Did The Dulles Brothers Seal Our Fate?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The “Soviet Threat” which became Washington’s foreign policy mindset was a self-serving creation of Allen and Foster Dulles. The consequences of their creation and its recreation by the US neoconservatives await us unaddressed.

Some years ago I reviewed Stephen Kinzer’s book, The Brothers, an extraordinary account of two men long serving at the top of the US government, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and CIA Director Allen Dulles. Both were appointed to office by President Eisenhower. Allen Dulles was the Director of the CIA, and John Foster Dulles was the Secretary of State. The interests of the two men’s law firm became in effect the agenda of the government of the United States.

Both men used their power in service of their powerful law firm, Sullivan & Cromwell. Both are examples of the privatization of government to serve private interests. Foreign government that got in the way of their firm’s clients’ interests, they plotted to overthrow.

To justify their use of the US government in service to the clients of their law firm, the brothers invented the “communist threat of world subversion” and inaugurated the Cold War. The brothers came up with six monsters to destroy.

The first was the first democratically elected leader of Iran, Mohammad Mossadegh, certainly no communist. Mossadegh’s offense was that he nationalized Iranian oil, thus angering the British government. He also angered the brothers. Sullivan & Cromwell’s client, the J. Henry Schroder Banking Corp, was the financial agent for the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company on whose board Allen sat. The nationalization of Iranian oil also disrupted Foster’s activities in behalf of Chase Manhatten Bank.

Allen Dulles had negotiated for Sullivan & Cromwell’s client, Overseas Consultants Inc, an Iranian development plan from which the law firm and its client expected to earn massive profits together with an ideal base for John Foster Dulles to project American influence throughout Iran and the Middle East. But the Iranian legislature supported Mossadegh and vetoed the project.

Thus Mossadegh’s fate was sealed.

A narrative was created and opinion manipulated. Allen Dulles formed an overthrow team that paid US tax dollars to street thugs to attack the government, as the US did in the “Maidan revolution” in Ukraine. Foster Dulles created a propaganda campaign against Mossadegh presenting him as a weak leader about to be overthrown by Soviet agents. The story fed to President Eisenhower, Congress, and media was that Iran was in danger of being lost to expansionist communism.

It worked. This success of the brothers’ ability to easily manipulate the US government, parts of the Iranian population, and the insouciant American public gave us Iran’s enmity and the Cold War, which in its resurrected state after Reagan buried it threatens to bury us.

The brothers’ next target was Guatemala’s first democratically elected government. Guatemala, long ruled by Sullivan & Cromwell’s client, United Fruit Company, decided with its free election to take Guatemala’s rule out of the United Fruit Company’s hands. The new president, Jacobo Arbenz, nationalized fallow land held by United Fruit in order to put the resources in service to the country.

This sealed Arbenz’s doom.

Arbenz said he was concerned with Guatemala, not with international ideological rivalries. His statement gave Foster Dulles the opportunity to create a new threat to America–“creeping neutralism”–later defined by George W. Bush as “you are with us or against us.”

Being against us, Arbenz was quickly turned into a communist by the brothers and the American media that the brothers easily controlled. Arbenz, a nationalist leader, was turned into a communist whose beachhead into the Americas would seal our doom. Eisenhower, Congress and the media bought the official narrative hook, line, and sinker.

Allen created a fake “liberation army” and a fake radio station to report non-existent advances in Guatemala’s liberation against the alleged communist regime of Arbenz. Allen used US planes to bomb Guatemala military bases to make the armed rebellion look real.

But it wasn’t working. Poor illiterate Guatemalans were not as insouciant as Americans. So the brothers got American Cardinal Francis Spellman, the most prominent Catholic prelate in the US, to issue a pastoral letter designed to portray a Guatemalan nationalist leader as a communist. Priests read Spellman’s letter to their congregations, and the newspapers carried it throughout the country. As Kinzer says, it is “a masterpiece of propaganda, steeped in the vocabulary of faith, fear, and patriotism.” Here is an opening paragraph:

“At this moment, we once again raise our voice to alert Catholics that the worst atheistic doctrine of all time–anti-Christian Communism–is continuing its brazen advance in our country, masquerading as a movement of social reform for the needy classes.”

The brothers having successfully destroyed Guatemalans belief in their protector against foreign interests, replaced the elected president they had successfully demonized with their man.

What Kinzer shows is that the long, expensive Cold War, both in terms of US money and US civil liberties, was the creation of two holders of powerful US government offices used in defense of their law firm’s clients.

