Whatcha gonna D.E.W when TLPTB come for you? Can someone repost the video please?


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Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

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August 14, 2023 7:17 pm

Thanks for fixing the link.

August 14, 2023 7:31 pm

Direct link address please.

Would like to download.

August 14, 2023 7:42 pm

The first bit I viewed,

Ever seen a Jacob’s ladder?

The beam from above COULD be a lens flare from the arc.

Not saying it isn’t DEW, just that there could be other causes. Will anyone look into them?

Human brains are weird. They fill in blanks and make assumptions when they don’t have all the information to reach a rational conclusion. Try not to.

August 14, 2023 9:16 pm

power lines arcing , plasma jumps all over

that said the cooked cars in maui , look like the toasted cars not near WTC , and they also look like the highway of death , first gulf war. very similar all.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
August 15, 2023 1:09 am

The same with the fires in Santa Rosa, CA, in 2017 … houses were burned from the inside out and from the top down … nothing but ash remained … trees and shrubs within a few feet not touched … cars destroyed … and, yes, similar to 9/11 where you can look at the slow-motion videos of the collapse and see large chunks of the building actually disappear before hitting the ground — and nothing was left from 1,250,000 tons of structures but dust …

Dr. Judy Wood shows similar things happened to the WTC buildings …

Texas Khaan
Texas Khaan
August 15, 2023 1:16 am

60 hertz buzz is clearly audible, power lines arcing.

August 15, 2023 9:29 am

Yep, I see lens flare

August 15, 2023 9:45 am

Well then, obviously you are a DS operative sent here to post lies to distract from the ABSOLUTELY REAL DEW!!!!!!!!!!!…..


The whackadoodles don’t seem to be up yet, so I thought I would fill in for them.

August 15, 2023 12:05 pm

Yes, I built one with an old 20KV neon sign transformer and a couple of brass brazing rods, fun toy, elaborate cigarette lighter. Look, don’t touch, lol.

Peace, L.

August 14, 2023 8:22 pm

The perfect cover story for monumental incompetence.

The fire circle is busted wide open.

I think the only thing I may be wrong on, is the incompetence.
It’s possible all the people who should have known better simply got careless, or it could be that an order came from above to stand down. Which would be easy, as long as you had already replaced all the key police.

Perhaps a motive behind defund the police may have been to drive out loyal constitution minded officers, and replace them.with party apparatchiks.

It is posible.

[They may be driving all the moral teachers out with the pervs.]

I think a series of oversights in preventive maintenance along with inexperienced people in places of responsibility perhaps with communications failures, may have conspired in a perfect storm against a bunch of people who all assumed somebody qualified was doing the job they were supposed to be doing.


August 14, 2023 8:40 pm

I think you are constantly denying the reality of DEW warfare from TLPTB (L=Luciferian).

Maui is new…what do you say about these weapons in the past???

You have seen my links?

August 14, 2023 10:19 pm

The following people have luxury homes near what is left of Lahaina:

Bill Gstes- Luxury mansion, completely fine.

Lady Gaga- Luxury mansion, completely fine.

Julia Roberts- Luxury mansion, completely fine.

Oprah- Luxury mansion, completely fine.

Jeff Bezos- Luxury mansion, complketely fine.

Will Smith- Luxury mansion, completely fine.

Morgan Freeman- Luxury mansion, completely fine.

etc., etc., etc. No luxury mansions were harmed in this DEW operation.

I already mentioned others, Mick Fleetwood, Clint Eastwood etc.

August 14, 2023 10:30 pm


Got it. I put that up as well.

My point remains unansweed by Eud???

Maui is new…what do you say (Eud) about these weapons in the past???

You have seen my extensive and detailed links?

August 14, 2023 11:03 pm

Mark- We have been talking about DEW’s for a very long time. It heated up after 9/11 when people came to grips with dustification of the towers. Near a decade here on TBP.

If you don’t understand the .gov has these advanced weapons, you have not been paying attention. Disinformation agents/trolls will try to dispell the use of DEW’s.

August 16, 2023 6:52 pm

Get a room dewperman.

August 15, 2023 11:39 am

I will answer your question after you answer mine:

Is the “fire ring” still evidence of a DEW?

For days, that was what a bunch of people claimed.

August 14, 2023 10:37 pm

No luxury mansions were harmed in this DEW operation.


If you could, what is your explanation for that and what others did you explore and reject to arrive at it?

