Ukraine is losing, and direct intervention by the West risks a nuclear conflict – so what now?

Guest Post by Sergey Poletaev

In our last article, we analyzed Kiev’s military prospects in light of its new mobilization law. Here we consider the West’s options in the proxy war it’s using the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) to fight.

Western officials have been talking about sending troops to Ukraine since the beginning of the year. French President Emmanuel Macron said that he is ready to consider “any scenario,” including a ground operation. Government officials in Estonia and Lithuania (including Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte) were quick to support him. And the Leader of the House Democratic Caucus Hakeem Jeffries became the first US politician who didn’t exclude the possibility of sending troops.

Formally, Ukraine hasn’t requested Western troops – Kiev has only demanded more weapons. But now, the New York Times reports that Kiev has officially asked the US and NATO to send military instructors to train 150,000 recruits on its territory, closer to the front line. Though the US has refused to comply with the request, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Charles Q. Brown Jr, has said that a NATO deployment of trainers appears inevitable, and that “we’ll get there eventually, over time.”

The subject of sending troops to Ukraine comes up quite often but, so far, Western countries have steered clear. Why? Is a full-fledged NATO intervention in Ukraine possible and what would happen if it took place? And how else might the West turn the course of the conflict in its favor?

A larger-than-life bet

Western doctrine in regard to Russia was defined even before the start of the full-scale conflict: the idea was to fight Russia “with the hands of” Ukraine and on Ukrainian territory. The goal was to force Russia to play by Western rules (ideally, by defeating it on the battlefield) and reassert the US-led bloc’s shaky global hegemony. But, at the same time, officials wanted to minimize their own risks and avoid being drawn into a direct military confrontation that could result in a nuclear war.

The second staple of this doctrine – a total trade war – has not yielded the desired results. In 2022, it became clear that the West overestimated the degree of its control not only over the international financial system, but even over its own financial flows. Despite certain losses and additional costs, Russia has been able to replace old trade ties with new ones and to do so with a minimal loss of revenue. The severe sanctions imposed by the West on its own companies turned out to be quite useless, since for the most part Russia continues to receive the latest Western products and technologies.

As for the idea of defeating Russia on the battlefield, the turning point occurred in the summer of 2023. After the failure of Ukraine’s counteroffensive, it became clear that the AFU would not be able to impose peace on its own terms. The problem is that in the conflict with Russia, the West has gone ‘all in’ and any military outcome that could be regarded as beneficial for Moscow – even negotiations on an equal footing – would now be regarded as a defeat. The whole world would realize that they can stand up to the hegemon and not just avoid becoming an outcast, but even gain some benefits. The West cannot allow this, since it could cause a chain reaction on a global scale.

Two options

By the beginning of 2024, Western countries faced a dilemma: In the current proxy war it was clear that they were losing and Ukraine was getting weaker, while Russia was growing stronger. Western leaders realized that the situation will continue to get worse until the middle or end of 2025 – by which time their own military production should gain momentum and Moscow may begin to experience a shortage of volunteers at the front. In other words, the worst-case scenario meant that Russia would be able to conduct at least three more successful military campaigns (summer and winter ‘24, and summer ‘25) with superior military forces.

The logic of the conflict is pushing the West towards the choice that we wrote about back in May 2022 – either intervening directly and fighting Russia on its own, or starting serious negotiations with Russia on the topic of Ukraine’s NATO membership and, more broadly, security in Eastern Europe.

Paradoxically, though, the West has chosen a third option: doing nothing. And it’s not just because of inertia, but also down to the weakening position of globalist elites, who have many unsuccessful ‘crusades for democracy’ behind them, from Vietnam to Afghanistan.

As of now, the AFU is growing weaker, the scale of the hostilities is growing, and the chances of the West directly entering the war, with potentially catastrophic consequences, are increasing every day. In the fall of 2022, before the limited mobilization in Russia, 10-15 NATO brigades could have turned Ukraine’s notable but rather meaningless victories near Kharkov and Kherson into a strategic success – for example, they could’ve ensured a breakthrough to the Azov Sea and a subsequent blockade of Crimea – but now it would take a lot more effort to simply support the front.

