Asymmetric Idiocy

Guest Post by CJ Hopkins

I miss the 1970s sometimes. Not just the music. And the sex. And the drugs. I miss the terrorists. The old-school terrorists. Or, OK, maybe not the terrorists, but the revolutionaries who cheered on the terrorists.

I miss the clarity, and the honesty, of that era.

Maybe you’re too young to remember, but, back in the day, you didn’t get all this hemming and hawing about murdering civilians. The terrorists, and the revolutionaries who supported them, were not ashamed of murdering civilians. The Revolution demanded that they murder civilians. Murdering civilians was one of the fundamental strategies of the Revolution.

The way this strategy works is simple. What you do is, you murder a bunch of civilians, in order to provoke your adversary into massively over-retaliating against you and committing all kinds of war crimes and atrocities, like the USA did in Iraq twenty years ago, like the IDF is now doing in Gaza. The goal of the strategy is to broaden the conflict, and draw your potential allies into it, or at least significantly weaken support for your enemy.

OK, sure, that means you have to murder some people … men, women, children, whole families, and then your enemy is going to go apeshit and kill tens or even hundreds of thousands of your people, but, if all goes to plan, your “allies” will join you, and attack your enemy, and drive him into the sea, or off the face of the earth, or wherever. So, in the end, all the murdering will have been totally worth it.

This is not a theory I just made up. It is one of the basics of asymmetric warfare. If you are not already familiar with that subject, this might be a good time to look into it.

I’m not a fan of murdering civilians. Not even for the Revolution. I do not think it is a very good strategy. Plus, well, the murdering. I’m against that, generally. Soldiers killing each other is one thing. They have been doing that since the dawn of history. And I have no problem with guerilla tactics. People fight wars with the means they have available. It’s just the murdering thing that I can’t get down with. Especially the murdering of the women and the kids, but it’s probably not politically correct to say that, what with the diversity, equity, and inclusion thing these days.

Anyway, as it appears I’m currently alienating a significant portion of my longstanding readers, half of whom believe I’m an “Islamofascist,” and the other half of whom believe I’m a “Zionist,” I figure I’ll go ahead and go for broke, and wax nostalgic about the 1970s, and say a few things I haven’t been saying, or, rather, I’ll say a few things I’ve been saying delicately not so delicately.

I’ve been saying those things delicately, because, as I made pretty clear in October, when this whole horror show started, my sympathies are with the Palestinian people. My sympathies are also with the loved ones of the Israeli civilians who were murdered by Hamas, but I am talking about the bigger picture now, the broader “Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

In that bigger picture, the Palestinians are fucked. They’ve been getting fucked for quite some time now. That is what happens when empires conquer the land you live on and do what they want with it. The land in question has been getting conquered for approximately 4,500 years. The Babylonians conquered it. The Persians conquered it. Alexander the Great conquered it. The Romans conquered it. And so on. That’s all ancient history.

More recently, in 1920, the Ottoman Empire lost World War One, and the British Empire took the land over. You are probably familiar with the rest of the history. The British pulled out in 1948. Zionists established The State of Israel. War broke out. Israel won. War broke out again. Israel won again. And again. And so on. And … well, here we are.

As I was saying, the Palestinians are fucked. Look at a map of the territory. Does it look like Palestine is on the verge of being “free”?

The State of Israel is not going anywhere. It is an essential component of the global-capitalist empire. It’s the empire’s headquarters in the Middle East. It has nuclear weapons. It is backed by the US military. The “Islamic world” is not going to join Hamas and attack it, regardless of how many war crimes it perpetrates in Gaza. The ICJ is not going to put it on trial. The United Nations isn’t going to make it play nice. It isn’t going to disappear into the ether. It is a fact of life. It isn’t fair. It has nothing to do with fairness and justice and rights and good and bad and whatever. It doesn’t even have much to do with Zionism. Zionism is just Israel’s ideology, like Islamism is Saudi Arabia’s ideology. What it has to do with is the global-capitalist empire, and resistance to the global-capitalist empire.

Which brings us back to asymmetric warfare, and Hamas’ October 7 “Al-Aqsa Flood” strategy, and the utter fucking pointlessness of it, and the utter fucking callousness of it.

Do you seriously believe that the leadership of Hamas did not know exactly how Israel would respond to the slaughter of hundreds of Israeli citizens, families, children, people at a rave? If you honestly believe that, I don’t know what to say.

The goal of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack was to provoke precisely the response it has provoked. There is nothing mysterious or complicated about this. It is Asymmetric Warfare 101, straight out of the Terrorism textbook.

