Via State of the Nation

Editor’s Note: If you haven’t already, it would be very wise to read every single word of the following essay.  The Baby Boomers, who were not deliberately killed off by OPERATION COVID-19, as well as their Beat Generation elders, need to pay very close attention to this highly prophetic exposé.  But, it is the second half of the Baby Boom generation who must really heed the sage advice and highly consequential wisdom imparted below.  For it is those born from 1955 through 1964 whose time has come to step up to the plate.  While the antiwar protests and peace demonstrations were being waged across America in the 1960s and 70s by the first half of the Baby Boom, we, the second half, were being trained and mentored, edified and enlighten by our older brothers and sisters who went to Woodstock and Watkins Glen.

Hence, it falls upon our shoulders to usher the present planetary civilization through the eye of the needle, if it is to be so threaded.  However, this extraordinary and unparalleled feat, during what is known as the Fourth Turning, cannot — CANNOT —  be accomplished without a LOT of help and divine assistance. See: BEHOLD! The Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood




by drowninginabsurdity

We research our failures and blind spots so that we can do better. That we may rise above the pettiness, fear and madness engulfing what should be—and still can be—a much more intelligent, free, abundant and joyful way of living, being and doing. That we may all, collectively and individually, come to fully understand why that future continues to elude us, and therefore, how to reclaim it.

Individual and collective failures can be hard to face, digest and process, but it’s a journey the times we live in are forcing each one of us to take, whether we’re ready are not. Better to be ready. People get through challenging times much better if they understand those challenges enough to adequately prepare themselves—so they know what to do when the time comes. Prepared people generally find that fear, depression and doubt are quickly transformed into courage, resolve, action and integrity.


Creation, life, the cosmos—they all have a plan because they were planned. So too should each of us have a plan—a life plan—but how do we plan our lives around a world that’s going to change in ways we can’t imagine? Or can we imagine it? Have the unique experiences of certain people over the ages given us an opportunity to peer into a dynamic future? I think they have, which is why I included some of the Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus prophecies in both my first book (2009) and the upcoming part two of the CAPITALIST COMMUNIST CONSIPARACY series. In this article I’m going to include the “Robes” prophecies.

I came across them about a year ago in an odd interview—odd because the host had a serious business program, but was interviewing a woman (Penny Kelly) who wrote a book in the early 1990’s about being given prophecies of the future by strange little beings in brown robes. Kelly claimed these beings came to her 16 times, between 1980 and 1982, showing her pictures of the future while providing some commentary and context for the events. The interview wasn’t what I was looking for or researching at the time (it was recommended via the ‘feed’) so I didn’t finish it.

While writing part two of the previously mentioned series, I became increasingly concerned over how this material can affect people emotionally. That led me to thinking about prophecies, and how they can be helpful in getting beyond the fear and anxiety that often accompanies finally coming face-to-face with the “unreality of our reality”. The truth is often grim, bleak, and even horrifying on some level, but that’s today’s truth—what about tomorrow? Then I remembered the “robes” interview and tried to dig it up.

The business interview of Kelly lacked the typical New Age dogma that tends to accompany this kind of information, but now appears lost in the abyss of a broken internet. Rather than ask readers to watch other videos of the material here, I’m going to touch on some of the important material they discussed. The book is available on Amazon and I’m looking forward to reading it. You can find information on the book and its author HERE: Robes – A Book of Coming Changes, by Penny Kelly. Note that some of that information is contradictory: the bio says the information was first published in the 1990’s, but the book wasn’t published until 2005. Regardless, the material is definitely good for this particular exercise. Below is a quote from the ‘goodreads’ bio:

“… the urging of the little men for human beings to embrace the future as something that needed to be created ‘wisely and well.”—a-book-of-coming-changes



  1. The break up of nation states including the U.S.
  2. The cabal of ruling families falling into disarray and breaking up
  3. The rise of gangs
  4. Temporary leadership nobody would listen to
  5. New societal groupings
  6. People over 70 struggling with how to cope
  7. What future ‘governments’ may look like
  8. The rise of business (corporations) to power

Along with some serious introspection, this kind of exercise is so important, this author believes that people can’t afford not to, because that’s how preparedness begins: by role-playing, or war-gaming out different possible futures and outcomes, the same way the ‘elite’ do. Remember that globalists, for over a hundred years, have always preferred the use of gradualism or incrementalism as the means of socially engineering their preferred societal changes because it prevents the shock factor—shock almost always leads to instant rejection. Moreover, during the shock state, most people don’t function well, know what to do, or how to handle the crisis. The only constant in life is change, and there’s no question the world is about to undergo some very dramatic and serious changes. It already has.


