Elon Warns AI Will “Do Everything Better Than You”, Make Employment Obsolete

Authored by Tristan Greene via CoinTelegraph.com,

Elon Musk recently doubled-down on his predictions that humans would need a “universal high income” in the wake of artificial intelligence-driven job displacement.

This time claiming that without our jobs our purpose in life may eventually be to “give AI meaning.”

The bleak prognostication from the world’s richest person came during the VivaTech 2024 event in Paris as part of a winding speech wherein Musk made fervent claims that AI would provide all of our goods and services in the future.

“My biggest fear is AI,” the mogul said.

He also claimed that AI will be better than humans at everything, thus relegating our species to doing our best to support the machines:

“The question will really be one of meaning – if the computer and robots can do everything better than you, does your life have meaning? I do think there’s perhaps still a role for humans in this – in that we may give AI meaning.”

Musk, the father of at least 10 children, said humans might be able to work “as a hobby,” if they chose, but ultimately painted a bleak picture of the future where, according to his previous predictions, AI will supplant us in all endeavors.

In related news, Musk’s AI company, dubbed simply “xAI,” has reportedly secured $6 billion in funding from Lightspeed Venture Partners, Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia Capital and Tribe Capital at a total valuation of $18 billion.

As Cointelegraph recently reported, Musk says that xAI lags behind industry leaders OpenAI and DeepMind, but could catch up by the end of 2024:

“xAI is a new company so it still has a lot of catching up to do before it has an AI that is competitive with Google Deepmind and OpenAI. Maybe towards the end of the year, we will have that.”

This sentiment, combined with his prediction that AI will surpass humans by 2025, indicates that he believes his company will be among those who could potentially create AI capable of human-level cognition.

It bears mentioning that Musk’s AI-related predictions haven’t always fared so well. In 2019 he famously promised that Tesla would field a million fully autonomous robotaxis on the road by 2020.

More recently, he claimed that Tesla would unveil its first robotaxi in August of 2024.

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Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
May 25, 2024 5:22 pm

AI will fuck-things-up* beyond any possible humans conception at this juncture. Take that to the Central Bank Digital Currency, serfs.

*(You think all this computer shit is out-of-control now? God help us.)

  Aunt Acid
May 25, 2024 7:35 pm

yup, and maybe
short term – it’s use will be psyop / mind control & distraction
long term – depop.

  Aunt Acid
May 25, 2024 9:27 pm

He not only will help us through the daily grind, but will save to the uttermost those who place their trust in him as the Christ, the only begotten son of God.

  Aunt Acid
May 27, 2024 12:41 pm

That’s because the Leftards are programming them, and even if normal people with no agenda and psychological issues did the programming there would still be problems, but with the Leftards input we’re talking about a complete disaster, because EVERYTHING they touch turns to schidt.
Even if the bot kills a kid by stabbing it 237 times while doing homework they’ll just say it was a glitch and the parents will still get another one.

May 25, 2024 5:34 pm

🤣 Can it smoke Pot (F)elon ?

May 26, 2024 9:36 am

My guess is all those little African children mining for the ingredients that make the Tesla batteries will be quite elated that robots will take their jobs.

May 26, 2024 7:05 pm

Who would waste it on AI?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2024 5:50 pm


Why don’t you work on making a car that doesn’t kill it’s owner first?

This guy makes the Ford Pinto look like an MRAP.

redd pepper
redd pepper
  hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2024 8:10 pm

a.i. will do that better

  hardscrabble farmer
May 26, 2024 2:03 am

That is absurd. How many of those were the result of a Tesla fault?

There have been around 6 million Teslas sold, with 534 deaths. That is one death per sixty thousand more or less.

There are 43,000 car deaths a year in the US. In its history, according to that link, there have been 534 total deaths related to Tesla, since forever.

There are around 300 million cars in the US. 6 million of which are Teslas. 6/300 times 43,000 = 860 more or less is what you would expect a year in Tesla deaths. So, Tesla deaths per car are far, far fewer than the average. Imagine that. Only 534 deaths in total since forever when if they were only as good as average there would be 860 a year.

You should look up the stats before making such ridiculous statements.

