The Murder of a Civilization

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

A month ago I wrote about the Shieldmaiden, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a young female Dutch lawyer, who has undertaken the task of encouraging white Europeans to take a stand against the replacement of countries consisting of ethnic nationalities, such as Germans, English, French, Italians, Dutch, Spanish, Hungarians, with towers of babel. In our world today, as in George Orwell’s novel 1984, words are turned upside down and have the opposite of their meaning. Diversity now means “sameness” with no country’s population corresponding to the ethnicity of its name. Destroying the diversity afforded by white ethnic nations is the goal of the EU tyrants and “President” Biden who recently stated, as Tucker Carlson reported, that getting rid of white America was a good thing.

I predicted that the young white woman’s own Dutch government will close her down in some horrific way for “racist” agitation for the continuing existence of an ethnically Dutch nation. It is OK for the Dutch to defend themselves against Russia but not against immigrant-invaders.

It is certain to happen as the Dutch government has already moved against another young blond female Dutch lawyer, Raisa Blommestijn.

Raisa is being prosecuted for “racism” and “inciting hatred” for commenting on a video posted on social media showing a gang of immigrant-invaders brutally beating a young white boy: “How many defenseless white people remain to become victims? Countless probably: the open borders elite is importing these people in droves, with all the consequences that entails.”

Raisa complains that Dutch citizens are being “persecuted for their political opinions,” but what is actually happening is worse. Raisa is being prosecuted for calling public attention to a fact. Raisa was supposed to ignore the fact, because the fact reflects poorly on the open borders policy, and anything that reflects poorly on open borders is racist. In other words, we must deny reality or be prosecuted.

Criminalizing the recognition of reality is being achieved throughout Europe and the UK. A member of the German Parliament, Marie-Therese Kaiser, was convicted and fined by a German court for asking a question prompted by the governments own statistics that show that Afghan and African immigrant-invaders in Germany commit 40 and 70 times more gang rapes than ethnic Germans.

The utterly moronic Judge proclaimed: “Freedom of expression ends where human dignity begins.”

In other words, the German judge reasons that it is the dignity of the immigrant-invader rapists that matters, not that of the raped ethnic European women.

The German government, which most certainly does not represent ethnic Germans, is countering Eva Vlaardingerbroek, Raisa Blommestijn, and Marie-Therese Kaiser with a plan to “protect democracy” by seizing the bank assets of German citizens who donate money in support of politicians who think Europe is for ethnic Europeans.

So what we have is anti-white, brainwashed, indoctrinated European governments organizing the replacement of European ethnicities in their own ethnic countries and the transformation of the countries into towers of babel.

In the United States the destruction of white people is proceeding along a slightly different line. Over the decades the American ruling elites, which excludes “the people,” have solidified their control by establishing groups of intellectuals, media, celebrities, and government officials in organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Aspen Institute, the World Economic Forum, and there are many others, that have laid down the correct line, departure from which is minimal if a person intends to remain in the “formulation of public opinion.” Dissenters from official narratives are simply excluded from recognition.

The Aspen Institute, funded by several US federal agencies to serve Washington’s agendas, has created a “Commission on Information Disorder.”

“information disorder” is caused by truth-tellers, so the solution to the problem is to suppress truth-tellers. Garry Kasparov, the noted and celebrated Soviet dissident, who abhors Trump and Putin, resigned from the Aspen Institute’s “Commission on Information Disorder” because it reminded him of the Soviet Union’s efforts to mind control the Soviet population,

Internal memos of the Aspen Institute say they must keep Kasparov’s resignation secret as otherwise it could hurt the credibility of the Aspen Institute’s ability to indoctrinate the American people.

Think about the members of the Aspen Institute. They are rich, mindless. They consider themselves important and are proud of their recognition as such by being members of the Aspen Institute. They welcome the high level approval associated with contributing to the official agendas. They are convinced that “white supremacy” in America can only be overcome by reducing the white population to a closely regulated in thought and deed minority.

In other words, the Aspen Institute and the rest of the elite organizations are a thousand-fold worst enemy of the American people than Russia, China, and Iran combined.