The brothers set the pattern for the future. It has been eons since any US government policy served any public interest. What public interest is served by open borders, creating enemies out of Russia and China, demonizing white people, teaching white school children that they are racist, weaponizing law, offshoring high productivity jobs, creating endless money and financial bubbles? You can add to the list.

President Reagan succeeded in ending the Cold War despite the opposition of the CIA and the powerful military/security complex and the senators and representatives dependent on the military/security’s complex’s campaign donations. But the neoconservative dominated Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama, and Biden regimes resurrected the Cold War which is warming into a hot stage in the Ukraine conflict.

Putin and Xi have been slow to understand the situation that they face. In their deluded thinking they believe they can negotiate a solution with the West or simply out wait the West. They do not understand that just as their national existence is an existential issue, for Washington its hegemony is an existential issue. Without hegemony Washington cannot pay its bills and control its Western empire.

As both the Russian and Chinese leaders are incapable of comprehending the reality that confronts them, the chance of avoiding a Third World War with nuclear weapons is not high.

Kinzer’s account of a Secretary of State, who used the fear of communism that he implanted as a cover for serving the interest of his law firm’s clients, and a CIA director, who not only used his office in defense of his law firm’s interests but to live an exciting James Bond life complete with endless women, demonstrates a US government captured by private interests. There is no “public sector.”

These two men using government to serve their interests created the Cold War that almost brought our end in the Cuban Missile Crisis and turned government into the service of private interests. Lincoln had turned domestic policy to the service of private interests, and the Dulles brothers turned foreign policy to the service of private interests.

President John F. Kennedy fired Allen Dulles for trying to sandbag him into supporting the CIA’s Bay of Pigs invasion. It was probably Allen Dulles who plotted the assassination of President Kennedy, and it was Allen Dulles who was appointed to the Warren Commission to cover up Kennedy’s assassination.

The Vietnamese nationalist Ho Chi Minh was the next on the list to be turned into a communist threat. Brandishing the “domino theory,” the brothers led us into the Vietnam war. The brothers extraordinary manipulative powers were again demonstrated, but they failed to dislodge Ho, and the brothers experienced the bitterness of defeat.

Their next plot was against President Sukarno of Indonesia, and it also ended in a mess.

The next was the prime minister of Congo, Patrice Lumumba. Again it was the Soviet threat narrative and a Soviet bridgehead in Africa. The CIA had Lumumba murdered in Katanga. Next was the long plot against Castro, elements of which were exposed by the Church Committee hearings in the 1970s.

The brothers were behind much more mischief. Allen created a 14,000 Tibetan army that was crushed by China. Tens of thousands of Tibetans were killed, and the Delai Lama had to flee Tibet. Allen declared his operation a success. It had baited the Chinese into repression and produced propagand value. Just as in Ukraine today, Washington paid thousands of other people’s lives for its propaganda posters.

The CIA had a hand in the Hungarian Revolution crushed by the Soviets. Frank Wisner, the CIA’s man who instigated the Hungarian uprising, never recovered from his realization that Washington never intended any help for the Hungarians. The intent was not Hungary’s freedom but anti-Soviet propaganda at the expense of Hungarian lives.

What began as the removal of obstacles to their law firm’s clients ended in an anti-communist crusade in which the brothers became believers of their own propaganda. Today the revival of this propaganda again positions Washington at sword’s point with Russia and China. Anti-Russian propaganda is so much a part of Washington’s consciousness that it appears to be embedded, continuing to cause foreign policy mistakes and overthrows of countries. Washington’s overthrow of Ukraine has led to an ever-widening war, the consequences of which remain to be seen. The legacy of the brothers might well be nuclear Armageddon.

The official narrative is that the brothers protected us from the Soviet threat. Others see it differently. Diego Rivera’s mural has John Foster Dulles in the center wearing a flak jacket and cruelly grinning. Allen Dulles is sneering with a satchel of dollars hanging from his waist. Eisenhower’s face decorates a bomb. Dead Guatemalan children lie at their feet.

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May 23, 2024 6:51 am

American Cardinal Francis Spellman, the most prominent Catholic prelate in the US, to issue a pastoral letter designed to portray a Guatemalan nationalist leader as a communist.

Now the Catholic Church is led by a dedicated Communist Pope, my how far we have come.

May 23, 2024 6:56 am

Nothing is as we once believed, and once you see it, everything changes.

