CORRUPTION! – Coutts – Elections – Laugh at Them – True GB News – Warmonger – Non-Summit – Energy – Brexit – Holland – NATO – Prices – Amish – We-Were-Right!- Letter from Great Britain – [07-22-23]

The Financial Jigsaw Part 2 – ‘Surviving the New Emergent Economy’ is being serialised over 100 weeks soon

The Financial Jigsaw Part 2 – Surviving the New Emergent Economy

QUOTE: “The unipolar moment has gone. There are now three great powers — US, China and Russia. We [USA] have lost our soft power. People all over the world think that the United States acts like a thug.” — Professor John Mearsheimer.  And John Rubino has good Intel on how far the ‘Empire of Lies’ will go to preserve US Hegemony – H/T Capital Exploits.

HOWEVER – America is not alone.  Corruption in Britain has been hidden for centuries but now, in this ‘Fourth Turning’, many of the hidden PsyOp machinations are appearing on the horizon for the first time in living memory.

It’s clear that ‘The Establishment Blob’ is totally corrupted. DO NOT COMPLY.  Neil Oliver has a warning, they are coming for our children! The wellbeing of all children must be central to our civilisation.”  The Family Unit is the solid rock upon which our communities prosper and has been since time immemorial.


GLOBALISTS ARE ALSO BANK ROBBERS – What happened to the $300Bn that the ‘Empire of Lies’ stole from the Russians?  This week I have some clues.  Sources:

Establishment criminality was the motivation to write my book, ‘The Financial Jigsaw’  in April 2013 when the Cyprus bank robbery happened but which the Central Banksters now call “Bail-in.”

The Globalist Banksters have conned us ALL OUR LIVES, but now during the closing phase of this ‘Fourth Turning’, their obfuscations, hubris and corruption are being exposed more and more every day. As an example, the BoE is under fire for paying out more than £25million in staff bonuses over the past year despite urging other workers to show pay restraint!

STOP PRESS – The Banksters have gone too far this time; Coutts Bank illegally De-banked Nigel Farage recently simultaneously committing libel against him because Nigel has a copy of the Coutts 17,000-word internal report which is almost certainly libellous. Damning screenshots have revealed the real reason Nigel Farage’s bank account was closed as his views did not “align with its purpose and values”.

Nigel Farage was left “disgusted and appalled”  by the 40-page Coutts memo labelling him ‘racist’. This is going to cause serious repercussions in the City because Nigel will almost certainly sue for defamation IMHO.


NEWS FLASH – There were three By-elections this week and results were published yesterday.  The Tories suffered a double blow, losing 2 of out 3 By-elections as both Labour and the Liberal Democrats overturned big majorities. Labour won ‘Selby & Ainsty’ and the Lib Dems took ‘Somerton & Frome’ on sizeable swings which will leave many Tory MPs looking nervously at their own majorities.  However Sunak was spared total humiliation; he avoided becoming the first PM since 1968 to lose 3 by-elections on the same day.

FUN TIDBIT – The way to disarm a tyrant is to laugh at them; it’s why I love satire as proven by Monty Python and a long line of satirists for over 100 years. Check out the first 5-minutes in the link describing how intense fire can cause massive buildings to suddenly collapse as if by controlled demolition. Satire aside, HERE may be the serious truth?

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – Are Relationships difficult?  Take marriage. There are three rings in a marriage: the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and suffering.  Relationships are like algebra. You spend lots of time watching your x and wondering y! A Tale of Two Brains – Men’s Brain, Women’s Brain – Mark Gungor


BREAKING NEWS:  Follow this link at UK Column which is a truly independent, multimedia, and real-news website: supported by its members

GB News has emerged as Britain’s leading mainstream publisher of the truth, having promoted a stunning campaign to “Save Our Cash”, but it has been attacked on all sides, especially by the Regulator, Ofcom.  Britain is fast becoming a dystopian cashless society.  The rise of Apple and Google Pay has impacted vulnerable people who rely on cash but are being left behind by the relentless march of technology.

Nigel Farage launched a furious attack on Ofcom for investigating the GB News ‘Don’t Kill Cash’ campaign saying, “They want a fight!”  It’s now very clear that Ofcom are ‘Limited Hangout’, acting solely for the Banksters’ interests.  Nigel says: “If we don’t arrest this, we will finish up with a China-style social credit system, where only those with acceptable views will be able to participate in society, and I want to fight that.”

