Why Do People Go for Scams?

Guest Post by Tessa Luna

Story at-a-glance

  • People often fight for their right to be swindled — even when doing so comes at a price
  • If your loved one is in that state — and it breaks your heart but you don’t want to let go — scream to the skies as much as you want to scream but please use love, patience, and constant heartfelt prayer to melt the scammers’ spell
  • Oftentimes, the tricksters manage to create centuries-long trajectories of abuse by pulling goodhearted people into their robbery schemes
  • Our entire world of today is one giant Russian doll of scams — and yet, our souls are real and strong, and our destination is light

This story is about deceit. It is about why people go for scams and why they often insist on staying deceived — even when it comes at a price.

Scammers Are Good Teachers

It may sound like a paradox but scammers can be good teachers. Cruelly, they teach us to be observant and alert. They teach us self-love and self-respect — the hard way. If we learn quickly and make an effort to not step into the same pile again and again, the scammers make us suffer a little — but then, they fall off.

Unfortunately, the world of today is extremely broken, and various scammers have inserted themselves into most positions of power. They have taken over. The world runs on scammity-scams. The scammers are modifying our language, they are printing our money, and they are destroying all things natural so that they can control the manufactured, synthetic world.

The scammers have bult impressive global empires and influential think tanks. We spend our lives dancing to their synthetic drum, and they are laughing at us, the scamees. The liars have been violating and cheating people for so long that we collectively almost forgot what it feels like to live scam-free!

The All-Pervasive Nature of the Scam

What breaks my heart is the fact that all of us end up living our entire lives inside a giant, all-pervasive, synthetic scam — and yet its manufacturers have managed to split us into various echo chambers and factions and make the members of each faction believe that they own The Truth, while “those other people” are unworthy and can be justly decimated because, well, the people of The Truth have the right to decimate the people of the untruth.

Meanwhile, the liars are spoon-feeding us different flavors of the same scam! It seems like not too many people are willing to seek the truth, whatever the truth may be, and resist every scam du jour.

As a result, the longer it takes for the people to wake up and see that we’ve all been scammed, the thicker and more unbearable the master scam becomes. The psychopaths aren’t stupid. They have a fairy tale and a spooky story for each demographic and every clan, and a lot of money is invested in making the psychopathic synthetic reality feel “attractive” and “real.” Every successful scam is a dance between the scammer and the scamee!

Our mob bosses and their servants flash all sorts of colorful, seductive, cards in front of our eyes. They say all sorts of enchanting, ego-boosting words about our superiority over others and about doing things for “our own good” — but in reality, they are just cheating all of us. They’ve been cheating us for a long time.

They’ve been cheating us because they want to cheat us and because we let them — and they keep hoping that their tricks and our bad spiritual habits will continue keeping us divided and unwilling to open our eyes wide open and look under the hood.

Remember When the Western Media Said That Hitler Was Not Bad at All?

It is rarely mentioned today for obvious reasons but once upon a time, Hitler was quite acceptable in the US.

“On November 21, 1922, the New York Times published its very first article about Adolf Hitler, the undisputable villain of today who in 1939, was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and also named Man of the Year by TIME magazine, although it was not the only time when he was featured on the cover of TIME. Here is what the experts and opinion makers from 1922 had to say about Hitler’s 5D chess.”

“He is credibly credited with being actuated by lofty, unselfish patriotism. He probably does not know himself just what he wants to accomplish. The keynote of his propaganda in speaking and writing is violent anti-Semitism. His followers are nicknamed the “Hakenkreuzler.”

So violent are Hitler’s fulminations against the Jews that a number of prominent Jewish citizens are reported to have sought safe asylums in the Bavarian highlands, easily reached by fast motor cars, whence they could hurry their women and children when forewarned of an anti-Semitic St. Bartholomew’s night.

But several reliable, well-informed sources confirmed the idea that Hitler’s anti-Semitism was not so genuine or violent as it sounded, and that he was merely using anti-Semitic propaganda as a bait to catch masses of followers and keep them aroused, enthusiastic, and in line for the time when his organization is perfected and sufficiently powerful to be employed effectively for political purposes.