May 23, 2024 7:24 am

The comment “you’re either with us or against us” by a sitting president represented a gang mentality and was wholly inappropriate for a ‘public’ that’s supposed to be civically informed under the presumption of being a Constitutional Republic. The United States is in effect the biggest communist country globally while making attempts to not look or sound communist. This was achieved through the Corporate Christian Church System, socially designed to be the submissive domestic (the tacitly agreeable and the silent majority) enablers, and the educational system which would ensure that the people were not trained in the real machinations of U.S. hegemony, then it was merged into the workplace politics engulfing the entire domestic realm. This ultimately was a complete takeover of all aspects of America’s social, political and economic realms and the functioning thereof by its own government cloaked in being anti-communist. Now they have a country of disillusioned people who will likely stand down, cheer or sign agreements of surrender with only a small group invested enough to fight when the Iranians raise their flags on American soil, along with the Russians, Chinese, Nicaragua, Mexico, Germany, and all the other countries coming.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 24, 2024 10:49 am

Not Communist, bro. Not really Fascism, either, but some demonic bastardization of the two. We’re staring down the barrel of the worst of both worlds…and they’re just getting started.

  The Central Scrutinizer
May 25, 2024 9:43 pm

It very well may be a fusion of various political machinations. They’re probably utilizing elements they’ve observed and studied from active and post-war zones and peoples across the world being that we have more military bases throughout the globe than any other country. Also it’s not “bro”, I’m female.

May 23, 2024 7:25 am

“Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and CIA Director Allen Dulles. Both were appointed to office by President Eisenhower.”

They cry out in pain as they strike.

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist…The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist…We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes..The military-industrial complex is a threat to our freedom, to our economy, and what we have now is a gigantic taxpayer draining empire that is devouring itself, which, as you say, it’s creating more resistance, more fighting, against us oversees.”
President Dwight ” Empty Suit” Eisenhower

But, But, switzerland !
But, But, switzerland !
May 23, 2024 7:30 am

“creeping neutralism”–later defined by George W. Bush as “you are with us or against us.”

May 23, 2024 7:31 am

The greatest generation was actually the most naive and corrupt generation America ever produced and they trained their little boomers well.

May 23, 2024 11:03 am

Most but not all F,I’m an HSDO so that’s my excuse…I never got welded to narratives…
Like I read the other day….”Just because you see two cats together doesn’t mean they’re friends,just because you see a cat and a dog together doesn’t mean they’re enemies”….
Btw…..where is your chief antagonist today,Flash??……..

May 23, 2024 5:42 pm

Yea. When I look at the boomers, I blame their parents.

May 23, 2024 8:27 am

As a white American male I am sadly not surprised by any of this policy shenanigans leaving a trail of death and destruction to profit THE BIG CLUB !
Having read War Is A Racket and living thru friends of mine earning their names on a wall the realization that our American belief we are the “GOOD GUYS” was shattered decades ago .
Now as I seen enough flag draped coffins and more young men and now women with shattered bodies in what amounts to be a horrible propagandized waste of patriotic service for an undeserving parasites in government and THE BIG CLUB military industrial complex of profiteers .
Now we have a myriad of NGO’s raking in millions of dollars transporting feeding and housing illegals here to undermine and destroy what’s left of White American Society !
I have been lucky so far but age and health are taking its toll and I fear I’m merely occupying a front row seat to THE TWILIGHTS LAST GLEAMING
I stopped flying my flag a long time ago and fear now is the time to fly it inverted as a true symbol of distress for what I grew up believing was my nation

May 23, 2024 2:45 pm

…”in what amounts to be a horrible propagandized waste of patriotic service for an undeserving parasites in government and THE BIG CLUB military industrial complex of profiteers.”

Why haven’t people gotten together to revolt the right way, i.e., decline all offers and not enlist or otherwise join any military service; train the people up yourselves to fill these positions to not be lacking later when the skills and experience of jobs and specialties are needed, all (or almost all) women get out of the workforce, but not to leave themselves/families starving – a provision could be immediately and with nationwide distribution based on locales for financial and material helps. Besides if men really wanted women back out of the workforce they would create opportunities to make that happen. America is getting poorer with both sexes in the workforce. Additionally the corporate, medical, and service industries should be firmly presented with challenges to their earnings and viability through choices and real benefits being offered to the public in deterring their entrenchment, policies, and mandates through trading and bartering (paradigms antithetical to the technocracy and scientific elite), with land and spaces made available even at no cost for the purposes of reclaiming political and economic power. The only way to get some control back is to stop working for them. But even this might be too little too late with artificial intelligence. What are your thoughts on universal basic income?

