The Legacy of Columbine 25 Years Later

My thoughts on what was both a signature event of the Culture Wars and a generation-defining tragedy


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The Gender Divide is Global

“And the only sound that’s left after the ambulances go, is Cinderella sweeping up on Desolation Row…” – Bob Dylan

On Friday, January 26th, a columnist for The Financial Times named John Burn-Murdoch posted a chart showing that the much-discussed and growing ideological divide between young men and young women in America is manifesting in a similar way in countries around the world. Anyone who’s been half paying attention for, oh, a decade and a half (or more) could not have been the slightest bit surprised.

Continue reading “The Gender Divide is Global”

Does Anyone Remember The Great Reset?

“Our asylums are full of people who think they’re Napoleon…or God.” – 007

You’ve probably noticed that when The Great Reset is mentioned now, it’s almost never by people associated with the W.E.F. Apparently, globalists bent on world domination are quick to toss slogans aside when they don’t go over well.

By the way, if you think Schwab’s 2020 book (which this episode addresses) was scary? Check out The Great Narrative sometime.


Remember When They Predicted a Repeat of the “Roaring ’20s”? Me Neither

With a massive economic downturn / recession / crash / hyperinflation / collapse / apocalypse almost certainly looming over the horizon, a reminder that the MSM normie know-nothings were predicting a repeat of the “Roaring ’20s” at one point.

Some people just never learn.

Paul Zimmy Finn

The Two Visions of America

The Fourth Turning is Here says our era has been characterized by “antagonistic and mutually exclusive visions of the nation’s future.” What are those two visions of America? This episode from September 2020 describes them in detail, with lots of references to Jonathan Haidt’s book The Righteous Mind.

Paul Zimmy Finn