THE FINANCIAL JIGSAW PART 2 – Chapter 3 – Setting the Geopolitical Scene 2024 – ‘The Great Taking’ – Is Renewable Energy Viable? A Miner Speaks – Ancient Wisdom – [01-06-24]

Nations can succumb to pride and a wrong view of wealth and so can individuals. Jesus gave a parable that showed how subtle this snare can be. [Luke 12:16-20]

Not one nation has been able to arrest the progression of a Final Solution conducted by a ruthless ideology revealed in 2020.  The Anglosphere elite are the perpetrators and we are the prey.  BRICS+ in the Global South have yet to make their play. Yet it also opens up the startling possibility that no power will be strong enough to oppose the ‘Axis of Resistance’ when the siren calls to action.

2024 may see the Axis achieve a supreme moral imperative, recognised and urged by global populations who are heartily sick of the American criminal state weaponising the ‘Rules-Based-Order’; their rules, our orders.

We are at a razor-edge as the New Year kicks off; evaluating the incandescent symmetry between impotence and imperative. The deadlock must be broken which might occur, sooner rather than later, with a whimper or a bang.  There is a distinct comparison with the Ukraine deadlock.

The current impasse between Israel and the emerging Islamic nationalists mirrors December 2021, when Russia proposed a treaty on the “indivisibility of security” which was turned down by Washington. In hindsight, that was the last chance for a peaceful exit from the clash between the Heartland and Spykman’s Rimland.

The Hegemon rejected Russia’s overtures and so Russia made its move on the Global Chessboard, thus accelerating exponentially the decline of the Hegemon. But the song remains the same, from the steppes of Donbas to the oil fields of West Asia. How can the multipolar Global South, increasingly represented by more than half the global population within the expanded BRICS, manage a raging, fearful, and out-of-control imperialist West staring into the abyss of moral, political, and financial collapse?  Sources



At the risk of oversimplifying: ‘The Great Taking’ offers a warning that a virtually unknown entity called, “The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation” (DTCC), is effectively the “owner” of all publicly traded companies in the world, and also all debt-based assets of any kind.

“It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end-game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass.

Included are all financial assets and bank deposits, all stocks and bonds; and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment; land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will likewise be taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses which have been financed with debt.”

The DTCC is involved in clearing trillions of securities transactions each day. [Clearing firms are typically global investment banks and Primary Dealers, such as JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, and HSBC and indicates the importance of “cleared” funds in global finance and trade]

The corporation plays a central role in settling transactions between buyers and sellers of securities, reducing risk, and protecting the integrity of the Global Financial System.  The DTCC is a member of the US Federal Reserve System (Fed), a limited-purpose trust company under New York State banking law and a registered clearing agency with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

It’s possible that, in the event of an even larger financial crisis than that which we have already experienced, (each event is typically an order of magnitude larger than the previous one), everybody holding publicly traded stocks on platforms gets taken to the cleaners.  I wrote, in the Introduction of my book, about the last major bank robbery in Cyprus in April 2013 and, as always, some mysterious and shadowy entity wound up with all the marbles.

In the event of yet another global financial crisis, we might expect an end to the global financial system as we know it, and not in a way wherein society simply continues as a world of penniless serfs, subservient to the 0.001%.  CAF has already predicted that 2024 might be the trigger that fires the final round of weapons aimed at the global financial system; by another name, it’s called “derivatives” which Warren Buffet described as, “a weapon of mass financial destruction” (WMFD).

It might be more of a “last gasp of Globalism” than a final takeover of the world.  Here are some closing thoughts from the book’s author: “I will make a startling assertion. This is not because the power to control is increasing. It is because this power is indeed collapsing. The “control system” has entered collapse.

Their power has been based on deception. Their two great powers of deception, money, and media, have been an extremely energy-efficient means of control. But these powers are now in rampant collapse.

This is why they have moved urgently to institute physical control measures. However, physical control is difficult, dangerous, and energy-intensive. And so, they are risking all. They are risking being seen. Is this not a sign of desperation?

This has also been my read on it from fairy early in the pandemic, and more so since, especially after the Canadian Freedom Convoy. Official narrative aside, that event sounded the death knell for not only COVID tyranny but for WEF-inspired globalism itself.

Within a year of this happening, all Covid emergency measures had ended worldwide, vaccination uptake rates went into secular decline, and the mainstream media entered into a full-on death spiral.”  Webb continues:

“We have entered a time in which their nature is being recognised. Knowledge of their existence has become unavoidable. Their grasping will come to an end because all of humanity cannot allow it to continue.  Once it is recognised, humans will bond against a common existential threat.

People from all walks of life will join in a common cause. We have witnessed this already.”  It follows a theme I’ve been writing about for many years now, one that I didn’t originally conceive but came across and seems accurate: The theme is that the next, worldwide conflict (WW3), will not be a geopolitical struggle of the US vs China, or West vs East, or NATO vs China/Russia: it is populations against their governments.