I will look closer at the Ofcom actions, structure, behaviour, and organisation in future Letters.  In the meantime a British businessman backs GB News in ‘Save Our Cash’ campaign.

AND it isn’t just cash under attack. BRITAIN’S INTERMINABLE WAR-MAKING is confirmed by HMG’s “The Influence Wargaming Handbook and a Card Game for Grown-Up Soldiers named PoP!” The Wargaming conference highlights the value of influence.  The delegates also took home a ‘card-driven game’, ‘Powers of Persuasion (PoP!)’, which they can use to create influence effects to achieve a given goal: Influence Wargaming Handbook

​​MORE THAN 50 HEADS of STATE met in Paris at the “Summit for a New Global Financing Pact” and yes, it will be yet another total disaster for the those who believe what they are told.

We live in a new world, greatly changed since 2020. The last place where you would find out about this is in the West, where we live. It is where all media and politicians lie and carry on as if nothing has changed. We can’t know the truth about Trump, or about Covid, or about Ukraine, and now we can’t know how our position has changed in global power-politics.
They want us to believe the Collective West has total control over the world. They couldn’t be more mistaken. These deluded old fools, (and there’s no fool like and old fool), need to accept that being just one power in an emerging Multi-Polar world of localised economies does not compute. We cannot fight the global momentum head-on but we CAN avoid it – DO NOT COMPLY – simple stuff! Sources

ENERGY – IS THE LIFE-BLOOD OF OUR ECONOMY – BUT our new King Chuck (USA slang for Charles) is convinced that Anthropogenic Climate Change is a real thing – there’s no fixing stupid!

BUT I will be happy in South Africa where the ANC couldn’t stage a piss-up in a brewery – that’s where safety lies!  Take China for example. More electric cars are sold in China than the rest of the world put together, about 6 million a year. The reason is obvious: they are cheaper to buy and cheaper to run.

However, only about 6% of all cars in China are electric.  But the total number of cars in China is about the same as America with savings in fuel that might otherwise have been used, about 126 million barrels of oil, ignoring the energy required to produce them. Global oil production amounted to 89.9 million barrels per day in 2021! Not much of a saving then at 0.36%?

South Africa is outside these trends with the government almost hostile to the idea of EVs. Of the 528,000 cars sold in SA in 2022, 502 were fully electric. It’s wonderful to be in a country where NOTHING works!  Sources

Still not convinced?  Check out this amazing 2-minute Tweet from a renowned geologist: “We are being fed an enormous load of rubbish… If you look back, we can see from looking at the past that every time we’ve had an ice age, we’ve had more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than now, so it’s clear that carbon dioxide cannot drive global warming.”

BREXIT REDUX – Unbelievably a significant proportion of dim Brits want us to return to the dystopian nightmare of the EU?  Britons supporting a ‘Re-join the EU’ survey passed 50% for the first time!  Just goes to show, 50% of Brits are below average IQ!  When the Gods want to destroy you, they first send you mad!  Sources

WEF ‘Blairites’ like Nicola Sturgeon are always claiming that Brexit is at the root of our problems.  These are the pathetic Remoaners who will never accept the People’s 2016 Referendum result even after seven traumatic years and trying every device to derail it

These Globalists will never give up until they have destroyed humanity and enslaved the survivors.  We all know the knighted, criminal cretin, Blair, is just another loser and feeder at the trough. I trust that his acquired phantom wealth serves him well…for now, because even these evil plotters are vulnerable to the coming financial and economic ‘Phase Transition’.

Jesus asked us to forgive our enemies and he said this for a very good reason which is explained in the Bible:  “Vengeance belongs to God.  Our Creator has not authorised us to seek revenge when someone sins against us. [Romans 12: 19-21].  With our limited and imperfect viewpoint, we are simply not in a position to judge matters correctly but God can do so. [Hebrews 4:13]

At times, we can allow our emotions to interfere with our good judgment. God’s infinite power inspired James to write: “Man’s anger does not bring about God’s righteousness.”  [James 1:20].  We can be certain that our Creator will do the right thing and make sure that perfect justice will be carried out – eventually – thus I must remain patient and allow God’s Will to prevail over my selfish, ego-driven wilfulness – “Inshallah”.

