Via State of the Nation

The Relentless Poisoning Of Our Air
With Chemically Mobile Aluminum
Is Perpetrated With Highly
Purposeful Design

Both Ambient Indoor Air and the Atmosphere are
Being Systematically Polluted with Aluminum

Submitted by An Integrative Health Consultant

The Aluminum Conspiracy is an entirely manmade and ongoing event.  It is also a complex conspiratorial plot being fastidiously carried out by the New World Order globalist cabal to further sicken and neutralize, incapacitate and debilitate billions of people around the world.

This depopulation scheme not only concerns the atmosphere wherever chemical engineering is implemented via chemtrail operations, but also the ambient indoor air of homes and apartments, office buildings and shopping malls.

In both cases the same basic phenomenon is taking place but in completely different ways. Aluminum from either alumina (also known as aluminum oxide) or aluminum metal is being transformed into chemically-mobile aerosolized aluminum.

American interdisciplinary scientist and nuclear physicist Dr. Marvin Herndon has conducted the research that proves there is currently an extremely high concentration of chemically-mobile aluminum in the Earth’s atmosphere. That is not where aluminum belongs.  Nor has the atmosphere historically had such high levels of atmospheric aluminum.

Aluminum is now is being systematically introduced into the atmosphere via the ubiquitous chemical engineering programs which now operate around the clock. Also known as chemtrail spraying operations, these aerosol formulations contain coal fly ash, the main component of which is alumina.

When the specially equipped military jets that eject the chemtrail aerosols into the skies around the world, the aluminum oxide becomes hydrated and chemically mobile.  In this manner, enormous amounts of airborne aluminum permeate the upper and lower atmosphere of planet Earth.

This situation has never occurred before in history.  Although aluminum is one of the most prevalent metal in the Earth’s crust, historically, it was locked up in the land masses around the world. Because it was never airborne, the human body never had to evolve the necessary detoxification pathways to safely eliminate it.

Other forms of air pollution contain toxins and contaminants which the human race has been exposed to over centuries and even millennia.  The longer the period of exposure to any given pollutant, the greater the likelihood the body will adapt in a such a way that it develops the capacity to efficiently detoxify it and expel it form the body.

The Primary Ingredient in Chemtrails is Aluminum Oxide 

Chemtrail residues that fall to the Earth have been analyzed for several years.  Three of the major chemical constituents are aluminum oxide, barium salts and strontium.  Each of these chemical compounds is being used for specific reasons.

The aluminum oxide is derived from the coal fly ash, which is mandatorily removed from the smoke of coal-fired power plants.  Which begs the question: Why does the EPA enforce the removal of coal fly ash in the smokestacks, but then permit the spraying of vast quantities throughout the skies of the USA?

EPA Permits Unlimited Use of Toxic Coal Fly Ash
in Chemical Geoengineering Operations

This is where the conspiracy begins.

The U.S. Federal Government and U.S. Armed Forces are co-conspirators in this highly elaborate scheme to permeate the Earth’s atmosphere with massive amounts of chemically-mobile aluminum.  The following two exposés each clearly explain two of these government-sponsored chemical engineering programs which disseminate aluminum in this fashion.

The Most Secret Covert Black Operation In World History


The Most Dangerous Weapons Testing Program In World History

Only by understanding the nature of these highly destructive sky-spraying operations can one accurately apprehend the profundity of their true purpose.

Dr. Herndon has made the relevant correlations between the inhalation of aluminum permeated air and a number of different neurological diseases.  The most common medical ailments include Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Autism, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderSundowner’s syndrome, yet another neurological brain disease, is also seeing a rapid uptick in incidence among Baby Boomers nationwide.

What is particularly alarming are some of the “Keywords” which are listed in Marvin Herndon’s journal article as follows:
• Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Parkinson’s disease
• Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD);
• Neurological disorders
(Source: Peer-Reviewed, Court-Admissible, Scientific Research Paper Published Exposing Geoengineering)

There are many other chronic degenerative diseases which are significantly exacerbated by the exposure to atmospheric aluminum.  Quite uniquely, aluminum is well known among all of the environmental pollutants (especially heavy metals), which bio-accumulate in the human body, to cause brain function impairment and chronic brain diseases.  When aluminum becomes locked up in the brain tissues, it’s very difficult to detoxify.  There it sits, particularly for the elderly, many of whom slowly lose their memories to one of the various types of dementia which have become a serious epidemic.

