The Financial Jigsaw Part 2, Chapter 2 – US WAR ECONOMY – CHINA & RUSSIA DON’T CARE! – Ben Gurion Canal – The Good Life – God is my Shepherd – [11-18-23]

There is nothing hidden which will not manifest or anything carefully concealed that will never become known and not come out into the open. Therefore, pay attention to how you listen [Luke 8:17-18]

In order to plan a Protect & Survive Strategy the machinations of the global control freaks need to be understood.  There’s much more insight to read this week – nothing is ever what it appears to be.

The American War Economy is to distinguish a War Economy from the Peace Economy and it is an amazing fact that Supply generates Demand.  It is known that we make worse decisions when hungry, stressed or frightened; that our physical makeup is influenced by the genes inherited from distant ancestors and by our mothers’ health during her pregnancy.

Abundant evidence indicates that people who grew up in homes marked by chaos and deprivation will perceive the world differently and make different choices than people raised in safe, stable, resource-rich environments.  Much of our reactions to life’s events are beyond our emotional control unless there has been specific training and effective counselling.

Is it possible that President Vladimir Putin is slowly re-evaluating his geopolitical assessment of Israel?  To call this the key riddle in Moscow’s corridors of power is actually an understatement.  According to geneticists, “Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians have almost identical proportions of Caucasus and Northern European components and have virtually no Asian influence.”

Sometime during 800AD, small bands of adventures explored from the North to the land of the Slavs. These Varangians (or Rus as they were also called), were Vikings (my tribe), or Norsemen who went eastwards and southwards through what is now Russia, Belarus and Ukraine mainly in the ninth century. The name “Russia” is taken from this group. Eventually, the Vikings built forts along the rivers and settled among the Slavs.

Permit me a short diversion from modern times with this extract as a lesson for the warmongering Anglo-Saxons of today. “In 860 AD, these people (Varangians) dared to attack Constantinopolis itself, laying waste to the countryside and ransacking churches. The Patriarch Photios, whose writings have come down to us, writes of “a dreadful bolt fallen on us out of the farthest north” and a “thick sudden hail-storm of barbarians burst forth”. This depiction of the Varangians as a force of nature really does underline the apocalyptic fury the Byzantines witnessed.


The response of the Byzantines was a fascinating one, rather than reacting in kind with a punitive expedition, they responded in a restrained Roman fashion, seeing an opportunity to make these violent pagans into a valuable asset. Instead of soldiers, they sent missionaries. Clearly, these Byzantine missionaries were able to persuade the elites of the Rus that cooperation was more profitable than war, and by the end of the 860s the Rus had begun to convert to Christianity and ally themselves with the Byzantines.”

So now I move to the present: one stunning statement on October 13, at the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Summit in Bishkek, Putin blasted Israel’s “cruel methods” employed to blockade Gaza, and compared it with, “the siege of Leningrad during WW2.”

“That’s unacceptable,” declared the Russian president, and warned that when all of Gaza’s 2.2 million civilians, “have to suffer, including women and children, it’s hard for anyone to agree with this.” Sources

The Anglosphere Economic and Social Warfare. The purpose of economic warfare (which goes hand in hand with military warfare) is to, “shut down and loot the resources of the targeted economies and subject these countries to increasing levels of poverty and depopulation for the benefit of the Western financial elites”, which in the course of the last few years have become exceedingly wealthy.  There are several instruments being used by the Globalist Parasites to accomplish these goals, especially:

  • The Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • The rendering of entire economies and sectors in the Global South to US/UK investment companies like BlackRock plus Western mining and grain corporations represented by Newmont, Cargill and Monsanto et al
  • The generation of large-scale famines particularly in Africa and other developing nations
  • The de-industrialisation policy in the West caused by free-trade agreements, outsourcing manufacturing which has significantly increased unemployment and poverty, especially in the UK, US, and Canada. The middle class has been sharply reduced in western countries.
  • Global spiralling of energy, water, food, and property prices which put basic necessities out of the reach of many consumers
  • The COVID scamdemic-imposed lockdowns, economic destruction in 190 countries since 2020, and caused economic impoverishment of the masses.

Western countries colonised 80% of the world’s surface and in the process destroyed the economies of Africa, Asia, and Latin America for more than five centuries, (for example, just ask the Chinese – they haven’t forgotten the Opium Wars), spreading poverty and famine.   The British looted $45 trillion from India and killed up to 165 million Indians through periodic famines, massacres, and de-industrialisation accompanying high taxes.

According to British Professor Jason Hickel (Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts) said, “Britain used the $45tn flow of tribute from India to finance expansion of toxic capitalism in Europe, regions of European settlement, Canada, and Australia.” [He forgot South Africa].

A Member of the Indian Parliament, Shashi Tharoor put it in a speech at the Oxford Union in July 2015, “India had 23% share of the world economy when Britain arrived on its shores.  When the British departed [15 August 1947] it was below 4%, simply because India had been governed for the benefit of Britain.  Britain’s rise for 200+ years was financed by its depredations in India.” [And of course many other provinces beforehand].

