Doug Casey with Some Thoughts on Phyles, Islam, and Warfare

Guest Post by Doug Casey

I trust you’ll excuse some “stream of consciousness” style writing on my part. My crystal ball showing what we’ll see in the years to come is a bit cloudy. But I think the concepts below will tie together in disturbing ways…

Let’s start with the subject of phyles.

The concept of phyles originated with the sci-fi writer Neal Stephenson, in his seminal book The Diamond Age. I’ve always been a big fan of quality science fiction. There’s no question sci-fi has been an excellent predictor of both social and technological trends.

The book, set mostly in China in the near-term future, posits that while nation-states still exist, they’ve been overwhelmed in importance by the formation of phyles. Phyles are groups of people who are bound together by whatever is important to them. Maybe it will be their race, religion, or culture. Maybe their occupation or hobby. Maybe their world view or what they want to accomplish in life. Or it might be a fairly short-term objective. There are thousands—millions—of possibilities.

The key is that a phyle might provide much more than a fraternal or beneficial organization (like Rotary or Lions) does. Phyles might provide insurance services very effectively, since a like-minded group—held together by peer pressure and social approbation—eliminates a lot of moral risk. It might very well offer protection services; a criminal who might not fear taking out a citizen “protected” by a state, would think twice before attacking members of the Mafia.

People are social. They’ll inevitably organize themselves into groups for all the reasons you can imagine. In the past, technology only allowed people to organize themselves by geography—they had to be in the same area. That’s changed over the last century, with the emergence of the train, the car, and especially the airplane. The same with communication. The telephone and television were huge leaps, but the Internet was the catalytic breakthrough. It’s now possible for people to reach out all over the world to find others that are their actual countrymen—those with whom they have a real kinship—not just some moron that shares a piece of government ID with them.

As things develop, people will discover—or create—places where their loyalties lie. The nation-state has mostly been an inefficient, counterproductive, and expensive nuisance; it’s rapidly becoming completely insufferable. And dangerous. The people living off the State (which is to say acting as parasites upon their “fellow citizens”) are, however, going to resist having their rice bowls broken. Undoubtedly they’ll use the coercive powers of the State to try to maintain the status quo. The military and the police (whose loyalties are first to their coworkers, then to their employer, and only then to those whom they’re supposed to “serve and protect”) will be out in force wearing riot gear.

The last major change in social structure was catalyzed by the printing press. The Internet is doing that today. But what will prove the modern equivalent of gunpowder? My bet is some type of nanotechnology.

I’ve long been a fan of nanotech as a world changer. Technology has always been the friend of freedom and the common man. Sure, the powers of suppression usually get first access to new technologies, always try to monopolize them, and use them to keep the “masses” under control. But in the end the cat always gets out of the bag. The common man always gets hold of new technologies.

Even though the State is using an intimidating variety of technologies to keep its subjects under control, technology is evolving much faster and spreading much more broadly, to the benefit of people in general. The end of the State will, I suspect, be precipitated by the Nanotech Revolution. In the years to come, nanotech will, in many ways, be an analog of gunpowder. But thousands of times more potent.

It will do a number of things to totally overturn the current world social order. It will, among many other things, show that (at a minimum) the State no longer serves a useful purpose. It will act as the means to facilitate treason, which is sometimes a good thing—the US founding fathers were treasonous against Britain.

But I’m jumping just slightly ahead of the story. Nanotech is going to become the major force in the world over the next generation. But you’re not going to have to wait nearly that long for things to start happening.

Let me draw your attention to two important things that are just starting to happen, right now, that are going to lead to a New World Order. But not at all like the one envisioned by Bush, Obama, or Biden.

Economic Collapse

I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this. If you’ve been reading our publications for any length of time, and don’t think we’re in for something unprecedented, then we haven’t been nearly as clear—and alarmist—as we meant to be. Economic collapse doesn’t mean the world is going to come to an end; it just means there’s going to be a major change in who owns what and how things are produced and consumed. Our main focus is to suggest investments that should not only weather the building hurricane but allow you to profit from it.

