Yeah, No – We’re Not Ready to Forgive Bud Light

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Remember how we were boycotting Bud Light for trying to impose the cultural values of your standard Chardonnay-swilling divorced shut-in cat lady upon America? As you recall, Bud Light decided that it would celebrate some ugly dude who pretends to be an even uglier woman as some sort of hero, and then compounded it by having its wine woman – it’s always liberal wine women – executive explain that its consumers are a bunch of knuckle-dragging savages who are too stupid to understand the nuances of today’s society, which apparently means pretending dudes are chicks. It was obnoxious and gratuitously insulting to its audience and just caught fire. We are fed up with having giant faceless corporations trying to impose their garbage values on us, and Bud Light happened to step into the kill zone. And it got crushed.

So, whatever happened to that? What happened to the conservative unity? We finally took a scalp (a streak continued by the destruction of pinko Harvard’s reputation). Well, as conservatives often do, they have squandered their advantage for about 30 pieces of silver.

Bud Light looked at the conservative movement and did the smart thing. It paid tens of millions of dollars to a bunch of pseudo-conservative influencers to buy their acquiescence. It literally paid off a bunch of people whom we conservatives are supposed to respect to get them to tell us that, no, it’s all cool, it’s fine. Now, perhaps I am cynical. Perhaps they actually thought Bud Light had redeemed itself even before the suds corporation started stroking checks. Chet the Unicorn, who loves Bud Light, thinks so.

So, I guess we don’t need to be boycotting it anymore. Here, drink up this disgusting swell.

I’m not sure this flex is going to work. Now, I’m not Bud Light’s demographic because I like good beer, and I don’t have enough time left on the hourglass to spend it guzzling brew that does not taste appreciably different going in than I expect it does coming out. Bud Light didn’t lose me because it never had me. I might as well boycott Massengill Summer’s Eve – I’m not ever buying it either. But there are a lot of guys out there who, for reasons that I don’t understand, used to choose to drink Bud Light but have now made the choice not to. They should continue to make that choice.

As a Los Angeles trial lawyer, I love the cynicism of literally buying off conservative influencers to end the misery. Corporations need to do what’s right for the bottom line, I guess, though I would suggest that maybe not hiring people to market your crappy product wh hate your audience might be a better option. I would be mildly insulted if I actually cared what the head of the World Federation of Sweaty Men Rolling Around With Each Other thinks, though, apparently, the Bud Light guys believe that WFSMRAWEO is super influential. If you’re influenced by its business decisions, your judgment about culture and politics is probably just as bad as your judgment about beer. But Bud Light thinks buying out of the boycott is a great investment. And so do a bunch of conservative influencers, apparently.

So pathetic. I love all the lame explanations about how Bud Light is a great company and how it’s wonderful and how “Oh, we have to help out all these working guys who are working for Bud Light, and they shouldn’t have to suffer because the corporation they are part of wants to support an agenda that leads to the mutilation of children. Why do you hate the workers? Here, everybody have some crappy beer. Excuse me, I got to make a deposit at the Bank of Savings & Loan.”

The argument that this will hurt a bunch of guys who work for the company is not a good one. This thinking ties our hands, because there are always good people who work for every crappy company that wants to turn our society into a cesspool of gurgling perversions and weirdness. I’m not going to live my life like that scene in “Blazing Saddles” where the sheriff holds a gun to his head, and the townspeople let him escape because he’s just crazy enough to do it. I don’t believe in human shields. If we’re going to fight the culture war, there’s going to be collateral damage, and if you choose to work for a company that wants to make it easier to castrate young boys, because that’s what glorifying weirdos like Dylan Mulvaney does, well, I’m not obligated to care more about your employment prospects than you are about my society.

Tucker Carlson brought up a good point. He was observing it from the outside without taking a position, but he did mention that, at some point, maybe we should forgive. Maybe in theory, but forgiveness is not an entitlement. It’s not on a clock where you look at your watch and go, “Well, it’s been a half hour of not buying this crappy beer, so I guess all’s well and I better go get a 12-pack.”

Forgiveness requires a recognition of wrongdoing, an apology, and the making of amends. One thing I haven’t seen is anybody from Bud Light saying, “You know, we suck. We shouldn’t have glorified this weirdo and his whole bizarre agenda, and we shouldn’t have insulted and disrespected our largely conservative consumers. We were wrong to do that. That was bad, and we’re never going to do it again. We reject this whole trans weirdness, and we love you, our consumers. You’re the heart and soul of America. You built our country, you feed it, you fuel it, and you fight its wars, and you are great Americans, and we love you, and we’re sorry. We’re sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry,  and we will never do it again.” That would be a start.