May 23, 2024 8:28 am

This is what jewish oligarchy feels like. I am sure Trump will save us. The only reason one of the most prominent zionist jews is his SIL, is so he can keep an eye on him. Trust the plan.

May 23, 2024 11:05 am

Only as far as the gallows stairs……?….

May 23, 2024 11:31 am

“ The plan” is to kill the white race along with most of the other races, enslave the few left alive and the jews/lucifer worshippers own everything in the world. HARD PASS , F*CK THEIR PLAN !!!

Capt Barty
Capt Barty
May 23, 2024 8:48 am

“…seal our fate” or sold our fate?

May 23, 2024 9:28 am

The Dulles boys were toxic trash, just like the cock sucker J. Edgar Hoover. However, the original OG traitorous rat, who rivals Benedict Arnold, is Wild Bill Donovan the creator of the CIA and his Nazi infested “Operation Paperclip”…the real day America died.

May 23, 2024 11:33 am

I think the traitor reference of Benedict Arnold should now be replaced with a bigger traitor donald ( the jew) trump.

May 24, 2024 12:08 pm

…is that better or worse than the gay Muslim fag?

May 23, 2024 10:51 am

Another good read about Allen Dulles is “The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government.”

May 23, 2024 10:53 am

You mean religion is complicit in politics?
Say it isn’t so!

“My kingdom, is no part of this fucked up babylonian world.”

May 23, 2024 10:58 am

Cool!….now do Perkins-Cowie…..
I think I spelled that right…Couie?…..