One thing militating towards the creation of phyles is governments increasing inability to provide the services that people expect from them. Even while governments are extracting hugely more in taxes, the people are beset by inflation, economic depression, financial chaos, and regulatory havoc. People will increasingly realize the State isn’t a cornucopia that can solve their problems but is, in fact, the main cause of their problems. They’ll start withdrawing loyalty from it.

People will start organizing themselves into incipient phyles (although they probably won’t call them that), using the Internet. Meanwhile, governments of the world are increasingly clamping down on the Net, recognizing it for the subversive medium that it is, seeing that it’s unmocking their game.

Among other things, economic distress usually leads to military action, as governments try to find an outsider to blame for their problems. The tendency is compounded by the perversely wrong-headed notion that a war can somehow cure a depression. I expect military events will play a significant part in the sea change—just as they did during the agricultural and industrial revolutions.

Military Collapse

Like any other bureaucracy, the military is completely predictable, and so is again fighting the last war. Spending $200 million on a single F-35, $2 billion on a single B-2, and many billions on a single aircraft carrier is simply crazy. These technically amusing toys would have been helpful for fighting the armed forces of another nation-state—like those of the USSR. But those largely disappeared decades ago. In today’s world, with a shift to unconventional warfare—terrorism, guerrillas, cyberwar, and biological war among others—they’re about as valuable as cavalry before WW2.

Besides, the attack won’t come from Russia, which is on its way to demographic, economic, and political collapse anyway. Or from China, who know they don’t need a military confrontation when it’s just a matter of time before they win through economics and demographics.

The real military threat to the U.S. (and China, Russia, and all the other nation-states) is what’s evolving in the Mohamedan world. The average Muslim takes his religion much more seriously than the average Christian. Maybe that’s just because Islam is a simpler religion. More likely though, it’s because Muslim world is much poorer and generally more backward than the West; it might be said they’re still sociologically where the West was during the Middle Ages.

Be that as it may, there are 1.5 billion of these folks, and they feel badly treated. Osama bin Laden spelled out, clearly and publicly, the three reasons for his jihad—of which the average American is totally ignorant. One, Western support of Israel. Two, the presence of Western troops in Islamic countries. Three, Western support of corrupt puppet governments throughout the Islamic world (almost all of them, but prominently including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan). His views were factually correct. And the facts greatly antagonize hundreds of millions of poor Muslims, who feel they have a lot to gain, and almost nothing to lose, by fighting the infidel.

But what’s the nature of this War Against Islam, which shows every sign of cyclically heating up with the conflict between Israel and Hamas, and spreading catastrophically?

It’s not a war against another nation-state; most Islamic governments are pathetically incapable of fighting a real war. Their armies are now, and always have been, used exclusively for suppressing the population.

Islam is, however, capable of fighting a type of religious “people’s war.” Because they may not be uniformed and organized into conventional units, and because they attack only small or soft targets, the mujahidin (“terrorists” from our point of view) look like the guerrillas we saw in the 20th century. But they’re not. They aren’t fighting a war of “liberation.” They don’t have a central command. And they’re not typically trying to overthrow a government.

Stupidly, the US government (and its proxies) responds by using all kinds of impressive and very expensive hi-tech devices to kill small numbers of fighters. Which is not only non-productive, but totally counterproductive. Every fighter who’s killed (forget about innocent wedding parties) gives rise to ten more young, motivated fighters. And these people have the highest birthrates in the world.

This isn’t like fighting the Vietnamese, where there was at least a leadership hierarchy. It’s not like fighting ants or bees, where if you kill the queen, you win. It’s more like killing cockroaches in your apartment, when they infest the entire building.

Sidebar here. I’m not using the word stupid as a pejorative, or because I can’t find a thesaurus. Nor am I using it to denote a low IQ; some people in the US government have quite high IQs. I’m using it in either of two other senses. One: as the inability to predict the consequences of actions. Two: as an unwitting tendency towards self-destruction.

