When “Good for You” is Too Good

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

The ultimate “good for you” is to be dead. At least that is what it would be if some outside authority, or entity, was watching our human behaviour and assessing what looks to be the “best” for us–meaning that if we are dead, nothing bad can happen to us. I would assume that if we fed all of the information a typical human life creates into a supercomputer, and then asked it “What is the best state of being for a human being” it would spit out, “that it never be born, and if alive, it would be safest, (best, good,) for it to be dead.”

The next notch down from this perfection would be to live in a bubble, literally. Apparently, there are some people who have no immune systems who have to do this (remember the Seinfeld episode, “The Bubble Boy”?)

The next notch down is to be a recluse, to live on some little patch of land, in a little house, and venture out only into your local neighbourhood to buy fish sticks, Twinkies, and RC Cola. You would never fly in a plane, and never drive as well.

The next notch down is the spot that most people seem to wish they occupied. This place in the sun is actually sunless. Or at least as sunless as you can make it. Here we find gobs of sunscreen, dark glasses on cloudy days, heavy coats in the fall, and umbrellas in summer. We find ourselves avoiding nearly everything that can be avoided, except the things, of course, that actually do harm us, like McDonalds’ “Big Macs” and a nice can of Diet Coke. Here we avoid travel to dicey countries (which includes nearly all of them), if we travel at all. We avoid being in the same room with someone who is coughing or sneezing or looking the least bit odd, and we essentially avoid taking any risks whatsoever. Nearly everything is dangerous, and it is best to avoid anything unknown, dubious in nature, or not recommended by the guys and gals in white coats with the antique medical device hanging around their neck.

A person at this level of existence is alive but certainly not living.

Why are people into this? Well, once again, we can thank Mr. Agenda. Before I was “awakened” I used to muse at this phenomenon and wonder how it could have happened naturally and organically. I thought about all the men clambering on board boats and planes to go to Europe to fight in the trenches in 1917, as well as in 1941. I thought of the scads of pioneers setting out on the perilous journey across the American continent during the decades after the Civil War. I thought of the untold numbers who left the comfort of their homes (which at the time probably wasn’t all that comfortable) to hazard the jungles of Central America to work on the malaria-infested Panama Canal, and the same untold numbers of brave men and women who set out on various journeys in dark and dangerous parts of the world to pursue fame and fortune, or to lend their humanitarian hand in helping others less fortunate.

Where are all of these people today? Sure, there are a few left, but nowhere as many as there used to be. Now most people are terrified to step out of their house, and if they are told by Big Brother to avoid coming close to other humans, or to wear a piece of paper or cloth over their quivering face, they do so frantically and obediently. Did this decline in chutzpah happen as a natural consequence of social evolution?

No. I don’t think so. Now I believe it is part of the plan—the agenda. Ol’ Dr. Paranoia’s mind at work again. Maybe so, but I suspect there are a lot of you out there in the same psych ward as me.

Not only have we been dumbed down, but our natural sense of “joie de vivre” has been all but entirely sucked out of our collective soul. I see this particularly in men, which needless to say have been a major focus of the agenda. But, of course, it is found in all of us, men and women alike.

We have become a nation (or nations) of wimps. When a Covid particle allegedly enters a room, we jump up on the nearest chair and shriek, much like the proverbial fragile women of the Victorian age presumably did when they saw a mouse (if they did this, it was probably all an act to help men feel more manly). Only difference is that you can see a mouse, but you must be told the Covid particle is in the air. And guess who told us? Yep, Mr. Agenda. We are wimps. Enough said. And the agenda wishes us to be wimps because fear is the devil’s greatest and most effective weapon.

Along with fear, there is the carrot—a reward for behaviour, or even an enticement to comply by convincing us whatever we are expected to comply with is good for us. And not only us, but for everyone! So, the vaccine is good for us because it keeps us from getting a deadly disease (or so we are told). Wearing masks is good for us, and keeping a “social distance” is good for us. All these things keep us safe, wearing latex gloves, sloshing poison disinfectant on our hands, and staying at home out of the swarm of Covid nasties flying about on the street. We must do what we can to live safe lives, safe from all the horrible things that nature wants to throw at us. Always remember, the agenda tells us, nature is our enemy.

And this is only part of it. We are now protected from everything because just about everything wants to take a chunk out of us. Not only that, but it isn’t even good for us to own things, because owning things is a pain, and makes our life difficult. It is much easier to just rent stuff. It is also good for us to be lazy and avoid doing anything at all. Why not play virtual games rather than travel, why not have that conference that took us to Las Vegas every year in our bedroom on Zoom? Why not have therapy virtually, or even visit our doctor through the computer or phone?

Why not get a salary paid by the government for doing nothing? How about getting an advanced academic degree without having to go to any classes? What about winning a gold medal in women’s swimming when you are a man and can beat all those little ladies’ times in your sleep? Sure, it is best for us not to drive too much or have to go out of town to meet friends or go to that cool restaurant that’s 20 miles away. It’s safer and better for us to work at home too. In fact, why not just stay at home and do everything there, and have every meal there, even if we want a nice evening without having to stay at home, which used to be a nice visit to a beautiful restaurant, with maybe some nice live music. Nope. Now it’s Uber Eats. That’s good too. It’s all good for us, safe, convenient, takes no effort or skill, and fun. We’re happy, right?

Anyone know where you can buy a nice, cheap, plastic bubble?

