The New England Puritan Wars for Empire

The War of Northern Aggression was a bloody trial run for our world girding moralistic empire. Unfortunately the war was against our fellow citizens. This first cloak of  Puritan moralism was used as usual, to hide the attempt to extort money and social recognition.  Slavery was but the first excuse for their self aggrandizement.  There have been several wars and excuses since. The Philippines was to civilize the primitives, WW1,  “Make the world safe for democracy,” WW2, stop the tide of evil fascism, Cold War, stop the communist infiltration and plans for world domination, global war on terrorism, Desert 1, weapons of mass destruction, terrorists in Afghanistan to name a few more crusades.  Our Puritan foreign policy can be titled “Moral Global Policing for Fun and Profit”!

Southern agriculture was the source of the wealth of the US during the first half of the 19th century, consequently is was the first target. The export of cotton alone in 1859 was $161 million. The North exported only $78 million of assorted goods, obviously the South was a huge target for the parasites.  International trade created the money to fund the country including our greedy yankee neighbors. Seventy percent of our government funding came from Southern tariffs of various types. Over the decades as the Civil War generations passed away, a new narrative was constructed to hide the facts of the destruction to the South as a rival and of the previous century of destruction to our Constitutional Republic.  The larger voting blocks of the North allowed them much room for maneuver.

The Puritans’ sense of self and tribal worth was of course based on money as it still is today.  Many Southern planters built summer homes in Newport, Rhode Island and created a small colony there.  This had the effect of tweaking the nose of the jealous termagants. Slavery was the low hanging fruit available for criticism made readily available by the media of the time and in every narrative since.  The North won the war by burning out the economy of the South and all of the people, black and white suffered during and decades after the war.  The cultural destruction was complete.  Jealousy created by greed and lack of moral control had won.

Now came Reconstruction of the evil slavers.  The South must be forced to admit they were and are evil. The George Hoar education bill passed by the Congress in 1870 supporting national education “will compel the states to do what they will not do”.  Yankees love to spend other peoples money while attempting the moral high ground even today with the trendy homosexual tripe as an example.

Before the war there was enough money for the usual purchase of politicians.  After the war scalawags and carpet baggers draining money from the South were paid commission by the North. This extended recovery time and the subjugation of the South for a century. The same model of subvert, conquer, moralize and steal continues today across the globe.

The list of extensions of the yankee empire through aggressive and moralistically disguised wars of conquest and purse fattening continued in the Spanish American War.  Defeating the Spaniards was easy except for the Philippines.  They had a muzlim population on some islands had the temerity to fight back against our killing them and ruining their lives for several decades. Eventually they surrendered.  The profits were banked and the next opportunity was eagerly awaited.

Pouring loans and supplies into the allies during WW1 was an easy exercise until the Brits unexpectedly ran out of money.  Never fear, a huge propaganda campaign and German stupidity (the Zimmerman Telegram) among other things allowed us to charge forth again to pad the yankee wallet. Oops! It was to “make the world safe for democracy, blah blah blah”. Reparations and banking profits made things buzz for a while longer.

WW2 was much the same except that it took Roosevelt three years to get us in position to run things again by using economic sanctions against Japan and naval attacks against Germany. The propaganda fig leaf after the war was “The Holocaust” and all the US provocations were conveniently forgotten.  It was a similar plan to the slavery cry after the destruction of the South.  The curtain had dropped again and the directors were counting on the short memories of the audience.

After arming our allies and future enemies in WW2 another boogie man had to be established to extend the profit conveyor. The total destruction of Germany and the rest of the continent created another group of people to condescend to and economically devastate. Eighty years later we still occupy our postwar installations. The lessons of the War of Northern Aggression were well remembered and applied to Germany as well.

The communists were sitting there waiting to be the new focus point.  The communist stupidity and their fear of another European invasion along with their infiltration of our educational and governmental systems made them an easy target.  But what could our morally superior people do now to continue their quest for global empire?