Perhaps this is dawning on the insouciant American population, a population long protected from reality by myths of its pureness and goodness and the home of the free. Military families themselves have turned on the anti-white US military and discourage their sons from signing up. Consequently, the services cannot meet their recruitment goals. After all, what white person would be motivated to serve the Biden regime’s anti-white view of America?

As white American citizens begin to comprehend that they are regarded as America’s enemy, US politicians are advocating signing up the immigrant-invaders who have violated our borders into the US military. In America as in Rome where Roman reliance on Germans as troops resulted in German rule, America will be ruled by immigrant-invaders. It is only a matter of time.

As an historical entity, the United States of America is far past her prime. With the Democrats’ open border policy and Democrat agitation for giving the vote to immigrant-invaders, it is difficult to say whether even the concept of the US as a nation any longer exists. How is a land without borders a country?

How is it that a country such as the USA whose President, legislature, and judiciary refuse to protect America’s borders has a government that lacks commitment to its own survival, but although totally uncommitted to the survival of its own country is committed to the survival of Ukraine and Israel?

Clearly, throughout the Western world democracy is a total failure. It is impossible for “representative government” to represent the ethnic citizens of the countries. In effect, the Western peoples are being erased, not only their voice, but their physical presence on earth.

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May 25, 2024 6:45 am

When enough third worlders get here and to Europe, there will be some great almost empty countries for White people to move to and built a better society.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 25, 2024 4:05 pm

And just which countries will those be? Certainly africa is out of the question … and even if another 150 million invaders arrive here (as the NYT and WaPo predicted before Joe was airlifted into the White House January 20, 2021) … that still leaves hundreds of millions more folks in central and south america … nations with little, if any, real benefits to US Citizens … all nations, by the way, of the horribly failed Spanish ’empire’ of centuries ago.

  Anthony Aaron
May 25, 2024 11:20 pm

After World War III, it will likely only be pockets of land here with groups/tribalism of sorts that will be permitted to thrive, due in part to the U.S. no longer beIng deemed a threat to the countries of the world, and although permission may have to be sought from the occupiers to grow and expand that will likely be facilitated such as in getting parts and equipment, i.e., electronic components, building materials, food and clothing imports, for the purposes of renewing global trade. The rest of the populace will have been relocated for the purposes of physical or technical labor or skills or for domestic purposes (such as wives for the Chinese men who due to abortion, primarily of female babies are unable to find wives).

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
May 25, 2024 9:55 pm

You mean the third world hell holes they migrated from.

May 26, 2024 9:22 am

Problem with that idea is the non-Whites leaving these destinations have already turned their rivers and lakes into toilets and their land into toxic garbage dumps.

May 25, 2024 7:03 am

I’m not worried about ” White” America , because the Golden Golem of Greatness is gonna’ build that wall, drain that swamp, lock her up and Make America Great Again….reeeee

“When asked about the possibility of Ms. Haley being a part of his team or even his ticket, Trump responded positively. “Well, I think she’s going to be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, the same thoughts,” President Trump stated. “I appreciated what she said. You know, we had a nasty campaign, it was pretty nasty, but she’s a very capable person and I’m sure she’s going to be on our team in some form absolutely.”

comment image

May 25, 2024 9:18 am


Laura Ann
Laura Ann
May 25, 2024 9:57 pm

Ms Haley talks out of both sides of her mouth, lying in her speeches, then changing her views back and forth to please everyone and no one.

May 25, 2024 11:06 pm

Hopefully she’s relegated to toilet cleaner and every nasty job, including ass lickerkisser.. Of course, I dream. They are all on the same team.

Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
May 25, 2024 8:47 am

The total collapse of the dollar and the destruction of the upper class way of life might wake up the dumb liberal communist whites. Might.

Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
May 25, 2024 9:35 am

Bull F. S.
Bull F. S.
May 25, 2024 10:20 am

Traitors, Whores, call them what you will.


“So what we have is anti-white, brainwashed, indoctrinated European governments organizing the replacement of European ethnicities in their own ethnic countries and the transformation of the countries into towers of babel.”