For seven months I have been watching my “radical” colleagues trying to obscure this fact. It isn’t helpful. It doesn’t help anyone. It certainly doesn’t help the Palestinian people. There is more than enough about Israel to criticize. Lying, twisting the facts about Hamas, convincing people that the IDF “Hanniballed” everyone on October 7, is (a) unnecessary, (b) obfuscatory, and (c) destroys your credibility.

On top of which, it makes you look like pussies.

If you believe that murdering people to provoke your enemy into overreacting is a productive armed-resistance strategy, at least have the fucking courage to say so. Bring back the spirit of the 1970s! The old PLO! The RAF! The IRA! The SLA! Do it for the Revolution! Or the Globalized Intifada! Or whatever.

I’m just kidding, of course. It is an idiotic strategy. It hands your enemy a free “get out of war-crimes tribunal” card. Meanwhile, the people you are purporting to be fighting for are getting slaughtered by the tens of thousands. But whatever … as long as it boosts your cred among the other “legitimate armed resisters,” who cares how many families get wasted? After all, it’s not your fault! It’s the oppressors! The Zionists! The Americans! Or whoever.

Seriously, though, I am feeling a bit nostalgic for the 1970s, when at least you could have a real argument over tactics with your revolutionary comrades instead of hearing mindless gibberish like this …

Yes, you actually just read those words, “they never killed anyone with an intent to kill.” And Lena’s note is not at all an anomaly. I have been hearing this gibberish for seven months now.

So, thanks, all my radical anti-Zionist friends and colleagues who have been pumping out this narrative, and all the thought-terminating clichés, and conducting Anti-Zionist Inquisitions, and so on! Well done! I’m pretty sure all the folks like Lena who you have helped to transform into a mass of mindless Pavlovian robots will never, ever, be turned against us, like, you know, the next time the Powers That Be come up with an irresistible stimulus!

I mean, what are the odds of that ever happening?

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May 24, 2024 7:39 am

Bring back full face hats to combat facial recognition.

comment image


Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
May 24, 2024 10:11 am

I hope some are still available through Amazon.

May 24, 2024 11:25 am

I would market that as “The Usual Suspects” mask…

May 24, 2024 7:44 am

I find it deliciously ironic that CJH used the word “idiocy” in his title and still failed to grasp the fact that Hamas was created by Israel for Israel to fulfill exactly the purpose he describes in his article.
This is very much an asymmetric warfare action, but you have to look at it from the right premise. Israel killed a few Israelis in order to justify exterminating the Palestinians. Seems pretty easy to figure out Mr. Hopkins, but maybe it was just too “delicate” a topic for you?

(full disclosure, I don’t give a fuck about any of that shit over there. What I give a fuck about it is the fact that our tax dollars, and therefore our future prosperity, are being stolen to support such bullshit)

May 24, 2024 8:21 am

Because is was created by them doesn’t mean they still control them.

May 24, 2024 9:42 am

Ohhh! Poor Isreal, that Hamas slipped out of it’s grip!

May 24, 2024 10:21 am

You are correct, but it doesn’t matter. They don’t have to control them. Creating the creature then setting it loose to cause havoc is the purpose.

Do I think it was smart or do I agree with it? No
Do I think it will ultimately fail? Yes, for myriad reasons.
Do I care? Only so much as it serves as a warning for us. See a9racer’s comment below. It’s all a distraction from our own problems here.

Anon y mous
Anon y mous
May 24, 2024 11:47 am

Regarding your name, I thought there were no ‘ex’ marines?

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Anon y mous
May 24, 2024 6:20 pm

That’s what they told US at Parris Island in the summer of ’66 when I went through boot camp …

The expression was ‘Once a Marine, always a Marine.’

In his defense, though, maybe he means he’s no longer on active duty with The Corps.

Semper Fi … 1966-68

May 25, 2024 7:49 am

CJ is like someone who has cut down on his TV watching, but still depends on it for his info. He usually seems to have swallowed the main points of the propaganda and contents himself with nibbling around the edges. He’s a playwright, after all, not a serious commentator.

May 24, 2024 8:15 am

I don’t care. It’s a fucking distraction while we get invaded by military-aged males across our southern border. Do you not see freedom slipping away?

May 24, 2024 10:24 am

Exactly. Just an excuse for another “Patriot Act” or some other disgusting power grab wrapped up in “this is for your safety, think of your kids future” pushed by the deep state bureaucrats and their handlers.

May 24, 2024 6:36 pm

It’s a simple equation: Americans are refusing to fight for their own corrupt country. Our standard of living was getting to be bothersome to Our Betters; we were losing them money.

