

Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.”Josey Wales

“To hell with them fellas. Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.” – Josey Wales

As our political, economic, civic, and social structures continue to degrade, dissolve, and disintegrate before our very eyes, it is easy to become apathetic and surrender to hopelessness. There are relentless powerful forces actively trying to destroy the fabric of our society and force the masses into economic servitude while caged in an electronic gulag, controlled by an oligarchy of evil totalitarian minded billionaires and their lackeys in key governmental, political, banking, military, media, and corporate positions of power. We are in the same situation as Josey Wales in Clint Eastwood’s epic 1976 film – The Outlaw Josey Wales.

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Based upon the results of TBP as we approach the halfway mark of this year, I would say the economy is in the toilet.

Oddly, page views are up dramatically versus last year, while advertising revenue and donations are in the shitter compared to last year. The charts below are a little hard to read, but show page views year to date are up 16% and are tracking to get back to near the 12 million mark we achieved in 2021 and 2022. In case you’re curious, the month in green was the denial of service attack month when TMWNN rode to the rescue and kept TBP alive. Otherwise this place would not have been around for the last ten years.


Trump’s Conviction, Washington, and the Appeal of a High-Throughput Guillotine

Guest Post by Fred Reed

Everybody and his dog is writing about the Trump conviction, so I guess I’ll add my few grains to the sand pile. Otherwise I’d kill something, preferably a New York judge. Or several of them.

On the observable principle that each succeeding President is worse than his predecessor,  Biden has, barely, taken the title for godawful worthlessness and foreign-policy bafflement. But the question is not whether Trump has the morals of a politician, or whether he and some porn queen made the beast with two backs. How many readers would have done the same, given a shot at stormy?  The point is that the uniparty, the bicephalous brigandage that is the real government, has turned the entire political apparatus of Washington against Trump, while ignoring the behavior of its own miscreants.

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Washington Post Admits It Lied About Fauci’s Beagle Torture Regime — For Years

Via Armageddon Prose

“As director of NIH, you did sign off on these so-called scientific experiments. And as a dog lover, I want to tell you this is disgusting and evil. What you signed off on and these experiments that happened to beagles paid for by the American taxpayer. And I want you to know Americans don’t pay their taxes for animals to be tortured like this”
-Marjorie Taylor Greene to Anthony Fauci

CIA-funded Washington Post, our very own homegrown Pravda, not only lied for years about the veracity of Fauci’s beagle torture regime for The Science™; it also smeared the independent advocacy organization, White Coat Waste Project, that uncovered it.

Via Washington Post, November 19, 2021 (emphasis added):

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Who Really Beat the Germans?

Guest Post by Brian Maher

Eighty years ago this day the Allied powers massively raided the French beaches at Normandy.

It was a superexcellent event — the greatest maritime invasion in all of history.

Its plotting, its organizing and its implementation remain astounding wonders.

Over 4,000 Allied men fell down that day and never stood back up — over half were American.

Thousands and thousands more were slain in subsequent campaigns against Herr Hitler’s armies.

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Steve Bannon Looking Forward To A Hot Shower, Shave, And Clean Clothes In Prison

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C. — After being ordered to report for incarceration on July 1 following a failed attempt to remain free during the appeal process, former Trump White House advisor Steve Bannon admitted that he was looking forward to a hot shower, shave, and clean clothes in prison.

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Police Officers Wanted – The Revolutionary Cycle in Swing

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Soros Austin Defund PoliceThe defund the police movement was so effective that countless agencies are struggling to fill job vacancies. So we have politicians who demonized the police, philanthropists who funded mobs who chanted for their demise, and non-citizens running rampant, committing attacks on officers without consequence. The police are unable to implement law and order because divisive practices and an uptick in crime have become political tools.

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“Coffee and a Mike” Podcasts – Matt Bracken & Michael Yon

Interview #1 – Matt Bracken

Interview #2 – Michael Yon

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Kremlin responds after Biden claims he’s known Putin for 40 years

Via RT

“Deep analytical conclusions” can be made about the US leader after his recent comments, Dmitry Peskov has said

It is often difficult to fathom what US President Joe Biden means with his statements, including when he claims to have known his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, for 40 years, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said.

Biden lashed out at Putin during an interview with ABC News on Thursday, saying: “I have known him for over 40 years. He has concerned me for 40 years. He is not a decent man. He is a dictator.”