This is the critical medical condition and health challenge related to various ailments caused by aluminum toxicity—memory loss.  In fact, both acute and chronic memory loss are now accepted as a part of the process of aging.  Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia have especially reached epidemic levels with the incidence rate accelerating by the year.  Early onset dementia is especially increasing at an alarming rate, and is occurring at younger ages.

Other psycho-physical conditions such as Sundowner’s syndrome are also seeing an increase in occurrence across all age groups.  Health conditions like Seasonal affective disorder (aka SAD) are also also experiencing a dramatic uptick.  Because the skies of the world are being regularly covered up with manmade chemcloud cover, the amount and degree of sunlight that reaches the Earth’s surface has been greatly diminished.  This predicament has contributed to a whole host of medical ailments and health conditions which result from Vitamin D deficiency.

The Aluminum Assault on Indoor Air Quality

As if the relentless degradation of the atmosphere was not enough, many people across the USA are also confronted with a similar situation with regard to their indoor air quality. Again the problem — and it’s a VERY serious one — is totally manmade.  It’s related to the HVAC systems which are routinely installed in homes across America.  As follows:

HVAC units across the country used to be made of components with standardized materials.  For instance, those components most exposed to moisture were usually made of an aluminum-copper alloy.  In point of fact, the blow wheel and coil were always composed of this very important aluminum-copper alloy.  And then, suddenly, all of the HVAC manufacturers — quite suspiciously at the very same time — switched to 100% aluminum parts, especially the blow wheel and coil.

Exactly what was the result from this disastrous change to 100% aluminum?

Copper is a natural anti-bacterial.  Because of this extremely valuable property, copper would kill the bacteria that always proliferates in a moist environment found inside a typical air handler.  Copper was particularly effective at preventing the strain of bacteria that feeds on moist aluminum from propagating.  Those bacteria thrive on and literally eat the aluminum.

So now what happens inside your average HVAC unit is that these bacteria feed on the aluminum and literally dustify it.  Any HVAC technician will tell the homeowner that the film of white dust that now coats the housing and components of their unit is primarily aluminum dust.  That same toxic aluminum dust is also blown through the ductwork and into the ambient air of the home.

— An HVAC Expert

Which means that virtually every dwelling in America will soon face this problem as older HVAC units are replaced with the newer technologies and 100% aluminum parts.  Which also means that people in all 50 states are getting a double dose of aluminum in both their in-home and outdoor air.

KEY POINT: Now here’s the real problem as explained by The Health Coach:

CAVEAT from the Coach: The olfactory nerve lacks a true blood-brain barrier which is acknowledged to be 8 cells thick. There are only 4 to 6 cells surrounding the olfactory nerve making it a much more vulnerable area for vaporized chemicals to enter the brain. Hence, when a COVID-19 patient is breathing all their air through a toxic mask for weeks or months, they are inevitably experiencing an influx of harmful toxins into their brain tissue.  A similar health issue occurs when breathing aluminum-laden air coming from either chemtrailed skies or the newer HVAC units.
(Source: People, take off your masks before you really make yourself sick!)

MEMORY LOSS: The True Purpose Behind the Conspiracy

When an individual begins to suffer from memory loss, their life begins to crumble in ways that do not compare with any other debilitation, either physical or psychological.  After all, when a person loses their memory they have lost their most important faculty.  Without a reasonably functioning memory, a person requires a high level of care if they to experience a reasonably good quality of life and safe environment.  In the most advanced cases, many folks simply cannot care for themselves and would soon die without an attendant.

So here’s the punchline to “THE ALUMINUM CONSPIRACY“:

The most easily controlled human beings on the planet are those who do not remember who they are.

Because they do not remember who they are, they have no memory of why they’re here.

Which means that the quite natural impulse to follow their own unique spiritual path, the primary purpose of each and every person on Earth, is quite diminished.  Which also means that they will pose very little threat to The Powers That Be on either the mundane or spiritual levels.