Fooling the system

The reason for the West’s indecisiveness is clear: it fears an escalation of the conflict. Russia is the world’s largest nuclear power and President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated that he will not tolerate a widespread NATO intervention, which will result in a nuclear war.

Moscow’s warnings have challenged Western countries, headed by the US, to find ways “to intervene without intervening” and to enable Ukraine to win (or at least save face) without directly defeating Russia. In short, Western countries are forced to walk the thin line between defeat and nuclear war, without a clear end goal in sight.

After the failure to cut open a land corridor to Crimea, the West has not been able to find an alternative military strategy. Moreover, it has no idea how to get out of the war of attrition which, even in the case of a positional deadlock and a ‘static’ front, will result in Ukraine’s defeat, since an opponent that is many times weaker (Ukraine’s current population is at least five times less than that of Russia) will inevitably lose. We see plenty of such examples in history.

In this situation, the only thing that Western strategists have managed to come up with is to continue supporting the AFU and “increase costs” for Russia in the hope that Putin will get tired of fighting. Of course, no one in the West takes Ukraine’s suffering into account. It takes for granted the fact that Ukrainians will continue to die en masse just so that the West can save face. Neither do they care about Ukraine’s demographic and social collapse (unprecedented in post-WWII Europe) or the destruction of its infrastructure, which will prevent not only a normal economy but even normal life in these territories for many decades. Such issues are simply ignored or considered collateral damage.

The West may not explicitly state its strategy in regard to Russia, but it is clearly expressed in various publications and statements: the goal is to support the AFU at the front and at the same time move the conflict deeper into Russian territory in the hope that Putin will beg for mercy before Ukraine collapses.

It is unlikely that Western leaders still hope to see a victory for Kiev on the battlefield. The more likely goal now is either the “Korean scenario” where no one wins and Ukraine is kept as Russia’s opponent, or the “Palestinian scenario,” ie, eternal war on Ukraine’s former territory. What is clear is that the West will do anything it can to avoid holding serious negotiations with Russia.

War of the cities

Despite the growing escalation and the West’s increasing involvement in the conflict, one red line still exists: Ukraine is not allowed to hit Russia’s”old” territories – ie, those territories which the West recognizes as part of Russia – with Western missiles.

However, the ways in which Ukraine (with the West’s approval) circumvents this ban resemble the methods of an ingenious lawyer who finds the most unexpected loopholes in laws. For example, if “territory” is interpreted as “land” then air targets are not considered “territory” and Ukraine may hit air targets in internationally recognized Russian airspace; if a long-range drone has Western components and Western targeting, but was assembled in Ukraine, this also doesn’t count; and if Western weapons are used under a false flag (for example, by the Ukraine-based paramilitary group Russian Volunteer Corps) – this is fine, too. Of course, there are many such examples.

Why so? It is unknown whether any clear agreements regarding this issue exist but, in any case, Moscow has clearly stated that any obvious attacks on its “old” territories will allow Russia to retaliate and hit Western cities directly – not through proxies.

In military terms, the AFU will hardly benefit from such an escalation. Firstly, by resorting to such strikes, the Ukrainian army won’t change the strategic situation at the front, just as bombing Russia’s “new territories” and Crimea with all sorts of weapons hasn’t helped.

Secondly, the supply of Western missiles is not enough to overload Russian missile defense systems and achieve real military goals. Even though occasional missiles hit its territory, Moscow has adapted to the situation, takes measures to prevent future attacks, and carries out retaliatory strikes.

In other words, by striking Russian cities, (an unheard-of idea even in the most intense years of the Cold War), the West will not achieve anything but will only face increased risks and an escalation which it wishes to avoid.

However, it is possible that the desperate situation at the front and the need for some kind of propaganda success will sooner or later force the West to take such a step – and perhaps this may happen very soon. So far, this seems to be the most likely scenario that may lead to an escalation of the conflict beyond the zone of the Ukrainian “sandbox.”

Boots on the ground

And what about sending troops to Ukraine – will the West actually do it? This is unlikely. As pointed out already, in the past two years the scale of the conflict has changed and, in order to achieve success, NATO would now need to send dozens of brigades to Ukraine (at least 100,000-150,000 people), several hundred aircraft, and launch huge cruise missile attacks (hundreds of volleys per day).