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Why Did Journal Retract Study Showing COVID Vaccines May Cause Cancer? Emails Raise New Questions

Guest Post by

An NIH scientist with ties to pharma and the Wuhan Institute of Virology oversaw the retraction of a 2021 peer-reviewed study linking COVID-19 vaccines to cancer risk, especially for women, according to emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

A recent investigation by Australian journalist Rebekah Barnett suggests politics and financial interests, not scientific concerns, led to the retraction of a 2021 peer-reviewed study finding the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 and the mRNA vaccine impair critical DNA repair mechanisms, which could lead to cancer.

Viruses, published by MDPI, retracted the study in 2022, despite objections by the lead author, Ya-Fang Mei, Ph.D., of Sweden’s Umeå University.

Subsequent research and case studies have largely validated the findings of the retracted study conducted by Mei and Hui Jiang, Ph.D., of Stockholm University in Sweden.

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Did the Israeli Government Allow the October 7 Attack to Happen?

BIRD FLU PLANDEMIC 2024: The Secret Agenda

Via State of the Nation

There seems to be a great amount of confusion and misunderstanding regarding the latest Plandemic-in-the-making. As follows:
The Latest “Bird Flu” Death is “Covid” All Over Again—[NOT]

The perpetrators of the COVID-19 Plandemic know that it’s now impossible to pull off another fake pandemic as they did with the non-existent SARS-CoV-2 beginning in January of 2020.  The world community of nations will simply resist any attempt to duplicate that engineered coronavirus hoax and society-destroying ruse.

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South Korea Has Gold Bar Vending Machines…And They’re Selling Out

Via ZeroHedge

First, it was Costco selling (and selling out of) gold bars, as we reported last year. Now, you can buy them in vending machines in South Korea.

One way or another, it looks as though the public wants gold.

Bloomberg reported this week that in Seoul’s upscale Gangnam district, a GS Retail Co. convenience store features a vending machine selling gold bars, ranging from less than 1 gram to 37.5 grams, with prices starting at around 88,000 won ($64) and fluctuating daily. Initially launched in 2022, these machines are now in 30 stores nationwide.

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Build-to-Rent Communities Grow in Popularity

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

BuildtoRentHomeStarts2022You will own nothing. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) have grown in popularity in recent years. America has recently imported a concept stemming from across the pond in the UK to pacify housing fears. Build-to-rent (BTR) communities are becoming a common development as the majority of Americans struggle to either afford or find housing.

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Biden to be Replaced come August

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The nut-job liberal base that wanted to flood the country with future Democrats is angered. Yet, Biden justifiably won’t get credit for his brand-new get-tough approach that comes way too late to mollify fed-up Americans when the country has been flooded with unskilled people he has given FREE healthcare to and logging at the expense of taxpayers who he wants to raise taxes on all the time.

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Rewiring the Brain: The Promise and Peril of Neuroplasticity

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • In the video “Rewiring the Brain: The Promise and Peril of Neuroplasticity,” Brian Greene, a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, interviews experts in the field of neuroplasticity about how human brain enhancement can help, and potentially harm, humanity
  • The panel includes neuroscientists Takao Hensch and John Krakauer, as well as entrepreneur Brett Wingeier, co-founder and CEO of Magnus Medical
  • They explore the potential of various tools, including pharmaceuticals, transcranial stimulation and even video games, to reopen critical learning windows and harness the brain’s ability to rewire itself
  • Scientists are looking into how to reopen critical windows in the brain to enhance recovery from stroke, treat depression and even learn new skills, like attaining absolute pitch
  • The brain’s development and learning pathways are highly complex; artificially manipulating these pathways might lead to unintended consequences with serious human health, ethical and social implications

In the video “Rewiring the Brain: The Promise and Peril of Neuroplasticity,” Brian Greene, a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, interviews experts in the field of neuroplasticity about how human brain enhancement can help, and potentially harm, humanity.1

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AI and Commercial Music

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

Del Bigtree recently devoted a segment on his popular program, The Highwire, on the advent of AI in commercial music. Del created a theme song for The Highwire on one of many AI creation websites, the one he chose is Suno.com. See this segment here.

So, what do you think? Pretty impressive, huh? I have been quite impressed with the recent slate of AI genius—ChatGPT, and now Suno.com. I am a composer myself, so this sort of thing would be very distressing if I were still in the music creation biz. Now it is not really threatening to me, just sad. It is sad how human development of a skill, often taking a lifetime, is reduced to a few seconds of computer calculation. Of course, without the years of human output ahead of the computer algorithm, there would be nothing there to be impressed with. Monkey see, monkey do.

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