We Already Know The Solutions

Guest Post from John Wilder

“Watch your top knot.” – Jeremiah Johnson

Bill Clinton thought Hillary would be a good president:  “There’s no chance she’ll blow it.”

Alexander the Great is said to have solved the riddle of the Gordian Knot in 333 B.C.  Whoever solved the Knot, the legend said, would rule all of Asia.  Alexander took one look at the large and complex knot, pulled out his sword and cut right through it.  I think Alexander was certain that he’d be successful and that no one would challenge his solution since he had, you know, an army with him.  I guess you could say he was so confident that he was knot sure.

One of the things that I’ve seen fairly consistently in my life is that, like Alexander, I generally know the answer right when I see the problem.  Some of them, like calculus problems, it took a lot of work to get the answer, admittedly, but there was no place when I said, “Well, if only the Federal government had a Federal Bureau of Solving Calculus problems, I’d be set.”  No.  I knew the only answer was for me to sit down and hack through that calculus problem until I had it solved.

Most problems in life are just that simple.  Too hot in the living room?  Get a fan.  Turn the air conditioning down.  Experiment to see how many cold beers it takes to make me feel cold.  But I never think to act on that until I’m uncomfortable.  When I’m slightly warm, I don’t go running for the fan, I just deal with it.  But when I start to sweat?

Time to take action.

What does a hipster say to create peer pressure?  “C’mon, man, no one is doing it!”

I think most people are like this, not just me.  Sure, there are things I do when I anticipate a problem coming down the road to save myself the trouble.  But like that room temperature slowly rising, at some point I look at the situation and note, “This must be dealt with.”  But I always knew the solution.

The solution itself isn’t the issue.  Most solutions are mind-numbingly clear.  The level of frustration or fear or whatever motivating me just has to be high enough that I’m willing to take the action necessary to solve the problem. To be clear, I also have to believe that my action might work – if I think the air conditioner is broken, for instance, I won’t bother to go over to turn it on and will stick with the whole “drink a lot of really cold beer” idea.

The above paragraph contains all three of dead economist Ludwig Von Mises’ causes of Human Action.  Von Mises said for anyone to take conscious action, for any action three things needed to be present:

  • A Vision of a Better State
  • A Path to That Better State
  • Belief That Following the Path Will Take Us to That Better State.

While I’m focusing on today is when we already know what we want, I’ll just noted that it doesn’t have to come in that order.

It turns out my chemistry teacher was right – alcohol is a solution.

On a personal level, I have to be uncomfortable enough from where I am and where I could be to initiate action.  The Vision has to be sufficiently far from where I am for me to care.  But, again, I generally know the solution, it just requires enough discomfort to create action.  If my air conditioner isn’t working in December, that’s not a big deal.  If it has failed in July, that’s where I’m willing to pay extra to see the repair folks show up on a Sunday afternoon because the liquor stores are closed then.

Other examples – I don’t paint my house when it’s a little faded, I might need to see some bare spots.  I wait until the trashcan is maybe slightly more than full to take it out.  But in each case the action isn’t in question.  I always know the solution.  It’s not a mystery.

It’s similar as a society.  In a society, we all have the ability to act as individuals, but there is some minimum number of people that are required to take action.  One group, the 3%ers, took their name from the idea that only 3% of the American Colonial population fought and won against the British.  I’m not sure that 3% is correct; that’s irrelevant to the post.

Why did the chicken cross the playground?  To get to the other slide.

Certainly, that’s a minimization, because if there hadn’t been broad support for the American Revolution anyway, it wouldn’t have happened.  Rather, I am certain that group of fighters represented the symptom of a greater dissatisfaction.

Everyone on the side of the Revolution knew what had to be done.  If you take a few minutes to re-read the Declaration of Independence, it certainly spells out the vision, and also spells out the reasons why it was important to take the action.

Of the signers, at least John Hancock had belief that the actions would work, since he signed his name so boldly and largely.  And John Hancock never told a knock-knock joke.  Why?  Freedom rings, baby.

For each of the societal ills we see, the solution isn’t complex, it’s simple.  We just haven’t had the guts to implement it.  If mobs are ruling the streets of San Francisco or Chicago or Malmo, the solution isn’t to study the problem with a commission.  The solution is to make crime much more uncomfortable than the reward for committing the crime.

I’m glad Godzilla® wasn’t Korean.  That would have been Seoul destroying.

That solution to stopping crime will involve dead criminals.  Oddly, it takes less to keep criminals in line than to stop criminality, but the solution almost always involves Rooftop Koreans and bar owners with very short shotguns and prosecutors that don’t prosecute good and honest people stopping crime.

If the problem is illegals flooding the southern border, the only actual solution is to make living in the United States a living hell for illegals.  I assure you, if sufficient pressure was applied, the illegals would deport themselves in weeks.

Have an anchor baby?  Fine.  It goes into an orphanage or with foster parents.  Illegals have to leave.  Something tells me the parents will pack up the kids as they head out.