Finally, even though such efforts might stabilize the situation at the front and save the AFU (supposing that the Kremlin does not declare a greater or even full mobilization in response), it would not guarantee Russia’s defeat but would only bring nuclear war closer.

In a direct intervention, NATO ground forces (just like Ukrainian ones today) will eventually face a shortage of ammunition and, in the air, NATO forces will suffer damage from Russian missile defense systems and will be exposed to attacks (currently, NATO reconnaissance operates over the Black Sea without any obstacles). Moreover, conflict with China also looms on the horizon and, if NATO empties its arsenals in Ukraine, China may either watch the situation unfold or offer Russia direct assistance.

As a result, NATO countries would find themselves in a positional conflict with heavy losses and unclear goals. Eventually, though, this may help to resolve the contradictions between Russia and the West, since, like a stubborn child, the US-led bloc may feel it has to try all means of resistance before giving in.

Another option for the West would be to move troops to Ukraine “symbolically”– for example, to send one or two brigades that would serve as instructors for AFU recruits (though it must be said that, two years into the war, the veterans on both sides of the front line are the ones who should teach the rest of the world, including NATO, how to fight), or just maintain aircraft.

Of course, it goes without saying that any third-country troops stationed in Ukraine will become a military target for Russia.


In conclusion, we may say that the Western doctrine – ie, the combination of a total trade war and a proxy war – has failed to bring about victory and has put its “client” (Ukraine) at risk of a major defeat. The West is still afraid to get directly involved in the conflict, even when it comes to striking “old” Russian territories or operating missile defense systems under its own flag, not to mention directly sending troops.

At the same time, the West avoids serious negotiations with Russia and prefers to go with the flow, consoling itself with the idea that Russia will eventually get burned by growing costs and retreat.

Meanwhile, Moscow is adapting to the situation, rebuilding its economy, trade relations, and society in order to live and successfully develop in the reality of a long conflict. The West’s strategy (or rather, the absence of such) has been clearly unsuccessful – especially considering the current level of involvement in the conflict, Ukraine may exhaust its forces long before Russia experiences any major inconvenience at the front.

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May 23, 2024 8:41 am

This war, like Afghanistan, is the perfect metaphor for the cluelessly inept and sophomoric U.S. State Department diplomacy and the Joint Chiefs moronic policy decisions. Paraphrasing the Whistleblower comment made about Boeing 737’s aptly describes the execution of the Pentagram and State Dept….This is a war…”Designed by clowns…supervised by monkeys.’”

May 23, 2024 5:24 pm

What do you mean? It’s working perfectly for them.

May 23, 2024 9:13 am

A lot of fine fancy words.

Just one thing…it is a masive charade.
Putin, Zee, Buttons and all the Eurotrash “leaders” are all obviously acting out a war.

They are all buddies pretending to hate each other in order to inspire the peopes under the leaders to desire war with the people under the other leaders.
It’s true.
Some of you, have fallen prey and chose a side.

Which is why the USA is promoting anti Russia anti China news while defending everything Israel does.
And it’s why Russia and China need are all anti American now and ate cool on Israel.

All sides are leading their respective peoples to DESIRE war against the evil “thems” of the “enemy class”
Just like the hard sell for the vax?
Yoi betcha!
A hard sell for the war is coming in however many false flag, real and hoax attacks it takes to rile up each group into blood lust.

They do this repeatedly.
Even a bunch of idiots on this site will pick a side, and then be killed for doing so.

You wanna know the trick?
Be on your own side.
They are never going to stop until dupes stop believing the words they speak.

May 23, 2024 10:57 am

Most of that sounds true, but . . . this world is so polluted with deception and treachery, that some of it is hard to know for sure.

May 23, 2024 11:01 am

Tribe up.
No one will make it as a lone wolf.

May 23, 2024 11:16 am

Every tribe ends up with a sociopathic alpha fuhrer, and the cycle of sub/dom restarts.

May 23, 2024 11:02 am

Poot’n touched the wall.

