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September 29, 2023 7:47 am

A three or four way race for the Presidency, one divided generationally, geographically and ideologically, reminds us of the last time we got a Clinton in the White House. Then as now, it was the only way a Clinton could be elected. It also reminds us of the last time we had a serious four-way race with a large party experiencing its own destruction/rebirth, in 1860.

What came after Bill Clinton’s election were small wars overseas, limits on federal spending, and saxophones. After Lincoln’s 1860 election, our divided angry nation blew up, with other countries choosing sides, and sending aid to the American combatants on both sides. If and when another such fight starts here, we will receive little sympathy from the rest of the world. Perhaps they will send bits of aid, and chat over cocktails about a world made better as we fight to the last American.

If history rhymes, and some say it does, we will have our own Gromyko in 2025. Soon after, and sooner than many think, we’ll watch our country, and also the world, decentralize in powerful ways that the angry mutterers in both parties cannot understand. Entropy comes from the Greek entropia, meaning “a turning towards transformation.” It’s coming to America – and that’s not a theory.

My Gromyko Theory

September 29, 2023 9:49 pm

RFK jr. is going to run as an independent. The PTB will make it work for them. We are fucked. Our options are getting more limited all the time.