Colonialism and the slave trade had a similarly destructive impact on the African continent. For 400+ years, more than 20+ million Africans were enslaved by Britain, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Holland, and France. The US/UK/NATO have fuelled 285 wars since WW2  throughout the world by arms transfers and military training, as well as proxy invasions and direct invasions.

These wars include the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Libya, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Angola, Ethiopia, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Congo-Brazzaville and Nigeria. The US has given military assistance to 51 out of 54 African countries.

EXAMPLES of US Aggression across the globe:


Why are Western Leaders so Eager to go to War with Nuclear-Armed Russia and China?  Is it about Depopulation?  With AI and robots, Israeli historian and WEF mouthpiece asks, ‘What do we need so many humans for?’

Israeli historian and World Economic Forum adviser, Yuval Noah Harari is back in the public eye, making the Forum’s case for a depopulated world.  Harari doesn’t come right out and say, let’s kill off half or more of the human beings on the planet. No, he’s more subtle and cagey in the way he approaches the subject; he backs into it.

Listen carefully to the philosophy of the most dangerous organisation on the planet that most Americans have never heard of – the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its chief philosophical adviser, Yuval Harari.  Elitist WEF mouthpieces like Harari must have a seething hatred for the human race. Perhaps someone should remind Harari that he is also human, and in desperate need of serious therapy.  Instead of technocracy and its depopulation agenda perhaps Harari should set his eyes on Jesus Christ and what He teaches about the value of human life?

The WEF philosophy is not some fringe ideology; it is the philosophy of nearly every government in the Anglosphere, the Western NATO alliance, and the same alliance now angling for war with Russia, China, Iran, and the Global South. The WEF also has the allegiance of many globalist US governors, from both blue and red states, which have travelled to Switzerland over the years to pander to Klaus Schwab, Harari, and the rest of the ‘Davos Death Cult’.

Governors Brian Kemp of Georgia, Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, and JB Pritzker of Illinois attended the WEF’s 2023 summit earlier this year. Eleven members of Congress also checked in at Davos in 2023 along with Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Chris Coons of Delaware, and Krysten Synema of Arizona. Billionaire business leaders from many industries joined the party.

The most represented countries at the 2023 WEF summit, not including the host Switzerland, were the US (27.2% of all attendees) and the U.K. (9.1%), followed by Germany (4.3%).  Today’s leaders in Western governments and businesses, incestuously enmeshed in public-private partnerships, are obsessed with their PsyOp, “net zero carbon emissions” and a worship of technology, especially artificial intelligence and quantum computing (Patrick Wood expounds on this in his latest article here).

They are desperately looking for ways to eliminate large swaths of the very humans they have always disdained and believe they no longer need. Eliminating carbon will cause mass extinctions in the years to come. Plants require carbon. Humans and livestock emit carbon. “Net Zero” will bring famine and starvation to and unbalanced world. However Almighty Nature (Gaia) always wins in the end and man’s puny efforts will go for nothing.

But the Globalists can’t wait on climate hysteria to do its job. If they can use the deep-seated hatreds ingrained in various geopolitical hotspots such as Russia-Ukraine, China-Taiwan, Serbia-Kosovo, India-Pakistan, and Israel-Gaza, to accomplish their depopulation goals, they will not pass up the opportunity. In each one of these flashpoints, you see almost no effort to negotiate a peaceful resolution. The dogs are out of the doghouse and they are circling the wagons, salivating for human blood.

In the eyes of the Obamas, Bidens, Bushes, Clintons, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Nikki Haley, Justin Trudeau, Emanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Klaus Schwab, King Charles, and the rest of the ‘Davos Death Cult’®, the more bloody and destructive the coming WW3, the better. They crave it like a vampire in need of a fresh vein. They can’t wait to get the killing started.

Unless these parasitic psychopaths are somehow miraculously removed from power, the US and its allies will engage in another world war, and it will likely kill more people than WW1 & 2 combined. The technology has advanced so much since the 1940s that these monsters are able to be much more efficient in their eradication of human life.  On the other side of this coming calamitous event, they plan to usher in their new ‘Digital Reset’™, eliminating all cash, Big Ag, fossil fuels, and freedom.

But it doesn’t have to be so. America faces no threat from abroad. The only threat they face is from inside their borders where sleeper cells have been allowed to infiltrate by Globalist Traitors in the deep state government supporting disastrous immigration policies for decades.

Let’s pray that a new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, will be a positive force for change in Washington.  He can do nothing alone, but this is the first good news we have had out of Washington, and God willing, it can be a first step toward the full exposure and removal of the blood-thirsty Globalist NeoCon War-Hawks who currently rule the roost.

Exposing The Darkness

The OCCULT is the Spiritual Foundation of the United Nations. The Stage is Set for the Coming One World Government under One World Leader.