May 23, 2024 1:10 pm

You are way off base……the article is 100% spot on. Putin is not pretending and the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian dead are not pretending to be dead……Nope this was an epic level fuck up by the idiotic “leaders” in the Western DS (the real powers that be, not the elected officials)….eg. Victoria Nuland et al. The folks that supposedly know history failed to respect it. They pushed NATO right up to the borders of Russia which needs lots of geography to defend intolerable situation so they invaded Ukraine to push back the West and create some strategic depth. The DS idiots thought…..hey we can use the Ukrainians and our vastly superior weapons to wreck Russia and cause them another Afghanistan fiasco………a telegraphed punch a child could see and Putin was ready for (even if his military was totally corrupt in the beginning of the war). Russia always loses/gives ground in the beginning of most conflicts…….and then they innovate, build and attack with a vengeance……..Exactly what we have seen in Ukraine……totally inept initial Russia assault….OK back up a little and gear up….and the Russian military is almost ready to start a WWII style push West……Baltics, Odessa/Moldova…..we have seen this movie. The idiots in the DS are now shitting themselves… the article points out….we can’t send in troops or we will get nuked in London, Paris Berlin, DC (one can only hope!) so they grabbed the tar baby and are stuck……the great tragedy is that the American people are now significantly at risk…….China is sitting on a stock arsenal and ready to pounce and that will be an existential war for the US…….we can’t let those chip factories go to China…..and the fight will come here in many forms…..cyber attacks on power, water, bio attacks, munitions and EMP’s ……….all because the DS wanted to traffic children, launder money and swing their dicks around in Ukraine……

May 23, 2024 5:32 pm

the Russian military is almost ready to start a WWII style push West……Baltics, Odessa/Moldova…..we have seen this movie”

maybe you need to stop projecting movies onto the the world. They can’t take more than a couple of miles at a time.

they won’t nuke london or paris or ny because they all have family and own properties there.

May 23, 2024 6:15 pm

Kharkiv is a feint…..they are going to thrust farther south from their support in Crimea……and the soft underbelly of Europe is easier pickings…….I suspect Putin being more rational and always conscious of the threat from China slows his roll even if he is winning bigly…….He just wants everything east of the Dneiper river…..which is mostly ethnic Russian anyways but more importantly than that would be Ukraine permanently neutral and NATO backs down…..which is exactly what he offered two years ago…..perfectly reasonable. So maybe he fucks up Odessa (all the Burning Platform NAZIS get stiffy’s at the thought!)…..Putin predictable……the more interesting question is what will the asshats in the west do……they cannot unfuck this situation and they cannot afford to lose….with Trump bad in power (or civil war in the US) their options are all bad…….so do they provoke a nuclear war? No Putin won’t nuke first but he most certainly will respond………

May 23, 2024 7:24 pm

Sure, any day now… Just a few months… The war will be over by summer… If anything it will be over sooner … thus spake the soothsayers of ‘alternative’ media.

If they just want east of the Dnieper, why are you fantasising about soft underbelly of Europe, or the Baltics, Moldova, Odessa, etc.? At least make it internally consistent.

If Kharkiv is a feint, which I think quite possible, although I wouldn’t be so generous to think it was actually on purpose, then why is that little area the fastest gains they’ve made? A glacial pace is fine, if you’re a glacier and have millenia or eons to grind away.

May 24, 2024 1:49 am

Putin will nuke first, Kiev and Lvov iz gone burn.

May 24, 2024 10:26 am

Nah, the plan includes moving massive numbers of Jews to Ukraine. Just prior to Putin and/or his homeboy Biden nuking the fertile crescent. To fulfill Abrahamic doomsday prophecies.
Please lets’ have none of the “it’s not real Jews, but Khazars” bullshit story. The tribe has been doing this to nations wherever they migrate for 4000 plus years. They behave the same way today as they did back then. The Old Testament describes dark magic practiced by Yahweh’s favorites David and Solomon. Yet the Bible forbids Goyim occult/spiritual knowledge. The Old Testaments excuses away genocide in precisely the same language the Talmud describes all Goyim today.
Just maybe some among us could stop playing along with the script(ture).