It almost fits the historical definition of the Marxist “class struggle” but hopefully we don’t end up in a Communist “utopia”.  Marxism posits that the struggle between social classes—specifically between the bourgeoisie, or capitalists, and the proletariat, or workers—defines economic relations in a capitalist economy and will lead inevitably to a communist revolution.”

I think this is what people are rebelling against: the imposition of a technocratic socialism that attempts to hoover up the property rights of the rest of humanity. Those attempting to capitalise on this, the elites and their technocratic lackeys, have only really had one superpower with which to build their position over time.

“They promote the belief that they are all-powerful. They are not.   All they have had is the power to print money. The rest, they have usurped from humanity.”

“In the future, there will only be one occupation: managing one’s wealth. And most people, are going to be unemployed.”  I see a Polycrisis happening right now which Dr. John wrote about recently HERE.



These two accelerating dynamics conspire to create a veritable “Breakaway society” where those who are positioned, and have cognitive ability front-run the technology in the future whilst the herd, who can’t, are left behind and live in the past.

The main difference is that Webb’s ‘Great Taking’ proposes a deliberate plan driven by successive generations of insular elites, whereas the concept of a Polycrisis is more the result of system failure, with perverse incentives and dynamics, rather than a deliberate intention.  Professional systems specialists know they are rarely ‘designed’ – they evolve – as actors come and go.  But the reality is probably elements of both.

It is prudent to have debt-free property somewhere, farmland, anything that I can lay physical claim to although I could find a situation where I have to somehow enforce my claims and this is the Achilles Heel of any wealth-preservation schema now that the ruling Banksters have finalised their special rules of law after many decades of trial and error.

If ‘The Great Taking’ scenario does come true, it would be a permutation of a catastrophic collapse to which ‘Localisation’ in general is the antidote. I expect equities to be among the first casualties, with bail-ins (Cyprus was the test run), capital controls, forced conversions into government debt, re-capitalising zombie banks, and “windfall taxes” taking much of what’s left.  Read Mark Faber’s Gloom Boom Doom report and know that he expects to lose upwards of 25% of his wealth through confiscation by technocrats during a future crisis.

In a single move, Yemen’s Ansarallah has checkmated the West and its rules-based world order changing everything going forward and confounding the pundits.

Russian tankers, as well as Chinese, Iranian, and Global South ships, continue to move undisturbed across the Bab al-Mandeb (narrowest point is 33 km) and the Red Sea.  The pinpointed target is the Israeli economy, which is already bleeding heavily. A single Yemeni move proves to be more efficient than a torrent of imperial sanctions; read more HERE.


“Billionaire mining financier, Robert Friedland recently gave a 40-minute speech on “green” energy, the “net zero” transition describing the gobsmacking amount of resources required for it, and much more.  It’s fair to say the hairy armpit crowd isn’t going to be too happy with Bob. Here are some of the juiciest nuggets to chew on, as summarised by Brandon Beylo (@marketplunger1) on Twitter X.  If you’re a long-time reader, you’ll be no stranger to the points Friedland makes.”

What does “energy transition” mean?

  • “You have a billion people that burn firewood. They have no access to electrical energy.”
  • “We’re burning more coal and more oil today than in the history of the world.”
  • “We spent $4T on solar panels for hydrocarbons to still capture 83% of energy source.”
  • “You’re not going to stop global warming by buying an electric car.”

On electric cars and EV batteries

  • “With current lithium-ion technology, the destruction we cause, the global warming gas we cause, we might as well sit on our chairs and do nothing.”
  • “You just bought your wife a coal-burning car by buying an EV.”
  • “The current generation of EV batteries will be toast in 2-3 years.”
  • “I would short every lithium company in the world.”
  • “We’re going to kill the lithium hydroxide business over time.”

Common metals vital for the transition

  • “If we’re going to have a transition, we need common and abundant materials. We can’t rely on things like nickel.”
  • “The batteries they’re making now are low-grade lithium metal. You don’t need nickel, cobalt, graphite, They’re out the window.”
  • “You want batteries made out of common materials so billions of people can use them.”

Womb-to-tomb examination of net zero

  • “Look at the whole system if you’re trying to eliminate global warming.”
  • “The Chinese are saying 2060 and India is now saying 2070. What does that tell you?” “There’s zero chance that the twelve major automakers will find enough nickel to make their batteries.”“The amount of metal we need doesn’t exist currently in a way that’s green or sustainable. It’s apparent to any readily intelligible person.”
  • “How can we stop burning coal and oil and not have an energy transition?”

