Stop Dooming

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

It must be a conservative thing to willfully embrace the most pessimistic possible outcome with a sense of smug satisfaction in the hopelessness of it all. It’s not universal, though. Ronald Reagan didn’t do that – his sunny optimism revolutionized conservatism in America. But the right’s tendency to always look on the dank side of life has not been thoroughly exorcised. It’s still there, right now, demoralizing and demotivating our people just when morale and motivation are exactly what we need.

It’s understandable why Republicans often doom. After all, conservatives do not believe in the perfectibility of man, but rather that man is fallen. This often leads us into believing that whatever bad can happen is definitely going to happen. But the reality is that the worst case scenario rarely happens. It can, but it’s rare. A defeat is rarely total, a set-back is usually just that instead of a permanent failure. Dooming fetishizes the inability to succeed. It repeats exactly what our enemies want to hear from us. Yet its practitioners often consider themselves edgy, posturing themselves as the only ones willing to make the hard choice for cynicism.

Baloney. Dooming is tiresome. It gets exhausting to hear people willfully ignoring and downplaying any hint of success so that no gleam of hope pierces the darkness of the hopeless future they anticipate. Yes, in any operation you always have to count on things going to hell and be ready to deal with that. But the fact is that things don’t always go to hell. In almost every case, things are not as bad as they seem.

Dooming makes you forget about the fact that the other side in this cultural struggle has its own problems. We conservatives are not facing geniuses. We are facing a bunch of narcissistic halfwits who are not a tenth as brilliant as they believe they are, and who inherited their cultural positions instead of creating them. We’re not fighting a bunch of cunning Darth Vaders. We’re fighting a bunch of pronoun-obsessed dorks, many of whom can’t even do a push-up. And all the while, we got 400 million guns.

My money is on us, no matter how this insanity plays out.

But if you look at social media, and you should never look at social media, what you were going to see from conservatives is, to a disturbing extent, just a wail of hopelessness. They’ll tell you that the ruling class has got us outmaneuvered. There’s no way we can prevail. Why, they’re going to cheat and lie and steal, and they won’t let us win. We can’t win. We’re doomed. Doomed, I say!

Oh, come on.

Let’s look at one of the most popular nightmare scenarios, which is that the Democrats are going to cheat their way to victory in 2024 and there’s nothing we can do about it. Now we do need to understand that the last election was fundamentally unfair, but more importantly, we need to understand why. Yeah, there was some fraud in 2020, though the evidence is unclear how much of an effect it had, but the bigger problems were the unlawful manipulation of voting laws and the informal rigging that came from institutions weighing in on the outcome in an unprecedented manner. But this does not mean we can never win. It means nothing like that. It just means that we need to incorporate the perfidy of our opponents into every operational planning assumption we make. We need to beat them regardless.

Is there going to be some fraud? Yes. But, unlike the nonsense of the nimrods with their kraken promises and kooky accusations, fraud is not about millions and millions of votes suddenly appearing from nowhere and swinging the election. Where fraud plays a part is in very, very tight races in very densely blue areas. You can get away with cheating at the margins, but it is hard to massively cheat and not get caught. Maybe we should focus on a little more on beating the margin of fraud than on trying to just barely make it, since that is when fraud comes into play.

As for the legal shenanigans, well, I would’ve preferred that the GOP decided not to reinstall a Republican National Committee Chair who botched the last few elections, but Donald Trump decided he wanted her, and he got her – and don’t tell me he didn’t, because I watched his staff personally whipping votes for her at the convention. Of course, I do understand the suspicion about conservative organizations, with their track record of failing to conserve anything. But there are a lot of smart people out there doing a lot of smart things, and while the heads of our organizations haven’t performed, there are a lot of outside organizations that are trying to. These folks want to win, while it’s not clear that some of the DC crowd really does.

As for the cultural actors, yeah, the regime media is always going to be against us, but the regime media has about as much credibility left among Americans as a magic beans salesman. We have our own media now. And we have the power to hurt institutions who hurt us. Bud Light, anyone?

There’s also plenty of doom about the Republican Party, which often seems to do everything possible to encourage doom. But let’s look on the bright side here, and there is a very bright side. The corruption investigators have done a great job. We’ve got a House Oversight Committee that is drip, drip, dripping, all sorts of evidence against President Crusty and his scumbag crime family. Some people will whine that Biden hasn’t been impeached yet. Have a little patience! Impeachment will come when the time is right, when it is most beneficial for us, and when we’ve got them in our sights. Just because the House hasn’t rushed into something before setting the conditions of victory is not a failure – it’s a rare success that ought to be encouraged.