August 14, 2023 10:50 pm

comment image


Wander around here for a while No name…

Hey Eud…does this look like “the perfect cover story for monumental incompetence…to you???



“The evidence I present on this page to back up my writings is massive–many pictures and screen captures, links, pdfs and 103 videos.

New stuff regarding lightning fires, lightning used as a weapon, heating regions, and satellite view of beams of light in California and Oregon just added. To get to it, you can jump here, but if you do so, you’ll miss a lot of other important information. If you don’t have time to read the loooong intro, please don’t miss the tips and possible solutions at the bottom right of the page”.

August 15, 2023 10:29 am

One question mark,
Is the fire circle still evidence of a DEW?

August 15, 2023 10:36 am

Third posting……

Never mind Eud.

Many in this place have place have gone full retard.

I wonder if any of them have ever asked themselves if the “ongoing mindfuck” is why they believe what they do. Everything is a conspiracy to them, but they assume they are never fooled by a conspiracy (they arrogantly assert so).

Often the same I see badgering others to “think critically” moments later spout unsupported opinion as “FACT”.

Jump to conclusion, never investigate, attack those who question. Seem familiar here?

Ego. It keeps people stupid because they can “never be wrong”, so never learn.

People are dumb. The dumbest have no concept that they even COULD be dumb. Critical thinking is on life support at TBP.

Flame away morons.

August 15, 2023 12:28 pm

Eud and the smug/blind No Name,

I have not posted anything about the Fire Ring…and I have not investigated it…yet. But I will…and I will comment on it.

I was starting to collect EVIDENCE for a standalone thread on DEW Weapon use for many years (and the use of them in Maui) as I did my first thread on DEW weapons on TBP in 2018.

It is obvious to me TLPTB (L=Luciferians) are ramping up their use of these weapons.

Here is a 46 minute investment you both need to make. All the evidence of past and present DEW use in carefully and methodically explained here…and he opens with Maui.

If this doesn’t convince you DEWs are a weapon murdering Americans under the cover of Wild Fires…then nothing will.

I have an appointment coming up that is going to eat up the entire afternoon…later.


Thursday, August 10, 2023 14:58
Navy Seal Team Six operator and CIA security operative with expert intuitive abilities developed over 35 years of extensive combat experience.

With over 20 years of experience as an Intuitive, Remote Viewer and Remote Influencer in diverse environments including combat Michael has expertly honed his skills in the higher consciousness realms.

As a master training specialist Michael has trained thousands of people in extremely high levels of personal development.


August 15, 2023 12:32 pm

smug/blind No Name

Well, I did say “Flame away morons.”

August 15, 2023 2:56 pm

If this doesn’t convince you DEWs are a weapon murdering Americans under the cover of Wild Fires…then nothing will.

Is it possible, at all, that this firestorm could have been intentionally set using matches and an accelerant, and the emergency agencies were all on a stand down order?

I can see that would be an easily accomplished plan.
From the link:

Navy Seal Team Six operator and CIA security operative with expert intuitive abilities developed over 35 years of extensive combat experience.

With over 20 years of experience as an Intuitive, Remote Viewer and Remote Influencer 

Absorbing it all…

The fire ring:


It was the geography and vegetation.


August 15, 2023 5:58 pm


From 3:55 on he shows evidence of DEW weapon strikes in Maui identical to other past Dew weapon strikes later on in this vid.

Some houses devastated while other right next untouched…some cars melted other untouched because the DEW passed over or around them.

DUSTIFICATION like 911 in Maui.

9:01 video of complete devastation yet some trees not even touched, 10 minutes in more DUSTIFICATION in Maui.

11:49 he explains the main stream media narrative tourists and climate change are to blame…Bullshit.

13:06 Smart Meters in past firs…I wonder how many of the Maui homes had Smart Meters.

DEW fires are 3 times hotter than normal house fires.

By the way where did you get this squawking No Name who parrots who you …ut contributes nothing. I doubt he even bothered to watch this vid…how about it No Name…did you watch it?

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What do you say about the specific evidence above of a DEW attack?

(No Name go find some crackers and stop your squawking).

August 14, 2023 10:57 pm

Just reporting, per usual, the billionaires property is undamaged. That is very sus. That’s the report, do with the info what you will. Or not.

August 14, 2023 11:22 pm

BL…Just another cowinky dink …doncha ya know…

Just wrote this before I saw your post above!

