And the Cancer Keeps Rolling In

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

Kate Middleton has cancer. The King of England has cancer. Every day we hear of more and more people diagnosed with cancer—many of them quite young. And not a single report we hear, unless coming from alt media, will suggest that the Covid vaccines are a possible cause.

There is no guarantee that any particular case is definitely attributed to the jabs. But considering the radical upswing of cases recently, you would think more people would be scratching their heads and connecting the dots. The rise in cancer cases pretty clearly correlates with the release of the vaccine.

That alone should get most thinking folks questioning. But they aren’t, and they won’t.

It is much easier to blame the usual suspects—pollution, bad water, unhealthy food, toxins in general, messy lifestyles, no exercise, and now, of course, climate change. Not only is the Covid vaccine not a suspect, but no vaccine is. In fact, no FDA-approved medication is. Big Pharma can once again hold the bloody dagger behind their back with a big grin on their face, “What, me worry?” Nope, you’ve played the game well Mr. Big Pharma, you’ve got us all (or most) under your spell. No matter how obvious your implication may be, you are off the hook.

If you believe in data from mainstream sources, they tell you that in 2019, one in ten deaths worldwide was caused by cancer. Over 10 million people in that year succumbed to the dreaded “C” word. I would be curious to know what the number was in 2023, the official figures for 2022 were not much different from 2019, which indicates to me that none of these statistics can really be trusted. Most mainstream reports are not reluctant to say cancer diagnoses are on the rise, but they say that every year, and of course the incentive is to frighten people into early diagnosis and early treatment, thus filling the coffers with even more gold coins.

Oooo, did that hit a nerve? As with most confusing things these days, this is confusing. There is no doubt in my mind that some cancers, at some stages, can be successfully treated through conventional methods. How they treat these cases in the conventional world may not be as safe as how they treat them in the alternative world, but nonetheless, there have been successful treatments using conventional methods.

Of course, that conventional world will do everything it can to convince you that their interventions are the only ones that can be effective and that anything the “safe” alternative world has to offer is bogus. I personally do not believe this, but I have to say, I have not experienced alternative treatments saving many lives. And I have experienced conventional, extremely invasive, treatments doing just that, saving lives. So, what can I say? This is from personal experience, and I have had a bit of it, considering my first wife died of cancer 20 years ago.

I’m off on a tangent, my apologies.

So, back to the question, what is causing the uprise in cancer cases? In my humble opinion, the culprit is most definitely the Covid vaccine. Of course, I am just an observer and have no medical data to back up my personal opinion. From what I understand, however, the data is out there. It may be difficult to find, but there are many quite learned, experienced, and credentialed folks (as in MDs) out there who would support my statement with medical data.

Although I do believe the upswing in cancer diagnoses is largely attributed to the Covid vaccine, it cannot possibly be the only reason. And the vax is certainly not the only answer to the ubiquitous cancer diagnosis question, “Why did this happen to me?”

As we all know, the agenda has more than one way to skin a cat. mRNA in injections is only one of them. mRNA is showing up everywhere anyway, not just in needles, and in nearly every form of bodily intake. So the mRNA method can get us, even if we avoided the jab. There are known cancer-causing elements in places other than mRNA and gene therapy as well. How about 5G, Chemtrails, GMO products, cricket meal, fluoride, any number of approved pharmaceuticals, need I go on?

As they add to their wicked mix of lethal concoctions, the cancer rate just continues to climb. And there is no way to put the proverbial finger on any one thing as “the” cause.

So, we all know this. When I say, “we all” I mean those of you reading this. No one would have gotten this far in this essay if they were not already in the choir I am preaching to. We are again left with the sheep, who will probably never “get it.” Here goes the broken record skipping back into the same groove over and over again. If people, I mean sheep, actually could accurately identify the enemy and stop chasing ghosts like climate change into the woods, guaranteed never to catch them, we would possibly have a fighting chance.

I have read at least a half dozen articles, some of them even a bit alternative, about the rise in cancer cases, particularly among young people, and not a single one mentioned the Covid vaccine as a cause. Yes, all of us have been hearing since day one about the proliferation of “turbo cancer” among the vaxxed, but no one else seems to make the connection. Of course, the horse is out of the barn to some degree with all this, at least for the folks already pin-cushioned by multiple needles. It is still a battle worth fighting considering the continuation of the vaccine as a “reasonable deterrent” against Covid, for adults, the elderly, and for children. It does seem to me that it is not worth getting cancer to avoid getting Covid.

And, as you know, I am only speaking of cancer as a side effect of the vaccine, what about heart disease, blood clots, and a myriad of other known Covid vaccine side effects? And that is only to mention the ailments we have scientific support for. What about the loss of cognition, loss of empathy, depression, and suicide, along with a plethora of other mental and physical maladies that are at the moment only speculations and anecdotal observations?

My heart goes out to Kate. She seems like a nice person and the mother of three innocent and beautiful children. And who really knows if these specific cases were caused by the vax? I know someone very close to me who recently died of a “turbo” cancer, and I know without reservation he was not jabbed. Kate? Seems odd that a close member of the ruling lizard class would be vaccinated with the real stuff, but who knows? The world is strange these days, very strange indeed.