But that still does make the severely aluminum poisoned ‘useless eaters’… … …who can be used in all sorts of diabolical experiments concerning the main goal of the power elite—the attainment of human immortality, the very opposite of spiritual immortality.

Such a debilitated physical and mental state, due to a sustained level of aluminum toxicity, also makes an individual very vulnerable to willingly participating in extremely dangerous and deadly vaccinations programs as explained in the following exposé.

Globalist Plot to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine
Exposes Shocking Satanic Conspiracy

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No no square
No no square
May 25, 2024 9:46 am

When the specially equipped military jets that eject the chemtrail aerosols into the skies around the world, the aluminum oxide becomes hydrated and chemically mobile. In this manner, enormous amounts of airborne aluminum permeate the upper and lower atmosphere of planet Earth.

About aluminum hydroxide:

The term alumina hydrates or hydrated aluminas is used in industry and commerce to designate aluminum hydroxides. These compounds are true hydroxides and do not contain water of hydration. The most well-defined crystalline forms are the trihydroxides, Al(OH)3: gibbsite, bayerite, and nordstrandite. In addition, two aluminum oxide–hydroxides, AlO(OH), boehmite and diaspore, have been clearly defined. The terms gelatinous alumina or alumina gel cover a range of products in which colloidal hydrated alumina is the predominant solid phase. Structural order varies from x-ray indifferent (amorphous) to some degree of crystallinity. Apart from the crystalline forms, aluminum hydroxide often forms a gel. Gel products have considerable technical use. Aluminum hydroxides are technically the most widely used members of the alumina chemicals family. The most important source of aluminum hydroxides is the bauxite refining plant (Bayer process) for alumina production. Several commercial grades of aluminum hydroxide are produced. Hydroxide grades can be surface-treated to modify dispersion behavior and rheological properties. Aluminum hydroxides are minimally absorbed by the body. Death upon ingestion occurs from intestinal blockage rather than systemic aluminum toxicity. In recognition of the possible adverse effects of long-term exposure to alumina dusts, threshold limit values have been established by the ACGIH. Aluminum hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide oxide are reported in EPA TSCA inventory.


Aluminum/uranium/phosphorus mining and refining is polluting the crap out of the planet.
Worse than the aluminum is all the fluoride ions being freed up from materials they were safely bonded to.

May 25, 2024 10:16 am

MEMORY LOSS: The True Purpose Behind the Conspiracy

Clif High recently discussed the aluminum oxide in chemtrails and links it to MK Ultra….

There is strong evidence supporting the idea that “mind viruses” are actually MKUltra-style programming performed on the entire population using aluminum-heavy chemtrails, 5G, and more.

20240517 – Defend Your Hippo!

He offers advice on aluminum detox….

No no square
No no square
May 25, 2024 1:39 pm


What’d you say?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 25, 2024 3:39 pm

Ol Cliff has been through the shit. I’ve missed hearing from him, but he needs to concentrate on healing. He says he’s got a handle on it all, but he looks like warmed over death. I wish him a full recovery.

May 25, 2024 10:43 am

Those who accept payment to pollute are polluting their own air, water and land as well as ours. Even a toad needs a drink of water. It is not the person with the money that is polluting, it is the pilot flying the plane.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 25, 2024 6:18 pm

Seems like we’re going to need a much bigger Nuremberg 2.0 courtroom … and a lot more rope and trees and/or lampposts …

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
May 25, 2024 11:42 am
  Austrian Peter
May 25, 2024 11:49 am

You just have a bunch of jungle bunnies trying to kill you every day.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
May 25, 2024 12:09 pm

That’s a myth – come and see for yourself! You’re not doing that well in PA

No no square
No no square
  Austrian Peter
May 25, 2024 1:13 pm

Good reply!

America has multiple no go zones for whites.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
  No no square
May 25, 2024 2:40 pm

Ha ha – very gracious thank you.

  Austrian Peter
May 25, 2024 2:44 pm

Peter, please notice thems niggers shooting niggers, a total win win. SA has niggers murdering whites. The devil is in the details.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
May 25, 2024 3:18 pm

No No Greg, Mainly black on black: “The highest rates were recorded in urban informal areas among unemployed men (Blacks) across all victim-perpetrator relationship types.