There is massive deep dive evidence on DEWS being used for at least 5 years on innocent Americans.’ I think it overwhelms most people. I have put it up recently on three different threads…and many years ago on TBP…reminds me of showing the vid (and the timing) of building 7 collapsing and the vid of the Cruise Missile hitting the accounting department of the Pentagon the day after Rumsfeld announced 2.3 trillion is missing…to some friends who either wouldn’t believe it or couldn’t…it overwhelmed them.

But if it would have been on TV they would have surrounded DC with pitchforks and torches.

It is early for Maui…but it is heading in the same direction…and I believe the excuses for the destruction not being DEWS (possibly Smart Meters too) combined with other tactics…will all go up in smoke…one day.

The evil that has captured us/US is in control…for now.

They are a Death Cult and they are rampaging.

August 14, 2023 11:33 pm

Mark- The pitchforks are already sticking Oprah’s fat ass. Memes are on the mark and they are starting to surface. If you remember the Greenfel building in N. Kensingtion district London, the gentrification plan is still on hold due to the proles pointing the accusatory finger. Close to 80 people burned up 240 (?) were injured. TPTB are having trouble with the internet exposing them getting away with their BS. (Not DEW but I believe middle of the night arson)

August 16, 2023 6:54 pm

BL Did you get your boi a dewpie doll

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
August 15, 2023 9:33 am

Mark and BL, I’m not here to argue whether DEWs were used or if it was just pure incompetence and corruption because both can be true. Redacted did a really good breakdown about the corruption and plans to turn Maui into a WEF model island in this 20 min vid from yesterday. So far, no one in the First Responders departments will answer any questions even from the editor of a local newspaper who lost her childhood home and her parents lost their business they had owned for decades.

I just came across a good summary of what they covered.

  Mary Christine
August 15, 2023 10:48 am

Yea…subscribed to Redacted.

August 15, 2023 12:18 pm

Mary- I will take a look and get back later, busy day here.

August 15, 2023 1:17 pm

Mary- I posted that events.gov link 2 or 3 days ago. I covered the AI government plan on Maui.

I know you lean toward the wildfire narrative but hopefully time will reveal that was democide at the behest of the .001% at the top.

Will people really believe this warfare with DEW’s is actually from alien attack. They have hidden behind the joos for centuries and the construct is failing, next up aliens. Not kidding.

Ubiquitous Asshole
Ubiquitous Asshole
  Mary Christine
August 15, 2023 4:21 pm

Funny. I needed the giggles.

August 14, 2023 11:29 pm

That is very sus.

Why? How do you conclude that is sus(picious)? Suggesting they were intentionally spared? Seems the inference.

Why I ask is I think there could be possible other explanations, like;

Their properties are better maintained.
They have enough cash to have FF equipment on estate.
Not in the areas on fire.
Not in as high density an area.
Like LA riots, the rich get looked after first.
And so on.

Don’t know, but think there are a few avenues to explore before jumping to DEW for sure because celebs places spared, assuming that was your point.

August 14, 2023 11:59 pm

sus: slang for suspect and or suspicious. Relatively new slang on the web.

Let’s just say the BlackRock muscle wasn’t working so the billionaire’s boys and girl’s club got a helping hand. Ellison having that island close by and the club mansions surrounding…..sus. They no longer have Cali, MV is nice but Maui is better for the Hoi Polluted to bask in the sun minus the locals and their dumpy town.

August 16, 2023 6:53 pm

Great job Nacy fucking Dewped.
No celebrity homeswere anywhere near Lahaina.
Shitvfor brains.

August 16, 2023 8:56 pm

Just reporting, per usual, the billionaires property is undamaged. That is very sus. That’s the report, do with the info what you will. Or not.

That is because the billionaires did not live anwhere near Lahaina.


August 15, 2023 10:39 am

Can you pin em on a map and share?

August 15, 2023 10:48 am

Probably not. I mean, they could, but I think the “oh fuck, this will make me look like a fool” realizations have hit.

Better to remain silent…… even if too late….

Note the evasiveness regarding my simple questions.

August 15, 2023 2:58 pm

 “oh fuck, this will make me look like a fool” realizations have hit.

Notice all the talk of the DEW Fire~ring has been, dare I say extunguished?

August 15, 2023 3:02 pm

Dis-info guy…..not on other thread TODAY. Nice try…….

August 16, 2023 6:55 pm

BL Dewsinfo guy, nice try

August 16, 2023 8:59 pm

Shut up. Dewputy Dogg.
You’re cover is blown.

Blow a worm!

