The Funniest Post You’ll Ever Read About Bank Failures And Yachts

Guest post from John Wilder – you can subscribe to him here

“A major one.” – Fight Club

What did Kim call his yacht?  His dictator ship.

Last March, Silicon Valley Bank® failed.  In a big way.  Because the people who deposited money in the bank own things like yachts and senators, well, they escaped with hardly a haircut.  The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation® (FDIC™) normally ensures deposits for $250,000 per account holder.  In this case, they decided, nah, what the heck, we’ll make sure that Roku® and Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry don’t lose a dime.

Ironically, today the Internal Revenue Service sued the FDIC© for $1.45 billion in back taxes they say that Silicon Valley Bank™ owed when the FDIC© took it over.  Sure, it sounds like on part of the government is suing another part of the government for play money made up by the (non-federal) Fed™ but the FDIC™ is supposedly independent and gets its money from the member banks.

Which are members of the Fed™.  Which prints the cash.

If this sounds as incestuous as a Hapsburg family stump, well, it is.  And of course I’m going to go with a fresh meme about the Hapsburgs, because that’s what all of the cool kids are doing today.

A Hapsburg walks into a bar, the bartender says, “Why the long face?”  The prince says, “Generations of inbreeding.”

The root cause of the Silicon Valley Bank™ failure is that they lent money for long periods at low interest rates.  When interest rates go up, those loans aren’t worth a lot, at least to the bank.  Right now, my mortgage has a lower interest rate than I’m getting in checking.

Silicon Valley Bank™ looked at all the crappy loans they had, and did the math, and found out that they were worth less than zero.  Even worse, their bigger depositors heard (because depositors who own senators seem to get advance notice) and started to pull their money out.

Since those folks had friends, they told them.  Soon enough, everyone wanted one thing – they wanted their money out of Silicon Valley Bank™.  Rational people realized that if this was a problem at Silicon Valley Bank©, it was a problem everywhere.

Silicone and silicon – electrical engineers know the difference – no one trusts them around silicone.

In a thought that gives central bankers and senators cold sweats (after the previous night’s booze wears off) is the idea that people lose faith in the banking system.  Oddly, this wouldn’t be a problem if we used money made out of gold and silver, but since ours is just as much a fantasy as thinking that diversity enriches us all.

So, there’s a problem that’s impacting literally every bank.  Some big ones have failed, but thankfully Duchess Markle still has her cash so she can get enough publicity to hide from commoners like me.  What’s the solution?

First, pay off everyone so no one is scared and Oprah doesn’t have to fly commercial with mere mortals.  Second, flood the system with money.  If a bank needs cash?  Wheelbarrows of it?

Give it to them.

Thankfully Congress took a break from sending your tax dollars to Ukraine to bail out Oprah.

Last year, banks were paying 0.10% or so for crappy checking accounts.  This summer, rates started shooting up, so I snuggled into some CDs that paid a lot more than my mortgage cost.  Then, last month, I got a call from my bank where I set up the CDs.

“Mr. Wilder?  You have money in other banks, right?  If you deposit (a few thousand) dollars from accounts outside of your accounts with us into savings, I can give you a 4.5% rate on checking and savings.”


If there’s one thing I know about banking, is that bankers are not generous except to themselves, senators, and Oprah.

I check with him, drove to the nearest branch of Major Bank™ in Mt. Pilot, and tossed a few thousand in.  Could I take it out later?


I am informed this is funny because horses often live in stables, so this would be a violation of California’s work safety laws.

I started wondering about this, but soon enough came up with the answer:  when I make a deposit in the bank, I’m making a loan to the bank.  And if they’re offering me nearly 5% for just parking cash at their place, that means . . .

I’m their best alternative for a loan.  Me.  John Wilder.  Enough so they paid a dude to call me and ask.

Yup, it’s just that simple.  And they called me to ask me to make a loan, and offered to pay me over four times what I was making on my cash to make that loan.  Reading a bit further, it turns out the way that the Fed™ shoved money down the collective throats of the banks was through the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP).

BTFP loaned money to the banks, and the banks deposited the money at the Fed© to make a profit on the difference.

