The Reality of Economic Collapse, and Why Skeptics Deny It

From Brandon Smith

In light of the recent resurgence of inflation on top of dwindling employments stats, declining manufacturing and stagnant wages I think it’s important to revisit a fundamental question: What does an economic collapse look like?

As I have said for years, an economic collapse is NOT an event, it’s a process. When people think of a historic crisis they imagine something like the stock market crash of 1929 at the beginning of the Great Depression. However, there were numerous indicators and warning signs leading up to that crash that should have tipped people off. There were even a handful of economists that voiced concerns about impending chaos, yet, they were ignored.

Then, after the crash occurred, numerous establishment economists denied that the system was in any real danger. They continually claimed that recovery was “right around the corner”, but the recovery never materialized. Instead, the crash spiraled onward for over a decade until world war erupted, largely because the Federal Reserve raised interest rates into economic weakness (a policy they are instituting right now).

The point is, the mainstream “experts” are almost always wrong.

The skeptics of collapse either ignore the evidence or they don’t comprehend the implications of events. They don’t want to believe that the economy is broken and that consequences are possible. They operate from the limited view of their own personal experience. For most of their lives the system has functioned without catastrophe, so that must mean catastrophe is impossible.

Our present day predicament has not reached Great Depression levels yet. We are currently in a stagflationary phase similar to what happened in the 1970s.

For those that think we have it bad now, the 70s were actually far worse.

Here’s what stagflation looks like

House prices nearly tripled from 1970 to 1980 (the median house price was $17,000 in 1970 compared to almost $50,000 in 1980). Annual inflation on most goods and services was in the double digits and the minimum wage was only $1.45 an hour. Unemployment was high and interest rates were eventually hiked to nearly 20% by 1981.

Gen Z has no clue how bad things can really get, but they’ll find out in due course.

The point is that these breakdowns in financial structures happen slowly, and then all at once. Much like the buildup of an avalanche.

For those that know history the signs are easy to see. For those that don’t, they’ll assume that all is well even when the house is burning down around them.

Another factor that makes people oblivious to the danger is the moving of goalposts; they get used to poor economic conditions and the decline is entrenched as the “new normal.” The instability and uncertainty people refused to accept ten years ago is now simply what many have come to expect. Nothing gets better, the situation only ever gets worse, but since it happens over the course of many years (the process of collapse) the public largely accepts it and will even accuse those of us sounding the alarm of “doom mongering.”

As with any collapse there eventually comes a point of popular intolerance – That moment where people finally realize that the “doom mongers” were right all along and that the weight of the implosion is too much to refute. I believe we’re approaching that moment very quickly. In the meantime. Here are the five stages of denial that people go through before they admit that a fiscal calamity is upon them…

Stage 1: “I don’t know what the conspiracy theorists are talking about, I’m doing just fine.”

There’s an old saying from the Great Depression that goes something like this:

It was only a depression for the people without jobs.

If you weren’t a part of the 30% unemployed in the U.S. at that time, then in your narrow world the Great Depression might not have seemed all that bad. In other words, people will ignore the sinking of the Titanic as long as they still have their own lifeboat.

I will say that this is a major problem in the midst of the stagflation crisis today, and it’s the root of what many Zennials are complaining about. In their minds, this is the worst economy in history of the world and they blame “boomers” for their pain. It’s really not (at least not yet), but it’s true that many “boomers” are going into the crisis with the advantage of time. They have had the time to build a lifeboat while Zennials have not.

It’s not about what’s fair, there’s no such thing as “fair” in economics. But older Americans need to realize that even if stagflation is not a crisis for them personally, it is indeed a crisis for younger people in particular. Any person still denying the reality of the collapse because “they’re doing fine” needs to shut up and take stock of the bigger picture.

Stage 2: “They’ve been warning of a collapse for years now, and we’re still here.”

A lot of people out there have childish notions of what a collapse is, mostly derived from Hollywood films and television. They imagine economic mayhem, endless soup lines, mass starvation and even Mad Max-style destruction. When these kinds of things do happen it’s always at the end of the collapse process, not in the beginning. The former nation of Yugoslavia suffered through multiple economic crises including hyperinflation before finally exploding into civil war.