August 15, 2023 3:23 pm

BTW, there is a map in one of mark’s posts on the other thread (maui-massacre-hard-proof-of-gladio-style-false-flag-pyroterrorism) with celebs and fire, about 3/4 down page, above picture of box of matches. Probably what you were looking for.

Don’t know why someone else didn’t point there for you……

Owen, Mick and Jeff were obviously the masterminds. /s

August 15, 2023 4:13 pm

BTW, there is a map in one of mark’s posts on the other thread (maui-massacre-hard-proof-of-gladio-style-false-flag-pyroterrorism) 

I would love the link!

August 15, 2023 4:24 pm


August 16, 2023 12:16 am

I did not see the map there.
Thanks for link anyway.

August 16, 2023 12:25 am

Really? It is one of mark’s comments. Easy to find.

“Designated in 1962, the district recognized Lahaina as one of the capital cities of the Kingdom of Hawaii. The downtown sits on the waterfront.”

Is the text above the pictures. One grey devastation, then a celeb map.

August 16, 2023 5:54 am

I found it. Thanks.
It was exactly what I expected.
After all the innuendos some were making about how “Billionaires homes were untouched by fire, while Lahaina burned to the ground.”

Well of course they were uuntouched, the closest billionaire is miles away.

August 16, 2023 7:02 pm

And the houses (mansions, probably concrete and steel roof) have acres of well watered lawn around them, sprinklers, staff with water pumps and hose…….

August 16, 2023 6:51 pm

Yeah near as in miles away, solike, not near.

Ubiquitous Asshole
Ubiquitous Asshole
August 18, 2023 12:42 am

You don’t fuck with Dirty Hqrry’s mansion.

August 14, 2023 11:07 pm

I think you are constantly denying the reality of DEW warfare from TLPTB (L=Luciferian).

Sorry if I gave that impression.
I am only certain about the details for the Lahaina fire storm.
I do not see any evidence of DEWs in the Lahaina fire.

I think we are all on the same road.

Sometimes two people are going the same direction on a road, but can’t see that the road ahead is the same road.

We see a person off on a road on a distant hill and assume he is going the wrong way.
We yell and gesture to no avail.
Of course we can’t hear them, but the person is gesturing to the road behind him. And then looking at his wrist as if to check the time.

When we finally get around to the bend where the man had been, we see why’d he indicated time….the road is almost completely eroded, in a few more days it might not be there.
Now we understand the messages:
“Hurry up, you do not have much time.”

Our life path might have ended before its it’s time if we would have stayed stopped our forward progress.

If we stop making progress on our road we might miss the warnings, and lose our lives before our time.

“Keep on then seeking….”
“The road to life…”
“Buy oil…”

Maui is new…what do you say about these weapons in the past???
You have seen my links?

I believe so, but in the interest of sanity, I would like to stay on the Lahaina story.

I believe DEWs exist, but it is possible that some of the wildfires where DEWs are blamed could be part of a propaganda campaign, but in fact are just, wildfires, right?

Wildfires sure seem useful to support the climate change narrative for the left..
And DEWs seem a useful narrative to divert the right.
Either way it’s highly divisive topics all ’round….as we now see.
Peace mark

August 15, 2023 9:48 am

You outed yourself with the ‘highly divisive topics’ comment.

Most of it is about connecting dots, knowing everything is managed and trying to suss out what’s really going on.
As I stated before after a fake global pandemic I am highly suspicious plus personal experience, for the past 3 years, right where I live concerning forest fires.
As someone else said the plandemic and the vaxxxxes seemed very explainable at the beginning.

August 15, 2023 9:52 am

You outed yourself with the ‘highly divisive topics’ comment.

Probably obvious to you. Care to explain for the rest? Say what?

August 15, 2023 11:55 am

Using their terms and phrases. In this case discussing whether it was implemented or not.
If you think it seems hinky you MUST believe all fires are hinky is his inference. Nobody thinks that but he wants you to say it over and over, just like ‘I’m no expert but…’

If you point out hinky stuff you are being divisive (especially here lol).
Do you care if you’re perceived as divisive?

August 16, 2023 6:56 pm

Using language how diabolical.
Better get a Dewpie doll, BL wont share.

August 16, 2023 6:55 pm

Hi bl

August 15, 2023 10:09 am


Got it…that is reasonable…thanks I will keep digging into Maui…maybe a deep dive thread if I can surface more and Adman likes it……maybe Maui is a combo tactically:

Weather modification…arsons…no alert trapping people (it failed but was working a couple of weeks ago???)…suspicious recent law allowing for land confiscation…same cop running the Maui show as the Vegas FF murders…damage and death segregated to the useless eater section only billionaires and celebrities spared…exploding Smart meters? (I will dig into that too)…DEW weapons (they always leave visual burn evidence during and after).