And then there’s the making of amends. Paying $100 million to wrestling guys to hype your crappy brew is not making amends. Do you want to make amends? How about donating that $100 million to Alliance Defending Freedom? How about a chunk of change to some conservative content makers – it would be nice to have somebody funding some good conservative entertainment out there. How about something that actually shows that you recognize how wrong you were and that you want to make it all better?

But they don’t want to make it all better. The officers still have to get along with their 30-year-old liberal second wives – I don’t know if they actually have 30-year-old liberal second wives, but you know that none of the executives want to have to explain to their peer group how they cater to normal Americans rather than to the weirdo contingent. They don’t want to apologize because they aren’t sorry. They don’t want to promise that they are not going to do it again because they totally will. Again, this woke crap wasn’t an accident or an anomaly. This is what they think. They think that guys can pretend to be women, and that’s a good thing, and they think that their consumers are idiots rather than just guys with terrible taste in suds. And they don’t want to make amends. They want to sweep it under the rug. Their broom is a check.

And I’m just disgusted by the conservative influencers who play along. This was a great moment in cultural conservatism. This is when we all came together and said, no, enough, you shall not pass. But the minute Bud Light got out its checkbook, we got pseudo-conservatives turning to us with a straight face and saying, “Well, you know, maybe Bud Light got a raw deal.”

No, we got a raw deal. We got a raw deal from people who pretend they care about what we care about and instead care more about the almighty dollar. Millions of dollars is a lot of money, and I understand the temptation. And I understand some people are too weak to fight the temptation. But that doesn’t require that the rest of us go along with it. When you see some hack explaining why you should drink Bud Light, you should understand that the guy is not only aesthetically wrong about a terrible beer but is trying to manipulate you.

I was never going to drink Bud Light anyway, but maybe you were. Well, you’ve got a choice. Are you going to follow the instructions of the Titanium Bruiser or the Beefcake Brothers, or Bulk Bogan, and give up your boycott? Or are you going to be a man and stand up for what you believe?

There’s not as much money in that, but you’ll make a great return on investment in self-respect.

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January 11, 2024 2:30 pm

Hate agreeing with Colonel Midbrow, though even Gartman was right a few times a year. Truth is, Bud Light was unforgiveable piss, even before the spineless, craven trans-psyop worship.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 11, 2024 6:39 pm

Bud Shite is the product that “woke” up the corporate buttholes forcing DEI on their customers. They lost billions of dollars. A lesson learned by more than one company.

Net win.
Money talks, bullshit walks. Bud Shite will never be the top brand it was. EVER.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
  Colorado Artist
January 12, 2024 12:43 am

Fake and Gay Beer.

  Aunt Acid
January 12, 2024 2:43 am

Hubs makes ales and stouts. I can’t drink most of that commercial swill they call “beer”.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Aunt Acid
January 12, 2024 10:08 am

Of course it is. It’s got fucking RICE in it!!!

  The Central Scrutinizer
January 12, 2024 1:38 pm

Do you recall the “controversy” about a Bud Light commercial some years ago at a Super Bowl game. It seems someone got their panties in a wad because Busch said its butt wipe beer did not contain rice. Not that important. Just saying.

January 12, 2024 2:37 pm

Actually recalling the “controversy”, it was butt wipes reference to using no corn syrup in the brew that pissed other domestic brewing companies off. Most now use corn syrup as far as I know.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 12, 2024 6:01 pm

It’s only as important as the importance you place on the things you put in your body.

And they definitely list rice as a main ingredient. It’s no secret.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 11, 2024 2:36 pm

Leave it to this dolt to write about beer and say nothing about the American bombs that have killed 15,000 women and children so far in Gaza.

  Iska Waran
January 11, 2024 3:53 pm

Multi tasking not a thing for you I see.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Iska Waran
January 11, 2024 6:42 pm

It’s not about beer.
It’s about corporate DEI hubris and the wages of “woke.”
A worthy topic for a Thursday afternoon.

  Colorado Artist
January 11, 2024 7:29 pm

My wife like hubris and crackers.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 12, 2024 10:10 am

…and she eats them in bed, I’m thinking.

