I don’t believe one iota of this bullshit story being peddled by the FDA and their regime media propaganda mouthpieces. Anyone frequenting this website for the last decade can smell out fake fear narratives from a mile away. We called bullshit on the fake pandemic in March 2020 when other supposedly critical thinking websites bought it hook line and sinker. 

I’m not buying this fake bird flu crap either. Do you get that tingling feeling  they are attempting a replay of 2020 in order to rig the presidential election and get the basement dummy selected again? Let’s see. You have Soros funding chaos on university campuses, soon to spread to our urban ghettos, just as he funded the BLM terrorists in 2020. You have the government warning about a dire killer flu which will engulf the world. Luckily, it just so happens they have been stockpiling bird flu vaccine, even though it supposedly just began  to sweep across rural America.


‘​​A Dangerous Vaccine for a Nothing Disease’: U.S. Stockpiling Bird Flu Vaccines

Guest Post by John-Michael Dumais

As bird flu outbreaks spread among birds and mammals, the U.S. government says it has three FDA-approved H5N1 vaccines in its stockpile. However, experts questioned the effectiveness against current strains and raised concerns about potential side effects.

With the recent spread of H5N1 bird flu to dairy cows in eight states — and the infection of a Texas dairy worker marking the second known human case in the country — public health officials are raising concerns over the adequacy and safety of stockpiled vaccines meant to protect against a potential pandemic, according to Barron’s.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains bird flu is a low risk to humans — the infected dairy worker only contracted a case of conjunctivitis (pink eye) — and that there is currently no known mechanism for human-to-human transmission.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), avian flu is responsible for 463 deaths worldwide over the past 20 years. The CDC reports only two U.S. cases of bird flu, and both were mild. No Americans have died from the virus.

Still, government agencies and Big Pharma manufacturers are building their capacity for bird flu vaccine production.

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WHO, Media Drum Up Fear of Bird Flu Spreading to Humans

Guest Post by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

The WHO’s Chief Scientist Jeremy Farrar warned bird flu has an “extremely high” mortality rate for humans and could mutate to pass between humans, despite no record of human-to-human transmission of H5N1.

The World Health Organization (WHO) again sounded the alarm about bird flu last week, warning it has an “extremely high” mortality rate among humans.

The disease, the H5N1 avian influenza virus — also known as “highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A,” and simply as “bird flu” — can pass among some animals, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

However, it has never passed from human to human, and there have been extremely rare reports of animal-to-human transmission, the agency said.

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Bird Flu: Real Threat or Profit-motivated Fearmongering?

Guest Post by John-Michael Dumais

As the media ramp up concerns about a potential H5N1 bird flu pandemic, some analysts questioned the motives behind the alarmist narratives, pointing to the financial incentives of vaccine manufacturers and controversial U.S. government-funded gain-of-function research on the virus.

Growing concerns about the potential for a devastating bird flu pandemic are driving increased media coverage, including claims that bird flu could be “100 times worse than Covid.”

But a closer examination suggests the level of alarm may be premature, and some argue that fearmongering is motivated by profit.

In recent weeks, cases of the H5N1 avian influenza virus — also known as “highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A” — have been detected in wild birds, poultry, a variety of mammals including cats and dolphins, and a small number of humans.

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“Bird Flu is back…so stop eating beef!”

Guest Post by Kit Knightly

Bird Flu is back in the news this week. Again.

The Washington Post is wondering just how prepared the US is for a Bird Flu pandemic.

Apparently, scientists are paying careful attention to migratory birds and seals.

The Mirror is choosing to go even more alarmist than usual, headlining:

Map shows how bird flu is spreading across US – as only two states escape outbreak

Another year, another disease outbreak right?

Continue reading ““Bird Flu is back…so stop eating beef!””

Scientists Warn Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 100 Times Worse Than COVID

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Historical concerns about the lethality of bird flu to humans have consistently proven unfounded, with no recorded deaths in the U.S. from such outbreaks, despite significant government spending and public warnings in the past
  • Recent discussions around “global biosecurity” and the potential for disease outbreaks to foster a totalitarian world government have intensified. A weaponized bird flu could be the next major threat
  • Recent cases of bird flu affecting various mammals, including livestock and pets, suggest the virus may be adapting to new hosts, raising alarms about its potential impact on humans
  • In March 2024, the first case of bird flu in livestock was found in a goat in Minnesota. That same month, infected cows were identified in Kansas, Texas, New Mexico, Idaho and Michigan. Three cats have also reportedly died from H5N1 infection, and one individual who came into close contact with infected cows has tested positive after presenting with conjunctivitis (pink eye)
  • Current countermeasures against bird flu, such as culling infected and exposed animals, hinder the development of natural immunity. Smaller flock sizes and better management would also reduce the disease risk

So far, every instance of fearmongering about the possibility of a lethal bird flu has turned out to be false. That’s why I wrote my New York Times best-selling book “The Great Bird Flu Hoax,” 15 years ago in 2009. Four years earlier, in 2005, then-President George Bush spent over $7 billion dollars on preparations and warned that more than 2 million Americans could die.1

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MSM Trots Out ‘Bird Flu-Pocalypse’ After Texas Dairy Worker Falls Ill

Via ZeroHedge

Bird flu is back in the news after a Texas dairy worker tested positive for the virus in the first documented case of bird-cow-human transmission.

So of course, a cacophony of ‘experts’ are now warning that a bird flu pandemic could be ‘100 times worse’ than COVID.’

Mentions of “Avian Flu Virus” in the news

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Bird Flu Scare Narrative Ramps Up

Via Mercola

Video Link

Story at-a-glance

  • Considering global biosecurity is one of the primary tactics chosen to usher in a totalitarian One World Government, it’s clear that more pandemics are in our future, and a weaponized bird flu seems likely
  • Historically, natural avian influenza (H5N1) never posed a threat to mankind, but scientists have created a hybrid with human pandemic potential
  • If we do end up with a lethal human bird flu, there’s every reason to suspect it was manmade. There’s also every reason to suspect a bird flu vaccine will be either ineffective, hazardous or both
  • H5N1 (bird flu) is now affecting mammals at a rate not previously seen, including skunks, bears, seals, foxes, minks and even dolphins. The infection is also spreading between mammals. This is a new development that has scientists worried. If the virus is mutating (or being mutated) to spread among mammals, the jump to humans may not be far behind
  • Already, the U.S. and other countries are stockpiling H5N1 vaccine “just in case.” While some traditional vaccines are in the lineup, mRNA shots tweaked to target H5N1 are also being planned, and they probably won’t need to undergo additional testing over and beyond what was done for the COVID jabs

Bird flu has always been a fraud, which is why I wrote my New York Times best-selling book “The Great Bird Flu Hoax,” nearly 15 years ago. President George Bush spent over $7 billion dollars and warned that more than 2 million Americans could die.1 The reality is that no one in the U.S. died from bird flu.

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