Never fear, NATO was waiting in the wings needing to be rearmed. It must have been quite a relief to the Wall Street boys P&L statements to have an enemy on the doorstep. The simple communist crowd made it easy by blockading Berlin and other silliness.  The profits slowed quite a bit after the demobilization of the WW2 veterans but DC sent out a scout in the form of Secretary of State Dean Acheson, to create the Korean mess. Voila! More savages to civilize.

Vietnam and “we had to destroy the village to save it” was another theme recycled from Shermans’ “March to the Sea” in 1864.  A group Vietnamese primitives had resisted the wave of steel aimed at them long enough to keep their own culture intact. It was rather a shock to the Puritan rulers but they began to plan for another game while waiting for a new clown to wander down our path.

Enter Saddam Hussein who while taking a go-ahead from April Glaspie, another State Department simpleton, invaded Kuwait.  Another Puritan devastation ensued.  Then the weapons of mass destruction scam was developed and off our military marched to unknowingly do the will of the morally superior yankees. Lastly, the final stage of occupation of Afghanistan just ended after 20 years.  It could have easily been a father and son inheritance of the same fort to be defended in Kabul.

And now center stage is Ukraine!

Our military has done the best job that they have been allowed to do since 1917.  It is time to come home and mind our own business for a change. People around the world hate the US because of our policies of destruction of their homelands and cultures.  Only the local scalawags benefit for a short time and then are left for the long knives after we retreat.  The only places in which we are tolerated are Japan and Germany, and that is marginal at best.  After 80 years of occupation you would think we would understand that they still hate us being there. We citizens have been lied to for 150 years by the Puritan clowns in DC.  They should just continue to burn witches and leave the normal people alone. We need to focus on our own loss of independence and return to the Constitution first and foremost.

Our empires’ theme is “Moral Policing for Fun and Profit” and will not recede until forced to.

Madame DeFarge

P.S. France is ablaze. 7-14-1789!  Perhaps Macrons’ head will roll another way!

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July 4, 2023 8:38 am

Protestants began as the useful idiots of Deep Shekels and still are today. The not only broke the unity of the Chruch, but embarked on a 500 year task of dismantling and debasing Christina influence throughout the world, whilst spreading the black plague of debt servitude all over the world.

Philip II: (1527-1598)
William Thomas Walsh

“It did not occur to the kings that if the money-lenders ever got
power enough, if they ever got from under the public-spirited
repression of the Church, they would destroy their own masters.
Kings were not generally as far-sighted as money-changers, and
much less so than priests. This is not to deny that clerics sometimes
condoned usury and profited by it, or that some kings repressed it.
Human affairs are never so simple as that. But there was a line of
cleavage: the Church on one side hostile to usury, the kings
compelled to make use of it on the other.

As the moral influence of the Church was weakened in the
political and economic spheres, in consequence of a series of
calamities for which she was not to blame—the Black Death, the
papal exile at Avignon, the Great Schism, the return of paganism
with the Renaissance—usury began to accumulate wealth and to
organize its influence. With canny insight it threw its influence, by
and large, against the power of Church and State, supporting now
one, now the other, until, by a see-saw process, it succeeded in
weakening both.

It early identified itself with the forces of heresy in religion and
liberalism in politics, until Protestantism at last gave money-lending a certificate of respectability, until a Lord Bacon could write a serious defense of it, and Harrison (in Holinshed) must chronicle the capitulation of the new Protestant England to “usury, a trade brought in by the Jews, but now perfectly practised almost by every
Christian, and so commonly that he is accompted but for a fool that
doth lend his money for nothing.”5 ”

July 4, 2023 8:51 am

Behind every one, there lies the true power…

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July 4, 2023 8:53 am

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July 6, 2023 12:00 am

Thank you for saying the Truth. This whole mess was started by jealous Yankees and The War of Northern Aggression. The South was right!