  Iska Waran
January 12, 2024 6:14 am

According to “conservative influencers” its OK to bomb as many Gaza women and children you want.
Just what the fuck is a conservative influencer that Kooky Kurt writes of ?
If you need a guru to tell you how to think at this point in time…………..your a fucking democrat !

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Iska Waran
January 12, 2024 10:09 am

Just goes to show…beer is more interesting than bullshit.

  Iska Waran
January 12, 2024 2:09 pm

I guess if one is a writer one has to write about something.

January 11, 2024 2:37 pm

Tranny Fluid

January 11, 2024 6:21 pm

I was behind a Bud Light delivery van today; I’m sure that’s what for their transmissions.

It was a small van, too, not one of the trucks. What a lonely job it must be nowadays.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 12, 2024 10:13 am

I actually let the delivery guys see the disgust and disapproval on my face when I pass them in the store. Sometimes I even say “Bud Light? Is that still a thing?” and laugh all the way down the isle!

  The Central Scrutinizer
January 12, 2024 7:57 pm

Why harrass your fellow wage slaves?
Is this part of some ingenious rigt wing recruitment plan?
“Ooh ooh ooh, I know how to win over the left….. we will insult them.”

  The Central Scrutinizer
January 13, 2024 8:08 pm

Likely your words of disapproval reminded the bud light delivery guy of the eighties commercial where a horse emitted similar hot air:

It’s ok TCS, you are still “a thing” in this community.

January 11, 2024 3:18 pm

Why did Kid Rock let off the gas?

January 11, 2024 3:41 pm

because he’s a phony

January 11, 2024 3:59 pm

has more influence than you, no name.

January 11, 2024 5:58 pm

So did Mao.

If he has influence, maybe he ought not be full of shit. TPTB like having influencers to steer public opinion of idjits who have no opinion of their own.

Klaus Schwab has influence, too. And Fauci. And Gates. What’s your point? Your only consideration is whether someone has a handle. You’re TOTALLY anonymous, too.

Fuck off.

January 11, 2024 6:22 pm

Here’s the thing. Everyone here is known and duly recorded by the various government agencies that have a need to know. There are lots of anons. Their comments stand on their own, good, bad or indifferent. Having an ID builds some creds or infamy. This is a community. I always read comments by those I know and respect. Anons, some of you are OK but not rememberable, if you comprehend.

January 11, 2024 7:18 pm

This is an echo chamber. A nice safe place to keep critical thinkers and let them blow off some steam. Organize thousands in real life and then let’s talk.

January 11, 2024 8:39 pm

The problem I see with organizing is the feebs go all Whitmer action on you.


January 11, 2024 7:33 pm

I don’t care if I get credit.
I know I have traveled farther down the theological road than a of you put together.
That said?
I realize the importance of my work.
And the work is more important than name fame.

My assignment from the creator is to overthrow the lies and traditions that are killing you all.

It’s a big job. So few of you have made any progress.

Invert everything you think you know.
You are not powerless.

January 12, 2024 2:27 pm

At least you display some resemblance of modesty. /s

January 12, 2024 7:58 pm

Modesty is for the weak of argument.

January 11, 2024 6:43 pm

Poser who admires rappers and makes fake country songs with commie Sheryl Crow.

B.S. in V.C.
B.S. in V.C.
January 11, 2024 9:24 pm

Same reason dana white caved MONEY, just more sellouts

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
January 11, 2024 3:27 pm

No mention of the JWO complex that requires culture war campaigns against us or else. Puppet companies and puppet executives are not the heart of the imaknee. But the Left successfully protests and lobbies gov. We cuckservatives can too!

January 11, 2024 3:36 pm

How about something that actually shows that you recognize how wrong you were and that you want to make it all better?
They don’t think they are wrong and they don’t care if it gets better or not. The executive offices haven’t lost one dime that was theirs. They will fire everyone in the company before they take a one dollar cut in grift payments.

Professor G
Professor G
January 11, 2024 3:44 pm

I purchase no A-B branded items and never will. I am not sure who A-B thinks its customer base might be, but I know that I am not part of it. At least for now in this country, I can still make that decision.

  Professor G
January 12, 2024 2:33 pm

I still see many people with butt wipe in their shopping carts at the local grocery stores. Yes, wal marts is one. Some of the folks I see I know casually but also know they “voted” Trump. Personally I don’t understand how a “conservative” can continue to support “woke”. Just an observation…hypocrisy.