May 26, 2024 7:23 am

Next you’re gonna’ tell us ol’ Musky earned his money the old fashioned way…hard work and sacrifice.. that’s muh capitalism, bruh.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 26, 2024 7:49 am

The cars killed the occupants, not the drivers.

It’s an important distinction, don’t you think?

  hardscrabble farmer
May 26, 2024 9:02 am

Not hardly. From your link: “We provide an updated record of Tesla fatalities and Tesla accident deaths that have been reported and as much related crash data as possible (e.g. location of crash, names of deceased, etc.)”.
it is a record of all deaths, no matter the cause, per that.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 26, 2024 9:50 am

I’m sorry, you usually research things before you comment, I didn’t realize you don’t anything about the onboard systems that have caused the accidents absent driver error.

Autopilot features that cannot discern, for example, flashing lights, cones, flares or emergency vehicles have been identified as the cause of multiple accidents involving fatalities.

The point was that before one speaks so assuredly about the power of AI to do everything better than you, he should at least tweak his own simple driverless system to recognize things like ambulances, railroad crossings and road construction warning systems.

Not really a big ask for the smartest man in the Universe.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 26, 2024 8:34 pm

Well now, the point is Teslas appear to be vastly safer than the average vehicle. There are deaths in every type vehicle. You posted the deaths that clearly show that to be true. Teslas are not self-driving, you know. They are supposed to be controlled by humans. AI will drive cars far safer than humans do in the end – it is 100% certain. There will still be deaths. But there will in the end be fewer. For a lot of reasons – AI won’t fall asleep at the wheel, AI won’t drive drunk, Ali won’t speed recklessly, AI won’t be looking at women walking on sidewalks, AI won’t be fiddling with the phone or radio station, etc. It will have one job,

I am no fan of Teslas, but if the data you posted is correct ( never a certainty) and there have been but 500 odd deaths from Teslas, those things are incredibly safe. You suggesting he stop building cars that kill people is absurd. He clearly, again if that data is correct, is building cars that have resulted in far fewer deaths than the average car.

You posted the data. You made the comment. You really didn’t add two plus two. I do not know why Teslas have a lower death rate, but I guess that it is because of all the tech. Instead of saying he should fix up his shit first, the observation should be made that his shit is quite possibly a great example that he is absolutely right given the data you posted.

May 26, 2024 11:17 pm

 AI will drive cars far safer than humans do in the end – it is 100% certain.”

No wonder you lauded your country not allowing tards to get fired from jobs.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 27, 2024 7:13 am


EVs Twice As Likely To Hit Pedestrians As Gasoline Vehicles

You keep doubling down on this like you’re invested in it.

They aren’t safer, they cost more, they’re less efficient, they cost more per mile to travel, there aren’t anywhere near enough charging stations, the process required for manufacturing the batteries are an environmental nightmare and the programming used for remote control is far from perfect and results in increased accidents.

Again, my point is that Elon Musk has always promised far more than he delivers. Not his fault, he’s an actor not an inventor and he reads the script he’s been given. When he makes his initial claims (remember the Hyperloop? Remember the Boring Company?) it gets all kinds of attention and hype, but then everyone forgets and nothing is delivered

Listen, believe him if you like, AI will conquer the Earth in six months, whatever. I’m just pointing out that he’s all talk and it’s rarely delivered upon. Use discretion around guys like that rather than falling for it hook, line, and sinker.

May 28, 2024 4:44 pm

comment image

May 25, 2024 6:13 pm

Bullshit. I’d like to see AI troubleshoot any mechanical, electrical, plumbing, or hydraulic system and repair as needed. Hell, even repairing a vehicle. I just replace a starter and instrument console in a car and there is no way a AI system is going to be able to do stuff like that.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
May 25, 2024 6:27 pm

Watch the AI robot plumber operate a plunger to unclog the toilet.

  Aunt Acid
May 25, 2024 7:23 pm

I think “they” just send in The Snake anymore. Remote control of course. Some kid in front of a screen like “they” do for drone operators.

May 25, 2024 6:57 pm

Oh yes, they will. Ever seen some fasteners in a really hard to get place? Yeah, a robot did that. This isn’t the 2000s anymore, everything in a car is tightly packaged.