It didn’t happen overnight, but all the signs were there.

When analysts predict these events years ahead of time, they are doing you a favor; they are giving you ample time to prepare. Unlike the banking elites and their proxies who only warn the public right before or right after the crisis hits a peak.

Believe it or not I still see deniers arguing that all is well today, even after massive stagflation, attempted nationwide medical tyranny, multiple regional wars around the globe that could trigger World War III, constant civil unrest, etc.

What does it take to wake these people up to reality?

Stage 3: “Maybe things are bad now, but it’s transitory. The good old days will be back soon.”

This is the stage in which deniers finally accept that there is indeed some instability, but they cope with the issue by claiming the storm will quickly pass and there’s nothing to worry about. The thing is, they spent so much time trying to debunk the economists that were warning them they now fear being proven wrong more than they fear the crisis ahead. It’s a kind of mental sickness common to our culture – the absolute refusal of a large percentage of Americans to admit being wrong and moving on.

It’s okay to be wrong sometimes.

It’s not okay to be in denial about it.

The claim that a collapse process is “transitory” is a way for skeptics overwhelmed by facts and evidence to continue dismissing reality. If the economic decline doesn’t last very long then they never have to concede defeat to the “conspiracy theorists.”

It’s also a pleasant illusion that keeps the masses sedated.

For a while…

Stage 4: “This is a real black swan! No one could’ve possibly seen this crisis coming.”

I saw this argument thousands of times during the pandemic lockdowns and the initial spike in inflation. There were so many people raging about the circumstances and a lot of them were the types of people that used to deny that anything out of the ordinary was going on. They started looking for scapegoats and they came up with the idea that there was no early warning.

If only someone had given them some kind of hint of what was about to happen, they would have prepared better, right?

The media and government officials tend to play into this stage of denial aggressively. In other words, this is the moment they assert that “No one saw this coming.” The event struck like lightning out of the blue. No one could have foreseen this outcome and there’s nothing anyone could have done about it.

Whenever I hear these arguments I’m reminded of the movie trend in the early 2000s of global disaster flicks. There’s always those scenes where the asteroid or the ocean wave or the tornado hits and we see thousands of people scurrying like ants, only to be crushed by a godlike force that they had no power to defend against. I never liked those movies, but I recognize that they play into a hidden element of fatalism in the human mind.

There is a strange mechanism in some people’s thinking that wants to believe they have no power to change their circumstances. They feel better assuming that the tides of fate are beyond their control and that there’s nothing they could have done differently. In reality, all they had to do was listen and think critically, and they could have prepared accordingly.

Their pain is the result of their own willful blindness.

Stage 5: “Even the blind saw this coming from MILES away.”

Ah yes, the final stage of denial. This one is my favorite. It is the inevitable moment when skeptics fully concede that the economic collapse is a fact of life, and then they claim they “saw it coming all along.” The inability for these people to admit they were wrong debases their ability to make informed decisions about the future.

They know a crisis is upon them and they’ll now pretend as if they knew it was going to happen. Therefore, all the analysts that tried to warn them are not special or smarter or better informed than they are. They were making the same predictions.

Of course, you’ll never see any evidence of these skeptics (and many mainstream economists) actually predicting anything. One wonders why it’s so important for them to avoid giving credit where credit is due and learning from their mistakes, but when a person’s identity is so wrapped up in being the “expert” the idea of completely fumbling the ball on the biggest economic disaster of their lifetime is too much to bear.

There are a few exceptions to this rule.

A few people who see the writing on the wall, and read it out loud so the world can hear.

For instance, why is Ray Dalio asking:

Do You Have Enough Non-Debt Money?
History and logic show that when there are big risks that the debts will either 1) not be paid back or 2) be paid back with money of depreciated value, the debt and the money become unattractive. Since debts are promises to pay money, when a government has too much debt to be paid, its central bank is likely to print money. This prevents a big debt squeeze from happening by devaluing the money (i.e., inflation).

Gold, on the other hand, is a non-debt-backed form of money. It’s like cash, except unlike cash, which is devalued by risks of default or inflation, gold is supported by risks of debt defaults and inflation. It is held by central banks and other investors for this reason.