Yes, the Fed© created the BTFP, loaned the money to the banks who then deposited the money . . . at the Fed™.  I’m not making this up.  As of March 11, 2024, the Fed© will no longer be making more BTFP loans at those sweetheart rates.  All new loans would be made at the same rate the bank gets paid by the Fed©.  The gravy train, or at least this gravy train, is over.

That’s what the Fed© said in January, 2024.

When did I get the phone call wanting to borrow a few bucks from Major Bank?

January, 2024.

Since when do I believe in coincidences?  And it was weird, it wasn’t a lot of money that I needed to deposit, but I think they were looking to get bigger players than tiny John Wilder.

But at least they’re not insufferable idiots . . . oh, too soon.

And that’s the rub.  If banks are looking to borrow cash from me, how bad are their balance sheets?

Dang, I’m worried!  Will Prince Harry have enough money to travel the world for 45-minute meetings with his father?  Will Oprah be able to afford more caviar?

And, maybe I should take up loan sharking.  Maybe I can buy my own yacht, bigger than Prince Harry’s and I’ll sail past him, and look down on him, and try to give Harry that condescending look that appears to be his Resting Prince Face.

And I’ll write a rock song about it.

I’ll call it Smirk on the Water.

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February 14, 2024 9:53 am

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February 14, 2024 9:55 am

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foot in the forest
foot in the forest
February 14, 2024 10:05 am

That couple sure does not look like congressmen and women.

February 14, 2024 10:50 am


February 14, 2024 1:09 pm

You people rail against banks and bankers.
Go ahead and think it through.

Lets imagine for a moment….

Your utopian world of no laws or government is now here.

How do you make another person keep their word?
Let’s say, you make a handshake agreement to work together, for ten days on your property and ten days on his.[for whatever reason, stay with me]

Well, you go and work on his place first, you both work your asses off and get the project on his property done in the first ten days.

You finish your second day of doing the work on your land, and the guy just up and vanishes.

He comes back, six months later, with a story about how lucky he was, because a great once in a lifetime opportunity showed up, and he took it.

You tell him, “you still owe me eight days of work on my land”

He says “I disagree. I remember finishing it all.”

You do what at this point….


Writing was invented to keep people to their agreements.

Go look at the clay tablets of the ancient civilizations.
Most of the records are contracts.

Banking is just another form of contracting which allows us to trade from our valuable skills to those without, and store the excess of what we can consume that day.

Anyhoo… just thinkin…

February 14, 2024 2:13 pm

Now do fractional banking, derivatives and fiat printing.

February 14, 2024 3:22 pm

This exactly. The days of 100 oz of gold is in the bank backing your $100 bucks is gone like a fart in the wind.
They literally just make shit up and we have no choice but to accept said shit as currency for this, that, and the other.
This is why I simply do not believe the whole Doom Porn of Chicken Little masturbatory fantasies that the proverbial money/economy/debt is falling ANY MINUTE NOW. Gimme a break. They WANT us to think that so when they offer the solution to the supposed problem, which THEY CAUSED, we eagerly gobble it up to prevent the Barbarians at the gate.
And what, pray tell, is their solution? Well, less of us that’s for damn sure. And then the rest get CBDC, no meat, no dairy, no flying, and no cars that can really go anywhere. And the WHO or WEF or some cursed bastard devil child of the two who will micromanage our entire lives. What’s the reward for us? I guess virtual reality brought to us by a skinny white dude with a huge forehead that always looks clammy and quite frankly like an alien in a skin suit. We can also have, if we are very, very good, some lab-grown meat brought to us by a very odd, creepy man who has a megalomaniac complex and probably very weird personal hygiene that involves some Howard Hughes level grossness. Feel free to eat all the bugs you want though.
EVERYTHING is rigged to this very end game.
So what do we do?
Ignore them is a good start. Get out of debt is another. Stay healthy and off the Big Pharma Carousel-of-Death. Learn hunting, fishing, and gardening.
BUT…the reason they don’t like gardening, and hunting, and fishing, and backyard eggs is because they have no control over those things and the very bad…GASP…BARTER system.
So they pretend it’s bad for the environment and morons believe them. Their power lies in how many people actually believe their horseshit.

February 14, 2024 5:30 pm

That’s why it’s called a con-game. It works only so long as the rubes believe that there is a pea under the shell.

February 14, 2024 8:16 pm

I will work for $2.75 an hour in US 1963 90% silver quarters.