Brought here as a young child and the United States is the only country they’ve ever known?  Not my problem.  They have to go back.

Drugs?  Simple solution.  I’ll leave that one to you.

Illegitimate kids?  Remove spousal support and child support and welfare.  Illegitimate kids will cease in a year and the baby-daddy with 20 different baby-mommas will disappear while those baby-mommas cease to have sex randomly.  Or, if they do?  They have to suffer the consequences.

What about the kids?  Yeah, heard it.  Don’t care.  It’s that sort of forced compassion that destroys nations, turns them into countries, and eventually leads to Balkanization.

I fell into the reupholstery machine at the furniture factory.  I’m completely recovered now.

I’m right and every person reading this knows it.

The wonderful part is that these solutions will take place.  Sadly, because the room is getting warmer, these solutions will take place only when the discomfort is so high that it will be unpleasant for all concerned.

And then, once again, the Gordian Knot will be solved.

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The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
September 1, 2023 8:40 am

This is some Dave Barry level shit right here! Likin’ the style.

September 1, 2023 8:48 am

Sometimes the “solutions” need to be final….,just wanted to point that out.

comment image

September 1, 2023 9:04 am

I give you your covidian solution.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
September 1, 2023 5:45 pm

Now I understand what happened to AP, which is nothing at all.

September 1, 2023 9:03 am

The Wilder it gets, the more obvious, the less Wilder, that’s not peaceful!

Doug grows potatoes
Doug grows potatoes
September 1, 2023 10:26 am

Simplest solutions are usually the best.

September 1, 2023 11:11 am

Have to disagree on the illegitimate kids. The Y chromosome bearing denizens of the inner cities (particularly in the “13”) will continue to enlarge their gene pool, regardless of the presence, or absence of societal support for the 70 percent borne out of wedlock.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
September 1, 2023 5:37 pm

Imagine a world of virgin brides. It’s easy if you try. Tradition behind us. Before us traitors die. Imagine all the people living are okay, ay-hay. You may saaay, I’m a dreamer. But I’m not the only one. You fucks are too late for me. This is what you get to live as One.

September 1, 2023 11:36 am

Don’t want people crossing the border illegally? Make it a free fire zone except for designated crossing points…But the women would object because it’s mean, so better to be overrun and destroyed…

Call me Jack
Call me Jack
September 1, 2023 6:23 pm

Do NOT listen to what White women say they want.. Women despise weakness. White women will sell their men out in a flat minute if the invader seems stronger and more masculine. After all, he must be the alpha, ’cause he ain’t listening to her shyte.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  Call me Jack
September 1, 2023 7:28 pm

You are totally right, Jack. I tried to red pill the crowd here some years ago and the red pill was mostly rejected. They like the (((god))) pill here. I know, the red God pill has it all. I know, whoever. lol

September 1, 2023 11:58 am

Is wearing a coat with a hoodie in the summer a national fashion trend among the you , or is it just Southern wiggers trying to look ghetto gangsta …anyone else seeing this?

September 1, 2023 12:04 pm

Against crime and border invasion, chain guns work. Yep. The solution to what ails US really is that simple, which is why Saint John M. Browning is my patron saint.

September 1, 2023 12:55 pm

John is correct that most problems have simple solutions, but very few people understand that. Humans seem to be programmed for some reason to seek extremely complicated and convoluted solutions to problems that actually have very simple solutions. The problem of illegals crossing the border is a good example of a problem that has a simple solution, but even John didn’t mention the correct solution. The solution is to stop attracting them here with welfare, citizenship for their children born here, and other benefits. If you simply stop attracting them here the number will dwindle. Another part of the solution is to stop the economic devastation of the Central and South American countries that creates the economic conditions that make the people in those countries want to leave (read “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”). The wall that Trump blabbered about (but never had any intention of building) and the Trumptards constantly clamored for during his first term was a complicated solution that was never going to work as long as the incentives attracting the illegals here were still in place, and the economic war against the Central and South American countries was still in place.

Another problem with a very simple solution is illegal drugs. The solution is to make them legal. That will get rid of drug gangs, corrupt police and DEA, no-knock raids that kill innocent people, civil asset forfeiture, wasted police resources, higher court and jail costs, overfull jails and all of the other numerous problems that are caused by the war on drugs, not by the drugs themselves. Of course, the knee-jerk reaction by most people is: But everyone will be taking drugs and there will be more drug deaths. No, that won’t happen. By that logic everyone in the U.S. is an alcoholic because Prohibition was repealed in the 1930s. In fact drug usage would probably go down slightly, just as alcohol consumption went down slightly after alcohol prohibition was repealed. And speaking of alcohol prohibition, that is a real-world example of why prohibition doesn’t work, but most people aren’t even smart enough to extrapolate that example from alcohol to other drugs.

September 1, 2023 9:52 pm

A million guns a month for ten or eleven years on top of a solid base of several hundreds of millions, well it will get pretty hot when things go BOOM.
I wonder what the last one hundred million firearms purchasers had in mind when they bought theirs?