The Tyranny of Political Correctness

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May 25, 2024 4:44 pm

This pair of mud flaps have got to be the the most pathetic monitor readers on cable. Murderin’ Joe and his Gun Moll………

May 25, 2024 5:39 pm

There’s plenty to worry about but listen to RFK Jr’s speech at the Libertarian convention. I found it very encouraging.

May 25, 2024 10:37 pm

I agree that the phase we are in now is not a typical fourth turning. I don’t know exactly how this is going to play out, but within about 6-8 years from now the entire world, not just the U.S., is going to be unrecognizable. We (the roughly 500 million survivors) will need to come up with a new term to describe what happened.

May 26, 2024 10:19 am

Whether there is still time to prevent the internal civil upheaval and subsequent revolution and the ensuing multinational invasion by air, ground, and sea is not really the point. The fundamental issue is that there is no action-oriented component of men training up other men (and generationally) for civic and defense purposes. In all probability this can’t and won’t happen because there is no domestic viability (which is a wide-ranging topic). If the only way to intercept elite encroachment is civil war and world war III, it bears the point that the Americans are not a people, but a disoriented, isolated, and disenfranchised populace. Furthermore, most realize that the projections of a Constitutional Republic and democracy are chicanery. They don’t run the country; its economy, institutions, agriculture, scientific and technological fields, medical, nutritional, athletic, artistic; policy, mandate and trendsetting, as regards the life issue (abortion is not allowed per the Declaration of Independence), gender or sex identification, religion, industry, wages, taxes, the economy, or military. There’s not one social, political or economic sphere the people direct. There is no getting around this. America is a failed state. People will embrace the immigrants/migrants because they attempt to obtain what doesn’t exist here culturally, economically and politically.