Anyway, it’s stupid to focus on things like Osama’s Al-Qaeda, and its many look-alikes. That organization was just a flag planted in the sand, to draw attention to the cause. The movement has long since metastasized, and there are now undoubtedly hundreds of informal little organizations, some of whom are friendly toward each other, some of whom are bitter rivals. But all of whom share a common goal. They all watch each other and learn from what the other does.

It’s like the early days of the auto business, when there were hundreds of companies. They were all innovating as rapidly as they could and all watching each other in order to profit from each other’s advances. They didn’t particularly like each other and were in true competition, but they had the same goal, and everyone immediately applied advances in technology that anyone else made. Open source warfare is unstoppable.

By comparison, the US is like GM today. It’s got a research lab that comes up with good stuff now and then, but at a huge cost. And whatever it does come up with is applied slowly, bureaucratically. It will be completely overwhelmed by what amounts to a military marketplace.

Which is another point. The mujahidin buy all their technology off the shelf. They may be poor and superstitious, but they’re not stupid in the way they’re dealing with the US. We attack them with a million-dollar (hard cost only) missile; they counterattack with a $1,000 IED. We attack them with an airstrike, using hundreds of millions of dollars of aircraft; they counterattack with a suicide bomber, at about zero cost. The US takes out one of their leaders; they attack a city like Paris and create mass hysteria.

In the near future, you’ll find these people carrying out mass and random assassinations. Blowing up power transformers. Cutting fiber-optic and electrical cables. Doing nasty things in the air-conditioning systems of high-rise buildings. Sit down and brainstorm for 15 minutes about what you’d do if you really wanted to punish The Great Satan. If you don’t scare yourself, then you don’t have much imagination. Their return on investment is almost infinite. That assures the US will go bankrupt on the path it’s currently on. They don’t need NSA supercomputers; all they need is a few laptops, cell phones, some stuff you could buy at Radio Shack, instructions on the Internet, and a few buddies who share a common goal. And none of this postulates nanotech devices, which will be created in thousands of garages in the years to come.

A determined guerrilla war is almost impossible to win, as the French found in Algeria and the Americans found in Vietnam. The reason is that if you’re fighting guerrillas, you’re almost certainly fighting the average guy in a country—which means you’ve got to kill almost everybody to win. If you’re fighting a guerrilla war, be assured that you’re an outsider, and you’re on the wrong side (even if you think you’re the good guy).

An open-source guerrilla war (to use computer jargon) is a new thing and much worse from the nation-state’s point of view. For one thing, it’s almost impossible to win. That’s for the same reason the behemoth IBM had its lunch eaten first by Apple (founded by a couple of hippies in a garage), then the PC (with thousands of independents writing code, strictly on their own). It’s the nation-state fighting hundreds of what amount to phyles, whose main common denominator, at the moment, is that they’re all Islamic. But that’s going to change soon.

What’s going to happen? The US is going to lose this undeclared war catastrophically. The defeat is going to occur, in part, because it’s going to accelerate the ongoing bankruptcy of the US. The US is also going to be soundly defeated on a strictly military level. A nation-state can no more win against phyles than tribes could win against kingdoms. And nanotechnology, which will give individuals the power that only armies once had, is just in its very beginnings.

Incidentally, phyle warfare is going to spread way beyond the Muslim world. My guess is that will occur in at least two other circumstances: the unwinding of dysfunctional government structures in most Third World countries, and internal economic collapse in some advanced countries.

You’re going to see this all over Africa and all over the parts of the world the Europeans colonized, creating artificial nation-states by drawing arbitrary lines on maps, with no regard for who was already living there. About 100 countries in the world have absolutely no business being countries to start with. Lots of little phyles are going to spring up, not to take over the collapsing governments of Africa (which are nothing but vehicles for theft anyway) but to facilitate their destruction and replace them by something local. Or nothing.

The Europeans and Americans will call them “failed states”—an accurate description. But they’re too stupid to realize that a failed state is actually a good thing today—the next stage of what’s going to happen. Somalia provides an early indicator. Governments, with their hugely expensive capital naval ships, are incapable of preventing teenagers in dinghies from controlling major sea lanes. Worse, governments are preventing commercial ships from arming their crews so they can effectively engage pirates. Governments are incapable of protecting merchants, only capable of preventing merchants from protecting themselves.