So, are we doomed to inevitable defeat? No. We will have to work harder than is fair, but arguments about fairness are for children. Life is unfair. Suck it up and bring in the win.

That doesn’t mean there are no reasons for concern. I make no secret of the fact that I think Donald Trump is almost certain to lose the general election if we nominate him. And if we lose that, we’re probably going to lose a lot of down-ballot races, and we may lose control of every part of the government. The mischief Democrats could do is almost unlimited and unbelievably dangerous in light of their terrifying combination of greed, stupidity, and malice.

But I’m not ready to give up. I’m not ready to give in. I’m not going to tell everyone there’s nothing we can do and that we are doomed and that it’s all over and blah blah blah blah blah. Nothing is over. Nothing is written.

Dooming is weak. It is a cop-out, a means to relieve oneself of the reasonability for success or failure, and to opt out of the hard work of victory. If you can not win, you need not try. So, the doomer sits comfortably with what he sees as two possible, pleasing outcomes. Either he is proven right, or he is proven wrong and still enjoys the fruits of other people’s success.

We do not need doom talk. Yes, we have to be clear about the outcomes of potential courses of action, but that is not the same. Avoiding defeat is how you win. Crying that you can never win is how you help the enemy win.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 7, 2023 11:05 am

Reagan schmeagan. That was forty years ago. A lot’s changed.

  Iska Waran
September 7, 2023 12:28 pm

Plus, he was none of what his still-intact legend says he was:

Conservative Con Man

He did not get .gov off our backs, didn’t cut taxes, etc. And he was as daffy as Resident Biden, though neither a crook nor kidtoucher.

September 7, 2023 12:38 pm

…keep a rented motel room for entertaining Hollywood whores, though , so at least the backstabbing douchebag was a normal politician.

September 7, 2023 1:40 pm

RR was the biggest spender in the history of the republic up to that time.
PS I was a huge RR fan for year. Now Maybe more in line with Yojimbo.

anon a moos
anon a moos
September 7, 2023 11:06 am

C’mon peoples. vote moar harder, we’ll get’m this time.

September 7, 2023 11:11 am

I’ve seen two other articles and a podcast with the exact same message from alleged “conservatives” in just the last 48 hours.
A directive must have been issued.

If reality is hopeful, don’t be afraid to encourage that hope.
If reality is dismal, don’t be afraid to notice it.

If reality is dismal, and someone is castigating you for noticing, then that person is your enemy. He’s not trying to encourage hope, he’s trying to discourage the reality noticing.
Can’t fix shit if you can’t face hard realities.

September 7, 2023 11:40 am

“If reality is hopeful, don’t be afraid to encourage that hope.”

After doing extensive research and analysis I have come to the conclusion that it is unlikely we are facing an extinction level event before I reach my life expectancy at birth*, so we’ve got that going for us, which is nice.

*Around Christmastime.

September 7, 2023 12:47 pm

Have it live anon:

Have had jet duck for awhile,but…..,not as a threat to me health!

September 7, 2023 12:48 pm

Oh,so fuck them!

They really coded duck!

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
September 7, 2023 4:37 pm

I choose reality.
Humans current technological ability to really screw things up worldwide grows greater everyday.

It generally takes a lot more time and effort to fix a giant mess then it does to create it.

If I’m wrong and Jesus isn’t coming back soon to save true believers then we are certainly going to have a giant mess on our hands.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
September 7, 2023 6:12 pm

Get a drink and a cigar and watch the apocalypse with a smile on your face!!

Sam's Uncle
Sam's Uncle
September 7, 2023 12:25 pm

Joe Biden Vote GIF by Election 2020 - Find & Share on GIPHY

  Sam's Uncle
September 7, 2023 6:26 pm

He really gives it away there.

  Sam's Uncle
September 7, 2023 10:46 pm

2024 election results leaked:
Out of 250,000,000 Americans of voting age. 1,750,000,000,000 voted for Joe Biden.

September 7, 2023 12:47 pm

Was waiting for Kurt to tell us all about Q and how the white hats are coming to save us.

September 7, 2023 1:00 pm

comment image

September 7, 2023 1:42 pm

I think the main problem is that if you’re gen X or older you can easily see the rapid decline with no end in sight and no way to stop it. And if you have even a basic understanding of history, you can see the endgame.

I try to ignore the government and live my own life but its hard to be optimistic.

September 7, 2023 2:07 pm

OK kurt……………….I’ll quit “dooming” when you quit sucking ronnie rayguns dick.

September 7, 2023 4:39 pm

Do you even Judeo-Christian , bruh.

