All Four “Pillars Of Civilization” Are Under Attack By An “Anti-Human Death-Cult”; Shellenberger, Carlson Unload On Global Elites

Via ZeroHedge

As world leaders gathered over the weekend for the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, they faced an uncomfortable reality check from the conference president Sultan Al Jaber, who stated, “there is no science out there, or no scenario out there, that says that the phase-out of fossil fuel is what’s going to achieve 1.5C,” warning that their fossil-fuel policies would “take the world back into caves.”

Nevertheless, no lesser mind than Vice President Kamala Harris pledged another $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund at the summit, seeking to help developing countries adapt to the “climate crisis” as well as decreasing fossil fuel production, according to CNN.

The cult-like worship of (and escalation of) these policies is what led to tonight’s discussion between Tucker Carlson and Michael Shellenberger, author of the must-read “Apocalypse Never”, highlighting the increasingly obvious disconnect between global elites and the general public – most specifically in the context of environmental policies.

“We know that the pillars of civilization are cheap energy, meritocracy, Law and Order, and free speech and all four of those pillars are currently under attack,warns Shellenberger in his typically erudite and fact-based manner.

The hypocrisy is simply Orwellian.

As Shellenberger recently wrote on his Public substack, flying on private jets to a climate conference to announce plans to make energy even more expensive for working people is bread-and-circuses, except there’s no bread, and the circus consists of rich people celebrating their wealth, morality, and superiority.

Carlson begins by pointing out that the drastic climate change policies are “fundamentally nonsense,” asking Shellenberger just how long this “posturing” of environmentalism can go on:

“We’re watching people push an Orthodoxy at increasing volume with increasing hysteria and with increasingly severe penalties for disagreeing…what is that?”

Shellenberger replies:

“Global Elites used to pretend to care about people but they’re not even pretending anymore…”

Adding that that cheap energy was “currently under attack,” explaining how it directly affects “modern civilization”:

“you start with cheap energy, but you can’t maintain modern civilization without cheap energy.”

He argues that “environmentalism used to have a kind of utopian positive side – that’s all gone.”

Sadly, but clearly, the two highlight the fact that financial interests are behind the push for renewable energy sources, claiming that oligarchs and political figures are promoting expensive and inefficient energy sources to control energy markets.

This is particularly clear from the detrimental influence of the ESG movement on the oil and gas industry.

Simply put, the current environmentalist movement has become nihilistic and anti-human.

“So,” the journalist continues, “the attack on cheap energy is truly an attack on modern civilization and it should frighten us and we should be aware to, and alive to it.

Shellenberger concludes with perhaps the most poignant thought of the whole discussion:

What gives me hope is that I think it’s finally becoming obvious to people that it’s a scam

…and that the people that are pushing this really hate civilization, or at least they hate civilization for others.

They want it only for themselves and that they’re in the grip of a really dogmatic cult philosophy.

I mean, I think it’s fair to call it a death cult at this point, when you’re stifling energy supplies that are necessary to keep people alive…

I don’t know what else to call it other than an anti-human death cult.”

Carlson replies:

“that’s right. It’s not environmentalism. It’s the snarling face of tyranny.”

Watch the full interview below:


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December 5, 2023 9:16 am


Nature Is Healing: Business Owners Near George Floyd Square in Minneapolis Sue City for Loss of Income and Massive Losses in Property Value

It is not futile. It is essential . . .

anon a moos
anon a moos
December 5, 2023 9:48 am

asking Shellenberger just how long this “posturing” of environmentalism can go on:

For as long as it takes… They’ve been saddling and flogging this dead horse hard since the early 70’s so they aint about to quit now. The definitions are fluid and vague for a reason, longevity. Stealing your wealth for as long and as much as they can.

December 5, 2023 11:15 am

A billion here, a billion there… and soon…

December 5, 2023 12:28 pm

The government is bankrupting America and the American citizens, as fast as it can. Your government hates you and is trying its best to destroy you…..

December 5, 2023 3:19 pm

And yet, people insist on having government.

“But who would build the roads if there were no government?

“You mean to tell me that 300 million people in this country and 7 billion people on the planet would just sit around in their houses and think “Gee, I’d like to go visit Fred, but I can’t because there isn’t a flat thing outside for me to drive on, and I don’t know how to build it and the other 300 million or 7 billion people can’t possibly do it because there aren’t any politicians and tax collectors. If they were here then we could do it. If they were here to boss us around and steal our money and really inefficiently build the flat places, then we would be set. Then I would be comfortable and confident that I could get places. But I can’t go to Fred’s house or the market because we can’t possibly build a flat space from A to B. We can make these really small devices that enable us to contact people from all over the word that fits in our pockets; we can make machines that we drive around in, but no, we can’t possibly build a flat space.” ― Larken Rose

December 5, 2023 10:28 pm

Bullshit. Complete bullshit. If you think government is necessary to provide basic services and infrastructure, then you are as stupid as stupid comes. The purpose of government is to enslave the population and to make their exploitation possible…. by force.

December 5, 2023 7:54 pm

The billion dollar baby with the jew wife and that perpetual scowl on his face, like he’s really sincere to do something he will never do. Add cucker carlson to the comment above about the jews using communism to run a game on the poor.

December 6, 2023 6:16 am

That the f*****g idiots even think a 1.5 degree drop in temperature world wide is possible should show anyone that they are nuts.