Two competing paradigms

  • “We have two competing tribes. One tribe says ‘I want to save the world, I’m green, I need cobalt, nickel, platinum, or palladium’. The other tribe says ‘Holy shit, the Army/Navy wants these metals for national defense.’”
  • “The intensity of metal demand in conflict is beyond your wildest imagination. In WWI you needed a telescope to see the price of copper.”
  • “So we’re heading to a world where both tribes have a strong demand for more metals. We’re balkanizing the world into two camps and it’s tearing the global supply chains apart.”

A very difficult time

  • “It does appear that the world is warming, and there’s zero chance we’ll reduce that. The question is how bad will it get?”
  • “I was in CA recently; it was $6.20 per gallon. The average citizen is pissed off.”
  • “I agree with Jamie Dimon that this is the most dangerous time since I’ve been alive.”
  • “The Fed are idiots. They told us that inflation was over. And it’s not even close.”

We need to reinvent the mining industry

  • “First of all, we have to try to mine in the United States. No intelligent person has tried to do that in the last few generations.”
  • “Everything is blown out of proportion because mining is viewed as a bad thing.”
  • “We also have to determine what metals we actually need for the future, which is copper.” “Imagine you’re plugging an EV 1MW charger. Our grid is literally a 110 year old lady waiting to die. The Chinese tell me it will take $21T to rebuild the electrical grid.”
  • “Our grid is like balancing a pencil vertically on your palm. There’s no storage there.”
  • “The symbol of the US, the bald eagle, is flying into offshore windmills. They’re just chewing them up. Who wants to live near them? They’re very low density.”
  • “At least real miners know how hard it is to actually find metals and mine it.”

Energy consumption

  • “A Google search requires 1,000 joules of electrical energy. You think it’s free, but it’s paid for by advertising.”
  • “You think the internet is green? You know how much energy it requires to use AI/ChatGPT? You think Bitcoin/crypto is green?”

Importance of copper

  • “I don’t know if we need gold. But I do know we need copper. And we need it really badly.” “Having said that, I’d rather there be gold in my copper. Because people will always want gold.”
  • “People are getting rid of their excess copper because they’re de-stocking to reduce their interest cost. But we’re nearing the end of de-stocking and paper selling.”
  • “This huge clash is coming between Army, Navy, Air Force and the Greening of the world economy. And the miners have an unbelievable burden to make that happen.”
  • “At the same time we need these metals, it’s harder to get the equipment needed to mine the metal!”
  • “The miners have a very important role to play to supply the world with the metals it desperately needs.”

Importance of Saudi Arabia

  • “If Saudi Arabia can’t maintain basic energy security, we’ll have $200-$300 oil. We need stability in that pricing. At $100-$300 oil, people in Egypt don’t eat.”
  • “Saudi is playing a beneficial role by keeping oil between $70-90 per barrel.”

Audience Q&A

  • “The valuation of the mining industry relative to the S&P 500 is the lowest in living memory. The general person thinks that mining is evil and must be eliminated.”
  • “50% of what goes into an EV is hydrocarbon. If we stopped producing oil, half of humanity would die from starvation.”
  • “I don’t think we understand how formidable the Chinese are.”
  • “In a Balkanized economy, we went from a Just-in-Time supply chain to a Just-in-Case supply chain.”
  • “How much metal do we need to build nuclear reactors?
  • How much steel, concrete, rebar, nuclear engineers do you need to build these things?” “The problem is that the world economy is Balkanized. Where is the steel coming from? Where are the pumps coming from? The French want nuclear power, and the Germans are burning coal. Even within Europe, its Balkanized. That’s all I see.”
  • “I think the mining industry needs to defend itself more. Where do you think stuff comes from? There’s the hardware of the mine (tons, grade, engineering). Then there’s all the people around the mine (locals). There’s invariably a clash with the locals around the mine. Unless they’re buying into it, it’s not going to happen. That’s the software around mining.”

On knowing where things come from

  • “People don’t realize where things come from. As people live in urban environments, they forget where things come from.”
  • “We need to communicate the importance of mining and humanize it as an activity. We need to mine in the United States. We need to figure out what should be mined, where we’re allowed to mine, and how.”

SURVIVAL MONITOR – Wisdom of the Ancients

The Creator’s faithful servants will provoke the rage of those who oppose Him. As a result, a coalition of nations will attack the Faithful on Earth. This act of mad aggression is described prophetically as the attack of Gog of Magog [Ezekiel 38:14-15]. How will the Creator react to this vicious attack?

He tells us: “My great rage will flare up” [Ezekiel 38:18-23].  Revelation Chapter 19 describes what happens next when His Son is sent to defend the Faithful and to defeat their enemies. Jesus will be joined in this counterattack by, “the armies in heaven”, the faithful angels [Revelation 17:14; 19:11-15].  The outcome of this global war will be the annihilation of all faithless humans and organisations

[Revelation 19:19-21]: “And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the one seated on the horse and against his army.  And the wild beast was caught, and along with it the false prophet that performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beast and those who worship its image. While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burned with sulphur.  But the rest were killed off with the long sword that proceeded out of the mouth of the one seated on the horse.  And all the birds were filled with their flesh.” 