A sophisticated politician credited Hitler with peculiar political cleverness for laying emphasis and over-emphasis on anti-Semitism, saying: “You can’t expect the masses to understand or appreciate your finer real aims. You must feed the masses with cruder morsels and ideas like anti-Semitism. It would be politically all wrong to tell them the truth about where you really are leading them.””

And here is a visual quote:

new york times 11211922

Knowing what we know today, this feels striking and absurd, no?

The “Chemistry” of the Scam

A scam — from the most innocent one to the one that kills — succeeds when people’s blind spots, trauma, and character weaknesses cross paths with bad intention, manipulation, bullying and hypnotic skills.

It is possible to trick a person with a pure, sunny heart (it can be done with metaphorical hypnosis if the person is not alert). But it is easier to trick a person who is unhealed, dogmatic, rigid, and dependent on other people’s opinions to feel “real.”

As a side note, I would like to emphasize the role of straight out spiritual trickery in human relations, politics, and the history of the world. We modern people think that we are above it but we are merely fooling ourselves. We are not.

Without a doubt, propaganda, bullying, coercion, and other “vanilla” methods of mind control are used by the psychopaths on a broad scale. They surgically target people’s hopes, fears, weaknesses, and pain points. But they also use methodology that is subtler, more sophisticated, and resembles the strategy of a Bad Witch.

It is not a coincidence that in the past few years, we saw entire psychographics, entire large groups of people fall like dominos, one by one — and become irrationally agitated and enchanted by memes, illogical statements, and talking points. That is not natural behavior of human beings.

Human beings are capable of acting rational, responsible, and compassionate under duress. It seems like what transpired was a deliberate hijacking of the senses using sophisticated methods of mind control.

The tweet below is tragic. I am not making fun of the swindled human being who is doing it to herself. I just feel sad for her.

Why Do People Fight for Their Right to Stay Deceived?

Oftentimes, the spiritual trick by the scammers in high chairs entails force-disconnecting the victims from their souls and making them addicted to proverbial ghosts (dogma, partisan talking points, massive fear, etc.). Once addicted, the people become slaves to the ghost in the same way a drug addict is a slave to his next dose.

This is not a joking matter. This is, indeed, a very sad situation. The aggression with which the enchanted defend their right to stay tricked comes from the proverbial ghost. They react with aggression because the “separation anxiety” they feel toward the ghost — whether they know it or not=is strong. They are terrified of losing control.

It is usually very difficult to get through to the people when they are in that state until they go through an experience (usually a painful experience, unfortunately) that forces them to expel the ghost.

If your loved one is in that state, and it breaks your heart, please remember that only love and patience can melt the spell. You are entitled to anger and frustrations. You are entitled to screaming from here to the sky. Yes, you are! But the chance of them hearing you while you speak with anger is very low. Usually, it’s love and patience that eventually break the spell. And a constant, hopeful, child-like prayer.

The Proud Educated Brain

The proud educated brain is perhaps the easiest to deceive. Why? Because our western education is about nuking the instincts and “grafting” trendy platitudes onto people minds — and the platitudes in question are typically conceived by thieves. Thievery is the unofficial, unstated goal. The entire thing is designed to boost the obedience and the ego — and to murder the curiosity and the soul.

“My theory is that when aspiring conformists — who look for love in any form — grow up without seeing the face of the machine, they remain compliant. The establishment rewards the act of betraying one’s inner child — and because it promotes self-betrayal through formal education, academics can become messenger viruses of spiritual defeat and blinding pride.”

Our educational system is designed to breed consenting slaves whose heads are filed with varied dead matter and skills needed to feed the Machine. And why would the man-eating Machine teach its fuel people any skills necessary to see through its own scam? It wouldn’t. And it doesn’t. And as a result of it, the proud educated brain is perhaps the easiest to deceive.

Child-Like Purity of the Heart

Sometimes, we get deceived because our hearts are pure, and we don’t expect to be tricked. Sometimes, we think that other people’s hearts are as pure as our hearts. A classic example would be a child who gets deceived by a thief because the child has never previously encountered a thief (this happened to me personally when I was a kid, and to this day, I wonder how low a man should fall to steal from a child).