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May 25, 2024 6:43 am

It is okay, they all rolled up their sleeves and took the jab as a public service announcement to inspire others to get jabbed. Good thing too, or things could have been worse.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2024 6:49 am

I don’t think the know what cancer is. It’s been a cash cow for my entire lifetime and I’m old and it has only gotten much worse with far more young and presumably healthy people getting it in all its myriad forms. Maybe they do and all they’ve done is learn how best to grow and manage it for maximum profitability. Considering everything we’ve learned about doctors, researchers and medicine these past few years, that would seem the most likely possibility.

I don’t know what it is, but it appears to be a condition of the current era with all of it’s progress and advancements.


Reality takes a back seat to narrative until it doesn’t.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2024 7:26 am

You’re making progress, from ‘cancers don’t exist.’

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2024 7:48 am

Have I said that they don’t exist? I don’t recall that. I do believe that “cancer” is a catchall term that applies to a myriad of dysfunction in the human body due to a combination of factors and that treatment of symptoms does nothing to cure the root problem.

Clearly there is big money in cancer research and treatment, since it has only gotten much worse in my lifetime. The real goal is to insure people continue to get it and to keep them alive as long as possible to maximize the profitability of treating it.

POSIWID, baby.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2024 8:39 am

If people stop getting cancer, the economic impact would be devastating to muh medical heroes and their tik tok dance videos . Cancer creates jobs

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  hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2024 7:36 am

One idea is that cancer is a blanket term for acidosis; acids break down proteins. The food we eat has a pH to it, some alkaline some acidic.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2024 9:12 am

Since anti-parasite drugs Ivermectin and Fenbendazole are proving effective against cancer, cancer seems to be some kind of parasite….

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
May 25, 2024 1:08 pm

Politicians are parasites immune to such therapies.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 25, 2024 7:41 pm

‘Cancer’ is a term that covers a wide variety of different ‘cancers’ … I’d be curious to see the specific types of cancers that IVM and HCQ have been successful in treating.

I’ve had cancer 3x … twice treated at a VA Hospital in LA, once by a Naturopath in Seattle. The VA treated me the first time with 4,500 rads of radiation treatments, the 2d time with 4,500 rads plus 6 courses of Einhorn chemotherapy regimen (a very nasty cocktail) … and I’m still here 43 years after that chemotherapy. HOWEVER, in 1992/3, I went to the VA Hospital in Seattle — which bragged about being the cancer curing capital of the universe (Seattle, not the VA) … and the head of Oncology at that VA Hospital had never even heard of the type of cancer I’d had twice already.

He put me through all of the tests he could short of a biopsy … he was convinced that the cancer had returned after an 11 or 12 year hiatus … and I just couldn’t face the whole regimen a 3d time.

My wife talked on the phone for 2 1/2+ hours with the pre-eminent Naturopath in Seattle in those days (she’s passed on) … and she prescribed a regimen of various herbs and such … and in less than 3 weeks I was free of the tumor.

The kicker of this trip through the cancer wars — started in February, 1979 — has been that for years now I’ve been trying out just what God’s plan for me has been that I’m still here all this while … I just know that I’m grateful to still be here, but that ‘why’ still creeps into my consciousness every so often …

  hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2024 12:54 pm

Read some Mercola Bro. Cancer and all major illness is from Mitochardia dysfuntion. It’s not a mystery at all. The Mercola article in todays TBP covers the basics.

May 25, 2024 12:59 pm

It’s not BS it’s very real. Mercola has written about this for years, and he sites the research to prove it. His book, “Fat for Fuel.” has many stories of people who went from deaths door to perfect health by treating the Mitochondria dysfunction.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2024 2:36 pm

If you get into the weeds of cancer research, my suspicion has always been its true purpose is longevity research for the ultra rich. Most cancer is apparently random and the rest is exposure to something.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
May 25, 2024 7:44 am

They say that cancer develops when your immune system is in shambles.

Given that the truth is close to the opposite of what they teach you, cancer probably has an autoimmune origin.

  Svarga Loka
May 25, 2024 8:48 am

A healthy body begins and ends in the liver , which is the only organ that can regenerate itself. God knew what he was doing building the liver’s whole body defense system, but as all defense systems fail under incessant assault, the liver will eventually succumb , too and then the disease phase begins.

May 25, 2024 10:52 am

The liver and kidneys are what processes everything and cleans the body. When they go the body soon follows.

  Svarga Loka
May 25, 2024 1:00 pm

Reads some Mercola. Read my above.

May 25, 2024 8:30 am

Cancer is just the price of living in a modern, healthcare oriented society… reeee

May 25, 2024 8:52 am

In the last 2 weeks, I’ve seen…

72 year old family friend went to the Dr for a checkup. Cancer. Dr said he had 2 weeks to live. He died in 10 days.

Neice’s father who is 60 year old vegan had a heart attack. Went back a few days later and was told he has liver cancer.

My wife’s boss who is 60 has lung cancer.