May 23, 2024 5:40 pm

Martel drinks faux koolaid.

May 23, 2024 6:18 pm

Shhh……adults are talking.

May 24, 2024 10:27 am

He’s well intended, but following the script.

May 24, 2024 10:17 am

Putin is pretending to oppose Zelensky and Biden. They are all in cahoots. The objective is the destruction of the West. Under the direction and on behalf of the Jewish central banking and world wide Judea/Israel.

May 24, 2024 11:46 am

lol Occam’s razor….the simplest explanation with the fewest assumptions is usually right……you Jew hating wingnuts always require a Rube Goldberg pile of assumptions with zero evidence…..

May 25, 2024 7:00 am

Zero evidence? How about a 4000 year history of the destruction of great nations and genocide? Every step of the way playing the victims.

May 23, 2024 9:16 am


May 23, 2024 10:55 am

Good morning, Kennyboy.

May 23, 2024 11:02 am

Sgt Snuffy?

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
May 23, 2024 10:08 am

Dear Mr Putin,

Please take Odessa already.

Thank you, Love, Auntie.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
May 23, 2024 10:15 am

This is “Guns of August” level stuff. We put one “official” boot on the ground and take one shot at a Russkie and we will see cyber attacks like no sci-fi ever imagined along with sabotage and outright assaults by the Democrats “Newcomers.”
There are now multiple army corps of Raghead filth, Chinese enemies, and likely at a minimum an entire division of Russians right here right now. They didn’t bring anything but themselves and that ought to worry the heck out of everyone but the Democrat traitors who apparently think they can invite MULTIPLE enemy armies into the country and GIVE THEM FREE SHIT and housing better than veterans, pensioners and big city working class citizens!!!!!!!!
Multiple videos have circulated showing groups of all these invaders having target practice with semi auto rifles. A low IQ judge in Illinois said they have a right to carry guns which citizens in Illinois do not without fees, checks and classes. In Illinois you cannot buy a Ruger 10/22 with a thumbhole stock, but an illegal can carry guns which they have no legal way of obtaining? THIS is the kind of gymnastics these shithead Democrats go through to coddle their eventual executioners. We do not have sane people in charge locally, or in DC.

  Harrington Richardson
May 24, 2024 1:53 am

democrats bla bla bla – so your orange messiah gonna be better? Sure he is LOL.He says MIGA. Divison of Russian? What a joke – Russians couldn’t give a shit about your 3rd world niggershithole.

May 23, 2024 10:48 am

There is nothing to discuss…this war was over before it even started..Russia is rolling up this lot of corrupt child traffickers using a fraction of its army, and using it to revitalize military innovation…Well played Vlad!

May 23, 2024 11:00 am

So like…if the west stops giving zelinsky weapons, that war is over.

And if the west stops giving Usrael weapons, that war is over too, right?

But then they will have to deal with billions possibly realizing the covid scam…was a scam.

This succinct it up?

May 23, 2024 5:46 pm

 notable but rather meaningless victories near Kharkov and Kherson”

ridiculous, it wasn’t ‘near’ them, they retook the cities. Now that there is no surprise, they won’t be taken again unless they are surrendered for other reasons. No one has the will to take cities like that now.

I admit, I thought there would have been negotiations already. Maybe there are, and shit in places like Niger are being traded, I don’t know.

But why would the west negotiate right now? They’re getting what they want. They certainly don’t want military victory.

May 23, 2024 7:56 pm

Thank you for the intelligent conversation. It was a privilege to read. Somehow it makes me feel safer to know that there are people thinking calmly yet, not ignoring the big problems. Seeing that blue is blue and green is green.

May 24, 2024 12:00 pm

The author asks, “What Now”…well, silly boy, obviously it’s nuclear war. The Zionist Banksters need it and thus it shall be…same as it ever was.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 25, 2024 7:57 pm


I’m standin’ there on the corner with a bag of burgers from Micky D and this little masked bitch runs up, kicks me in the shin, grabs my bag and runs off yelling “Robble, Robble!”

You can’t make this shit up!

Or CAN you?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  The Central Scrutinizer
May 25, 2024 7:59 pm

Too surrealistic a pillow?