“I know this may be laughed and sneered at in some sophisticated circles, but ours is a Judeo-Christian heritage, and ours is a loving and living God, the fountain of all truth and knowledge” President Reagan 1983.

comment image

September 7, 2023 6:30 pm

I knew he was a phony piece of shit, but I underestimated him. Was a huge fan before I was old enough to vote. I don’t believe a genuine Christian could string those words together.

Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
September 7, 2023 8:21 pm


sinatra's mezuzah
sinatra's mezuzah
  Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
September 8, 2023 1:32 am

Try, try, try to separate them, it’s an illusion.
Try, try, try and you only come to this conclusion:

You can’t have one without the other.

  sinatra's mezuzah
September 8, 2023 1:42 am

Those calling themselves Jews today were called Pharisees in the NT. See John 8. They do lie. True believers of the Hebrew faith and race are Christians now.

September 8, 2023 5:17 pm

True believers of the Hebrew faith and race are Christians now.

True believers in reality realize that Christianity is a slave religion of the jews.
When you self identify as Christian they literally recognize you as a willing participant in the game, and proceed to screw you over according to your ‘works’

  Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
September 8, 2023 5:14 pm

Jews=Descendants of the perverted tribe of Judah.
Christians=Their reliable pets.

September 7, 2023 2:47 pm

jim, please stop mocking us with those schlichter articles.

September 7, 2023 3:38 pm

Bite me…the world has changed and if you walk around with a cheese eating grin on your sheep face you will likely meet a Uni-party politician or an illegal alien looking to rob, rape or kill you. Keep your head down, eyes on a swivel and keep moving.

September 7, 2023 3:41 pm

This author belongs on a Fox News platform. Keep the lid on the boiling pot to convince the rubes they’re not about to be scalded to death; and for heaven’s sake prevent the rubes from coming to the conclusion that America requires new political arrangements if it is to survive.

September 7, 2023 6:31 pm

Survive? What is left to survive?

September 7, 2023 3:48 pm

A ray of hope…
comment image

September 7, 2023 9:13 pm

I still get a bit choked up when I hear Dixie, but nary an emotion with the bi-national anthem.

September 8, 2023 4:42 am

It can be hard not to tear up when you’re right and lose anyway.

Get hard. Stay hard. It’s the Southern Way.

'Congeniality' Slug
'Congeniality' Slug
September 7, 2023 4:02 pm

conservatives do not believe in the perfectibility of man, but rather that man is fallen

Totally fucking clueless. In a word: salvation!!! Not going to read foolishness.

September 7, 2023 4:30 pm

Schlicter is a grifting fraud.

“…..We are facing a bunch of narcissistic halfwits who are not a tenth as brilliant as they believe they are ”

Of course, and we could defeat them in 7 nanoseconds if we had a true opposition party. But we don’t. We have the GOP, who Schlicter makes a fortune shilling for. This BS article is just meant to encourage you to stay with team GOP and the status quo (he’s pushing DeSantis), and make sure we never give up on this obvious controlled opposition party (and its fradulent, extended ecosystem) and try a different strategy. Keep your chin up! Buy one of Schlicter’s books! join the DeSantis campaign! Just don’t do anything different, keep on being those “principled” losers.

No thanks. Despair is of the devil, we should never give in to it. But we should also be sober about where we are, and what is needed to course correct (hint: it’s not voting harder for the GOP, or more books/podcasts/movies from fraud “influencers” or more of the same crap that has brought us to this point).

“You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end — which you can never afford to lose — with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.” ― Jim Stockdale

September 7, 2023 6:33 pm

We all know, but I think admin posts him for the meta-value. That is, something to talk about and an example of what establishment shills want us to think.

September 7, 2023 4:52 pm

Do we have to keep reading this idiot? 2020 was “some fraud” and “unclear”…Makes me puke..

September 7, 2023 6:09 pm

I do admit some slight sympathy for the argument. That is, there are republicans who constantly predict unrealistically doomy scenarios. I see far, far more hopium, and the adjacent positivist thinking crowd who openly ignores the facts and just assumes that things will work out, because that’s what feels good to them. (Also, the doomers are often actually just more hopium addicts. Or like, in 90% of right wing “doomist predictions” it’s actually, “there’ll be dark times followed by positive change”, and not “boot stamping on head for the rest of eternity.” So, half the arguments between the hopers and the so-called doomers, is whether there’ll be a time of darkness, perhaps a civil war, before everything works out. Not whether we’re on track for things to work out at all.)

“Yeah, there was some fraud in 2020 […] the bigger problems were the unlawful manipulation of voting laws and the informal rigging”

By my definitions “unlawful manipulation” and “informal rigging” IS fraud.
I’ll also note a catch 22. If the fraud is subtle, you can’t prove it happened. But if it’s blatant, well, that’s just “unlawful manipulation” and “informal rigging”. I’m concerned that there doesn’t exist a physically possible scenario that the author would lable as “fraud”.