Another example would be the pure-hearted locals in the western hemisphere who treated the European travelers in a spiritually appropriate manner, with hospitality — and ended up murdered, raped, enslaved, and driven out of their ancestral lands by the great resetters of the time.

To add insult to the injury, the great resetters had the nerve to say that they were slaughtering innocent in the name of God, which, in my opinion, was an extremely scammy and blasphemous claim because neither murder nor theft are known to be godly acts, and the motives of the great resetters had a lot more to do with gold and slaves than with anything divine.

We cannot change the past but we can mourn the great reset of the past as much as we mourn the great reset of today. Longing for spiritual justice has healing power.

Bartolomé de Las Casas: An Interlude About the Power of Seeing Through Scams

In the words of the 16th century Spanish missionary Bartolomé de Las Casas, who had started out as an enthusiastic enforcer of the Spanish rule but, seeing the torture and the greed exercised in the name of “God,” later repented and dedicated his life to defending what he felt was spiritually right, “the reason why the Christians have killed and destroyed such an infinite number of souls is that they have been moved by their wish for gold and their desire to enrich themselves in a very short time.”

And here is the kicker. How ironic and awful is it that back then, the sacred concept of Christianity was used by power-hungry political actors in the same way “public health” is used today? How tragic is it that the world as we know it was shaped by the Faucis of the day?

A Double Scam

This is something I think about a lot, and it breaks my heart. Oftentimes, the cruel scammers manage to create centuries-long trajectories of abuse by setting up one group of people against another, by encouraging arrogance, and by pulling good-hearted people into their robbery schemes. This way, they ensure lasting trauma and hurt feelings — and in addition to that, they never fail to eventually swap the roles!

For example, at the time of “developing the New World,” the globalists — represented at the time by the Vatican and various European powers — pushed the tired and abused European riffraff to abuse their fellow human beings, the inhabitants of the western hemisphere. The campaign was a great success. The Natives got a bloody great reset, and the globalists got control over the “New World.”

Temporarily, for a few generations, the puppeteers allowed the productive European riffraff to own the land, get rich, and hold their heads high — but, as it usually works in the town of betrayers, it did not last.

In 2023, the globalists are working hard to return the riffraff to their original state and to dispossess everyone except themselves of the land, as a part of the great reset 2.0. What they are doing to the American middle class is much gentler than what they did it to the Natives — but the ambition to dispossess is there, none the less.

To make it more grotesque, as the globalists are looking to enslave us all, they are swapping the roles and pontificating about “indigenous rights” — while, let’s be honest, they are keeping the land they own and acquiring even more land. Methinks, the sooner we see that we are in a scammy game of the musical chairs, and that it’s been regular people against mob bosses all along, the sooner we will actually defeat the great reset.

Turning Compassion Upside Down

Recently, I had a trivial but painful experience. I talked to a dear, brilliant friend for the first time since COVID and learned that he had supported the mandates. Not viciously, not in a rude way — but in his heart, he supported vaccine mandates. It was a difficult conversation. The camaraderie and the mutual respect were there — and yet he supported the mandates, and I had suffered so much pain in the past 3.5 years because of the people who supported the mandates.

Oh, I grieved it. The trickers played a number on my beloved friend! I wanted to understand him, and I asked him why he felt the way he felt. I didn’t accuse, I listened.

It turned out that it was compassion driving his choice to support the mandates. In his heart, he had linked the injections to saving people from horrible suffering, and the “antivaxxers” to condemning people to horrible suffering. He bought into it. He has always had a compassionate heart, and so — based on a scam — he made up his mind to support the … abuse of people like me. I thought about it, and thought about it — and then let it go.


Yes, I am heartbroken by the fact that people are so easily tricked into being the most myopic, cruelest versions of themselves. In the past ten years alone, we saw how one by one, different groups were taken out. Good people were lied to, fed stories, and swindled out of being aligned with their all-knowing souls.