Is it smart to own “non-debt money”?


Is it wise to rely on someone else’s promise to pay for our own financial security?

You be the judge.

Let me remind you, though, that debt is nothing but a promise. It’s easy to make promises in economic boom times – how many times have you heard someone say, “We’re all going to be rich!”

That’s a kind of promise.

How many times did they deliver?

Here’s my point: Promises are easy to make in good times, and easy to break in bad times.

That’s why diversifying with “non-debt money,” in other words physical precious metals, is crucial right now – before the mainstream talking heads tell you to.

If you wait for them to cry “Wolf,” you’ll be waiting a long time. They’ll already have their own non-debt money locked away in a vault.

Will you?

Brandon Smith has been an alternative economic and geopolitical analyst since 2006 and is the founder of

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May 9, 2024 4:15 pm

A kid today watching Leave it to Beaver rerun would of course think it is fake, as there is no way everyone was White, only the Dad had to report to a job and the Mom stayed home to govern the household, which was a mansion, and the greatest threat the kids faced then was a smart ass named Eddie and a lazy fat slob named Lumpy, and the coins were 90% silver.
All fake, just like the moon landings.

May 9, 2024 11:18 pm

Nicely played, nicely played.

May 10, 2024 4:00 am

HSF will never get your point.

May 11, 2024 12:59 am

That was the Hollyweird Jews putting the frog into the pot of cold water.

May 9, 2024 4:54 pm

Anybody know what the photo is?
Looks like it was a bad day whatever happened.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
May 9, 2024 6:19 pm

East Palestine, OH?

  lamont cranston
May 9, 2024 7:05 pm

Zoomed in as far as it would go and there is a person looking into the vehicle about half-way up of what ever that thing is, a bridge maybe. Had to have been one hell of an explosion. Cars are I guess mid-fifties. That is some pile of debris at the the top just waiting to topple down.

May 9, 2024 7:59 pm

the car in the right foreground has sharp edges on the trunk like the ones in the early 1970’s.

May 10, 2024 7:18 am

Noticed that but the rest of the cars looked older, so it could be Mexico or some other part of Latin America. Really weird looking with the angle of the bridge in the photo along with the debris field and smoke.
Also strange somebody would down-vote and not be interested in what happened wherever it did happen.

May 9, 2024 7:57 pm

I think it was an earthquake in Mexico maybe 45-50 years ago.

May 9, 2024 5:10 pm

the 70s were actually far worse.

Here’s what stagflation looks like

House prices nearly tripled from 1970 to 1980 (the median house price was $17,000 in 1970 compared to almost $50,000 in 1980). Annual inflation on most goods and services was in the double digits and the minimum wage was only $1.45 an hour. Unemployment was high

He lost me.

I can only refer him to John Williams’ Shadowstats as far as inflation.

Min Wage (which should not exist) was actually $1.60 for the first half of the seventies, and went up to $3.10 by 1980 and that’s the Federal minimum wage which means it’s a floor for State mimimum wages. In other words, nobody actually gets paid that. Federal minimum wage is today stuck at $7.25.
$1.60 in 1970 would be $12.88 today — and that’s using “official” CPI, not Shadowstats’ realistic CPI.

Inflation Calculator

$3.10 in 1980 would be $11.75 today, again using b.s. government inflation numbers.

As for unemployment, I’ll let others explore the fakery and fuckery of BLS employment numbers. There’ve been many articles in recent years pointing out the ways unemployment is much higher than the “official” numbers that Brandon is trusting.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 9, 2024 6:12 pm

Always double check their stats. I remember when the minimum wage went up. I was working a full time job that I got straight out of high school. I started at $1.85 in 1975 and was laid off in 1978 in a 10% staff cut. By then I was still only making $2.75. But on $1.85 I still managed to procure an apartment with a room mate that was $200 a month all utilities paid. I lived pay check to pay check but never missed a rent payment. I had no car payment. But we didn’t buy $1000 phones and have to pay for cable or all the the things they think they need.

Here is a chart.

May 9, 2024 5:54 pm

Don’t lose sight of the fact that the FED ruins the economy when it wants. The secret meeting in 1920 was followed by a depression, a beta test before 1929. I write about planetary cycles.