“But I’m not ready to give up. […] Dooming is weak. […] If you can not win, you need not try.”

Herein we reach the crux of the issue. On one hand I just want to shout at him about how pathetic he is, and how he needs to learn to die with dignity, and how you don’t sell your soul to Moloch just because he’s winning.

But, fine, ignore that. So, the hope side isn’t even trying to be realistic, and that disgusts me, but, fine. While the doomer side argues for realism, The hope side argues that they’re effectual. The old, fake it until you make it. That the positivist mindset gives them strength, that by believing the illusion they can make it the reality.

My side of the crux is, it’ll never work. To begin with, just how much hopium is the correct dose? Obviously, there’s an equal and opposite position of “everything is going to be fine, so I don’t have to do anything.” But of course, the less hope you have, the more desperate you become, the more willing you are to accept difficult paths. Or at least, that’s how it is if you aren’t pathetic. I seriously don’t even understand the entire “we’re all doomed so let’s just surrender to Moloch already” mindset. Moloch won’t spare you just because you’re on his side. You don’t get anything out of surrender. Sigh. So, to get to the point, about the [Dark times before the light crowd], I don’t believe a civil war is actually going to happen, but, I do hold that it would be a serious step up from the present condition. I expect the author doesn’t believe this. If we assume the doomers are correct, or at least more correct than he his, if we grant that a civil war timeline has higher expected utility than the base timeline, you should be pro-civil war.

My basic conclusion here is, this unrealistic hope causes hopists to ignore real possibilities, and under some timelines, the marginal difference between getting a civil war, and not getting a civil war, is how optimistic we are. There are costs to all this baseless optimism, futures foregone and options set aside, all so we can try voting harder in the next election.

So, fine, maybe there is cause for hope, maybe I, and the rest of the “civil war now” crowd is wrong. However, I’d have a lot more hope in this future, if the people touting it weren’t just blatant hopium addicts who openly admit to a mindless philosophy of baseless optimism under all environments. I also observe, the arc of history has not been going well for the right. Sure, the right wins elections. Almost half of them. But every cycle, leftwing governors push the country further left than right wing officials push right. In many cases, the country moves left even with right wing presidents/congress/etc. I observe a history long trail of gloom and defeat, and while the left continues to adapt and improve, the right hopelessly waves hope at their opponent, with no plan, no adaptations, no means except the old and obsolete adages of a bygone era.

There is power in despair as there is in hope, and those who cannot wield darkness together with light are cripples, fighting with one hand tied behind their backs. I remain confident that nothing but doom awaits this pathetic ideology of blind idealism.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
September 7, 2023 6:14 pm


September 7, 2023 11:49 pm

The fact is, the Neocons in Washington are hell bent on a war with China. They have learned absolutely nothing from their ass kicking in Ukraine, and are now making all the necessary preparation’s for war with China. Washington insiders are now saying the “war against China” faction of the Neocons have taken power in Government and are going to launch war with China.
Make no mistake, the US cannot beat China in war anymore than Japan could beat the US in WW2 and for the exact same reasons. In addition, any war with China, will most probably also involve Russia and N. Korea.
Many US government officials now privately admit that the US underestimated Russia’s military power by a huge margin. That same underestimation is also true for China and N. Korea.
What is really disturbing, is that despite the undeniable defeat of NATO weapons, and tactics in Ukraine, Russia has still not shown its true military capabilities. The fact is, Russia has defeated NATO with one hand tied behind its back.
Doom? I think doom is now a foregone conclusion. Not because Russia, China, and N. Korea are evil, but because the US and NATO are totally unaware of the true military powers of these countries, and are willing to pit their weak woke militaries against them. The militaries of the US and NATO are a joke, and to insist on a war against China, Russia, and N. Korea is doom on a scale few in the US can even imagine.

September 8, 2023 12:49 am

Jdog is correct. I keep hoping that these idiot NeoCons will somehow discover that our vaunted ‘armies’ are largely invisible, our ammo is mostly gone, our manufacturing capability in the national defense arena is old and slow and we are way outgunned by the other side. Our leadership is corrupt and incompetent. I just do not think they will stop until it is too late. I would really like to be wrong.

September 8, 2023 4:36 am

Kurt ShitLicker strikes again! Nothing like a good case of Reality Denial Syndrome! Damn, I should never have taken the black pill!

September 8, 2023 5:20 pm

“Stop Dooming”- Kurt Schlichter


“That’s my thing, find your own thing.” Kurt Schlichter.