May 25, 2024 12:01 pm

Has anyone tried boiling a gallon of white distilled vinegar outside when the chemtrails are particularly bad? I’ve been meaning to give this a try, but the weather has been surprisingly clear the past while.

May 25, 2024 12:11 pm

What is the purpose of that experiment?

May 25, 2024 6:22 pm

From what I’ve heard, it actually clears the sky of chemtrails. Seems crazy, but who knows?

No no square
No no square
May 25, 2024 1:16 pm

I throw one part 30% vinegar, one part bleach and one part ammonia on any chimpouts I come across.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  No no square
May 25, 2024 3:46 pm

You fucking wastrel! Why do you delight in wasting vinegar?

Also…napalm is equally easy to make as mustard gas.

They think we’re fucking idiots. OOPSIE!

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 25, 2024 3:44 pm

The purpose? To cleanse an area (a very limited area) of heavy metal aerosols? To what end? You can’t stay in that chemical reaction zone, so the “benefits” are minimal at best. This shit is CONSTANTLY raining down on your ass! Huffing vaporized vinegar ain’t changing THAT reality.

  The Central Scrutinizer
May 25, 2024 6:24 pm

People claim it clears the chemtrails. I’ll give it a shot next chance I get, everyone already thinks I’m batshit crazy.

No no square
No no square
May 25, 2024 10:33 pm

I have a crystal which wards off tigers AND chimptrails.

May 25, 2024 12:10 pm

donate blood, far infrared saunas, epa/dha, alpha lipoic acid, orthosilic acid, and don’t use aluminum laden deodorants.

May 25, 2024 1:03 pm

And the band plays, the people dance, all while the ship sinks.

May 25, 2024 1:16 pm

It is also used as part of the ongoing terraforming project.
The aerosolized version they spray acts as a desiccant
in the soil and thus is destroying the roots or vascular systems
of plants and trees.

May 25, 2024 2:07 pm

“The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one.” 

Nobody cares and there are few that believe in Chemtrails. 

For years my brother and I screamed for the guys we worked with to look up at the sky. They’d look, grin, but couldn’t see anything as planes were ‘circling’, creating grids, and polluting the sky above our heads; way back in the early 2000s. It was explained to us how what we were looking at was simply condensation trails (that never dissipate}. “The government WOULD not and COULD not do that!, we were told. And of course, even if it were true…, what are ya’ gonna do about it?

This clip literally brought tears to my eyes because of the unarguable truth contained in it! Somebody GETS IT! And they even produce it by putting it in our faces by way of ‘programming’.

After viewing this I must ask, Who’s dumb and dumber now?

May 25, 2024 2:27 pm

The major AF airbases in most states house the spraying planes and infrastructure…for example Tinker AF Base in Oklahoma City is a central hub for the operation. The pilots must know that they are poisoning our planet but money must trump treason. It appears a state of war exists between the Globalist factions of our military and the entire world population…when people start to put two and two together it’s gonna be a bloodbath.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 25, 2024 6:23 pm

I find it strange that the USAF is involved all these years — decades — and there hasn’t been even one whistleblower … unless, of course, the USAF outsources their whistleblower treatment to Boeing … or to the CCF (Clinton crime family) …

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Anthony Aaron
May 25, 2024 7:01 pm

I stand corrected … I just came across this article published today …

… plus the video …

  Anthony Aaron
May 25, 2024 7:29 pm

Here is another one AA,

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 25, 2024 2:48 pm

Ya know what’ll protect you from ALL the shit they are and are gonna throw at ya?

Be under God’s Wing! Let Him be your Strength, your Shield and your High Tower!

It’s fight nite, baby! And those Wings are lookin STRONG from down here! And I still got room to shoot!

Ready to rumble!

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
May 25, 2024 4:12 pm

On Bitchute Clif High has a 50+ minute vid on ALO2 and how it suppresses memeory. Recommended watching. MK Ultra discovered it years ago.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  lamont cranston
May 25, 2024 6:29 pm

Is this the video to which you refer?

May 25, 2024 5:45 pm


I replaced my 33 year old heat pump and air handler summer of 2021. 33 year old unit had copper tubing for the refrigerant, aluminum heat sink fins on both the indoor air handler and outside condenser unit.