30 days in the hole
30 days in the hole
May 9, 2024 6:13 pm

The 70’s were much worse? GTFOutta here !
I graduated high school in ‘75 and there is no way things were worse than now. You can throw out stats all day long, but people were happier, treated each other better, little kids weren’t sick all the time and actually played outside, you didn’t need a permit to fart, and the MUSIC was better ! A single income could provide a middle class lifestyle for a family if you had your shit halfway together, have fun with that now……
Apples to oranges buddy.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  30 days in the hole
May 9, 2024 6:23 pm

Did people get in fights in the gas lines? I don’t remember it happening but I bet it happened a few times.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Mary Christine
May 9, 2024 10:35 pm

Yer fuckin’ skippy it did! I saw it! Odd and even didn’t compute for some shit heads. They had to be put in line.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
  30 days in the hole
May 9, 2024 6:25 pm

If you were invested in CRE like I was, the late 70s/early 80s were disastrous. Drained what little money I inherited ($50K in today’s $$$) to remain solvent and avoid bankruptcy.

Flex rate, prime+2%. 10% in 78, by 81 it was 21%. 10 yr. AM, 5 yr. balloon.

30 days in the hole
30 days in the hole
  lamont cranston
May 9, 2024 6:44 pm

I said “if you had your shit together”.
There are all different types CRE, you were invested in the wrong ones. I’m sorry you lost money but don’t try to say everybody did. You talk about money, I’m talking about the zeitgeist of the 70’s and you can’t tell me it wasn’t easier to make a descent living back then than now.
Mary….yes the lines were bad, odd/even days to buy gas, I never saw a fight. If that happened now people would be killing each other because the percentage of the population that are crazy assholes has gone up exponentially.
l would go back in time to the 70’s in a heartbeat.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  30 days in the hole
May 9, 2024 9:49 pm

I think the gas lines were over by the time I started driving. I barely remember them. I bet if there would have been social media we would have seen some fights.

I’d go back as long as there were no leisure suits.🤣

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  lamont cranston
May 9, 2024 10:38 pm

Born too early I’d say. Not your fault. It’s all a crap shoot that depends entirely on the timing of your birth. We were born under a dark star…and you can’t un-ring a bell.

  30 days in the hole
May 9, 2024 6:34 pm

Absolutely! We didn’t have much money in the ’70s, but it was a good time, and the Feds didn’t bother you…

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  30 days in the hole
May 9, 2024 10:31 pm

In Honor of your moniker…

  30 days in the hole
May 10, 2024 7:45 am

Graduated in 77, NO jobs in my chosen field, DRAFTING, FIL managed to get me hired on at a company making printing press rollers, no benies, low pay stooping night shift hours, flash forward to 79, new wife expecting first spawn best option left USAF to make a whopping $400/month. Yeah 70’s were better in all the “other” ways you mention……:)

May 11, 2024 9:17 am

Same Path GMpatriot graduated 77 chosen Field Drafting (old school board and Drafting machine, ink on Mylar LOL) worked in a grocery store then went into the USMC for 14 years WIA in Desert Storm), Used GI bill to learn Autocad and eventually got a degree in Aerospace Engineering . things were tough then but resourceful people always found a way, it wasn’t easy but it required personal sacrifice and putting off gratification for later. Improvise, Adapt and overcome. Things were difficult in the 1970’s , there was some craziness in that decade but not at the level of today. The 1980’s were definately a better decade.

Bill Castle
Bill Castle
May 9, 2024 9:07 pm

The 1970’s were worse, financially? Nope, absolutely not. I know because I was there, and my father was able to provide for a wife and three kids, with one job.

  Bill Castle
May 9, 2024 9:52 pm

In the 70s my father worked for the railroad as a clerk. He could support a family of five and owned a ranch house on a quarter acre in Sayville NY. We didn’t have much but we had a good life .you would need 200 k a year to live the same way there today.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 9, 2024 9:55 pm

Meet One of the Architects of the Destruction of the Dollar

careful what you wish for America, the powers that be are not as “in control” as they wish to portray to the general public.

