With this latest psy-op pushing EVERYBODY’S buttons, it matters more than ever that we keep our heads, and ask, “What REALLY happened?”

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

Just as it was in Dealey Plaza, and near the towers on 9/11, and in or near the Capitol on “January 6,” so is it now in Israel, just as in Lahaina: What do those who SAW what happened say about it?

For those managing such vast traumatic operations, the crucial first step is to drown out, and/or discredit, what eyewitnesses are saying, before the fog of the Official Story covers everything.

Thus it was in Dallas on that deadly day, when so many of the people who’d lined up to cheer the presidential motorcade all turned and ran (heroically) back toward the “grassy knoll,” where they had heard the fatal shots come from, and where they spontaneously rushed to catch the gunmen. Those who went on insisting that they’d heard the shots from that direction, and those whose sensory experience was otherwise at odds with the Official Story, were variously silenced, either at the time—by federal agents warning them to keep their mouths shut—or later on. Those who were later silenced often had their testimony altered, if not blacked out entirely, by the FBI and/or Warren Commission, while others weren’t so lucky, but were themselves bumped off, to safeguard the integrity of the Official Story.

And thus it was on 9/11, when so many eyewitnesses attested to their sensory experience—of (for example) loud explosions just before the towers were vaporized, and other things that, once the (toxic) dust had settled, we were made not to remember, or to know, as such memories, or knowledge, were now universally laughed off as the imaginings of “9/11 Truthers.” (Barry Jennings was one such eyewitness who did not live to testify about his own experience on 9/11.)

And so it was, again, when “COVID” struck, and all of “our free press” were thundering in unison about the “crisis” in the hospitals of New York City—just as they’d done with Lee Harvey Oswald as the “Marxist”/“misfit” who alone had pulled the trigger, and then, again, with those nineteen jihadists who’d (somehow) flown those planes into the towers and the Pentagon. In the first few months of Operation COVID, it was only some eyewitnesses in New York City who took their eyes and ears (and cellphones) out into the streets, discovering that those “overcrowded” hospitals were empty (and that was but the first of countless other revelations that the COVID narrative was actually the biggest of Big Lies).

And so it was again on, and after, “January 6,” when the (patently ridiculous) Official Story of an “insurrection” in the Capitol, and/or an “attempted coup,” was blown to smithereens—or should have been—by numerous eyewitnesses, who saw, and filmed, the Capitol Police not “overwhelmed” by those “domestic terrorists,” but ushering them in, while all the claims of brutal violence by the “insurrectionists” against the cops were shattered—or should have been—by copious footage of brutal violence by the Capitol Police against protestors. By now, such contradictory testimony, bolstered by innumerable videos, has been condemned as a seditious act, a stroke of outright terrorism—along with what a multitude of more eyewitnesses have said about what happened on Election Day in 2020, and (of course) what still more eyewitnesses have had to say about the “safety” and “effectiveness” of those “vaccines.”

And then there were those “wildfires” in Lahaina—where many more eyewitnesses are telling us that that Official Story is (like all the rest) demonstrably absurd. For those still focused on that episode (as we all should be, though who has the time?), I recommend this documentary:

And now we have this sudden catastrophic (and, perhaps, apocalyptic) war in Israel, declared after a huge attack by Hamas, whose forces’ easy breach of Israel’s nonpareil security—a massive breach unseen (?) and unobstructed, provoking no response and somehow sparking no alarms—is a story as preposterous as all the others that have been deployed against us since November 22, 1963.

So here, again, it’s urgent that we tune out the Official Story, and note what the eyewitnesses in Israel are saying (just as, for decades, we ought to have been heeding the eyewitnesses in Palestine); for, regardless of how we may feel about the peoples bleeding over there, those Israelis contradicting the Official Story are as credible as the prevailing narrative is not. This means that we must resist whatever feelings this horrific episode arouses in us (and does so—clearly—by design); because it’s through those feelings that the propaganda will, if we don’t question it, sweep all of us away, whichever side we’re on.

From Rabbi Chananya Weissman in Israel:

1. Two testimonies from Israel about the Erev Rav betrayal

[I’m hoping to get someone to translate what these two eyewitnesses have said. Meanwhile, the gist of their accounts is noted here.

[For these two videos, click on this link, not the screenshot.]

Two testimonies from Israel about the Erev Rav betrayal (Hebrew)

(1/2) The first video is from a former I.D.F. combat commander. He states in no uncertain terms that this was a betrayal from within.

(2/2) The second video shows a resident of a border community cursing out Israel’s “leaders” and stating that there were no Israeli military aircraft in the sky for 6 hours while citizens were being slaughtered.

2. “How the Hamas Attack on Israel Unfolded” (Wall Street Journal):

This short video is from The Wall Street Journal. As you watch this, ask yourself: Where were the soldiers? Where were the reinforcements? This took place over many hours in broad daylight. One helicopter with a machine gun could have taken them out. This was deliberate.

Now, since the Sixties, has “our free press” ever failed to jeer a skeptical response to the Official Story, by calling it “conspiracy theory”? So here they are gaslighting us again—a worn-out propaganda trick that only inadvertently confirms the truth that it’s attempting to “debunk.”

