Federal Dissolution is Possible and Beneficial

The current expansion of power by the DC cabal has only a small chance of succeeding without a major disruption of the country.

Mr. Trump is the focus of the fear of overthrow by our ruling class. Obviously anyone that is not an employee of the bankers cannot be allowed to remain but their reaction to him appears extreme. Apparently the strategy of buying and controlling the boardrooms is not quite complete. They obviously disliked Reagan but allowed his time to expire peacefully. The rest of the Presidents since JFK have been employees. Any threat to their empire must be ruthlessly exterminated. The current continual attacks against President Trump indicate that we are unaware of the true stakes involved and the tenuous nature of the plan.

A continent wide empire is rare in history. The Mongols, Muslims, Rome, and the Hapsburgs are the examples that come to mind and all have disappeared. Common traits across disparate populations such as religion or economics are required for great empires to exist. Our fissures existed but were not cataclysmic until the arrival of little barry.

Attempted expansion of the empire was the norm because farming and not industry was the source of most wealth until relatively recently. That meant border wars creating more land to tax were almost continuous, because the Emperors’ greed was endless. Our current industrial system allows a greater consolidation of wealth and worldwide control to boot.

When there was enough distance from the empire’s capital for the whiff of independence and plenty of money available, rebellion rose to the fore. The empires struggled with civil war and began the inevitable breakup. Even if the civil war was resolved in favor of the distant central government dissolution soon followed as the internal destruction was too great to repair.

Who are the opposing groups here in the US? The obvious answer as always is the producers and parasites. The producers range from labor to farmers and small business owners. Farmers are a good model because they are very independent and they constitute the historical basis of societal wealth and control at the most basic level. Large industry wealth just raises the sights of the always greedy central bankers’ government striving for more control.

The parasites are lawyers and government employees that politically and financially feed on the welfare crowd they created for their own benefit. The welfare system is a new phenomena to relieve people from the Christian neighborly moral obligations to assist your fellows that was the basis of our society until Woody Wilson. It is now supreme.

What would happen if the red states seceded said no more money will be collected for the Feds? The DC slug would shrivel within weeks and the bureaucrats would not be missed. The big coastal cities of New York and LA would begin to crumble immediately. Are the big cities necessary to our country? What would we lose? Industry has moved from the North to the South if not to China. We have the ports of Charleston, Savannah, Tampa, New Orleans and Houston to sell and ship our food, fuel and manufactured goods to the world. Financial solvency would soon result.

Who enforces laws on a state or local level? These people are the face of your controllers. Athens, Tennessee is a model to remember when local oppressive politicians go too far and it could easily be extended to the federal weasel.

The socialists say that the army would stop secession again. I doubt it because most of its soldiers are from red states and they would hesitate to shoot their family and friends even if they agreed with the current political situation of total DC corruption. They are dissatisfied with the homosexual control of the Pentagon and they are leaving in droves when their tour is completed. Force is the only requirement for government. It may be a bit shaky today.

The common problem with government bureaucrats is that they are totally immersed in their pension. The elected politicians do not choose to acknowledge the immense chasm they have created between themselves and the citizens. Their lives consist of canned responses which have allowed them to retain power as most normal people have not been motivated enough to stand up. That is apparently changing because with the arrest of President Trump the chasm has been exposed for the first time. People finally realize that the business of DC is considered personal wealth enhancement and “we the people” are a background nuisance.

The question of separation of the states is when, not if.

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September 3, 2023 5:47 pm

“They obviously disliked Reagan but allowed his time to expire peacefully”

I beg to differ. They tried to kill him two months after he was sworn in the first time.

September 3, 2023 5:49 pm



Ep. 1989 Secession: The Constitutional, Historical, and Moral Case


The Constitutional Right of Secession

Free men may leave. Slaves must stay.

September 3, 2023 6:14 pm

President Trump…

September 3, 2023 6:53 pm

. . . continue, please?