Jackie Puppet
Jackie Puppet
May 23, 2024 8:59 pm


May 23, 2024 1:25 pm

Your fate was sealed when you belived the holocaust lies, and accepted the lie of the chosen people, and the Greada treaty was signed by the USA.
Now there is no place on earth where any child is safe.
Now are children born have zero chance when born to vaXXXed parenst and will be vaXXXed into living dead lives, ruined health and brian damage that now includes DNA changes.
Jesus came and He showed you who Christ is: the exact opposite of theose who tortured and killed him: the antichrist=the jews who follw the God of the Talmud and the Torah=the old testement, the god who punishes, is angry and viiolent and cruel and killes at will, rape and salvery are fine child sacrifce and animal scrifice are fine, just great.
You still think that is your God, because you are devolving into that god as your ideal.
You do not know Jesus Christ, even when he did not do anything evil in responce to what they did to HIm, because there is no evil in Him.
He came to show you the true God, the one you could if not for the jews, and your admiration and subjegation to them, haev evolved higher into.
A non violent, incapable of any evil, true God. You prefer the violence, the greed, the unforgiveness, and hypocricy and sadism of the devil, admit it.
Jesus showed you the real God, the jews are the image of the throt father satan in Hell.
Jesus had no greed, He was forgiving, compassionate and merciful, He had eempathy and healed the sick.
You are all futrue jews, and demonically posessed like them, mad ein the image of the fallen angels of Hell, just admit it, that is why you all follow the antichrist, the jews rather than Jesus Christ who was GOD.
When you let in the jews, and called them God’s chosen you sealed your fate and that of your children who are now all devolved, and on their way to eternal Hell as well.
You belived the lies about Hitler whcih were really the truth about the jews themselves. They always acuse their enemies and God of being what they are: fake, phony, insane, control freaks who seek torture, humiliation and cruelty as their most cherished amusements.
The jews lost their souls and the souls of their decendants when they began practicing Moloch Mammon worship=child sacrifce.
They practiced eating the fleash of the children they burned in the fire, that is the fobidden fruit=fruit of the tree of life the womb, that Eve the first jewsih mother ate.
The practice has never stopped.
They continued to do such evil and when Jesus Christ came, they killed him.
Ever since then, they steal gentile children and torture and crucify them and drink their blood taken while they are still alive, the same way they do to animals they eat. That is adrenochrome and it is a recreation of the crucifixtion of Jesus, since gentile children under the age of 7 are sinless like Jesus.
You chose to follow the antichrist and worship the antichrist, even after they took over this world oooooooof medicine ad used it to make you demonically posessed by the lethal poisonous satanic nedicies they gave you.
You have had your 2000 years to decide who you are with, the True Christ=God, or the antichrist, the spawn of satan who serve the Fallen angels of Hell.
Who made this world a slaughterhouse for all gentile children.
With the greada Treaty they supplied you with technogies they stole from Hitler who was Jesus Christ/God returned to save you agains from the jews=the antichrist.
You all HATE him and love the anticrhist.
Those technologies were given in exchange for children to be supplied by the CIA=arm of the MOSSAD. Now your children have all been totally destroyed by satanic medicine and pharmakea, when all that was needed was fro Mothers to pray to God for theoir children to be healthy. Your fate was sealed when the antichrist made you all atheist, and worshiip their science that was good wahr Hitlerr used it but is now inverted and satanic in the hands of the jews. You all consort with the devil=jews. You all connsort with the jews are freinds and neighbors and they have infiltrayted and destroyed all Chrtiain religions. Because you do not know Jesus Christ. If you did, if you truly got his message, and followed HIM, there would be no more war, there would be peace, and every jew would have been cast out and eliminated. I can’t even go to a Catholic Mass, because everyone in there in attendance over the age of 7, are posessed by demons. It sickens me.
You chose Hell over Heaven. You allowed the devils and their demons to rule this world.
Very soon it will be destroyed by fire. The illuminati used technology sent into the core of the SUN, to kill it 9 years ago, it taes 9 years for the Sun to die.
Technolgy in the hands oif the insane, and evil and insanity are the same thing, is life ending. They are trying to create a false Sun, but it will never happen, they can only destroy, they are evil. They destroyed all good technology and science as they replaced it with evil deadly science and technology, the same way they kill and destroy all good leaders and replace them with evil ones. Destroy all the education, news, entertainement arts, after replacing them with deadly ones=deadly to your souls.
When you accept the antichrist, his money system which is the religion of child sacrifice, you destroyed your own souls and the children of this earth will soion not be safe at all, they will all be every child under the age of 7 taken by the WHO in a quarenteen for a fake pandeminc children’s plague. Every one of them will be sacrificed to Moloch, that is what David Goldman disn’t tell you and only hinted at.
That will end you chance of ever evolving higher again.
That is when the Black sun, Hell itself will appear in the sky and being several times the size of the earth, and being made of Plasma=the consciousness of all demons comprised of only that dark and evil collective consciousness of the antichrist, will envelope thos earth fro billions of years in FIRE, to purify it and your sins agaibst God and the children. It will begin soon, during WW3. It will efectively end the War, out of the sheer terror it causes anyone who looks at it, with the exception of the jews wjho come from there and love it there.
You chose the jews the antichrist and you can’t serve 2 masters.
You must chose God or Mammon. Mammon is the word for the fallen angels of Hell, they are lower and more devolved than humans, than man.
You gave the Vatican and the Holy Land of Goid to Mammon, the worst insult and offence to God, then you belived it was a great thing to do, putting the antichrist on the seat of Peter in the Vatican in 1958=via the CIA. Giving the Holy Land to the Antichrist in 1948, and inbetween those 2 events you gave all your children to the Illuminati-the aliens of the Greada treaty, the Yiddish who are Mammon, for stolen technolgy that was for good and was reversed by the illuminati to do evil instead.
You all F’s yourselves. You are proud that you did it, which seals your fate. Had you repented and redeemed yoursleves you would have been saved.
Now it is too late, far too late.
The WHO is a plan to quarenteen/incarcerate all children under the age of 7, for the final satanic blood sactifce mimicking the crucifiction of Jesus Christ, that will end your world. The CBDC implants will end your souls, so you will all allow it to happen.
Every military person will be souless and demonic including the migrants who will be forced to take the soull destroying implants, and being fish out of water, completley dependant on the vipers of UN, will acdcept the transition into becoming full blown demons by injections and implants=they will only get paid if they take them.
Then the zombie apocalypse will begin on all of you fake jew loving chrsitian zionists.
You have weapons but bullets will not stop the living dead=zombies.
flesh eating demons from hell will come through CERN and the orientaion to Hell will be complete. You ahve only yourselves to blame and the holocaust and other lies and roapaganda you belived, from yooru choice to wworship the antichrist=those who killed Jesus Chrsit. Really good choice there idiots.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 25, 2024 8:37 pm

Oh, Jane, you ignorant slut…you rapacious swamp sow!

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 23, 2024 5:08 pm

So … in the midst of the great anti-communist heyday here in the United States … how is it that Senator Joseph McCarthy was vilified beyond belief for pursuing the communists within the US Government and US society in general … when, all along, the same folks who originated communism in Russia via the bolshevik revolution were and still are the same folks who were communists in the United States …

What a cohencidence … even more since PCR fails to see or mention that little fact.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 25, 2024 8:31 pm

There is no fate but what we make. Free will, bitches!