The break-up of nation states, including the United States. This would begin in three different regions in the United States, including a Pacific Northwest region that involved Oregon. That alone would have sounded crazy in the 1980’s or 1990’s, but right now, in 2023, there are already several Oregon counties attempting to leave the state and become part of Idaho. Kelly was told that states/counties seceding would be the result of more and more people beginning to dissent from asinine government overreach. I’d say we can check this one off as having a high probability of coming true.


During those 1980’s visits she was shown the “cabal”, the dozen or so ruling families attempting to take control of literally everything, and told when that cabal started to break up, there would be mass chaos around the United States. There would be incredibly difficult times ahead during this transition, including the rise of gangs.

For readers who listened to the entire 2015 radio interview embedded in THE BRINKincluding that information in your analysis of Kelly’s material here, you would be right to consider that the Deep State intentionally arming gangs and Mexican Cartels—like Obama got caught doing in the Fast & Furious scandal—is a back-up plan the elite have in place to help them keep and maintain control, well beyond the “house-to-house search and seizure” routine mentioned in that same interview. Moreover, it’s both a historical fact and human nature that people won’t turn on their own countrymen for things like that, which is why the Hessian mercenary army was hired to fight the colonists, and the UN puts foreign troop provisions in their treaties so that signatory nations will submit to foreign troop enforcement of UN mandates on their own soil.

Let’s also, not forget, it came out several years ago that the ‘government’ loves to use gangs like MS-13 to do their dirty work—from “wet work” to human trafficking—which is why so many wonderful humans created memes like this one (left) to make the point more obvious. In a previous article here, was also embedded a Eustace Mullins interview in which he explained that the Federal Reserve, being a criminal enterprise itself, often employed other criminal enterprises like the Mafia to achieve their goals. In addition, several bright political analysts have postulated this may partly be why globalists are forcing millions upon millions of foreigners into our nations—what could be considered the forced importation of a standing army—each of them being given a cell phone through which they can be instructed and paid for their efforts. With all that being said, should we check that “gang problem” prophecy off as highly probable as well? It sure looks like it. Now is the time to decide how you would protect yourself and your loved ones from gangs—now—before it happens.


The dates for these kinds of things are always hit and miss, so I don’t know if this craziness will really last until somewhere between 2040 and 2050, but it might. As always, so much depends on how we deal with things. A particularly interesting part of those prophecies, claimed that very soon (again this was said in the 1980’s) we would have a period of temporary leadership that nobody would listen to, that everybody would complain about, and there would be a lot of people saying, “No, I’m not going along with that”. Sound familiar? I don’t know about you, but there’s no way the people in this country are going to cooperate with another round of lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Kelly said this period in particular would be followed by the gangs, before the chaos became far more serious, until the dates mentioned above. She was also shown a time in which people would stop paying taxes to a government that only used the money for wars or to fill their own pockets.

We (Americans) also know our ‘government’ will continue escalating efforts to confiscate our guns, and are hoping their digital currency scheme will accomplish that through the back door, if their repeated “MAGA hat” false flags fail. Nope, and no. That’s not going to happen either.


Kelly also explained that the new societal regroupings of states/countries/cities were going to be based on needs, including things like food. Given how hard globalists are currently working to ensure a future of starvation around the world by culling millions of livestock, burning down food processing plants, and shutting down farms, that makes a lot of sense. Should you be scared, or should you be getting to know a local farmer and supporting their continued prosperity as means to protect your own future?


Something else Kelly said (in an interview) really stuck with me because I’ve already seen shades of it: that people over 70 years old were going to have an extremely difficult time with the changes and chaos. They weren’t going to know how to process things anymore because the world wasn’t going to resemble anything they had ever personally experienced. This is already happening: some are looking for creative ways to exit the stage, for others it’s drugs, and some are just tuning out completely and living in denial.