September 3, 2023 7:10 pm

Not Mr. Trump…

September 3, 2023 8:11 pm

OK, gotcha.

And Resident Biden.

September 3, 2023 7:28 pm

Conservatives aren’t even in the streets holding up signs let alone torches and pitchforks. The lazy is strong with these conservatives and the dark side is great and powerful. I see no movement to oppose it now or the near future.

September 3, 2023 8:12 pm

Conservative and liberal and the rest of English have lost meaning.

September 3, 2023 8:38 pm

Parents are taking their kids away from the system and/or are protesting in front of school boards.

Businesses are leaving the thieves in big cities.

Lotta people are moving to the country and smaller towns and cities.

DEWs are on the minds of millions of people now.

Inflation is a killer for the poorer element of society and that element grows and grows. There must be an end result incompatible with the status quo.

Elections are now suspect among most? conservatives.

The size of the national debt tells us we are in end times of one sort or another.

Real estate taxes have grown to the point of inciting retirees and others to vote to reject increasing levies that passed easily in years prior.

Migrant flow tells anyone with half a brain that the government is not on the side of its citizens.

Lockdowns suck for at least perhaps half the population? And yet . . . here we go again.

So there are signs of unrest that could lead to something violent as the ruling agenda progresses.

September 3, 2023 8:45 pm

The whole world is protesting:

Shocked by Niger coup, Victoria Nuland appeared “desperate” during Africa tour

Effin’ awsum.

September 4, 2023 8:31 am

All is going to plan.

September 4, 2023 5:50 am

The USSR depended on the Army too. When officers stood on the tanks and ordered the troops to shoot their fellow repressed citizens, the USSR soldiers shot those officers. The USSR fell.
Yet that is why the libs are trying to purge conservatives from the army and turn it rainbow colored. Their problem is the US has to many ex military, and the snowflakes will melt under pressure.

September 4, 2023 7:00 am

Yes, let it begin.

September 4, 2023 8:22 am

Ron Paul for President!

September 4, 2023 9:17 am

It’s funny to me how no one sees this: The problem is NOT! blue states and democrats. The problem is red states and republicans. They refuse to defend the people in their states for fear of… something I can’t even grasp. Look a GA for example. The republicans could stop this banana republic prosecution of Trump, instantly! Do you really believe the feds didn’t tell DeSantis they were coming to FL. Why didn’t he have a press conference condemning this bullshit. Let me say this straight up: Red states aren’t going anywhere. They are not in opposition to this sickness that is running our country. They are the sickness (virus).

September 4, 2023 10:52 am

excellent idea, except it will never happen. not until morons like brian kemp of Georgia are gone. as long as there are enough rino’s to screw red states the status quo will continue.

September 4, 2023 1:04 pm

Fuck your stupid opinion of Kemp, Bob. If he wants to give the bitch enough rope to hang herself, then good on him!

He Governs BEST who governs LEAST.

September 4, 2023 11:59 am

The Federal Government is out of control, and unaccountable to the US Citizens. The only solution is to become ungovernable, and to refuse to recognize the legitimacy of the Federal Government.

September 4, 2023 9:24 pm

Nah, won’t happen – people like you will be rounded up for work detail; verbally complain about it and your vocal.cords will be destroyed by microwave orbitals, write about it and the microwaves will burn out the parts of your brain used during writing.

Stop insulting my army. If they’re ordered to cut down family and friends that’s exactly what they’ll do. Never doubt that.

Is there anyone on burning platform that can actually write and not sound like a chaired toddler banging her sippy cup?

September 4, 2023 10:15 pm

“Stop insulting my army. If they’re ordered …”

“Is there anyone on burning platform that can actually write …”

“they’re” should be “it is”

“Army” is singular.

Also, “anyone” takes a “who” not a “that.”

Not sure why you put a period in the middle of “vocal. cords”

Your declarative sentences are unsupported by even a shred of information that would support them. I think, WooWoo, you are the one banging her cup. What does that get you? Giggles, I suppose.