am talking.  [Xerox 1977]

Chris Macintosh (who heads his Team at Capitalist Exploits) has dusted off a parody he wrote many moons ago about a CB-Man’s day (central banker) at the ‘Masters of the Financial Universe Ivory Tower’ – [lightly edited].  Enjoy a glimpse of life through the lens of somebody like Mark Carney.

“I am a central banker. Let me tell you my story. I look presentable, nice suits, am well spoken, I have impeccable credentials. I wear a vacuous stare, though I like to think of it as a stern expression. My most honest feature, other than low wattage IQ, is that I am a complete A-hole. Imagine Tucker Max meets Paul Krugman, a cocktail if ever there was one.

I am, unsurprisingly, a self-serving, arrogant pr!#k. I am unencumbered by a working knowledge of arithmetic, all of which are prerequisites for the job I hold.

‘Work’, if that’s what you might call my disguised witchcraft, is ridiculously easy. It involves the creation of trillions of digital blips, humorously referred to as “money”. I do this with vigour and sometimes, especially after a stiff Scotch, with wild abandon, whoopee!

Just because I don’t need to work, that doesn’t mean that everyone else enjoys such a reprieve, in fact my activities actively ensure that all those around me have to work twice as hard. I told you I was an A-hole.

The process of my creating “money” out of thin air is a little complicated so as to fool the hoi polloi of course. The process involves issuing debt and then buying it myself.  Nifty little trick really, quite genius stuff and the vast majority of the populace don’t seem to mind it one bit. In fact, the financial markets want more of it. Wonderful stuff!

In order to pull it off I enlist economists, whom I ensure are my mates, at the Nobel Committee Award Board. These charlatans are trolled out to sing the praises of me and my fellow colleagues “work”, and together with the Lame Street media, they peddle the required message like a well-dressed crack dealer peddling his latest laboratory concocted death-vice to impressionable school kids.

This is not enough…oh not nearly enough. My buddies, whom I’ll likely join when I “retire” from my current position all work at a wonderful place called Globo Sachs. This is where I will go on to do “God’s work”.

I realise that to complete the process of paying myself and my buddies on Wall Street with the proceeds of citizens’ hard work, I need more than simple smoke screens, academic “thought leaders”, Lame Street media and congressional parasites, I need enforcement. This is just in case any of the plebs decide they’ve gotten wise to my gig.

This of course is where legislature comes in. In order to “enforce” one needs some jack-booted thugs. These are easily recruited from the sub-educated classes who rally to the cry, “I’m a patriot”, and military minds are easily counted on. Getting them to do the dirty work is cheap and surprisingly easy.

The hoi polloi, for reasons that I cannot fathom, love to look toward a leader. Being the complete prat that I am. Together with my banker buddies I have concocted something called democracy’. On the outside it’s designed to look like “the people” are choosing their favourite leader. It’s an elegant solution and keeps me in full control at all times. I trot out a few podium doughnuts to appease the masses and voilà; they follow like rats to a flute.

The fact that my buddies and me are actively turning what was the world’s most favoured, and prosperous nation into a giant leper colony doesn’t matter to me. Few see it, and those that have, likely already left for greener pastures.

Those who don’t know what they’re talking about rail against my work, calling it some “crazy experiment” which they profess would have ended long ago if it weren’t for a strange anomaly. Every other developed nation on this planet is doing exactly the same thing as am I, causing a gigantic, artificial sea of liquidity.

These ignorant fools suggest that like all things artificial, someday our tinkering will backfire. What they fail to see is that we’ve created a cohesive solution, to not only our problems, but those of all indebted collective western economies.  I can get away with this since my competition, namely the developed world’s other central bankers, are all doing the same thing.

Not all is well though. Apparently there exists growing discontent, mass unemployment, social exclusion, rising ethnic tensions due to inequality, deepening poverty, and rising despair. I look around at my friends while sipping a ridiculously expensive whiskey and have to disagree.

The stock market is up, the dollar is strong(ish), government-issued bonds are the strongest they’ve ever been…things are just dandy.  If this world seems surreal it shouldn’t.  You have a front row seat if you know where to look!  And we’ve got a brilliant surprise for the useless eaters; our best friends at the UN are planning Digital ID-linked bank accounts!

The love of money is the root of all evil.  Jesus had something to say about being besotted with material things, especially money, which appears to be driving just about everyone I know. My father opined that he had no money worries, because he had no money! (But he added that “his credit was good” For me there was great wisdom in this simple observation.) Check out: [Luke 12:16-20].