So import military-aged, probably already battle-hardened foreigners and offer them service for citizenship. All these morons know how to do is fight anyway, so let those stupid, controllable, mutts in here and make them cozy — until the rug gets pulled from underneath their feet.

When the economy tanks, the bubbles all burst, and these desperate fools have nothing, again, chaos will ensue. They bring it with them from their shithole countries.

The ride is going to be bumpy pretty soon.

May 24, 2024 8:30 am

In wars the winners are the heroes and the losers the war criminals. Imagine what would have happened to Washington, Jefferson and Franklin if England had won. Imagine what would have happened to Truman and Eisenhower, what would have happened to Stalin, what would have happened to Churchill and General Brooke if the Axis powers had won WW2?We will have to wait and see who are the war criminals and who are the heroes in this conflict.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
May 24, 2024 8:38 am

Sorry, CJ. Keeping open-air concentration camps, operating for more than half a century, and being surprised there was a prison riot, then responding by military ethnic cleansing, scorched earth plus the mass slaughter of civilians is NEVER going to be OK as it, murder, as you well point out, is always the Devil’s business.

The true asymmetric warfare is being conducted by the WEF/NWO/Evil Fuckers against the first world via mass movement of unvetted migrants into US and Europe. The citizens of these places will only wake up AFTER they have become unwanted indigenous people, like the Palestinians, of their former homelands.

We are all Palestinians now.

Hooty Goober
Hooty Goober
  Aunt Acid
May 25, 2024 12:02 am

As some poor darkie exclaimed right after Appomatox, “This warn’t about freein no slaves, ’cause we is all slaves now…”

Sionnach Liath
Sionnach Liath
May 24, 2024 8:48 am

I wonder if Hopkins has ever read the Koran. It pretty clearly makes it the duty of every Muslim to do one of two things to the non-believers – convert or kill. That’s it, there is no ‘nice guy’ advice to convince the non-believer of the logic of the Islamic argument. The Koran and Shariah are the enemies of liberty and freedom of thought.

  Sionnach Liath
May 24, 2024 9:40 am

Does Uslam really instruct the reader to kill non believers?

If so.. that makes every Uslum a potential murderer of a non by choice.

People choose to go along with a religion.
Even if it wasn’t actually their choice.
Typically, parents choose such things FOR their kids.

Just like they choose to go along with politics..they go along with the religions.

“Teach up a child in the way for him..” indeed.

If the Koran instructs to kill nons?
It is not of god, but from the dark heart of evil men.

  Sionnach Liath
May 24, 2024 9:43 am

At least the Western propaganda told you so.

Anon y mous
Anon y mous
  Sionnach Liath
May 24, 2024 11:50 am

I’m just glad that more Moslems don’t actually practice their religion.

  Sionnach Liath
May 24, 2024 2:52 pm

Wait ’til you read the Talmud. Oh boy.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
May 24, 2024 9:42 am

It’s not murder if they are stupid or ignorant. And it sure as fuck isnt water boarding if you use diesel fuel.

If you are committed to fighting a war then some eggs are going to be broken to make that fucking omelet.

The critical factor is the shit bag government pretending it is ok to start a war then pussyfoot with arbitrary civility about killing another human or humans. Kind of like what our government has done since the Whiskey Rebellion.

One man’s warcrime is another man’s fact of life. War is violence and that means dirty, primitive behavior. The mistake Westerners have made is thinking that we are not primal animals. And that is why we will never win a war overseas again.

The MIC, other abc agencies, NWO and government grifters have no problem getting wealthy off blood, ass and guts being strewn all over a battlefield, but for some reason the average joe has been so fucking domesticated that actual street justice served somehow offends their delicate sensibilities unless it is watching a Ukrainian drone operator hit the same Russian soldier 6 times with c4 and frags. Vice-versa for Russkie operators hitting Ukes. Savagery doesnt even begin to describe the fighting in Ukrainr right now. See Col Kurtz in Apocalypse Now.

Just as has always been done since humans first learned how to use a more efficient tool for beating or killing another human to exert their will we now have governments that will cry war crimes against another country when they have been doing the exact same shit time after time.

The breadth, depth and duration of human stupidity and circulat logic is infinite. End the occupation by occupying a school courtyard. Hunger strike to protest, but make sure you feed us. Stop the violence by perpetrating violence against a dissenting opinion contrary to the current flavor of the month groupthink.

People are so fucking dumb now they would rather make three lefts to turn right. And the useful idiots are abundant.

