
Small Black Bundles

We all have too much to lose. Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

The Biden administration and NATO have steadily escalated participation in the Ukraine-Russia war. Recently, Biden authorized Ukraine missile attacks deeper into Russia’s territory using U.S.-made ATACMS ballistic missiles, which have a range of up to 190 miles. All of the expertise necessary to target and guide these attacks will come from the U.S. and NATO.

On May 22, Ukraine drones attacked two Russian nuclear early warning radars at Armavir. Much of the targeting and guidance expertise had to have come from the U.S. and NATO. Suddenly deprived of part of their ability to detect incoming threats, if the Russians had assumed the worse—that they were under nuclear attack and the drone strike was meant to cripple their command and control capabilities—the U.S. and NATO risked a nuclear response.

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Did the Saudis Just Kill the Dollar?

Guest Post by Jim Rickards

There’s been a lot of talk over the past several days that Saudi Arabia is ending the petrodollar deal it’s had with the U.S. for 50 years. This story has been highly exaggerated. Today I want to address the misinformation you’re seeing right now, and show you what really happened.

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Former CDC Director Predicts Bird Flu Virus Will Cause Next Pandemic

Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has issued a grim prediction that the next major pandemic will be caused by the bird flu.

Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, testifies during a U.S. Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, on July 2, 2020. (Saul Loeb/Pool/Getty Images)


I really do think it’s very likely that we will, at some time—it’s not a question of if, it’s more a question of when—we will have a bird flu pandemic,” Dr. Redfield told NewsNation in an interview published on June 14.

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Obama Panics As His Biden Remote Control Loses Connection

Via The Babylon Bee

LOS ANGELES, CA — The most powerful man in America was forced to deal with an unexpected emergency last night, with former President Barack Obama suffering a moment of panic due to his Biden remote control suddenly losing connection.

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Can You Afford To Eat?

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas

Well, of course you can. What an absurd question. Most of us in the Western world have never in our lifetimes had a problem getting enough to eat or, for that matter, paying for it. Words like “famine” do exist on the periphery of our vocabularies, but they apply only to news reports on Somalia or Ethiopia, not us.

But the First World is in for a change and both the availability and the cost of food will be changing with it. A question as absurd as the one above may within a year become a reality for many people.

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We Spent a Billion Dollars Fighting the Houthis…and Lost

Guest Post by Ron Paul

Why does it seem the Pentagon is far better at spending money than actually putting together a successful operation? The failed “Operation Prosperity Guardian” and the disastrous floating Gaza pier are but two recent examples of enormously expensive initiatives that, though they no-doubt enriched military contractors, were incapable of meeting their stated goals.

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Elon Musk Slams “Extinctionist Movement” Who See Humans As A “Plague”

Authored by Steve Watson via Modernity.news,

In a recent interview, Elon Musk warned that those who wish to see humanity thrive are in a fight against those with an “extinctionist” philosophy, environmental extremists who see humans as a “plague on the Earth.”

Musk was speaking to the Cato Institute about the “implosion of the birth rate,” noting that we should be “very concerned” because it is “accelerating in most countries.”

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The Unites States of Go Figure

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“Forced obedience to obvious lies is the essence of totalitarianism. It’s the ultimate flex for psychopaths.”Dr. Toby Rogers

You realize, don’t you, that everything going on around the Ukraine fiasco on the NATO side is completely insane? The folks running the US government — Barack Obama and his witches’ coven — started the whole thing over there in concert with a gang of corporate players (BlackRock, sundry oil-and-gas companies, Haliburton types, arms-makers, bunch of big banks), plus the dastardly WEF for “guidance” (ha!), looking to grab the mineral wealth of Ukraine and, ultimately, of Russia itself. Nice try. Didn’t work out. Tons of money pounded down a rat hole.

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Zelensky set the trap that threatens to destroy us

Guest Post by Hugo Dionisio

Bandera’s Ukraine, which has been furiously privatizing its remaining state properties left to it by Russia and the USSR, already has a large part of its valuable black lands in the hands of Blackrock, Monsanto and other U.S. interests. These are joined by energy, mining, agro-industrial and real estate ownership.

Now, to finance the war effort, the illegitimate Zelensky, who is currently usurping the position of president (I can already see the meaning of that kiss from von der Leyen, the usurpers recognize each other), is preparing to sell what he still has left. The exigencies from the IMF and from financial agreements with the European Union always require privatizations and the businesses in question are, in some cases, important natural monopolies.

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Ukraine ‘peace summit’ is ‘Animal Farm’

Via RT

The Swiss-hosted Ukraine ‘peace conference’ has turned out to be an erratic and dysfunctional event whose participants have no clue what they are doing there, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said.

The June 15-16 conference at the Burgenstock Hotel near Lake Lucerne has focused on three points of Vladimir Zelensky’s ‘peace formula’, including prisoner exchanges, nuclear and food security. The plan calls for Russia to withdraw from all territories claimed by Kiev, but it has been dismissed by Moscow as divorced from reality.

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Via State of the Nation

wrecked and ruined the entire planetary civilization.

Until a critical mass of humanity understands that the
Global Economic & Financial System is completely
controlled by class of criminally insane and psychopathic
banksters who bet on everything under the sun to the
great detriment of both the biosphere and human life,
the rapidly accelerating downward spiral into a worldwide Armageddon scenario will inexorably push the world
community of nations into the proverbial abyss.

Special Commentary
SOTN Editor’s Note

The following exposé says it all except that this extremely precarious planetary predicament has since been exacerbated to the point of mathematical certainty as well as a total and irreversible meltdown of every major market, not just the stock market.

However, in order to correctly understand how the banksters will conduct their long-planned controlled demolition of the Global Gambling Casino, the following exposé details both the method and the weapons that are at their disposal.