Via State of the Nation

The Most Consequential Events in 1913

  • February 3, 1913 — 16th Amendment to the US Constitution legislating the Federal Income Tax was not even properly ratified
  • March 8, 1913 — Internal Revenue Service established and begins to levy and collect income taxes thus unlawfully confiscating earnings
  • September, 1913 — The Anti-Defamation League hate group was founded in 1913 beginning a continuous ‘anti-semitism’ campaign against all enemies, both perceived and real, of Jewish people.
  • December 23, 1913 — The seditious Bill creating the unconstitutional and foreign entity-controlled U.S. Federal Reserve System becomes law.

Just take a close look at the list of unmitigated catastrophes above that took place in 1913.

And each one of these national disasters has only gotten worse 111 years later—MUCH WORSE!!!

For instance, the National Debt is now $34.57 Trillion because of the money-printing press known as the Federal Reserve System.  Talk about a financial calamity of truly epic proportions.

Who really set the super scam up?

That the Federal Reserve is not even a public institution and is in actuality a privately owned bank by foreign enemies, which actually issues debt not assets, is the single biggest tragedy in U.S. history.

The Corrupt Federal Reserve Is NOT Federal

Then there was the 16th Amendment which created the IRS via a corrupt legislative process and defective procedure wherein this amendment was never legally ratified.


Next up is the highly predatory Income Tax scam.

If the 16th Amendment is construed to authorize seizure of a
Citizens’ earnings, it is in direct conflict with the Constitution.

Let’s not forget the never-ending societal cataclysm fraudulently named the Anti-Defamation League.

ADL: 100 Years of Hate


Much can be written that has never been published about the profoundly fateful year of 1913.

For example, that the exceedingly treacherous events listed above were purposefully orchestrated in order to set the financial stage for World War I, which officially started in June 28 of 1914.

The Federal Reserve Bank was to become the key international banking institution within the Central Banking Cartel which was used to facilitate many of the transactions of the emerging global Military-Industrial Complex.

This is why the extremely naive President Woodrow Wilson, an academic at heart who served as a president of Princeton University from 1902 to 1910, was stealthily selected and installed as POTUS in March 1913.  For he was methodically duped into (i) first negotiating the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and (ii) then issuing a declaration of war against Germany after he promised to keep the USA out of WW1.

Wilson was then used by his globalist masters to both propose and aggressively push for the establishment of the League of Nations, the institutional forerunner to the United Nations and future One World Government.  The U.S. Congress however, was well aware of the sly power grab by the Illuminati banksters, and they refused to ratify America’s entry into the League of Nations.

Bottom Line: 1913 Is A Year That Will Live In Infamy

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May 27, 2024 7:40 am

Oh sheeeeet… a gatekeeper has gone rogue.

comment image

Westend Parable
Westend Parable
May 27, 2024 11:54 am

Anti semitism= Opposition to Jewish behavior including murder.

  Westend Parable
May 27, 2024 3:35 pm

an anti-semite is someone jews hate


May 27, 2024 7:45 am

Muh capitalist heroes…hard work and sacrifice, bruh. That’s how we make it on the level playing field…reeeee

[H]ere are those five richest people and their recent gains (which account for inflation):

  • Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, saw his wealth surge to $245.5 billion in late 2023, up 737% from March 2020.
  • Bernard Arnault, chairman of French luxury goods giant LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton, and his family saw their wealth pop 111% over the same period to $191.3 billion.
  • Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, saw his wealth jump 24% to $167.4 billion.
  • Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle, experienced a wealth increase of 107% to $145.5 billion.
  • Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, saw his wealth rise 48% to $119.2 billion.

So, from 1913 – 2024:

  • The annual total stock market return is 10%.
  • The annual real rate of economic growth is 3.5%.
  • The annual growth rate of the money supply is 6.5%.

One cannot help but notice that 10% – 3.5% is…. 6.5%.

TLDR: The rich get richer and the poor get poorer because our banking system systematically lends new money to the rich, who in turn benefit from asset inflation (when they invest the money) and Cantillon effects (when they spend the money), while the poor lose out from asset inflation (tried buying a house lately?), Cantillon effects, and deindustrialization.
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again – Nothing in America can truly be fixed until we fix our broken money supply. Our monetary system has been corrupt from its inception. It is “built on other’s people’s resources, made for profit by our private banks, enforced by military might on the rest of the world.” It has “created a new gilded age, made homes unaffordable to wage owners, and deindustrialized what was once the world’s most powerful manufacturing base. It has left America running on empty.” And it’s done so at a compound annual rate of 6.5% per year since 1913.

May 27, 2024 7:53 am

It’s a sports game, Flash, we all know that.

May 27, 2024 10:56 am

The term is CRONY CAPITALIST (or in Elon’s case…rent seeker).

May 27, 2024 7:57 am

Imagine, ignoring the Constitution for 234 years. The ink was barely dry. I’m giving a one year grace period.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
May 27, 2024 9:11 am

April 8, 1913, the XVII Amendment was ratified, taking the most important power the States had away from them and putting the selection of Senators into the hands of the people. the federal government soon learned it could “buy” the peoples’ votes through appropriations and $35 TRILLION later here we are.

  TN Patriot
May 27, 2024 11:00 am

By then, a majority of the states had already switched to a popular vote with a legislative “rubber stamp” thanks to the infiltration of BOTH worthless parties by the Progressives. The Amendment would never have passed were most states not already on board. I’m not saying the switch wasn’t horrible, but unlike the 16th, which more than likely was NEVER Constitutionally ratified, the 17th had widespread support in the state legislatures. Nothing has changed.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
May 27, 2024 6:05 pm

The Progressives spent 75 years and multiple efforts to get Senators directly elected. Combined with the 16th Amendment, it gave the federal government all it needed to become the behemoth it has become. Throw in the Federal Reserve and they can borrow Trillion$ upon Trillion$ to waste as they see fit.

May 27, 2024 12:02 pm

And each one of these national disasters has only gotten worse 122 years later . . .

1913 was 122 years ago? Yes, maff is hard . . .

May 27, 2024 4:01 pm

Way to misdirect, fedbot.

May 27, 2024 2:10 pm

Now You Know.

May 28, 2024 12:11 am

Yeah, 1913…the year the Jews learned how to blackmail a U.S. President.