Won’t be long before some crazy stuff. Hunker down

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Bull F. S.
May 25, 2024 4:07 pm

Barbara Roche was very actively pushing the 3d world invasion in the EU … the UK and Sweden were her original targets — but, for the past decade or so, all of Europe has felt the destruction she wrought.

Howard West
Howard West
May 25, 2024 11:15 am

This is phase 1 ! Phase 2 will come after the WAR and the “Humanitarian” invasion of hundreds of millions of war refugees! In the games of Chess and War you can lose “Piece” to WIN the game!

May 25, 2024 12:54 pm

The elitists need a haircut.
Trimming off the top one percent or so ought to do.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
May 25, 2024 1:15 pm

Shieldmaiden, Eva Vlaardingerbroek is pointless and useless unless she has at least 3 babies.

May 25, 2024 1:51 pm

Which Way White Man?
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Winston Churchill’s Jewish handler, Professor Frederick Lindemann (1886-1957), who hated Germans and Whites with a passion, envisioned a unified world behind a single global government. He claimed that a small elite would one day rule the world and that “a society governed by supermen and served by helots would be more stable.”[1] He also believed that science would eventually produce a race of men with the “mental characteristics of worker bees.”…

“Do you know,” he asked, “what the future historians will regard as the most important event of this age?”

“Well, what is it?”

“It will not be Hitler and the Second World War; it will not be the release of nuclear energy; it will not be the menace of Communism.”

These negatives seemed very comprehensive. He put on an expression of extreme severity and turned down the corners of his lips:

“It will be the abdication of the White man.”

Which Way White Man?

May 25, 2024 2:51 pm

No sense risking your life retaliating against a pack of feral third world goat fcukers when you could walk into a nice restaurant or bar and confront the traitorous elected criminal assholes responsible for importing the goat fcukers…with extreme prejudice.

May 25, 2024 2:53 pm
The tribe.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
May 25, 2024 9:54 pm

Europe is a police state hell hole favoring illegals over citizens. We are becoming likewise soon to have civil war:

Europe and the U.S. lack alpha males of fighting age, this is why this country and overseas hell holes are doomed. No one will stand up in their cities, towns, etc while illegals take over and kill off citizens and replace us. We will not be voting because politicians arecrooks and lying scum bags and have been for over 100 years.

  Laura Ann
May 25, 2024 10:54 pm

It’s not so much that America ‘lacks’ alpha males, but rather they failed to cultivate them (just because they exist in one generation doesn’t mean they will in the next). To a large degree there was little choice with the divorce rates and unstable homes; both parents working, lack of direction towards their development in the educational and church systems and no real unity among men societally.

May 25, 2024 10:39 pm

Yes, we have all been pressured into denying reality for many decades and by various movements, people and influences. I wonder if Raisa wears a dress, or if she wants us all to play along with the cross-dressing charade of women wearing pants and men wearing dresses. Sooner or later we all face reality and consequences.

May 26, 2024 4:57 am

Well, as someone that’s always been white nationalist minded and super conservative white people certainly make it hard to give a damn anymore. The woke crowd are just as degenerate as ever celebrating the faggotry, transgenderism, drag kids. I see tons of lying white cucks that will defend these shitskin invasions and pretend like it’s wonderful. See plenty of the same complacent white idiots out there that STILL don’t care or won’t speak out. It’s hard to care about societies that seem determined to kill themselves.

Jonas the Blogger
Jonas the Blogger
May 26, 2024 8:34 am

Eastern Europe is by far still the “whitest” region of the World, indeed it the last truly ethnically white region in the Northern Hemisphere. Perhaps that is why the men are being sent to the slaughter in Ukraine and the women encouraged to migrate and become mates for the African and Middle Eastern young men who are taking over western Europe (and set to soon replace the men of Ukraine and Poland, Latvia, Estonia, and Hungary if the EU have their way).
Remember, out of the c.8 Billion people on this planet less than 1 Billion are ethically “white”. Therefore the white race is the true global Minority.
The COVID shot was disproportionately given to the white global minority, I wonder why………