May 25, 2024 9:11 am

The power of suggestion is a powerful thing. It can heal or kill.

May 25, 2024 11:37 am

I forgot to mention that my mechanic of 12 years came down with something that doctors cannot diagnose. His whole body hurts. His wife said “his pelvic muscles are nonexistent.” Whatever that means. He hasn’t been able to go to work for the last 3 months. He’s 38.

May 25, 2024 12:24 pm

Unusual indeed. Ass Crack MDs usually just make up a diagnosis, and sell you service and medication until whatever is actually wrong finally kills you. My late paw-n- law used to say “they’ll find out exactly what ailed you at the autopsy” ha ha ha …fine sense of humor, that one.

May 25, 2024 4:03 pm

I don’t know any of those people. They’re probably fine.
No one cares about the people you know.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 25, 2024 7:45 pm

As they’ve been documenting the past 18+ months or so — coincident with the jab — some folks have gone from being healthy as a rock to having advance-stage cancer in very short order — and then dying within hours or days after the diagnosis. Strangeness … to say the least.

My sister’s oldest girl friend was one of those healthy as a rock folks … took the jabs (3 or 4, not sure) to travel internationally, etc. … ended up with advanced cancer that’s not responding very well to treatments. Similarly, my friend’s wife … and others I’ve heard about in the past year.

As Sherlock used to say: ‘The game is afoot.’

May 25, 2024 10:59 pm

GNL – Deepest sympathies for you regarding those around you who are sick or dead.

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
May 25, 2024 10:55 am

Chemotherapy Fraud…. Chemo is a huge money maker with little benefit (if any at all and makes many cancers worse by using it) in most cancers and a long list of problems associated with its use.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
  Steve Z.
May 25, 2024 5:00 pm

It killed my mother back in 1969. She was only 61.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Steve Z.
May 25, 2024 7:53 pm

Well … the best I can say is, ‘Yes — and No.’

My first bout with cancer (primary seminoma) was in 1979 … treated with 4,500 rads of radiation. At the time, the research that the busy bees at the VA Hospital in LA (a mile from UCLA) uncovered showed less than 100 cases worldwide of this particular cancer … but, among those cases, the 2-year survival rate was 14%, 4-year survival rate was 4% — and the 5-year survival rate was 0%.

After being treated, and on my way out the door, my oncologist told me to get my affairs in order … that I likely had about 16 months to live. I was 31 years old at the time.

It returned in ’81 … treated with same radiation PLUS 6 courses of Einhorn chemotherapy protocol — which had been developed and was ready for the first round of human trials at that moment. There were 5 or 6 of us across the US in different hospitals who were the first round of human trials for that chemotherapy. We all made it through the first 6 treatments (of a planned 24 treatments) — and couldn’t take it anymore. They tested each of us at our respective hospitals and pronounced us cancer free.

Sadly — one of us guinea pigs died a couple of months later … the cancer had somehow gotten into his lungs and spread like wildfire.

Not sure about the rest of the guinea pigs … but I’ve taken a licking and I’m still ticking (well, sort of) …

I agree that there were problems with that radiation and the chemo … the chemotherapy damaged my veins and the rest of my circulatory system (including my heart, which was also involved in post-treatment surgery), plus my kidneys and liver and thyroid and … all sorts of stuff.

But I’m still here … and thankful for the hard work that Dr. Einhorn did to develop the chemo (it’s still in use for that type of cancer) for such an orphan type of cancer … and for all of the doctors and nurses at that VA Hospital who helped me so very long ago.

May 25, 2024 2:24 pm
May 25, 2024 4:36 pm

The Kate does not have cancer. People are so gullible.

May 25, 2024 4:58 pm

Note: There’s an invisible /s that Ian didn’t add to his post.

She Pines for the Fjords

I think it’s perfectly obvious that Princess Kate isn’t deceased, and hasn’t either succumbed to Suddenly or been sacrificed to Satan in a desperate ritual to help Clown World hold onto its power. Clearly, the poor princess is merely pining for the fjords.

The Princess of Wales will probably “not appear in public for the rest of the year,” and is being “surrounded” by her birth family as she continues a course of preventive chemotherapy having been diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, royal sources and friends of Kate Middleton and Prince William have told The Daily Beast.

After all, it’s already May. Who would reasonably expect a woman who has hitherto been exceptionally hard-working and appeared at hundreds of public events, up to and including the birth of her children, to show her face in public over an eight-month period when she isn’t a public figure at all, being only a senior British Royal. Besides, you can’t tell me that such a realistic and life-like official painting could have been painted if the princess hadn’t been alive, well, and sitting for the artist.

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And, of course, it would be totally absurd to suggest that her blood might have been used in the painting of that beautiful work of art commemorating the reign of King Charles III.

And WTF is with calling her blood relatives ‘birth family’. Wyrd, or is that an Aristocratic term?

The True Nolan
The True Nolan
May 26, 2024 7:15 pm

If only the Federal government had declared a “War on Cancer”, say perhaps fifty years ago during the Nixon Administration! Then we would be done with all this an cancer would just be a small medical footnote to history, something like Yellow Fever. If only…