I believe that sincere people can be excused for getting temporarily captured by targeted mind control techniques. Those are tough. What breaks my heart, however, is that so many people don’t stop being mesmerized when their loyalty to a ghost requires abuse. To my senses, the prospect of hurting the innocent should wake people up from the trance of dancing to the scammers’ drum in an instant because it’s … abuse! It should, it really should. But it doesn’t.

And so the people cheer for humiliating the grandma killers, the antivaxxers, the members of this ethnicity or that ethnicity, the followers of this religion or that religion — and, drunk on the fairy tale of the scam, they feel good about it, too. They feel righteous about harming others. Oh, my heart.

Light at the End of the Tunnel

The times are dark, it feels like. The divisions are deep. It’s hard to look around and not cry out to the skies, “Why, dear God, why?” But difficult as it may be, it only makes it more crucial to choose the light over darkness, love over betrayal, and spiritual honestly over lies. Let us please reject the scammers and choose spiritual honesty over lies.

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Notify of
November 10, 2023 6:55 am

Is this article from Tessa Lena? Or Luna?

November 10, 2023 1:22 pm

I am fairly sure it is Lena.

November 10, 2023 8:36 am

democrats love being lied to…………its in their genes.

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
November 10, 2023 4:33 pm

Oh yeah, it’s just the democrats.

November 10, 2023 8:45 am

Stupid or greedy.

WHY: the 💚 of $$$$
WHY: the 💚 of $$$$
November 10, 2023 10:31 am

“Bernie promised (and delivered) 12 to 20 percent returns for his clients, no matter how the market was moving.”


November 10, 2023 3:51 pm

Usually greedy

November 10, 2023 10:39 am

Indoctrination, that’s why. Conditioning, from childhood:




How To Subvert Subversion with Yuri Bezmenov

November 10, 2023 12:01 pm

Human nature. It has often been pointed out that you cannot cheat an honest man. All scams are based on greed and dishonesty. The people who get scammed are always trying to get something for nothing.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
November 10, 2023 12:25 pm

Organized religions are a scam. Quite likely the most massive.

Justin Johnson

How far are you willing to go to learn the truth? Would you continue if it meant learning that you are wrong? If you can do this, you are on your way.

What if learning the truth meant that your friends were wrong? We all like to think we know a little more than our friends do. This should not be too hard.

What if discovering the truth meant that what was popular and celebrity was wrong? It is possible. After all, wise men say, “What is popular is not always right.” We have already established that the average Joe and his friends can be ignorant.

What if accepting the truth meant that learned scholars and doctors were also wrong? In a world where the primary tool of truth is reason, this may be more difficult to believe.

However, we also know that scholars do not agree on everything. Perhaps there is room for error after all. Could it be that entire schools are wrong about what is true? Entire denominations? Entire countries?

What if knowing the truth meant that most every historically significant man, scholar, teacher, or philosopher for the past two thousand years was wrong? Would you still accept it? Would you still want to know it, knowing you would be alone?


I chose in the affirmative. I’d rather stand with others but for truth I’ll gladly stand alone.

2 Timothy 2:15 KJB… “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

November 10, 2023 12:31 pm

Burning Bridges, Giving Up, Forgiving, and Reconciling
Covid fractured many relationships – can they be salvaged?

Another aspect of Davos family (and thereby, societal) destruction.

“I’ve just been playing the Trout Quintet on the phonograph. Listening to the andantino makes me want to be a trout myself. You can’t help rejoicing and laughing, however moved or sad you feel, when you see the springtime clouds in the sky, the budding branches, moved by the wind, in the bright early sunlight. I’m really looking forward to the spring again. In that piece of Schubert’s you can positively feel and smell the breeze and hear the birds and the whole of creation shouting for joy.” ― Sophie Scholl


November 10, 2023 1:08 pm

Each is fooled by his own credulity.

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
November 10, 2023 4:41 pm

I’m just guessing here, but maybe, just maybe, the reason people go for scams may have something to do with the fact that compulsory government education, mass media and “smart” devices have turned to vast bulk of the public into stupid, mindless, blithering idiots. And you thought Idiocracy was entertainment.

chuck zilich
chuck zilich
November 10, 2023 10:07 pm

greed and arrogance. probably some guilt or fear in there too.