If you share in that struggle, I want you to know, sincerely and from the bottom of my heart, the world has never needed you more. We need you here, now—and if that wasn’t true, never-do-well Senicide pushers like Bill Gates and Cuomo, wouldn’t be doing it. Their need (obsession) to “kill off Granny” for a successful reality revision attempt has been discussed many, many times here on DIA. The aberrant world they want to build for the young isn’t entirely possible if you’re still in it. The skills and knowledge you possess, of how things were done in a time before big business cartels took everything over, from farming to medicine, will save many, many lives soon. None of us can know for sure what the future is going to hold, but a lot more of us will get through it in better shape, with you in it. I hope you’ll consider that, decide to stick around and get involved. Even if only to spite Billy. THAT INCLUDES MILITARY VETERANS, all over the world. There’s a reason they want you and Granny gone. Defy them, and help your fellow countrymen “build back better” in ways that actually contribute to the meaningful future and evolution of the human race.


Kelly was shown quite a bit about a time when corporations would take control, or rather be in control, as the true power behind what people still perceived as their elected governments. It was also explained to her, via the brown robes, that this period of corporate control actually began with the assassination of President Kennedy. In terms of when they actually took full control of the American government, and not the previous decades they spent scheming to acquire it, I would agree with that. If you’re new here and don’t know what that means or is going to look like, these can help:


For many years this author has explained that globalists are attempting to build their new world on the ashes of your old one. The real purpose of this exercise then, is to help you see that at some point, you’re going to be reversing that paradigm. YOU are going to have to rebuild YOUR world, on the ashes of a Cabal’s failed plans. If you and your loved ones find yourselves building new states, governments and communities, what will they look like? How will you govern them? Have you ever read the United States Constitution? Will you be able to build those communities in ways that will pre-empty the rise of new cabals, if you don’t understand history well enough to know how the old one came to power? Can we genuinely avoid repeating histories that we avoided understanding the true nature of?

At one point Kelly discussed being shown a future in which Elders were a more prominent governing feature than bureaucratic governments. Long-time readers will know this author appreciates that idea, having written about such a society in my 2010 book, WHO ARE WE REALLY 102–WHEN TOMORROW COMES. Tomorrow always comes, and ours is almost here.



“It’s a hybrid of corporate America, and the National Security state…everyone knows Wall Street and its depredations, everyone knows how corporate America acts. They’re both about the same thing. They’re both about money—sucking as much money out of the country as they can—and they’re about control. Corporate control, and political control.”

“It [deep state] is the red thread that runs through the history of the last three decades—it’s how we had de-regulation, financialization of the economy, the Wall Street bust, the erosion of our civil liberties, and perpetual war.”

“[because of the deep state]…government is broken, it’s dysfunctional. It’s grid-locked. Well, that’s true, and that is the visible government—the Constitutional government we learn about in Civics 101—and it’s grid-locked. But somehow, Obama can go into Libya, he can assassinate U.S. citizens, he can collect all our phone records, without [permission] from anyone. He can bring down a jet carrying a President of a sovereign nation, and no one seems to connect the two—the failure of our visible, constitutional state, and this other government that operates according to no constitutional rules, or any constraint by the governed.”

“Well, it’s all the National Security functions of the government—it’s the Pentagon, it’s Homeland Security, it’s the State Department, it’s also Treasury because they have a kind of symbiotic relationship with Wall Street.” [Moyers: they control the money.] Absolutely. That’s why there’s such a flow, not only of money, but of personnel, between Wall Street and the Treasury Dept.”

[Moyers: Talk more about the Nexus, the connection between the National Security State and the Wall Street]. “Do you know that about 30 blocks north of here, is a restaurant that will sell you a truffle for $95,000? Also in New York, Christies, sold a painting by Francis Bacon for $140,000,000. Now, a parallel situation, with the National Security state: the NSA spent $1.7 billion dollars to build a facility in Utah, that will collect one Yottabyte of information—that’s as much information as has ever been written, in the history of the world.”

“It costs $400, by the time the Pentagon finishes paying contractors, to haul one gallon of gasoline into Afghanistan. That’s a real extravagant amount of money. In both cases—the National Security state, and the Corporate state—they are sucking money out of this economy, as our infrastructure collapses. We have a tinker-toy power grid that goes out every time there’s inclement weather, tens of millions of people are on food stamps, we incarcerate more people than China—an authoritarian state with four times our population. Does anyone see the disparity of this extravagance for the Deep State, and the punery being forced on the rest of the country?