The disciple James illustrated the relationship between wealth and pride when he wrote: “You take pride in your self-assuming brags. All such taking of pride is wicked.”​ [James 4:16.]  Again, doing business is not a sin. The sin is the pride, the arrogance, the confidence in self that gaining wealth can engender. Wisely, an ancient proverb took note that, “Give me neither poverty nor riches.” Poverty can make life very bitter. But riches can lead a person to deny God.  [Proverbs: 30:8, 9]


BREAKING NEWS: Don’t forget to follow this link at UK Column which is a truly independent, multimedia, and real-news website: supported by its members

PARTYGATE strikes again.  The Parliamentary Committee’s Inquiry report, published last week, found BoJo knowingly misled Parliament multiple times about gatherings in Number 10 while lockdown regulations were in force.  Many thousands of Brits were fined large sums for breaching Covid laws; 800 were fined in just one week whilst the Downing Street “bring your own booze” garden party preceded unimpeded!

I have always said that these obscene creatures knew the truth all along but I guess it will never be admitted because, like me, all members of ‘The Blob’ are required to sign the UK Secrets Act and are sworn to silence for their lifetime.

On Monday, MPs had a ‘free vote’ to approve the Inquiry’s recommendations without diktats from the bullies in the Whips Office.  The vote passed with just seven MP morons voting against (to save BoJo). At least now we can identify seven bought & paid-for outlaws.  However, there were other MPs who publicly voiced concern about the Privilege Committee’s report, including ex-Levelling-Up Secretary, Sir Simon Clarke, and former Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries.

The Secret SevenSir William Cash, (sometimes I find surnames fit rather well!), Nick Fletcher, Adam Holloway, Karl McCartney, Joy Morrisey, and Heather Wheeler all voted against the recommendations.


GB NEWS UPDATE – this is my ongoing investigation to find verifiable evidence that confirms GB News is Controlled Opposition.  Michael Portillo appears every Sunday Morning and what a jolly nice fellow he appears to be – butter wouldn’t melt!  IMHO he is Limited Hangout but it is yet to be proven – here is an interim report.

I monitor GBN 24/7 on my second PC as I scribble out my weekly ‘Letters from Great Britain’.  I keep a watchful eye and listen to pick up the subtle innuendo and hidden PsyOp so cleverly managed by our ever-so-secret and subtle elites.   GB News do have some plausible presenters which of course enhances their credibility.

GB News – Evidence supporting my contention that this TV station, set up by Andrew Neil, was designed to be Controlled Opposition from the get-go. Hat Tip, UK ColumnSources:

Legacy Media has lived by its Lies and will fall by its Lies. 40:02 BBC: Sharp decline in appetite for news in recent years, Reuters Institute says Daniel Rosney’s Twitter with “Some *professional* news” Brian Gerrish notes: As the BBC realises its biased brand is unmasked.

I dropped this short clip to give readers a clue about GB News potentially being ‘Controlled Opposition’, some more evidence will be published as time passes:


REMEMBER THEIR FACES because when the time comes for the peoples’ restoration these are some of the despots we will remember:

The ‘Rouges Galley’ above is a helpful target for some of the criminals who will get their comeuppance in due course but I think some key offenders are missing.  Let’s take just one unelected A-hole.  He’s one of the biggest targets who we must not miss when the final day of reckoning arrives.

Yes, yes I know, they are mostly geriatric despots who are likely to miss the wrath of the people when the time comes but nevertheless please take careful note of these despicable features in case they don’t actually escape.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivers remarks to reporters outside the UN Security Council at their headquarters in New York City, on April 20, 2023. (Mike Segar/Reuters).

UN SECRETARY-GENERAL, Antonio Guterres, proposes a “Global Digital Compact,” (GDC) to push sweeping international laws against “hate and lies” online.  “The proliferation of hate & lies in the digital space is causing grave global harm. This clear & present global threat demands clear and coordinated global action. We don’t have a moment to lose,” in a tweet announcing the compact.

The UN policy brief, which was released on June 12, called for handing control of the internet to international bodies, as part of the UN Agenda 2030.  Guterres also referred to another UN brief, “Information and Integrity on Digital Platforms” (IIDP), which he said will be used as a guide to coordinate global efforts against “hate.”

The IIDP warned about what it calls, the “darker side of the digital ecosystem,” which could enable “the rapid spread of lies and hate, causing real harm on a global scale.” Guterres said that the internet is being misused to deny science and spread disinformation and hate to billions of people, in a veiled reference to vaccine sceptics and growing populist movements.

