Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

“Historically, the spread moved up and down over zero enough that it’s accurate to say there’s little difference between the two. The recent spread is an anomaly…”

Um, ‘kay.


Diesel Price Drop, Rising Inventories Suggest East Coast Relief Possible

By John Kingston

Diesel consumers on the East Coast received some news Wednesday that may suggest an easing of the tight physical market squeeze in the region.

Continue reading “WONK SPEAK”

Quo Vadis, Mother Russia?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Quo Vadis, Mother Russia? By Patrick Buchanan

Where does Mother Russia go from here? Bitter at their losses in the Cold War and post-Cold War years, many Russian nationalists are urging the regime to align with today’s great power antagonist of the United States, Xi Jinping’s China.

“The demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century,” said Russia’s new ruler Vladimir Putin in his 2005 state of the nation address.

“As for the Russian people,” Putin went on, “it became a genuine tragedy. Tens of millions of our fellow citizens and countrymen found themselves beyond the fringes of Russian territory.”

From Putin’s standpoint, the statement was then and remains today understandable.

Consider. When Putin entered his country’s secret service, Berlin was 110 miles deep inside a Soviet-occupied East Germany. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria were member states of the Warsaw Pact.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Charles Lindbergh takes off across the Atlantic in the Spirit of St. Louis – 1927

Via History.com

10 Fascinating Facts About Charles Lindbergh - HISTORY

Charles Lindbergh, airman (b/w photo)

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Even the smartest man in the world was a terrible central banker

Via Sovereign Man

By the early Spring of 1696, England was on the brink of a major currency crisis that had been building for decades.

This was back in an era where English money was primarily silver; more than 1,000 years ago, in fact, Britain’s pound sterling was originally struck by Anglo-Saxon kings in the British Isles as one “Tower pound” of sterling silver.

(The ‘Tower pound’ was a medieval unit of measurement roughly equivalent to 0.75 modern pounds.)

But over time, of course, English kings heavily debased their coins and reduced the silver content; by the mid-1600s, the pound only contained about 1/3 its original silver content.

This massive debasement, though, wasn’t just a game for kings. People across England realized that they too could reduce the silver content of the coins.

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Five Warning Signs the End of Dollar Hegemony Is Near… Here’s What Happens Next

Via International Man

Dollar Hegemony

It’s no secret that China and Russia have been stashing away as much gold as possible for many years.

China is the world’s largest producer and buyer of gold. Russia is number two. Most of that gold finds its way into the Russian and Chinese governments’ treasuries.

Russia has over 2,300 tonnes—or nearly 74 million troy ounces—of gold, one of the largest stashes in the world. Nobody knows the exact amount of gold China has, but most observers believe it is even larger than Russia’s stash.

Russia and China’s gold gives them access to an apolitical neutral form of money with no counterparty risk.

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National Self-Perception

Via International Man

“This above all: to thine own self be true.”

Bill Shakespeare had a talent for phrasing basic truths well, and this quote is no exception. (Even if you lie to others, don’t lie to yourself, or you’re in real trouble.)

Much has been said about the American self-image, going back to its inception as an upstart nation that imagined it could succeed as a republic, as Athens had failed to do.

And, indeed, the US encountered the same basic problem as Athens: having once created a republic – a nation in which the rights of the individual are foremost. Maintaining that condition is not only a constant battle, but extremely unlikely over time. Continue reading “National Self-Perception”

Get Ready to Be Muzzled: The Coming War on So-Called Hate Speech

Via The Rutherford Institute

By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freedom of speech.”—Benjamin Franklin

Beware of those who want to monitor, muzzle, catalogue and censor speech.

Especially be on your guard when the reasons given for limiting your freedoms end up expanding the government’s powers.

In the wake of a mass shooting in Buffalo, NY, carried out by an 18-year-old gunman in military gear allegedly motivated by fears that the white race is in danger of being replaced, there have been renewed calls for social media monitoring, censorship of flagged content that could be construed as dangerous or hateful, and limitations on free speech activities, particularly online.

As expected, those who want safety at all costs will clamor for more gun control measures (if not at an outright ban on weapons for non-military, non-police personnel), widespread mental health screening of the general population and greater scrutiny of military veterans, more threat assessments and behavioral sensing warnings, more surveillance cameras with facial recognition capabilities, more “See Something, Say Something” programs aimed at turning Americans into snitches and spies, more metal detectors and whole-body imaging devices at soft targets, more roaming squads of militarized police empowered to do random bag searches, more fusion centers to centralize and disseminate information to law enforcement agencies, and more surveillance of what Americans say and do, where they go, what they buy and how they spend their time.

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Thinking Caps

Via Eric Peters Autos

Remember them?

Kids used to be encouraged to put them on – and think about things. Maybe more adults ought to try it.

We hear – from the Gimp in the White House – that “cases” of the ‘Rona are likely to “surge” to as many as “100 million” this coming fall/winter, a prediction of doom made before we’re even officially in summer. It is interesting to think about how it and its agents can make such an assertion so far ahead.

Or rather, why they might be making it. Continue reading “Thinking Caps”

COVID Vaccine Injury Ends Surgeon’s 20-Year Career

Via The Defender

In an interview on CHD.TV’s “The People’s Testaments,” Dr. Joel Wallskog described how he was diagnosed with transverse myelitis after getting the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, and why he now devotes his time to helping others injured by the vaccine.

by Susan Olmstead

Dr. Joel Wallskog was once a successful orthopedic surgeon. A joint replacement specialist for 20 years, he had a large and busy practice in Wisconsin, where he saw almost 6,000 patients each year.

Married to his college sweetheart for almost 30 years and the father of four children, Wallskog had a “fantastic” life, he said. He enjoyed his career and balanced it with fun, active time with his family.

But the Moderna COVID-19 vaccination changed his life forever, Wallskog said. His health deteriorated rapidly and his career came to an end.

He recently told his story to Stephanie Locricchio, an advocacy liaison for Children’s Health Defense (CHD), on CHD.TV’s “The People‘s Testaments.”

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What Did Mothers do Before Baby Formula?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Times certainly have changed. German chemist Justus von Liebig invented baby formula in 1865 but it was not widely marketed or trusted for decades. Formula was taboo before companies like Nestle launched global marketing campaigns to push mothers to choose formula over breast milk.

Wet nurses have existed throughout history. Lactating women were often hired by aristocrats or wealthier individuals to feed their babies. It was not uncommon for poor women who were unable to breastfeed to temporarily give up their baby and become a wet nurse for a different family, hoping to earn enough money essentially to buy her child back. Slaves throughout history were also forced to act as wet nurses for the families they served.

Continue reading “What Did Mothers do Before Baby Formula?”


Rep Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn
Calling Doctor Hardscrabble. Can we get a physiognomy diagnosis?