  • BOOM’s weekly review – Tuesday, January 9, 2024
  • Letter from Great Britain – DAVOS Special – Saturday, January 13, 2024
  • BOOM’s weekly review – Tuesday, January 16, 2024
  • The Financial Jigsaw Part 2 – Chapter 3 ‘Localisation’ – Saturday January 20, 2024
  • Letter from South Africa – Saturday, January 27, 2024

REFERENCE – My Books: “The Financial Jigsaw” Parts 1 & 2 Scroll:   including regular updates.

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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January 6, 2024 8:27 am

all debt-based assets of any kind.

So then, only the assetts that are commercially active are vulnerable?
Meaning, assetts where money is owed?
Paid off assetts are untouchable?

Thanks for reply.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 6, 2024 8:40 pm

When Evil Oligarchs make the rules, only their assets are untouchable.

January 6, 2024 8:32 am

They are mining in uSA.

Look at a satellite map of Arizona.
They have massive strip mines all over this state.

The did close down the line at San Manuel even though there is still plenty of ore.
A guy there told me, an Australian concern bought the company, and shipped all the mine gear to Australia, leaving the local mining town of San Manuel dying.

January 6, 2024 11:18 am

“In chess, there always comes a time when a simple pawn can upset the whole chessboard and whose effect simply cannot be calculated. This also applies to the global chessboard and 2024 is already at the point of pivot. This stunning and carefully targeted blockade of the Red Sea goes way beyond global shipping, supply chains, and The War of Economic Corridors.

Russian tankers, as well as Chinese, Iranian, and Global South ships, continue to move undisturbed across the Bab al-Mandeb (narrowest point is 33 km) and the Red Sea. The pinpointed target is the Israeli economy, which is already bleeding heavily. A single Yemeni move proves to be more efficient than a torrent of imperial sanctions; read more HERE”.

Peter, reading the above I flashed back to below and back in the day when I was often consumed by my love for the tactical and practical game that I loved so much.

I applied these principles in business fraud investigations with great success…they are universal.



FORCE – The strength of the pieces, both individually and collectively, also known as material advantage.

TIME – When you can focus your pieces – your material advantage, to a particular part of the board either faster than your opponent or without him realizing it, until it is too late.

SPACE – When you have an advantage in space you control more territory then your enemy, you can box your opponent in, squeezing him, restricting his movements. By applying the principle of space you can win a game by taking so much space away from an opponent that all he can do is pace back and forth in his little cell waiting for you to proceed with the execution.

PAWN STRUCTURE – Clearly the weakest piece on the board is the pawn, but in reality the pawn is the foundation on which most chess strategies are built. You can defend with pawns, you can attack with pawns, and they make excellent bait.

January 6, 2024 4:49 pm

Can renewable energy do the job? Of course not, and we’ve known that for 200 years…But it can do the job if a much smaller population is living in the early 19th century….

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 6, 2024 9:05 pm

Not just smaller numbers but very different in Character. Sustainable life negates modern cities (& their Welfare); it will become an Extinction Event for the FSA. The Amish, Mennonites, small farmers/ranchers, etc, won’t skip a beat but it will be impossible for a lazy retarded ex-urbanite “farmer” to feed his family in the Temperate USA.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 7, 2024 10:48 am

The Dec2023 BLS Jobs report strikes me like a Oct1929 Pearl Harbor Market Report: 1.5 million full time US jobs were lost and about 700,000 part time jobs created (99% Illegals); have you seen this in the MSM? Instead of shipping our equipment to Mexico, their people are coming here. I shudder to think what the Jan2024 employment numbers will be. A Recession/Depression is not just measured by Retail numbers; Employment is just as good. Numerous other signs are flashing collapse dead ahead. Banks were going broke so in Mar2023 the Fed opened them another “payday” cash window called BTFP and in 9 mos, banks borrowed $140,000,000,000. I read that business need to roll over $2,000,000,000,000 at higher rates and tighter lending standards in 2024 during a worsening Bidenomics; it’s now a game of Musical Loans; good luck finding a Punch Bowl. I think the Treasury spent $1,000,000,000,000 since Sep2023 (while the Republicans had the Budget Brakes applied trying to close the Border). Each Illegal gets $2,000 / mo plus a one time $5,000 Visa card. 100 Blue cities now issue UBI checks to Welfare Maggots; where are they getting the money? FJB & the MSM will do everything to keep the CPI numbers low until after the Communist steal the 2024 election (again), can you say Hyper-Inflation and Chaos Children?