THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Female serial killer strikes in Florida – 1989


Richard Mallory, a storeowner in Palm Harbor, Florida, is last seen taking a ride with Aileen Wuornos. The following day, his car—containing his wallet, some condoms, and an empty vodka bottle—was found abandoned in a remote area of Ormond Beach. Nearly two weeks later, his body turned up in a Daytona Beach junkyard with three bullets in his chest. Mallory’s murder was the first of seven committed by Aileen Wuornos over the next year. Perhaps because she was one of the few women killers to gain widespread fame and notoriety, she was inaccurately dubbed “America’s first female serial killer.” Her case was heavily publicized through television talk show appearances and a documentary, The Selling of a Serial Killer.

Wuornos had been the victim of abuse and neglect herself. Her parents split before she was born and her father, who had been arrested for child molesting, killed himself while awaiting trial in a mental institution. When her mother abandoned her at a young age, Aileen was sent to live with her grandparents. But she was kicked out of their home when she got pregnant at age 14. From 1974 to 1976, Wuornos operated under several aliases and amassed an arrest record for offenses including drunk driving, assault and armed robbery. In 1986, she became romantically and criminally involved with a woman named Tyria Moore.

In late 1989, Wuornos began her infamous killing spree. Five months after Richard Mallory was killed, David Spears was found dead, shot six times with a .22 caliber gun in the woods of Citrus County. At around the same time, another male body turned up nearby that appeared to have been killed with the same type of gun. Three additional men met the same demise during the summer of 1990.

When the seventh victim was found in November, the media was alerted to the possibility of a serial killer. After receiving several tips, detectives caught Wuornos in a seedy biker bar in January 1991. With Moore assisting police, Wuornos decided to confess to the killings but claimed that they had all been done in self-defense. When a jury found Wuornos guilty on January 27, 1992, she screamed out, “I’m innocent! I was raped! I hope you get raped! Scumbags of America!”

Wuornos was sentenced to death, and was executed on October 9, 2002.

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November 30, 2023 8:24 am

I watched the documentary about her and the movie they made. She had a horrible life. Her mother (she was a real wackjob) left the family and kids with their dad. Her uncle was raping her when she was 7. When she told her dad he beat the shit out of her and not just once. I think they lived in Michigan or Minnesota. Her dad kicked her out when she was around 11 (I don’t recall exactly). She lived in the woods nearby under a fallen tree in the middle of winter. I could go on but you should watch the documentary. It’s very sad what was done to her. All the men she killed was around her dads age. I’m not making excuses for her and what she did was wrong. However, if you ever think life sucks watch that documentary and you should see how lucky you are. Anyway, I prayed for her.

November 30, 2023 2:02 pm

Horrendous abuse –

November 30, 2023 1:58 pm

Sounds like someone in that family had a lot of Presidential appeal.