Weather Modification is Real

Dr. Tenpenny’s Eye on the Evidence: Weather Modification is Real

A 1996 Report About Taking Over Our Weather By 2025
May 25, 2024

(Originally posted on The Tenpenny Files, by Fed Up Texas Chick)

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lamont cranston
lamont cranston
May 25, 2024 5:47 pm

I’m 71. It’s real. In the South, you could count on a 10-15 minute cloudburst during the summer almost every afternoon between 430-630. That stopped 30+ years ago.

We now have infrequent, heavy rainstorms lasting 45-60 minutes that drop 1″. Once a month it rains all day – 2.5″+. Then no rain for 2-3 weeks.

Got 1/2″ yesterday. It wasn’t forecast. And zero precip forecast for the next 10 days.

Diogenes' Dung
Diogenes' Dung
  lamont cranston
May 25, 2024 7:42 pm

I’m also 71 and I share your weather observations.

I lived a surfer’s life at the beaches east of Jacksonville from 1969 to 1976 and further south, at Vero Beach, from ’77 to ’80.

Every summer afternoon, almost without fail, thunderstorms would roll in with the prevailing winds, give everything a good rinse, lower the temperature 5 degrees and set the streets to steaming.

I ran the golf cart barn at the Atlantic Beach Country Club and there weren’t many takers for a 5:00 tee time. Gators in the water hazards weren’t a big deal but lightning carpet-bombed that course in thunderstorms.

50 years ago, every surfer had to learn to read wind and clouds to predict when a swell would arrive and where the waves would break the best.

Now, some days, every cloud I see in the sky is man-made; the familiar, readable patterns gone. 

It’s the same where I live in Sayulita, MX. Weird, off-season wind patterns. Rainy season delayed by months, if it comes at all. 

The best waves, from hurricanes formed off of Central America that hammer north for days, pushing long-period, glassy, ground swells – they are no longer a sure thing. 

Now hurricanes form off of Southern Mexico, go from zero to zippy-do-dah in two days and send short-interval, choppy mishmash. 

I expect every sort of experiment is being conducted to gain mastery of this emerging technology, and I suspect that a lot of current weather modification is aimed at desertification of fertile farmlands. 

These suspended nano-particles of highly reflective, soft metals can conduct every sort of microwave, not just the seismic-capable ‘active auroral’ HAARP.

I’ve no doubt they can make storms whenever and wherever TPTB wants. AMLO, Mexico’s President, in a snub to Biden, refused to attend the last Summit of Americas in L.A (ended June 10, 2022) because Biden excluded too many Latin American countries. 

On June 12, out of freakin’ nowhere, there was a sudden, severe hailstorm unlike any ever seen in Mexico City.

  lamont cranston
May 26, 2024 12:00 am

Lamont, you got that exactly right. It ain’t the same way it used to be and here we are close to the end of May of ’24 and I’ve seen nothing but clouds and rain and temps that are no nowhere close to early Summer. Almost 0.0 blue skies.

  lamont cranston
May 30, 2024 12:03 am

There are Cyclical Weather Patterns that operate on timelines that exceed a human lifespan.
So any observations of “normal abnormal weather” are actually occurances of confirmation bias based on a sampling rate that is lower than the natural cycle.

May 25, 2024 7:53 pm

Back in the 90’s when they started terraforming this planet
in preparation for the arrival of their god, the operation was
called Operation Indigo Skyfold.

Not only have they destroyed terra firma, but they have
also destroyed the aquatic web of life too.

We are at the point of diminishing returns so embraced today.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 26, 2024 1:33 am

Operation Indigo Skyfold according to SOTN …

OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Black Operation In World History

  Anthony Aaron
May 26, 2024 4:12 pm


Chemtrail Pilot Reveals All (Video)

Click link or pic. New TBP format alters posting style.

Many more vids at BitChute, of varying duration, on Indigo Skyfold:

May 25, 2024 9:25 pm

July 9, 2022


Edward Menez has observed chemtrails in 90 countries and is convinced they are used in weather modification including unnatural droughts and floods.
 “I stated looking up at the sky wherever I went, and soon I could “predict” what the weather would be on any given day based on how many chemtrails I saw that day. I saw that chemtrails didn’t make it rain at all–rather, I saw chemtrails dissolve an incoming storm, creating windy weather in its place.”
by Edward Menez
I started noticing chemtrails around the time that 9/11 occurred. That was over 20 years ago, and I don’t know when this insidious poison began raining down from the skies. 
At first the news media just ignored people who began proclaiming: “They’re spraying us!”. 
Then, the news media started saying: “Oh, those are just contrails”. When it became too obvious to everyone that, no, those weren’t just contrails, the news media said: “We’re seeding the sky for rain clouds”. 
Now that we know that is also a lie, as there are still chemtrails all over the western half of the US and yet there is the worst drought there in a millennium, it begins to be clear to us that chemtrails are being sprayed above us for a more, insidious reason.
Bill Gates now claims that we need to “block out the sun” to prevent Global Warming. Bill Gates also claimed the Covid-19 vaccines were used for immunity to that supposed flu-like disease. The truth is that Bill Gates is a liar: both Covid-19 vaccines and chemtrails are being used as slow-kill methods to depopulate the world. Both are poisons used to compromise your immune system.
Chemtrail Pilot Blows the Lid Off OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD
comment image?ssl=1

May 25, 2024 11:49 pm

how do pitot tubes make chemtrails?

May 26, 2024 3:32 pm

Pitot tubes don’t make chemtrails, but those nozzles right next to them do.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 26, 2024 1:39 am

Earlier today online about a USAF pilot turned whistleblower in 2014 …

Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks on December 8, 2014

… with accompanying video …

  Anthony Aaron
May 30, 2024 12:04 am