May 25, 2024 7:04 pm

My battery in a 2018 Ford requires 3 hours of labor to be replace. Now, that’s if you take it to the morons at the Ford company. It’ll still take me an hour.

May 26, 2024 6:50 pm

Chevy Malibus you have to take half the front end off to change a headlight. They are built this way for a reason, keeps the service technicians busy and the money rolling in.

May 25, 2024 7:23 pm

Well that robot was programmed to put that fastener it a particular location. I just don’t see AI being able to troubleshoot systems. Is it going to be able to isolate a loose neutral in an electrical circuit, or a bad relay or bad contactor. How about a valve that is stuck open or not closing properly. Even with the starter I replaced it could have been other things: bad ground, corroded terminals. I have been working in industrial and commercial facility maintenance for about 20 years and have seen some bizarre things.

May 26, 2024 2:14 am

Copperhead – the day is coming. The world is full of examples where such statements age poorly. “Man will never fly”, etc., leaps quickly to mind. It can’t be done yet. Yet being the operative word. They are picking low hanging fruit – repetitive high volume jobs in other words. Then they move up the tree.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 26, 2024 1:52 pm

A great starting place would be phone banks. There have to be a finite number of queries when someone calls a utility, for example. Based on their canned recordings of the past 25 years they’ve been recording those calls for quality assurance and training purposes, right?

So start there. They already have the canned robot voice. This was problems can be easily solved promptly instead of wasting the time of the person making the call, forcing them to listen to a worn out tape loop of shitty music with periodic interruptions to assure you how much they value you while you drift off into a coma waiting for a simple explanation of their billing, or correct some service failure.

But they don’t. How weird is that? One computer could replace every single live employee at their call centers, yet the best they can do is offshore it to guys named Roger and women named Farrah with distinct Uddar Pradesh lilt who inevitably talk all over you when you speak or leave interminable gaps between the time you finish a sentence and they start one.

It’s not real, any of this, it’s just stories to make you think, just perhaps, one day something will actually get better instead of this endless degradation and failure. It’s another Global Warming/the sea levels will rise five feet/all the Polar Bears will die kind of nonsense they always peddle.

May 25, 2024 6:26 pm

They are using AI as job fear propaganda always something new to be afraid of

May 25, 2024 7:19 pm

Concerning AI in general, sometimes I catch an M-F early evening talking radio head after the other talking radio head lunatics have left for the day, those like O’ Hannity, Screamin’ Mark Levin etc. I decided to look at the radio station’s menu. Honestly I don’t know WTF Ben Shapiro is, he is in that early evening slot. I say “he”, whoever or whatever is yapping talks so fast I can’t decipher what is being yapped. Yesterday I thought this has got to be AI filling in the time until Coast to Coast airs.

The station use to have those libertarians from New Hampshire in the time slot but no more. One of those commentators may have been asked to serve some time for fake money dealings while I don’t know all there is to know.

May 25, 2024 7:25 pm

Musk is AI.

Prove me wrong.

May 25, 2024 7:48 pm

Elon is a corporate welfare, who performs no real useful service outside of spewing bullshit in support of Clown World’s useless eater narrative. Machines will become so advanced that they’ll create, power and repair themselves, and build mega infrastructure to house the massive wind and solar powered servers…..so kill yourself puny human…the terminators are the humans now….reeee

May 25, 2024 8:02 pm

Here ya go. Also published here and TLD. Nothing has changed my mind and if anything, is being proven more accurate with each passing day.

Why are they Killing us?

May 25, 2024 8:24 pm

Noticing is a hate crime, bruh. Turn yourself in to your local AI server farm authority.

May 25, 2024 8:33 pm

There’s not enough energy for people and AI, too. One must yield.

Arm CEO warns AI’s power appetite could devour 25% of US electricity by 2030Robot overlords demand more energy

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
May 25, 2024 10:12 pm

One Bitcoin takes up to a quarter million watt hours of energy to “mine.” People, WAKE THE FUCK UP about Demonic Computer Syndrome. Flash is correct,

May 25, 2024 8:35 pm

Ironically because of DEI hiring his is going to hurt white men less than the rest.
Because white men are going into the trades, and AI can’t lay tile or bricks, pour cement, cut down trees, install plumbing.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 26, 2024 6:05 pm

True … but other technologies can, for example, build the frame of a house — witness the concrete ‘printing’ already being done in limited situations. And, of course, to make each house in a subdivision a bit more unique, some form of ‘AI’ will run the computers that stamp out those houses.