​​SPOT LIGHT ON HOLLAND – The DutchAsylum-Seekers Unlimited Family Reunification” law was the issue that finally brought down The Dutch Coalition. Sources

​​“Anti-Institutional Extremism” is the Dutch Spooks’ new Buzz-phrase for Scepticism. Anti-Institutional Extremism ​​and here: is a serious threat to the democratic legal order.  But notwithstanding the ramifications of this PsyOp, dysfunctional life goes on in the ‘New-Normal’ Holland.

And a Transgender Woman is crowned Miss Netherlands for the first time in the beauty pageant’s history and will now compete for the Miss Universe crown!

UKRAINE US/NATO UPDATE – Bloomberg last week came out with a devastating behind-the-scenes account of a hot-headed Zelensky at the ‘NATO Summit’ in Vilnius  and the growing Western backlash in the face of his obvious frustration and what’s being seen as ingratitude for the steady flow of billions of dollars in arms to Kiev.

The NATO Summit, is a Theatre of the Absurd.  NATO long ago stopped dealing with a fact-based world, allowing itself to devolve into a Theatre of the Absurd’ where actors fool themselves into believing the stories they are spinning while the audience stares on in disbelief.

Why do these ‘little people’ get into such positions of great power?  New research published by the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia shows short people are angrier and more violent than tall people and do not make good leaders.  This is called “male discrepancy stress” or as Oxford University claims “Short Man Syndrome.”  The university says, “A short person’s height can increase feelings of vulnerability and raise feelings of paranoia.”

We have examples on hand with the diminutive Sunak, Macron, Zelensky et al – perhaps the ‘Gnomes of Zurich’ like Agustin Carstens (BIS plan) will arise to the challenge them too?

Ukraine: Cluster Munitions Given Green Light; East Asians View NATO’s Stoltenberg as World’s “Supreme Fool” Sources


INFLATION WATCH – This week the ONS reported UK inflation had fallen a little bit but remains at painfully high levels. The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rose 7.9% in the year to this June, down from 8.7% in May.  Not spectacular but remember this is the headline rate and distorts reality. However much our Financial Whizz-Kids try to spin the numbers, the truth is there for all to see, if you are looking.

The BoE tracks Core Inflation, which the MSM mostly ignore, but Liam Halligan at GB News publishes the truth which was reported at 6.9% – a measly 0.2% fall in June. As I have reported in the past, these kinds of miniscule percentages are no more than a statistical rounding error. This result will impact the BoE policy rate in early August which is forecasted to be a 0.25% rate increase because that’s what Banksters do; only God knows why.

However the all-important Food Prices inflation dipped a smidgen in June to 17.3% – hardly anything to crow about?  Pundits refer to ‘sticky inflation’ but I take the view that it isn’t a ‘Post-It’; it’s more like a ‘Super Glue’. Even the Chancellor says there’s a long way to go but I guess he won’t be in the job by the time the good news arrives, if ever.


I won’t apologise for this quote: “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to attend to your own business and to work with your hands, just as you have been told, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and thus you will not be dependent on anybody.” [1 Thessalonians 4:11-12]

The Bible teaches believers to manage their own business and not to be ‘Slaves to the System’. This is the opposite of the Christian Churches’ teaching.  In the New Testament, Paul wrote two letters to believers living in the Greek city of Thessalonica.

In his second letter, Paul wrote: “For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat.” [2 Thessalonians 3:6-12].

What a contrast this teaching is to the teaching of Corporate Christianity today. Christian Churches encourage ’employment’, either to the Slave Masters in global corporations or in Government, which is merely an adulterated form of slavery, Paul writes; “you were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.”  [1 Corinthians 7:20-23]

Regardless of your beliefs, the Universal Model of sustainable living is exemplified by the Amish, who are independent business owners, living off-grid in self-help communities; in South Africa we call this UBUNTU.

NB: More on the Amish way of life will be published next Saturday – I ran out of space again!


EXCEPT: The business model that works for them!

COMING NEXT WEEK – “The Destroyer of Your World”; more on the Amish and Climate BS; Update on WHO Global Health Treaty, and British Judiciary Corruption; plus lots of Fun Pics


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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

Notify of
July 22, 2023 9:23 am

There are renewed reports of some Wall Marts refusing cash.
Was this a trial balloon ?