February 14, 2024 2:22 pm

You people rail against banks and bankers.
Go ahead and think it through

Your approach to dismiss fraud and ignore community literacy covering the quests of self-resiliancy is weird.

Math domains are ruined by fraudulent bankers. That a portion of mathematicians have accepted (protected-banking class) banking fraud as supremacy is a giveaway to how fast they lost interest in maths and mathematical literacy.

Silver Slippers, Flying Monkeys, and Gold as a Weapon – The 1896 US Election

A literate community can establish mathematical knowledge-base more superior to any criminal empire.

Cut The Baby in Half?
Cut The Baby in Half?
February 15, 2024 7:10 am

Not sure where THAT came from, epic FMS (Faulty Memory Syndrome)

Variants on the theme over time.

Cuts down on ‘Efficiency’, but 1 day here, one day there…2 days there, 2 days here…sure You get it*.

February 15, 2024 5:25 am

Seriously… KennyBoy, the key is three up from the bottom on the left side, is has a light to warn you of your error. If your on an Apple XX phone your on your own.
Stop it you will go blind !

February 14, 2024 10:15 am

So, where’s the funny part, John? This is infuriating, not funny.

February 14, 2024 10:32 am

The funny part is that anyone still thinks it is anything but a joke to keep money in a bank.

February 14, 2024 3:17 pm

Did you buy your house with gold and silver?

February 14, 2024 8:11 pm

We actually put our log home on 3 year layaway, lived tight and light and then hired a Mennonite crew to put the home up. Total for the logs and kit were 82K. The build was 44K, which I paid in cash installments buried underneath a broken toilet beside a little shack the builder and his 5 sons lived in while building my log home Monday through Friday before heading back north for the weekend, getting up very early Mondays to drive down to begin work by 8 a.m.

After the home was built (dried in) my husband and I lived in the little shack until my husband plumbed the log home, ran the electric lines and finished the woodwork. Pretty much $100K right there.

Then, after moving into the log home, my husband renovated the little shack we purchased for 15K JUST to have a place to stage the build. We just sold it for $149,900.

Not gold and silver but a lot of frugality and know-how on the part of both of us.

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The treehouse, where the dream began. The green carport had the broken toilet under which an old piece of PVC contained a lot of cash for a long time. The build took about 8 weeks. I would dig up what the next week’s installment was while the crew was home for their Sabbath weekend. Usually $3-5K

Because, who in their right mind would even dig under an old stained and broken toilet and, for God’s sake, if they did… who would look inside the PVC down there in the mud?

Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde
February 14, 2024 10:34 am

Either laugh or go crazy.

Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde
February 14, 2024 10:33 am

Great article. Everyone who can afford it should have some gold and silver tucked away.

  Mr. Hyde
February 15, 2024 7:42 am

Bury it in sealed PVC under an old toilet.

February 14, 2024 10:38 am

Jews gonna jew. It’s what they do.

Gotta keep the CONfidence going until it’s rug pull time

February 14, 2024 1:11 pm

New soda! Mountain Jew!

Comes in one flavor: sweet cabbage.

February 14, 2024 8:17 pm

Not kale?
Or lettuce?

Gaping sphincter
Gaping sphincter
February 14, 2024 11:07 am

It’s a big club and we aren’t in it said George Carlin.

February 14, 2024 11:17 am

Them what has shall get and them what have not shall lose. So the Bible says, yet it still is news…

February 14, 2024 12:54 pm

What did Kim call his yacht?  His dictator ship.

Q: What style of potatoes does he prefer?

A: The same potatoes that are popular in San Francisco.

Q: And what style is that?

A: Dicktaters

February 14, 2024 12:56 pm

The problem with this?
The freaks of The LeftRight, have an unquenchable appetite for Tater-Tots.

February 14, 2024 12:58 pm

et to sharp wit taters?

February 14, 2024 1:16 pm

Not so funny how TPTB have $8,000 for Super Bowl tickets and most people are living hand to mouth. I think that was like 1930-40. How will the Elite survive when all the working people get laid off?

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
February 14, 2024 7:12 pm

The big banks (owned by the owners of the FED) will be protected. Powell himself said on 60 minutes this past Sunday the small banks (not owned by the owners of the FED) can pound sand…
They’re fucked because of the FED’s machinations.
Thanks FED!