I have read the military are turning people away bringing in water, food, etc. WTF? Will confirm that.

Who is going to retain buy this land???

After what was done to the people in California, Canada, and Ohio (and all over the world with DEWs, Chemtrails, Needle Rides, GMO, Pesticides – all the Great Poisoning tactics) this does not need to be forgotten or written off as to me it is just another tactic coming from my/our common enemy.

Like the massive number of fires and explosions on our food production facilities are supposed accidents…BULLSHIT…people have every reason to be super suspicious of this supposed wild fire…and it needs to be thoroughly and completely investigated.

We the People are at War…but the problem is Joe Sixpack and Jane Amazon are clueless. The middle class has a bullseye on its back…and it better wake up as it is just a matter of time before TLPTB Death Cult gets around to all of us.

One point you said:

“And DEWs seem a useful narrative to divert the right”.

I don’t think they divert the right at all, I think they burn them (and whoever is in the target zone) alive while leveling their homes and cars under the camo of Wild Fires. That evidence I put on DEWS doing that in three different Maui threads to me is indisputable.

August 15, 2023 10:34 am


August 15, 2023 10:57 am

I have more coming on Smart Meters in Maui from a 2017 post…I am completely against Smart Meters for a number of reasons.

August 15, 2023 10:43 am

From 2017…Hmmm…I wonder how many houses that caught fire in Maui had this NWO – Globalist device on it in 2023???


Unlike Rest of USA, Locals Get to Opt in Instead of Having to Pay to Opt Out of Job-Killing Privacy-Threatening New Devices

Posted on August 28, 2017 by Jon Woodhouse

Smart Meter Victory for Maui Utility Consumers

comment image

Maui’s electric utility has taken an extraordinary step in proposing to only provide new smart meters to customers who request them. The decision is likely the first time that a utility anywhere in the nation has adopted such a radical proposal. Across the United States, people have either been forced to accept a smart meter replacement for their analog meter, or pay an “opt-out” fee, in places like California, of more than $400, to not take the forced “upgrade.”

Pitched as a boon to consumers, their deployment seems like one of the biggest cons ever imposed on the American public. They don’t save consumers money, they emit harmful radiation, they are susceptible to hacking, they have caused homes to burn down, and they contribute to unemployment as meter readers are being fired across the nation.
At a Grid Modernization community meeting on Maui in August, Colton Ching, a Hawaiian Electric vice president, announced the proposed plan would allow customers the choice of getting a smart meter. Maui Electric Co. had previously announced that they would offer an “opt out” provision for those who didn’t want them.

Maui environmental health educator Debra Greene hailed the decision as a major victory for consumers who had protested smart meter deployment. “It’s huge,” she says. “I want to believe we had an impact. Smart meters represent a real hazard and this significant development is the first incident we know of where a state’s major utility has changed policy to opt in. It’s unprecedented in the United States.”

“The only real purpose of smart meters is to create additional revenue streams for utilities because they collect extraordinary amounts of data about what people are doing inside their homes that the utility can turn around and sell.”

Greene explains: “In Early 2017, several dozen Notices of Liability (and Non-Consent) were sent by customers to the Hawaiian Electric utility heads who were planning on blanket-installing smart meters. Now, Hawaiian Electric has announced their complete shift to an ‘opt in’ plan, in which the utility must receive explicit consent from the homeowner in order to install a smart meter.”

Greene, the founder of KeepYourPower.org, a Maui-based educational service that provides consumer information about smart meters and smart-grid technologies, says the new decision, “affects all the islands except for Kauai, which has its own utility, and is already blanketed with over 30,000 smart meters.”

Last year Hawaiian Electric filed a grid modernization plan with state regulators which involved installing more than 455,000 smart meters on Oahu, Hawai’i Island and in Maui County at a cost of $340 million. Smart meter installation was supposed to begin in 2018 on Hawai’i Island and in Maui County.

Colton Ching said the new meters would be employed for sensing and monitoring purposes for customers with photovoltaic (PV) rooftop solar systems. This would help keep the grid stable when electricity demand may exceed the amount of generation capacity that may fluctuate with variable solar and wind power sources. Ching added that if a customer’s analog meters broke, they would be offered a new digital meter with the radio frequency transmitter turned off.