New unit had…. copper tubing with aluminum fins.

So fucking stupid this post is.

Credibility issues
Credibility issues
May 25, 2024 6:23 pm

“the blow wheel and coil were always composed of this very important aluminum-copper alloy.”

May 25, 2024 9:42 pm

comment image

The Truth About Chemtrails

The Corporate Government unleashed, from time to time, its paid hacks and internet trolls to try to debunk so called conspiracy theories, among which is the abstract painting of our skies known as chemtrailing.

Here’s a Wikipedia article they have written for purposes of misleading the public…

False evidence of chemtrails
Ballast barrels in a prototype Boeing 747. Photographs of flight test barrels are sometimes said to show chemtrail planes. Photographs of barrels installed in the passenger space of an aircraft for flight test purposes have been claimed to show aerosol dispersion systems. The real purpose of the barrels is to simulate the weight of passengers or cargo. The barrels are filled with water, and the water can be pumped from barrel to barrel in order to test different centers of gravity while the aircraft is in flight.[35]

My question is, How many times do we have to test for the “plane’s center of gravity”?
Daily? Weekly? Yearly?

Or, can we just use computer simulation just like flying UAV drones?


One factor that’s commonly overlooked when it comes to talking about human health and environmental degradation is geo-engineering and Solar Radiation Management (SRM), also known as “chemtrails.” The name seems to come from the fact that various geo-engineering and SRM programs use stratospheric aresols like barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, polymer fibers and more.

Below is a video of multiple scientists, doctors and pilots telling the truth about “chemtrails.” It’s a very serious issue that’s often ridiculed and thrown into the conspiracy realm. As a result I attached information from an article I recently wrote about the subject.


The Truth About Chemtrails

I have posted much about Detox over the last 9 years…we all are being poisoned in many ways…the needle rides have woken many up…you can Detox from Chemtrails.

May 25, 2024 11:42 pm

do you have links for detoxing from chemtrails? Thank you for your contributions.

May 26, 2024 2:33 pm


This is an excellent layman’s book…for under $15.00.

Put Detox in the search here as many past Detox threads will come up.

I believe we have no choice as the pace of the Great Poisoning is being advanced.

I also believe as Greg Hunter at believes there will soon be two types of people those with the mRNA spike protein and Graphine Oxide and those without. Besides what is in the book Ivermectin is important to flush out the mRNA (Zeolite for the Graphine Oxide).

Detoxing is a wide and deep subject…and not that expensive. It is also uncommon common sense during the Great Poisoning we are all facing.


May 26, 2024 1:43 am

But surely they have to live on the same surface of the planet as the rest of us are they happy to commit suicide then?

May 26, 2024 7:09 am

Are you aware what the outer surface of the twin towers was made of?
They collapsed them to poison New York!

Loonie Tunes
Loonie Tunes
May 26, 2024 1:14 pm

So, vapor trails from jets are actually chemicals being sprayed? The EPA , US military and US government are behind it?
Huh. Vapor trails are behind other planes in the world, and have been since high altitude flights started.

  Loonie Tunes
May 26, 2024 1:22 pm

Like I said before, there are few that believe in Chemtrails. The government WOULD not and COULD not do that!

May 26, 2024 4:27 pm

You forgot that jet planes WOULD not and COULD not do vapor trails!

May 26, 2024 4:40 pm

I’m guessing your reply is for Looney’s comment. My observation is simple, I CAN SEE airplanes spraying our skies! If that’s no big deal to you then that explains a big part of the problem. Don’t mind me, enjoy your “fresh” air!

May 27, 2024 4:55 am

I’m guessing your reading comprehension skills suck.

Remember when 50 years ago there never was a single trail on the sky? Yeah, me neither.

May 27, 2024 11:32 am

Yeah, I remember trails being left 50 years ago and usually on cold days. The trail dissipated shortly behind the plane and the sky became completely clear again. Nothing like today. But you think it’s the same. You think the government wouldn’t do that. And it’s going on all over the world, not just here!

May 28, 2024 2:06 am

I clearly remember cases where it took more than a few minutes, for the trail to dissipate, 50 years ago. I didn’t try to measure how long exactly it took, as nobody considered them a danger, back then.