Phyle warfare isn’t going to be restricted to Africa, the Islamic world, and the like. It will arrive in America. All kinds of groups—outlaw bikers, skinheads, religious right types, local sovereignty enthusiasts, young Hispanics, BLM and Antifa types, and groups of every kind—could easily form loose networks, as opposed to tight organizations, sharing little more than dissatisfaction with the status quo.

The world has been evolving ever more rapidly as time goes by. The recent rise to legitimacy of so-called NGOs (non-governmental organizations) is another straw in the wind. They have lots of money, lots of clout, generally stupid ideas, and stick their noses into everything everywhere.

I’ll bet the next changes we see in the world will be turbo-charged. And bigger than anything that we’ve seen, or read about, so far. The Greater Depression may just serve as a background for all this—just a sideshow in a much bigger circus.

Editor’s Note: The months and years ahead will be politically, economically, and socially volatile. What you do to prepare could mean the difference between suffering crippling losses and coming out ahead.

That’s precisely why, legendary investor and NY Times best-selling author Doug Casey just released this urgent report on how to survive and thrive.

Click here to download the PDF now.

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December 13, 2023 3:14 pm

The US president also said that he felt an “unquestionable” connection to the Jewish community. “I ran into trouble and criticism when I said a few years ago that you don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist, and
I am a Zionist
,” he added, speaking to a gathering of some 800 people.

December 13, 2023 5:14 pm

Well, Resident Biden, this orthodox rabbi in Israel says Zionism is opposed to Judaism and that Palestinians are his countrymen:

Speaking of the word Semite:

There, Fixed It For You!

December 13, 2023 10:35 pm

That’s because they have it in their self-made-law that they can lie to the goyim.

December 13, 2023 3:44 pm

sci-fi has been an excellent predictor of both social and technological trends.

The ubiquitous ‘They’/(((They))) always have to tell you what they’re going to do…so there’s that. Can only mean they subscribe to the concept of Karma…and apparently are afraid of “God”.

December 13, 2023 5:13 pm

“Besides, the attack won’t come from Russia, which is on its way to demographic, economic, and political collapse anyway.”

What kind of a stupid asswipe is this delusional?
Doug Casey is an idiot.

December 13, 2023 9:12 pm

I agree. And his ‘phyles’ idea sounds like tribalism. Since people are being brainwashed by global corporations into a standard way of thinking real diversity is diminishing rapidly. The phyles dream may happen when the coming globalist system collapses, but it’s not the way the world’s heading.

December 13, 2023 11:56 pm

So Russia WILL attack us? 🙂

Look at the demographics of (ethnic) Russians, it’s bleak.

December 14, 2023 1:26 am

We’re so lucky the demographics of caucasian Americans isn’t bleak!

December 14, 2023 2:18 am

Never said it wasn’t. But no one here would call me a delusional idiot for talking about it happening in the West, unless they wanted to be like ‘yeah but what about the Amish!’ or somesuch dumbfuckery.

Who the hell says caucasian, can you not say white over there?

December 14, 2023 8:25 pm

Nice projection.
Cool your potato hot pocket!

December 14, 2023 9:39 pm

what projection?

December 13, 2023 8:52 pm

I invite the Muzzies to join me on the field of battle in Appalachistan. I like my chances.

December 13, 2023 9:55 pm

Seems that the mass corporate media and globalist are engaged in divide and conquer techniques creating tribalism.
… to promote chaos.

December 14, 2023 4:34 am

Everyone can make $98 or more in a month. I am a full-time college student$$
Everybody copy & open now$……..𝐆𝐞𝐭.𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲𝟒𝟗.𝐜𝐨𝐦
who works 3 to 4 hours every day on this job and earns thousands of dollars per month

December 14, 2023 7:53 pm

A billion and a half muslims? Ahh,what to do,what to do.Hhmmmm,maybe we could vaccinate ’em?

December 14, 2023 8:26 pm

New coronavirus vaccines are here!
They now come conveniently in the popular 5.56 size.