Greene says it looks like new utility customers and PV system owners connecting to the grid will have to have mandatory smart meters installed. “So they are making people opt in, because they know liability is going to be an issue. Colton Ching said they are also counting on analog meters becoming obsolete so that soon they won’t be able to buy anything except for a smart meter, but I don’t know that’s true. The more we learn about smart meters the less desirable they become. ”

Governments across the world have become obsessed with smart meters (also called AMI or AMR meters). The global smart meter market is anticipated to reach $49.9 billion by 2025, according to a report by Grand View Research, Inc.

Consumers Digest in a 2011 review declared, “smart-meter conversion represents little more than a boondoggle that is being foisted on consumers by the politically influential companies that make the hardware and software that are required for the smart-meter conversion.”

Smart meters emit electromagnetic radio waves similar to cell phones or Wi-Fi routers to communicate with centralized computers that keep real-time tabs on customers’ power use. Some consumers and health practitioners claim these repeated pulses cause serious symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, imbalance, tinnitus and heart problems. A number of web sites feature reports by many people whose health has suffered.

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has called for a halt to smart meter deployment.

“Chronic exposure to wireless radiofrequency radiation is a preventable environmental hazard that is sufficiently well documented to warrant immediate preventative public health action,” the AAEM announced in a statement. “Multiple studies correlate RF exposure with diseases such as cancer, neurological disease, reproductive disorders, immune dysfunction, and electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Many in vitro, in vivo and epidemiological studies demonstrate that significant harmful biological effects occur from non-thermal RF exposure.”

Utilities claim their meters are safe as they only transmit a few times per day and at very low frequencies. However a study by Sage Associates showed that in California, Pacific Gas & Electric’s smart meter RF emissions are significantly more powerful than previously thought. The study predicted significantly higher radiofrequency radiation levels and more FCC public safety limit violations in some smart meters.

“The emissions from one meter are strong enough that the public is put at risk from exposures outward from the meter from approximately one foot to over six feet, depending on the reflection factor,” said Cindy Sage, Sage Associates. “For multiple meters at the same location, the zone of impact where FCC limits may be violated is somewhere between three feet and 19 feet, depending on the reflection factor.”

“People have no idea how high their chronic RF exposure might be,” noted Barry A. Smith of the Environmental Health Coalition of West Marin. “In reality, each smart meter functions like a cell antenna, relaying signals from other meters, and adds significantly to the existing radiation exposure already in the environment.”

Michigan-based electrical engineer William Bathgate reported in public testimony: “I have personally tested the RF emissions from the AMI meter and measured that the meter does not send data just a few times a day as the utilities publish. It actually sends an RF pulse about every 4-5 seconds constantly and a longer duration RF emission after midnight running about 3-5 minutes. The meters themselves are “dangerous or hazardous” due to their lightning vulnerabilities, EMI and RF emissions. There has been a disregard for the health and safety effects of these AMI meters on the general population by the utilities.
“It’s one thing to be on a cell phone for one hour per day, but if you are exposed to smart meter or a cell tower, you are exposed 24/7 so the effect is cumulative,” noted Professor Dr. Henry Lai, University of Washington’s Bioelectromagnetics Research Laboratory.
While utilities have promoted them as a way for consumers to save money by closely monitoring their usage – as if we don’t know a light bulb uses less electricity than a fridge – independent studies have found the claims are marginal at best.

In Ontario, Canada, where smart meters were introduced at a cost of about $1 billion, researchers compared data after time-of-use rates were introduced in 2011 with more than 20,000 household customers. Residential demand for electricity just dropped 2.6 percent during on-peak periods and 2.4 percent during mid-peak periods following the change.
Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan reported, “Consumers don’t need to be forced to pay billions for so-called smart technology to know how to reduce their utility bills. We know to turn down the heat or air conditioning and shut off the lights. The utilities have shown no evidence of billions of dollars in benefits to consumers from these new meters, but they have shown they know how to profit. The only real question is: How dumb do they think we are?”

Community resistance to smart meter deployment in California led to the Sebastopol City Council voting to ban the wireless meters in 2013. Fairfax City Council also passed a ban on meter installation. The California Public Utility Commission called the city bans illegal and a violation of federal law.

Other smart meter issues include inflated bills. A Dutch study found some meters can give false readings up to 582% higher than actual energy consumption. There’s a worrying issue of fire hazards. They are extremely vulnerable to hacking. “Imagine you woke up to find you’d been robbed by a burglar who didn’t have to break in,” noted Netanel Rubin of the Vaultra security firm. And they are a major invasion of privacy.