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February 11, 2024 7:14 am

The ultimate “good for you” is to be dead.

True, once you are dead, no one can hurt you anymore.

February 11, 2024 10:53 am

We could call the supercomputer Ecclesiastes.

Ecclesiastes 4:3 to be specific.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
February 11, 2024 10:53 am

“Amazing. Everything you just said was wrong.” – Luke Skywalker

Simplicus Carpenteria
Simplicus Carpenteria
  The Central Scrutinizer
February 11, 2024 11:44 pm

Oh come on Scrut , not all of it was wrong , though I did find some holes in his logic . Why “go out “to the Pub when its full of either a bunch of moronic cases of arrested development , or young folk engaged in waterhole mating ritual for instance ?Which is fine for them but I’m done with all that at my age andI dont think the misses would apprecaite it I didnt think I was . Why travel the world ( I’ve already done enough of that when I was quite young ,now I’m happy here in my little redneck paradise lol ). Now, where the author is totally correct is in pointing out the obsession with “security ” that comes about as a result of the chicktatership ( the nesters ) , wherass ,what is masculine in the traditional sense and oh so Rudyard Kipling ” If ‘ about the way a MAN should be a MAN , physically ,spiritually and philosophically is at odds with our modern security obsessed gyno centric culture . Sorry ladies (although I’m sure that many of you actually consciously know that you prefer a man to be man if you are on this site ) but suffer the suffrage . So yes indeedy my world has gotten quite small as I’ve gotten older but i somehow don’t feel the less for it as I am content and my mind is largely at peace regardless of whether I’m in Tahuya (key in the banjo music ) Mombassa , Singapore or Sydney or Yakuska or Carmel By The damn Sea for that matter, or sailing a sloop round the point (Lobos ) and popping my spinnaker for the downwind leg riding the swells back to the inner harbor and my slip .

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Simplicus Carpenteria
February 12, 2024 12:29 pm

I didn’t comment on the article. I commented on the LIE that once you’re dead your problems are over. In truth, they’re most likely just starting. Those are the odds. Eye of The Needle and all that.

February 11, 2024 7:31 am

Life comes with risk.
There is no more risks if you are dead.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
February 11, 2024 10:54 am


Simplicus Carpenteria
Simplicus Carpenteria
February 11, 2024 11:55 pm

Its a distinction but there is Pascals wager , which has to do with that moment in between those states of energy ( life and death , and psyops too ) .

February 11, 2024 11:36 am

“There are no solutions, there are only trade-offs; and you try to get the best trade-off you can get, that’s all you can hope for.” ~ Thomas Sowell

Following that brief discussion, Sowell goes on to say that there are three questions that destroy most of the arguments of the left:

1. Compared to what?

2. At what cost?

3. What hard evidence do you have?


Sowell from 1995 (His interviewer is insufferable, but Sowell is relentless.):

Just the facts, Ma’am. “LBJ was the primary suspect.” ~ Sowell

“An availability cascade is a self-reinforcing cycle that explains the development of certain kinds of collective beliefs. A novel idea or insight, usually one that seems to explain a complex process in a simple or straightforward manner, gains rapid currency in the popular discourse by its very simplicity and by its apparent insightfulness. Its rising popularity triggers a chain reaction within the social network: individuals adopt the new insight because other people within the network have adopted it, and on its face it seems plausible. The reason for this increased use and popularity of the new idea involves both the availability of the previously obscure term or idea, and the need of individuals using the term or idea to appear to be current with the stated beliefs and ideas of others, regardless of whether they in fact fully believe in the idea that they are expressing. Their need for social acceptance, and the apparent sophistication of the new insight, overwhelm their critical thinking. ”

“People accept the facts which come to them through existing channels. They like to hear new things in accustomed ways. They have neither the time nor the inclination to search for facts that are not readily available to them.”
― Edward L. Bernays, Crystallizing Public Opinion

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” ― Edward Bernays, Propaganda

May we PLEASE decide for ourselves what is “good” for us?

Klaus Schwab (and .gov): No.

“The truth is, one who seeks to achieve freedom by petitioning those in power to give it to him has already failed, regardless of the response. To beg for the blessing of “authority” is to accept that the choice is the master’s alone to make, which means that the person is already, by definition, a slave.” ― Larken Rose

Voting is acknowledgement that you regard yourself as a slave . . . with a master.

“Some of us realize the self-evident truth that no election, no constitution, no legislation, and no other pseudo-religious political ritual can bestow upon anyone the right to rule another. Nothing can make a man into a rightful master; nothing can make a man into a rightful slave.” ― Larken Rose, The Iron Web

“When enough people understand reality, tyrants can literally be ignored out of existence. They can’t ever be voted out of existence.” ― Larken Rose


February 11, 2024 1:16 pm

Been a fan for a long time. He speaks the truth with much Grace.

February 11, 2024 12:33 pm

I sit on a man’s back, choking him
and making him carry me,
and yet assure myself and others
that I am very sorry for him
and wish to ease his lot by all possible means –
except by getting off his back.
— Leo Tolstoy

February 11, 2024 12:56 pm

It’s partly a problem with higher quality medical abilities. A lot of things that would off a person sixty years ago can be mitigated or even fixed. So, a lot of badly fucked up people are walking warning signs about risk where in the past they’d be dead and gone, invisible. This is most notable regarding injuries in war.

February 11, 2024 11:27 pm

Inscription on my head stone: “Free of the State at Last”