Humans are paradoxical by nature, so fuck it. Arm everyone and let gunfire ring.

When rational debate is no longer effective then force must be used. I mean straight up heads on spikes and body parts on display violence so that no one will even think of crossing you and yours. There is no such thing as peaceful coexistence with opposing ideologies. Especially when it comes from the intellectually bankrupt.

To use terrorism as a universal violence atm is pretty commonly accepted now just as religion is and honestly we should all be using that logic to show all the idiots that support Hamas or Israel just how fucking retarded are. Although calling them retarded is an insult to actual retards, but they probably dont give a shit anyhow since they are retarded.

I have stopped trying to educate the folks around me. Either they get it or they dont. Stop wasting your breath and use it more effectively for cardio, strength training, weapons proficiencies and prepping for the fall.

It is coming and it will happen all of a sudden as it always does.

The sooner everyone embraces the survival instinct the better. Menacing vibrations are on the rise.

ZFG, out.

P.S. dont come knocking on my door when it is time to grip and rip. I have no illusions about the need to kill or be killed and there aint no room except for me and the wife.

Let them all kill each other then clean up the remnants of both sides. That is likely what the ChiComs are waiting on here in the U.S. anyhow.

/end rant

Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
  Zulu Foxtrot Golf
May 24, 2024 10:19 am

Although, at the moment, most aren’t aware of the term “Puntuated Equilibrium”, it is very real and coming to all of our towns very, very soon.
( but then, you already know that )

  Zulu Foxtrot Golf
May 24, 2024 11:51 am

And it sure as fuck isnt water boarding if you use diesel fuel.

I’ll buy that for a dollar.

  Zulu Foxtrot Golf
May 25, 2024 1:34 am

The tactics are one thing, but the reaction to drones dropping grenades, drone footage of mortar or artillery strikes, drone footage of… even less savory things, in a war where most observers can’t even tell the sides apart… it’s perverse in a way I don’t even know how to describe.

It’s like the people who gloat over some bunch of sad sacks getting wiped out by rockets or artillery in a rear area.

At least it has hardened by heart against a certain type.

Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
May 24, 2024 10:10 am

“The honesty of the area” ? Might be a bit more accurate to say the perceived honesty of the era. GLADIO’s various incarnations sure had a lot to do with the by gone baddies.

May 24, 2024 10:51 am

There’s too much focus here on which narrative is clean and simple, not enough on which narrative actually fits the facts.

The elites have found a successful strategy in “just be unbelievably evil” where you make all your crimes so over the top that readers assume the accusations must be fake.

Sure, you can counter this at the local level by purposefully toning down all your accusations so they don’t sound so over the top. This lack of truthseeking tends to fail at the task of building accurate heuristics that correctly predict anything else. Even where you succeed, you have to spoon feed artificial narratives to your target audience from then on, because they haven’t changed anything important in the underlying heuristics that produced the first erroneous narrative.

As much as it’s true that Hamas is perfectly happy about how the conflict has gone/is going, Hamas being unbelievably evil doesn’t imply that Israel is less so, if anything it’s the opposite, part of a general pattern of elites finding ways to take private gains at public cost, and not caring when that public cost is a million times their private gain.

May 24, 2024 11:23 am

Until we try and imprison Obama’s mentors Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn for their Weather Underground terrorism we are a hypocritical nation. The fact that these radical scum are permitted to “teach” as highly paid and respected professors at top universities is an abomination and needs to be addressed…but, they are Commies and a protected class in our current shitshow of a nation. This won’t end well.

Anon y mous
Anon y mous
May 24, 2024 11:58 am

There is a weather webite/service now called Weather Underground. It pisses me off that they use that name as if it is catchy or cool. I refuse to use the site

  Anon y mous
May 24, 2024 11:05 pm

I guess you only watch Weather-persons on the local news?

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
May 24, 2024 11:25 pm

Did I just read some amateur propaganda?

May 25, 2024 12:56 am

You talk about ideology like your changing your shirt….,you must be agnostic.before technology and massively printed script.
Religion WAS the prime motivator for centuries!!…..still is for a lot of people!!..but beware …..of the people who believe in their God more than you believe in yours !!

May 25, 2024 8:01 am

In case you run out of exclamation points, here are a few you can have for your next comment: !!!!!!!

May 25, 2024 7:37 am

CJ, the utter pointlessness of the “Hamas attack” is a clue that it was a false flag attack by Mossad/IDF. They have always looked as though they were pulling the strings of Hamas anyway. Another clue is the utter absurdity of the methods of the attack. Paragliders? Seriously?