In conclusion Debra Greene says, “as much as I see this as a victory and cause for celebration, I’m a little skeptical. I’m concerned it’s a strategy. The original proposal to blanket rollout smart meters was rejected by the PUC, so now they will go piecemeal. The PUC suggested an ‘opt in’ policy. Hawaii is unique in that people from all over the world come to these islands to heal and escape, and if the islands are blanketed with smart meters there’s a significant number of people who would be affected, especially those who are electro-sensitive.”

More information about smart meters in Hawaii is available at –

Home Page

More information about the health issues associated with smart meters is available at –

Smart Meters: Countdown to a National Crisis of Illness and Death

4 minutes and 33 seconds:

August 15, 2023 5:00 pm

“And DEWs seem a useful narrative to divert the right”.

I don’t think they divert the right at all, I think they burn them (and whoever is in the target zone) alive while leveling their homes and cars under the camo of Wild Fires. That evidence I put on DEWS doing that in three different Maui threads to me is indisputable.

Well, all I am suggesting , is, the days we have been discussing the possibilities of whether or not this fire was a DEW qualifies as a diversion….in my mind.

We could have been zeroing in on something else during the time spent debating this story.
Maybe we were getting close to some greater truth, and bam, diversion.

What happened in the war?
What’s happened since the ohio train crash?
Or the kneeling football players?
Or Bud lite?
The jesus baker?
Woolworth’s ?
Or the white pretzel Hispanic?
My breakfast?

A lot of these stories are starting to seem diversionary.

I have already been down the dusty DEW/Chemtrails, it was an interesting journey. .. . ..
I went from seeing evidence of DEWs in every wildfire/human structure death match, to not so much after this Lahaina fire.

One fine day….[the day of this fire]
I actually looked up wildfire research and learned more about the conditions and behaviors that abound in wildfires.
I had never looked at the existing, current
wildfire research before this fire.
Shame on me.

I still believe there are powerful DEWs but I do not see evidence of the widespread use, and I see zero evidence in Lahaina.
I have reviewed some of the material.at your link, hopefully you will take a glance at these:





Texas Khaan
Texas Khaan
August 15, 2023 1:10 am

*incompetence on display

  Texas Khaan
August 15, 2023 9:46 am

Nice one!

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Texas Khaan
August 15, 2023 11:05 am

If only all of this were incompetence on display … but, in the aggregate, it is far more sinister than just stupid people doing stupid things …

August 15, 2023 6:46 am

“I think the only thing I may be wrong on”

I think it’s a miracle to see you say that you might actually be wrong about something.

August 15, 2023 9:49 am

All the arrogant fuckwits here and Eud is your target?

Show me where he touched you on the doll……..

August 15, 2023 7:17 pm

I was hoping you would notice ; )

August 14, 2023 8:37 pm

Good video. It reinforces my thoughts on this matter.

There is no doubt in my mind what happened to Lahaina was a directed energy weapon hit, because the people there were resisting the influence of Oprah, Jeff Bezos, Lady Gaga and a few other elites, who wanted to build multi-billion-dollar resorts and properties there and build it up as a “smart city,” with the intent of making it a “smart island,” which I am sure means “stay away from this island if you are smart.”

Using the military arm of their arsenal, the elites are using satellites to deflect the Sun’s heat radiation onto specific Earth-bound targets, using mirrors — much like, I might helpfully add, the mirrors supposedly being used by the big telescopes. Look at this diagram:

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With transverse moding, multiple mirrors are capable of adjustment when a beam of light passes by; these beams can then be focused into larger components; think of the Death Star in “Star Wars,” in the way its planet-killer laser is visualized.

Depolarizers are configurations of two retarders that perform this temporal de-correlation for any input polarization state; in other words, employing thick plates that act as high-order wave-plates, or by connecting lengths of polarization-maintaining (PM) fiber. PM fiber has about one wavelength of retardance every few millimeters, and can be obtained in lengths sufficient to de-correlate multimode laser light.

But the retardance across a wedged wave-plate is not spatially uniform, and an incident beam will exit with a spatially varying polarization. When detected by a single photodetector, the influence of all the states will be averaged in the output response (joined with the beam of greater strength).

Thus, we have a fully-armed and operational Death Star up there, and when the Emperor wishes it, they will fire when ready. QED.

August 14, 2023 9:30 pm

One thing I forgot to mention, the reason those beams are firing in short, seemingly random bursts, is because the containment vessel — in this case, either a satellite or a telescope — would burn out during sustained energy direction.