“Like most retailers, we’re experiencing the effects of the nation-wide coin shortage. We’re asking customers to pay with card or use correct change when possible if they need to pay with cash.”

July 22, 2023 1:05 pm

Some solid money despite the listing of cards,goats/shrooms/goats on shrooms,epic!

comment image

anon a moos
anon a moos
July 22, 2023 9:35 am

Peter Peter Peter…

We all know that all doom and gloom makes for a sour puss and things just aren’t that bad. We can get out from all this nonsense if we just all vote moar harder. Squinting helps when making your mark, it makes the vote harder to steal or change. Something psyietifically like that. I’m told that if everyone voted then the communists wouldn’t even dare to steal your vote. When we get the right guy in office, everything will get rosy. Oh, and the new iphones are out, can’t wait to get mine. Some good news to counter the gloom.

I think its pretty obvious but for the sarcasm challenged I’ll put in the mark /s

rhs jr
rhs jr
  anon a moos
July 22, 2023 12:14 pm

Satire off…

Mongo Thrapwortle
Mongo Thrapwortle
July 22, 2023 10:26 am

Today’s democracy explained in less than a thousand words.

Yeah he’s probably a controversial figure, but the delivery is comedy gold.

On another subject why would Coutts bank compile a forty page report on Nigel Farage, that’s a PhD thesis, it’s insane?

Nigel Legin
Nigel Legin
  Mongo Thrapwortle
July 22, 2023 12:15 pm

Brilliant video…

“A govenment of the retarded…..”

Milk thru nose fun!

Nigel Legin
Nigel Legin
  Nigel Legin
July 22, 2023 7:08 pm

I shared the video around town.
Thank you again.

I watched Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, on PBS in the 70s.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Mongo Thrapwortle
July 22, 2023 12:39 pm

Only blacks, perverts and liberals believe FJB won the election in 2020; and the elections in 2022. And the Majority let the Tyranny just slide causing America’s guaranteed final destruction by the BRICS plus from overseas and the leftist traitors at home. The Swami is Dead Right.

Nigel Legin5
Nigel Legin5
July 22, 2023 12:14 pm

  Britons supporting a ‘Re-join the EU’ survey passed 50% for the first time!  Just goes to show, 50% of Brits are below average IQ

Aren’t like 50% of brits immis or descendants of immis?

July 22, 2023 12:21 pm

Ron Paul’s office is ablaze a day after announcing Fauci had been referred for investigation:

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 22, 2023 12:29 pm

Economically speaking, the Western Unipolar Bully “ZOG” has been such a Global filthy Ass that it has caused an Organized Open Global Counter Revolution of about 150 nations; sort of like what the Nazis did that resulted in WWII. And like the resulting whirlwind, which swept them away by overwhelming forces, so shall the Evil Western ZOG Tyrants be swept away, and the Western Masses will appreciate and participate. Their NWO Planned CBDC et all Reset will set them back a thousand years.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Austrian Peter
July 23, 2023 5:11 pm

It’s not me Peter, someone “read it scratched on a wall” and I heard about it. Supposedly Rev 13:17 will occur and urban people will bear it briefly, then they will Revolt and totally obliterate the Tyrants. I’m of a notion: Never Again be led like sheep to slaughter, don’t cower and just wait for their Hangman, fight for yourself, your brothers, your God and country.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Austrian Peter
July 24, 2023 1:29 am

Lost? Y’all beat the Nazis nearly to death in about two and a half months the Summer 1940 all by yourselves when the odds were 2 or 3 to one against you; and that after the Nazis had beaten all of the rest of Europe. Lost, Naw per se; the good stuff was just handed over to the ZOG, and the rest was just pissed away to maggots. But y’all ain’t alone my brother. The ZOG’s intention is to kill or enslave all us Goy , so the worst is yet to come; the sheep will still die easy but this time the ugly beat down dogs will realize they are in a corner and then the SHTF for the Elite. The Devil’s Minions don’t believe Revelation but I think it’s playing out like a movie trailer.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Austrian Peter
July 24, 2023 6:38 pm

Come out of her my people.

July 22, 2023 3:42 pm

They tell you in advance.

In his opening remarks, Macron on Thursday told delegates that the world needs a “public finance shock” – a global push of innovation and financing – to fight these challenges, adding the current system was not well suited to address the world’s challenges.

July 22, 2023 9:38 pm