–Mike Lofgren, former congressional staffer for the House Senate Budge Committee (28 years) in a 2014 interview with Bill Moyers

Yes, that interview took place nine years ago, and the above quotes are from the first nine minutes. I think you’ll find the remaining fifteen minutes equally packed and worth the time. We don’t have nine more years to figure out what happened. Even if we did, as the rates of global despotism, poverty, crime, war and suffering are increasing exponentially, we would be fools to wait.

Humanity once again stands at a most important fork in the road; a moment exhilarating and exasperating, liberating and terrifying—may we have the wisdom and moral fortitude to choose the path of countless wonders.”

– Crystal Clark


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Aodh MacRaynall
Aodh MacRaynall
October 20, 2023 9:18 am

The bull-shit is in the meta-narrative. I just don’t need no “Great White Brotherhood” (some of whom seem surprisingly swarthy) ta tell me about some of this and I’m not wastin’ me precious time readin’ about it.

anon a moos
anon a moos
October 20, 2023 9:37 am

Kelly claimed these beings came to her 16 times, between 1980 and 1982, showing her pictures of the future while providing some commentary and context for the events.

Seems legit… aliens

I wonder if they talked to joseph smith first then put on a rob to play another role here.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 20, 2023 10:07 am

Saw the author’s name and figured I would avoid drowning in absurdity.

October 20, 2023 10:37 am

Regardless of how you compile all this information regarding the absolute corruption in what was our republic and our nation the results and conclusions are inescapable !
Every government alphabet agency needs a severe budget and staff cut of a minimum of 50% !
Basically an enema of biblical proportions flushing out the impacted shit built up in Washington DC and every state and local government !
Government at all levels seems to be nothing but a grouping of pathetic parasites scurrying about like feral cats covering each other’s shit in a feeble attempt to justify their existence

October 20, 2023 11:43 am

“Basically an enema of Biblical proportions…”

Stop, stop you’re killin’ me. Best laugh I’ve had in a while.

October 20, 2023 10:48 am

(Penny Kelly) who wrote a book in the early 1990’s about being given prophecies of the future by strange little beings in brown robes

So this author thinks a crazy bitch with fried brain cells from drugs in the 60’s and 70’s is some fucking prophetess. He oughta write for the Bee

October 20, 2023 11:34 am

I read, I listen and I process…I never believe 100% of anything. The general narrative is interesting, but I already understand all of this from years of observation, life and study. I cling to what I know is real, my guns and Bible. I intend, like many Boomers, to be the local solution to a global problem. I’ve survived over 70 years and I’m still moving and with luck hard to kill.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
October 20, 2023 11:34 am

Little men in brown robes…Ewoks??? Hey, this was in 1980-82. StarWarsish.

The bone is already gnawing the dog
The bone is already gnawing the dog
  lamont cranston
October 20, 2023 11:04 pm


October 20, 2023 4:26 pm

Moving a few counties in Oregon to Idaho is not a “break-up of nation states”. It is simply rearranging state borders within the nation state of the USA. However, if that was done across the entire country to try to get state borders that did a better job of grouping like-minded citizens within each state, so that each state was either nearly entirely blue or nearly entirely red, that would be a good and necessary prerequisite to splitting up the USA into two or more separate countries, which would certainly solve a lot of problems. But there aren’t enough politicians with enough brains or balls in any state, let alone most of the states, to attempt that. And at any rate it is too late. If that had been attempted 30 years ago it might have had a chance. But the NWO is only a few years away from achieving their One World Government, and they certainly aren’t going to allow any countries to break up.

October 20, 2023 10:42 pm

Seed outlets of scale are local…fertilizer is crucial also not sure of sourcing….if the farmer will need anything to continue its fuel…..and lots of it……

The bone is already gnawing the dog
The bone is already gnawing the dog
October 20, 2023 10:57 pm

Brother. What a crazy trip this was. It’s as if someone from the future was talking about the future in the past who, being in the past, would be talking about the future being in the future and seeing all this in the future he could say it was in the past while talking about the future making me believe that everything this was said in the past and yet I never knew about this book from the past talking about the present that would be the future we are in.
Waiter, fill my empty glass. This will be the last dose, I promise!