But if controlled by a precise guidance system, such as laser, the incoming energy can be diffused into opposing, yet still concentric, beams; this explains how the fires which are being created by the microwave (heat) radiation seems to be in perfect circles, and then suddenly a big bolt fires in the middle somewhere.

August 14, 2023 10:33 pm

You’re saying that level of precision is possible…from space?

August 14, 2023 11:13 pm

Maui was from a plane most likely, yes Glock they have planes equipped with direct energy beam tech.

August 16, 2023 7:00 pm

Maui was from a plane MOST LIKELY , yes Glock they have planes equipped with direct energy beam tech.

Wait what?
On every comment you argue YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY SURE.

All.of sudden its speculation?

What a dewche.

Caught ya, dewpid.

August 15, 2023 12:44 am

No, I never once said that, GNL.

I said the incoming energy could be diffused by lasers into smaller controlled bursts until it is combined with a beam of greater force, because large sustained bursts would burn out the vessel containing that energy.

It is my fault I did not include the information that these laser guidance systems (depolarizers) would have to be Earth-bound for energy direction.


August 15, 2023 8:51 am


You said “…the elites are using satellites to deflect the Sun’s heat radiation onto specific Earth-bound targets…”

Satellites are in space, correct?

August 14, 2023 10:03 pm

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FIGURE 4. Two distinct transverse modes oscillating over different spatial regions of the laser optical cavity.

August 14, 2023 11:20 pm

The mirror diagram makes one think ” Space Telescope “.
Then we have the mini drone shuttle thing , XB-37 space plane , capabilities unknown. What Space Force doing up there ?

August 15, 2023 12:45 am

That’s my point exactly.

August 15, 2023 11:49 am

But the retardance across a wedged wave-plate is not spatially uniform, and an incident beam will exit with a spatially varying polarization. 

What did the laser emitting diode say to the switch?
Stop it!
You’re turning me on.

August 14, 2023 8:42 pm

When the alien invasion starts, guess what you will see? It won’t be the aliens DEWing it. The world will be burning just as prophecy predicts. Humanity will cry out to God. …….stay tuned.

They like their Earthlings extra crispy.

August 16, 2023 12:18 am

I’ll try to stay near Tom Cruise.
He has survived every single alien invasion he has been in.

August 14, 2023 9:05 pm

third picture down, scroll bar for before and after

Lahaina Front Street photo journey: West Maui wildfire aftermath

Let me know what you see

August 14, 2023 10:35 pm

Well, there’s a house still oddly standing. The trees don’t match though. Photoshopped?

Harrington Richardson: Resurgent
Harrington Richardson: Resurgent
August 14, 2023 10:26 pm

It’s OK. Biden said it was OK after they sent him another ten or twenty million.

Visayas Outpost
Visayas Outpost
August 15, 2023 3:01 am

Those appear to be fireballs burning along the power lines. The vertical ‘beam’ is lens flare, compare it to the same effect in the beginning of the vid from the street lamp.

  Visayas Outpost
August 15, 2023 9:30 am

Gets really quiet when you point out a simple explanation for their “here is proof” video, don’t it?

Really surprised you didn’t get a whole bunch of DVs.

August 15, 2023 7:03 am

“Accuse others of that which you do”.
“Russia and China have weaponized once peaceful space”
well, we know what that is code for don’t we.

August 15, 2023 10:12 am

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Ubiquitous Asshole
Ubiquitous Asshole
August 15, 2023 4:12 pm

It’s the damn Martians again. Or the Amish from outer space. I’ve read some statements here and there. Some may be true, it’s certainly not for me to assess, but some are fairly silly about like mine above this. I don’t know if it was on this site or elsewhere, I can be quite the traveler on the interwebs; and they are trying to clear the island to make a yuge concentration camp. Yeah, I don’t think so, but if so, who among ye are goin’? When they come for me, I hope they zap my home in my sleep and fry me deep, but if they knock on my door with their warrants, I probably won’t be going anyway and one or more of them won’t ever see their home again. I ain’t playing in this dystopian, fuckin’ game.

August 16, 2023 9:07 pm

Lahaina and Mointain DEW are partnering for the recontstruction.
I hope they DEW a good job.

Ubiquitous Asshole
Ubiquitous Asshole
August 18, 2023 12:17 am

I feel sure it was either our own evil government or maybe some players such as the WEF types, but what if it was China?