‘Conspiracy theories about treason are fake news and Iranian misinformation’

Israeli journalists Nir Dvori and Erel Segal warn citizens not to fall for Iranian attempt to sow fear and discord after Hamas attacks.

Israel National News

‘Conspiracy theories about treason are fake news and Iranian misinformation’

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October 9, 2023 6:57 am

A Population With Nothing To Lose

Opening excerpt:
The coming days are going to be full of western news media slyly reversing the aggressor-defender relationship and reporting as though all the violence began with the Hamas offensive, spontaneously out of nowhere.

The problem with oppressing a population with maximum force is that at some point they start figuring they’ve got nothing to lose by fighting back.

Also from Johnstone:

It’s Not The Really Blatant Propaganda That Gets You

October 9, 2023 1:32 pm
October 9, 2023 7:10 am

Why have we been getting quick and timely casualty figures out of Israelis on the latest mess over there and yet we cannot seem to get ANY numbers out of Lahaina…in fact almost NO casualty figures out of Lahaina at all?

October 9, 2023 7:19 am

I’ll take psyop for $500, Alex.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
October 9, 2023 7:43 am

more like Final Jeopardy. “What is murderous treason against s nation’s own citizens?”

October 9, 2023 8:09 am

Death total in Lahaina: 8,237.
Inside source says that is the total dead and unaccounted for.

October 9, 2023 11:32 am

Inside yer butt.

Jim N
Jim N
October 9, 2023 11:59 am

The 2020 census of Lahaina is 12702. Your 8237 figure would be ~65% of that.

  Jim N
October 9, 2023 12:08 pm

It’s not my figure.
And it includes the tourists, local workers etc.

October 9, 2023 12:10 pm

Come on……
You made that up.

October 9, 2023 12:12 pm

Because they are just making numbers up……

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 9, 2023 7:44 am

History is a lot like a movie review.

It’s written by people who had nothing to do with the making of it.

For some reason it is part of our nature to allow a small set to craft the narrative while the vast majority simply go about their lives dealing with the exegencies of day to day trials and tribulations. Those who write history don’t care about the little people, they are, quite literally, pawns in a game they don’t even know is being played. They focus on those who make the decisions, craft the policies, lead the armies and everyone else becomes part of the background.

If this was indeed a failure of intelligence than the surveillance state is a fiction. If we are moving into an AI controlled panaopticon, then this was an Israeli operation whereby they planned the mass slaughter of their own people. Either one of these is possible, but both cannot be true at the same time. Neither option is beneficial to the people, only to those who controll the levers of power. The response will give us all a much better understanding of which alternative seems most likely (although we know, don’t we?) and in the coming days we’ll get a better understanding of where they are going with this.

I’m putting my money on the Ukraine becoming a franchise of Israel based on the players and their history as well as how the geographic/demographic strategy has been playing out.

We’ll see.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 9, 2023 7:56 am

“The real damage is done by those millions who want to ‘survive.’ The honest men who just want to be left in peace. Those who don’t want their little lives disturbed by anything bigger than themselves. Those with no sides and no causes. Those who won’t take measure of their own strength, for fear of antagonizing their own weakness. Those who don’t like to make waves—or enemies. Those for whom freedom, honour, truth, and principles are only literature. Those who live small, mate small, die small. It’s the reductionist approach to life: if you keep it small, you’ll keep it under control. If you don’t make any noise, the bogeyman won’t find you. But it’s all an illusion, because they die too, those people who roll up their spirits into tiny little balls so as to be safe. Safe?! From what? Life is always on the edge of death; narrow streets lead to the same place as wide avenues, and a little candle burns itself out just like a flaming torch does. I choose my own way to burn.” ― Sophie Scholl

“Stand up for what you believe in even if you are standing alone.”
― Sophie Scholl

“An end in terror is preferable to terror without end.”
― Sophie Scholl

“Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don’t dare express themselves as we did.” ― Sophie Scholl


  hardscrabble farmer
October 9, 2023 8:45 am

Its possible but dont see how Putin would allow an even more mercan centric entity to share a border with Russia.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 9, 2023 9:29 am

Per napolean bonaparte, “history is but a set of lies, agreed upon”

  hardscrabble farmer
October 10, 2023 12:55 am

I like many of your comments Hardscrabble.

October 9, 2023 8:05 am

Israel Government “So these citizens don’t like our corruption eh? Let’s see how they like a rug pull.”

October 9, 2023 8:46 am

Search “Israel mass protests”

This is the government pulling back its protection of citizens….a little like a farmer letting the wolves take a few chicken from the henhouse…..you know, to terrify the rest of the chickens to stop complaining about the farmer when he gets hungry.

October 9, 2023 12:23 pm

Moar video from that rave..



if only those women stayed home and made sandwiches instead of being whores and chasing chads they would not be in the pickle they are right now

October 9, 2023 2:40 pm

but then the world ends up with more jews

Ash Kenazi
Ash Kenazi
October 11, 2023 10:12 pm

Ha, good one.