For the record, since the era of Volcker’s actions to devalue the US Dollar by destroying the gold standard, the average individual’s purchasing power is now down well over 85%.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 9, 2024 10:29 pm

Reality avoidance…it is a bitch!

May 9, 2024 11:49 pm

If you need this article to understand your current situation…you’re dead.

May 10, 2024 9:25 am

The 70’s were great for most of the boomers I grew up with .
All the manufacturing companies from washing machines to autos to steel to ships to jets were hiring regularly . A job with a big company came with secure future with medical insurance and retirement !
By 1985 it was an industrial wasteland of course it was because all the industry workers were overpaid .
The tax base eroded as investors moved everything to cheaper labor markets destroying the middle class American lifestyle and economy .
Naturally the government had to continue to pay themselves and so the debt spiral began as the FAT LADY STARTS SINGING
The people that were the industrial backbone of this country were tossed overboard over the last 40 to 50 years as their clown world representatives piled debt on their broken backs while funding every shit hole in the world .
Civil war is a high probability as people fight back when the government just doing my job taxes you out of your home to feed their kids !
This summer 2024 I bet shit is about to get real damn fast …

30 days in the hole
30 days in the hole
May 10, 2024 10:18 am

UNIONS killed manufacturing and are now killing municipal budgets with pensions. People don’t need unions to go on strike and the threat of strike is all the power unions have…oh… and to take dues so president of the union can buy a vacation home in Barbados.
If you ran a business that had to pay somebody $65/hour, to bolt on the left front tire of an auto all day, plus benefits, plus a fucking pension for damn close to what they were making when working…for life…would you seek out cheaper labor?
For the last 40 years, Fortune 500 manufacturers are basically health maintenance/pension organizations that just happen to make shit on the side.
How about a teacher or a cop or fireman, fuckers retire at 50 with a sweet pension paid for by you and me. I won’t even get into Fed. senators and representatives. Unions are a dinosaur from the past, there are laws up the fucking wazoo for worker safety and well being that was the original intent of unions.

  30 days in the hole
May 10, 2024 11:38 am

30 days in the hole
your head is up your ass !
Union labor in industry made the middle class and the tax base that supported everything in our modern society, schools roads etc …
The BIG CLUB murdered this countries industrial base and the tax base it generated. Those benefiting from it bought the political power and those elected just ran up the credit to infinity
If Union labor demands were such an issue then all government employees are over paid and are undeserving of their benefits like police fire teachers and especially elected and appointed alleged representatives

30 days in the hole
30 days in the hole
May 10, 2024 11:57 am

You people that think unions are so wonderful!
You are the same people that bitch and moan about big government. They are the same thing, AGAINST FREE MARKETS.
Unions only reward seniority, NOT competence….gee…..kind of like the government.
The markets used to decide. Henry Ford realized he had to pay workers enough to be able to afford to buy the products they were producing, he didn’t need a fucking union. Union bosses are the ones that lobbied and bought off politicians way back when, and they became corrupt like everything always does.
You sound like you have or had a union job, good for you. The vast majority of the labor force has never been union employed, private business always was and still is the main driver. Do you think working at a McDonalds or a Starbucks should pay enough to buy a house and a car and raise a family? If you do, start a Union and destroy that industry…oh wait…never mind.

May 10, 2024 11:29 am

The only people I know that are retired with life left to live and the means to do it in general are government employees.
Yes there are some myself included that with hard work hustling for 44 years delaying gratification living within my means saving and investing are comfortably retired
The point is most private sector people put an average of 18 years longer on the job than those employed by our tax money .
i am infinitely aware that life is not fair however in America the one arena where equal protection and treatment under the law should be absolute. When taxation becomes nothing more than organized theft obviously such is not the case . To support a small group (Government employees) while being hoodwinked extorted and ripped off and your lifestyle and lifetime is diminished for others benefit is nothing more than slavery and indentured servitude
Civil War is on the horizon and the big THEY KNOW IT

May 10, 2024 1:32 pm

God withholds His blessings from nations that persecute the Jews and He takes their land from nations that try to divide the land of Israel. Poverty and shame comes to those who persecute Gods people.