“The proliferation of hate and lies in the digital space is causing grave global harm. This clear and present global threat demands clear and coordinated global action. We don’t have a moment to lose,” he declared in his call for global censorshipSources:


INFLATION WATCH: “INFLATION NATION.”   The news from UK ONS was decidedly bad on inflation this week; “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust; if rate hikes don’t get you, inflation must.”  Core Inflation was a real killer rising 0.8% in May printing at 7.1% (April 6.8% and March 6.2%). Wolf Richter has the intimate details

Of course the ‘Remoaners’ will always blame Brexit, however as Wolf illustrates, it’s nothing to do with this old chestnut. There are 10 countries in continental Europe with worse overall CPI inflation.  All this economic chaos is down to the Covid scamdemic, combined with supply-chain disruption driving cost-push inflation; when the BoE injected more money into the economy than even 2008/9!  The 6-month Gilt Yield, in reaction to this news, jumped to 5.26%, the highest since 2005, as it prices in higher BoE policy rates.  This will put immense pressure on HMG finances going into H2 and next year.

More shocks came on Thursday when the BoE announced a surprise mortgage-crushing interest increase of 0.5% taking the base policy rate to 5% (a nice round number!) and was the 13th increase.  ‘The Resolution Foundation’ has calculated that, because of the rising interest rates, people looking to re-mortgage their homes will pay an average £2,900pa (£242/mth) more from 2024. That’s more than I pay for my all-electricity ‘ in my 2-up, 2-down, rural cottage.

More than 1m households across Britain are expected to lose at least 20% of their disposable incomes because of the rise in mortgage costs expected before the next election, according to the ‘Institute for Fiscal Studies’. The foreign secretary, James Cleverly, said HMG remained committed to cutting inflation but that triggering a recession was not the answer, saying, “What we need to do is we need to grow the economy.”

LOL – this prat has no clue about economics. If Britain hasn’t grown its GDP since 2005, (as I noted last week), what magic potion does he prescribe to achieve his growth target, which BTW, he didn’t actually compute?  Perhaps he should read my book Part 2 extract: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-the-end?s=w

And compounding these shocking statistics, HMG debt has risen above 100% of GDP for the first time since 1961. The increase in total debt came after government borrowing soared to £20bn in May, pushed higher by the cost of energy support schemes, inflation-linked benefit payments, and interest payments on debt. “Borrowing could overshoot the OBR’s forecast by as much as £20bn by the end of the fiscal year.”  Borrowing in the first two months of this fiscal year reached £42.9bn; £19.6bn more than the two-month period a year ago.

In every crisis the ‘experts’ have proclaimed, “this time is different,” claiming that the old rules of valuation no longer apply and that the new situation bears little similarity to past disasters.  They asserted that financial innovations, like QE, had drastically altered the global financial model and therefore all would be well.  But with this breakthrough book, leading economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff definitively prove them wrong.

This is an important book, which ought to influence policy discussions, sadly has been ignored.  ‘This Time is Different’ exposes centuries of financial missteps by showing that when debt exceeds 100% of GDP, adding more debt actually causes economies to contract.  https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-21st-june-2023


SURVIVAL MONITOR:  Visualizing the current state of assets among Americans but Britain is no different.  https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/visualizing-greatest-wealth-transfer-history-boomers-shed-their-mortal-coils


NEXT WEEK – Ukraine – latest on the war: Brits are at it again!

For more, read: “The Financial Jigsaw”: Scroll:   https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358117070_THE_FINANCIAL_JIGSAW_-_PART_1_-_4th_Edition_2020   including regular update.

BOOM is published at: https://substack.com/@boomfinanceandeconomics  – as well as LinkedIn and at WordPress: https://boomfinanceandeconomics.wordpress.com where all previous BOOM Editorials are archived. Also: COVID NEWS Substack: CMNnews-covid-medical-network-news

AUSTRIAN’S NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE: https://www.theburningplatform.com/author/austrian-peter/

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

Notify of
June 24, 2023 12:14 pm

Drill Sargent used to call us College educated idjuts.

June 24, 2023 5:15 pm

sergeant, not sargent

June 24, 2023 5:14 pm

Banksters’, not bankster’s – unless it’s only one bankster.

June 26, 2023 9:44 pm

A doy!

June 24, 2023 5:26 pm

Hey AP, just wanted to tell you I joined your Substack the other day. Love your articles.

Keep ’em coming!