That’s just for starters … I’m not up on the latest construction technology since retiring from the industry years ago.

No no square
No no square
May 25, 2024 10:18 pm

Boy some people are gullible.
The absolute ONLY THING AI will be used for is customer service.
You won’t go to the doctor, you will have to pick options from a symptoms menu that doesn’t include your symptoms.

May 25, 2024 11:53 pm

This is why there are no “aliens”. If an alien civilization existed it would have eons ago reached where we are and destroyed itself. What people are calling aliens are probably just ancient AI’s from another civilization that no longer exists.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
May 26, 2024 1:40 pm

Why not?
Auntie is going to get a head start on a summery gin-and-tonics afternoon considering concepts and ideation like that.

  Aunt Acid
May 26, 2024 6:00 pm

Sort of like the Silurian hypothesis.

May 26, 2024 12:16 am

Elon Musk is Aleister Crowley, returned from Hell, to serve Lucifer.
I am not joking.

May 26, 2024 1:53 am

Well, I was too late to the AI party. I hated having employees, who were a necessary burden, and replaced them with automation whenever possible. Robots don’t get sick, don’t have sick kids, don’t complain that they aren’t getting the same treatment as other robots, don’t get injured or claim so, don’t take vacations, and don’t make many mistakes. No one will have an employee if there are alternatives. Anyone who thinks differently is welcome to go hire a few and see how that works out.

Musk is right. Employees are so unreliable, so mistake-prone, and so costly, they will be replaced by automation. How long before robots are flipping every burger in California, given how costly it is to employ a burger flipper these days? Not long is my guess.

We are in for interesting times.

May 26, 2024 7:19 am

Robots don’t need or buy your crappy products, Chief Red Ass .So there’s that

May 26, 2024 8:57 am

So how do you make money if no one earns money and can afford to buy your products? When I worked in places where employees were unreliable, it was always because of a fucking prick of a boss. They just no longer cared. And who maintains and fixes those broken mechanical robots? Other robots or people?
Do robot drive Teslas?

Good bosses make for good, reliable employees.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 26, 2024 6:07 pm

Only if those good bosses are permitted to (a) hire based on merit and skill, not on DIE mandates; (b) able to fire any and all employees that don’t cut the mustard.

  Anthony Aaron
May 26, 2024 6:55 pm

Good bosses are still good bosses, pricks will always be pricks. In my fifty year career, I only had three good bosses. Hard working, fair and cared not just about getting the job done, but also the people getting the job done for them. Two guys and one woman.

May 26, 2024 9:18 am

Why do people keep conflating A.I. with robotics/automation?
They’re two different topics.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
May 26, 2024 12:53 pm

It’s the inevitable integration and synergy of the two that makes the problem of AI plus robotics so existential for humans.

  Aunt Acid
May 26, 2024 6:57 pm

Right AI can’t take over many jobs until it can asess situations and change it’s operating procedures on those assessments.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 26, 2024 6:33 pm

The automated part?

Both operate independently of a human user.

It’s like as why people conflate hammers and screwdrivers. They are both hand tools even if their uses are different.

May 26, 2024 1:14 pm

No ,AI just does thing faster and not necessarily better. It’s like a hand drill vs an electrical drill. It just speed thing up and should not mean it solved everything.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 26, 2024 6:09 pm

But, when some smart guy or gal married the drill to a programmed machine — voila — the whole process sped up.

NC machines have been around for many decades … making repetitive operations much easier to perform and more perfectly performed. In the old days, we had skilled tool and die makers and machinists that could do the same thing …

  Anthony Aaron
May 26, 2024 6:59 pm

And their is still an operator in case things go wrong. AI is to replace the operator.

Jake Legg
Jake Legg
May 26, 2024 7:20 pm

Musk is a Trump supporter and donor so no telling what these two squirrels have up their sleeves. I’m thinking Elon will supply those Jetson like flying cars for the Freedom Cities developments.