UKRAINE has a deep and dark history. The Rothschilds and their Khazarian mafia have gained a foothold in nations across the world since the mid-1700s. The tentacles of the ‘House of Rothschild’ reach into the monetary policy of 85% of the countries worldwide but Russia broke free from this global financial octopus as Putin aggressively worked at paying down its IMF debt (Rothschild controlled), and by 2006 Russia had paid off their debt.

Putin had successfully extracted Russia from the stranglehold of these criminal Banksters, yet for this heroic feat, Putin has been characterised as the bad guy ever since.


Editor’s Note: The Western system is undergoing substantial changes, and the signs of moral decay, corruption, and increasing debt are impossible to ignore. With the Great Reset in motion, the United Nations, World Economic Forum, IMF, WHO, World Bank, and Davos man are all promoting a unified agenda that will affect us all.  To get ahead of the chaos, download this free PDF report, “Clash of the Systems by clicking here. Sources


This looks plausible, Hat Tip Richard Medhurst.  Is Gaza being exterminated to make way for the lucrative Ben Gurion Canal which will cut across Israel to the Red Sea [at the port of Eilat]?  The lucrative oil and gas fields off Gaza will be able to ship directly into the Indian Ocean.  It’s a competitor to the Suez Canal which was planned way back in 1963 cutting across Israel and connecting the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea.


The canal would give the US and Israel control over a key choke-point in the world for military ships, grain exports, energy and other commodities.  The planned route of the canal goes right through northern Gaza, and many analysts believe that Gaza is being destroyed and wiped out right now to make way for the construction, which would bring in billions of dollars a year for Israel and grant Israel control over the waterway.

BUT is there more to this plan than just a puny canal?  The objective is to achieve US-Israeli Maritime Dominance against the people of the Middle East. In the current context it constitutes a hegemonic project led by US/UK-NATO-Israel and it’s consistent with Netanyahu’s, “Plan to wipe Palestine off the Map”.

Is Israel Destroying Gaza to Control World’s Most Important Shipping Lane? The Ben Gurion Canal Linking the Eastern Mediterranean to the Gulf of Aqaba


OPERATION DEMOLISH GAZA: The Well-Concealed Back Story

Is the Rothschild Banking Empire Global Paedophile Network’s link to Israel about to be exposed?

What is the UN good for? Where is the Human Rights Commission When It Is Needed?


The Counterculture was primarily a response to the meaningless ‘debt-dependent consumerism’ that had already taken hold of Western societies and economies post WW2. The core values of the Counterculture everyone has forgotten were:
  • Learning how to make and repair things oneself
  • Frugality – using what is given free to humanity by the grace of God.
  • Rejection of debt as a means to acquire meaningless ‘stuff’

I submit that the value of these life precepts will become increasingly visible and necessary. As I’ve explained before, reliance on debt incentivises the most destructive and unsustainable traits of human nature by choosing the painless, sacrifice-free option of pushing costs into the future, the removal of any incentive to become more productive and efficient, and the optimisation of the illusion that the future will painless and be able to, not just service the current mountain of debt, but an entire mountain range of debt that will pile up as borrowing increases. Sources

Dr. John’s Blog –


A rebellion is coming, and there are (at least) two ways it could go:

John Rubino’s Substack
This Is What Inflation Does To Our Kids


“God is my Shepherd.  I will lack nothing.  In grassy pastures He makes me lie down; He leads me to well-watered resting-places.  He refreshes me.  He leads me in the paths of righteousness for the sake of His name. Though I walk in the valley of deep shadow, I fear no harm, for you are with me; your rod and your staff reassure me. You prepare a table for me before my enemies.  You refresh my head with oil; my cup is well-filled.  Surely goodness and loyal love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the House of the Most High for all my days.” [Psalm 23:1-6]



  • BOOM’s weekly review on Tuesday November 21, 2023
  • The Financial Jigsaw Part 2 – December 2, 2023 – NEW [DIGITAL] WORLD ORDER

REFERENCE – My Books: “The Financial Jigsaw” Parts 1 & 2 Scroll:   including regular updates.

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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November 18, 2023 2:19 pm

How is Johnson going to save America when he is tied to…………………


November 18, 2023 2:28 pm

I think the author needs to rethink his line “we have nothing to fear from abroad”.

OUR GOVT has ruined untold MILLIONS of lives in this world…………..



November 18, 2023 6:07 pm

“Let’s pray that a new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, will be a positive force for change in Washington.”

Very good post, but the above sentence is too optimistic. Johnson is just another swamp creature. It is impossible for anyone with integrity to rise very high in the government of any country. Replacing McCarthy with Johnson was just to provide a slight course correction for the advancement of the NWO agenda, which the WEF is the principal spokesman for at the present time. They are going to achieve all of their goals, including a reduction of the world population to 500 million. Prepare accordingly.

November 18, 2023 7:44 pm

An excellent and multifaceted article Peter. Many thanks.

November 20, 2023 8:12 pm

Perhaps someone should remind Harari that he is also human, and in desperate need of serious “injury.”
That moment when your brain completes the sentence before you even read it…