January 11, 2024 3:51 pm

World Federation of Sweaty Men Rolling Around With Each 

Points for this^^^^^

January 11, 2024 8:42 pm

“I don’t wear tights! I wear the required uniform.”

January 11, 2024 3:54 pm

“And so the Bavarian authorities insisted that only water, barley and hops could be used to brew beer. Wheat, now widely used in the brewing of Bavarian weissbier, was also prohibited because it might harm bread production, the staple food of medieval Germany.”

RICE is not a beer ingredient, sorry Bud.

January 11, 2024 5:04 pm

Reinheitsgebot forever!

January 11, 2024 5:31 pm

So, instead of switching to the OTHER beer type (Miller-Coors), most Bud drinkers went with the same type (Modelo, owned by InBev, same as Bud Light).

It’s interesting that Bud Light did NOT go under (Owned by InBev, so worst case is a few execs trade companies), it just became even cheaper…
Why doesn’t this Schlichter guy say anything substantive when he writes? Must have an Ivy League degree, eh?

January 12, 2024 2:42 pm

Those who oppose “woke”, LGBT and Log Cabin Republicans should keep the kitchen hot in opposition to abominations. I.E. , continue to comment Bud Light is for fags.

Gaping sphincter
Gaping sphincter
January 11, 2024 5:59 pm

I hear the homos use it as an enema.

  Gaping sphincter
January 12, 2024 12:16 am

One might not think there are homos in this redneck , hillbilly area. Think again. When the bud light issue surfaced I placed a yard sign in the fence along my road frontage hand written with a marks-a-lot the message , “Faggots Drink Bud Light”. Someone took it down and otherwise stole it. I can only guess someone was “offended”.

January 12, 2024 2:54 pm

Incidentally the “sign” was attached at four corners between two strands of “bobbed ware” with strong zip ties. It’s not like the wind carried it off or the loose cattle in the area ate it. And there are no goats here that may have chopped on it. Some fag removed it. The sign was in place for three days before it “vanished”.

This brings me to an observation I made when the butt wipe commercial with the tranny came out. Along the county roads here are undoubtedly thousands of empty beer cans and bottles. Cruising at my normal low rate of speed on the county roads it is not difficult to this day seeing that empty butt wipe containers are the dominant brand. And by a large margin and I’m in an area that supposedly 85% of the “voters” selected Trump in 2016 and 2020. What I don’t get, how can someone consider themselves “conservative” and still support Bud Light?

January 12, 2024 8:02 pm

Or the Mexican construction workers are throwing empties all over the roads in your area.

the forest being missed?
the forest being missed?
January 11, 2024 6:17 pm

Eliminate as many jobs as possible by ANY available means.

January 11, 2024 6:42 pm

I am not really concerned about what the type of person who would drink Bud Light (even before trannys) does or does not do.

January 11, 2024 7:03 pm

Has Budweiser ever apologized for their nonsense?

Why should anyone forgive them?

January 11, 2024 7:15 pm

All the fag shit aside, Bud Light is just really shitty beer. Those who drink it don’t know shit about beer.

January 11, 2024 9:23 pm

Kurt will very likely not read this, but this essay is a keeper.

I remember when Bud Light came out during the 80’s. The first time I tried it was back in my senior year of college in NJ. It was April of ’83 and we had quite the unexpected blizzard. Built a snow fort outside the campus apts.

My impression back then was that it was a watered-down version of Michelob Light, except with a carbonated harshness to it.

Bud and PBR (back when it was brewed in Newark NJ among other places) were my favorite, with an honorable mention to Stegmaier from the Lion Brewery in PA (around $6 for a case of stubbies.)

Also, Lion Brewery, if you’re listening, bring back Gibbons beer.

Bud Light must have marked a turning point for the brewing industry.

I’m in my 60’s. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to experience the days when we were still ignorant of all the maniacal savagery of the psychopaths running our country.

Red pills hurt.

January 13, 2024 2:37 am

Schlitz, the beer that made Milwaukee famous!

January 11, 2024 11:07 pm

“We got a raw deal from people who pretend they care about what we care about and instead care more about the almighty dollar.”

Sounds like G.R.E.E.D.

January 12, 2024 7:53 am

Wasn’t there a song “Turn on your butt light”?

January 12, 2024 10:05 am

My advice to Kid Rock…never go full retard!