I announced a few days ago that every week I would publish a scumbag of the week. I intend to break up this mirage of collective power within congress and focus on the individuals. Many people have reminded me congress is unpopular. Our current congress has an approval rating of 9%. The worst record in American history. We do not have a few bad apples potentially spoiling the batch. We have a stench of rot permeating the House and Senate. I present the ribbon cutting of the first scumbag!


Mike Rogers (R) Michigan 8th District

Ingham County, Livingston County, and Oakland County

Prominent City: Lansing/East Lansing

Years in Congress 2001-Present

Seat is up for election in 2014


I regret to inform that Mike Rogers was not originally the debut article for this premiere. However, I decided to bump him up to the front since I read a few articles of what he has been up to this week. Remember that famous 18 hour filibuster Rand Paul gave over the right to drone U.S. citizens? Remember how it ended with Eric Holder saying they would not drone U.S. citizens? Well, it appears nobody tweeted Mike Rogers. Maybe he was stuffing himself at Obama’s dinner party the night Rand Paul stood against unconstitutional drone strikes.

Money quotes of this week:

From politico

“The President’s May 2013 policy changes for U.S. targeted strikes are an utter and complete failure and they leave Americans’ lives at risk,”

“Individuals who would have previously been removed from the battlefield by U.S. counterterrorism operations for attacking or plotting against U.S. interests remain free because of self-imposed red tape. While we are busy pondering more ‘transparency,’ our intelligence professionals are left paralyzed because of totally incoherent policy guidance,”

The Obama administration is considering a drone attack against an American believed to be associated with al Qaeda, current and former officials said, reflecting recent changes in U.S. policy governing the use of such strikes.

A review of the case began in the summer, when the Central Intelligence Agency concluded that the individual being monitored met the criteria for a drone strike, a former U.S. official said. The officials wouldn’t provide the person’s name, but said the individual has been involved in plotting attacks against the U.S. The person is located in Pakistan, one official said.

You might remember in 2011, when the United States assassinated American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki  in Yemen, they also assassinated his American citizen 16 year old son.


So what is Mike Rogers Most known for during his time in congress? Something that effects every single person reading this right now. Mike Rogers was the sponsor of the CISPA bill.


Unfortunately for the American people CISPA was only temporarily stopped. You might not have heard that is passed the House on April 18, 2013 because this image appearing all over your t.v programming and computer screens:


Here is Mike Rogers in an interview on April 25, 2013 supporting the unconstitutional questioning of Tsarnaev without being read his Miranda Rights:

Mike Roger is also the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, its primary function is to oversee the activities of United States Intelligence Community, Directed by James R. Clapper. Here is a video of Mike Rogers defending the NSA:

“You can’t have your privacy violated if you don’t know your privacy is violated.” -Mike Rogers



By:Stephanie Shepard




We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, must hold those who set to destroy the nation accountable. After the War in Iraq, we the people, were outraged. After the fraud on Wall Street was revealed, we the people, were outraged. After the Bailouts, we the people, were outraged. After the announcement of Quantitative  Easing, we the people, were outraged. After the NDAA was signed, we the people, were outraged. After Edward Snowden turned whistle blower on the NSA, we the people, were outraged.

“We the people” are the most powerful three words in the history of the United States. Those three words have the power of conviction. The group alignment of small individual power being pulled into the fold of collective power. Those on the top are a few. Though they hold the most sway individually, they are weak in comparison of the collective. It is not the Federal Government that decides the direction of the country. It is the people. Without the people there is no Union. The Federal Government is only as powerful as we acknowledge.


“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” – Ronald Reagan


Excerpt from “Not everybody wants to be Free” by Didact:

Freedom, you see, is a very fragile thing. You cannot simply give freedom to people who are not willing to fight and sacrifice for it. As you go through life, you’re going to come across a lot of people- I would argue the majority of people- who just don’t want to be free. And why would they? If you think about it, freedom is actually bloody terrifying to most people.

When you have freedom- true freedom- you, and you alone, are responsible for your destiny. You can’t pass the buck for your failures as a human being over to your parents, or your church, or your government, or your children. You have to take responsibility for your actions. You have to fend for yourself. You have to accept that although many things are outside your control, those things that are within your control are difficult to deal with. You have to be willing to defend yourself- you can’t rely on anyone else to do it for you. You have to earn for yourself- you can’t mooch off the efforts of others. You have to exercise self-restraint and live in a manner that is consistent with your own principles- you can’t just bend or break them for a whim. You have to refuse the temptation to impose your desires upon others- because you don’t want them to do the same to you. You have to accept that when you screw up, it’s your damn fault and you need to fix it. You have to accept that you, and you alone, are responsible for your health, your body, your well-being, your money, your life, your family, and your relationship with God.

Put in these stark and simple terms, is it therefore at all surprising that most people would not want to be free at all? Are you then surprised that most people would rather choose, quite happily, to stay dumb and contented their entire lives?

The reality is that freedom is hard. It is work. It requires sacrifice, and very often pain, in order to thrive. And we as a species have evolved through that last n-million years to view pain as a Very Bad Thing that needs to be avoided. Is it any surprise at all, then, that if you give the average person a choice between a life of blissfully contented stupidity and then proceed to rob and rape him blind in return, or a life of hardship and toil in which he is master of his own destiny and answerable to none but the Almighty, said average person will almost always choose the former?

The upsides of freedom are tremendous, which is why you’ll still find people willing to pay the price to be free. But make no mistake- just like rights come with responsibilities attached, you can’t have freedom for free. You have to earn it. And if you’re not prepared to earn it, then don’t bitch when you realize, belatedly, that you don’t have it


Project Starve the Beast

Starving the beast is not as simplistic as “voting with your dollars” to create change. It is not calling your representative complaining for change. It is not voting once every four years wishing for change. Starving the Beast is aligning your own personal beliefs with necessary action. Looking at the prospect of discomfort and embracing it, despite the intentional challenge. Hard work has taken on a different meaning in the last decades. It has been manipulated to mean “Physically working hard for profit”. That is not hard work. At best, that is the minimum requirement of functioning in society. You are still relying on someone enduring the hard work of establishing where you contribute “hard work”. You are latching on to someone who came before you who laid the foundation of innovation through pain, sacrifice, education, investment, and opportunity; instead of seeking your own.

We the people, like to believe, we just inherit a working system. That we just get to continue the joyride and talk a big game. That is the worst assumption that is leading us astray. Yes, we inherit the foundation of our Founding Fathers. Yes, we are handed down the teachings of pain from our Veterans. Yes, we are given the means to be educated, written down by thinkers that came before us. Yes, we pass on the remaining wealth of our family, as a platform, to acquire our own livelihood. The present is handed to us, not the future. The idea of being owed the future you want, regardless of age or status, is entitlement.

So, how do you starve the beast? How do you embrace pain? How do you embody your power as the individual? How do we collectively become “We the People” once again? How do we align our personal beliefs with action?

Continue Reading at Time of Calamity>>>>


I decided to get into the election spirit for the 2014 for our legislative branch election. Every Wednesday I will post an article entitled “Legislative Scumbag of the Week”. I will disclose their net wealth, their connections, how they voted, how long they have been in office, and if they are up for re-election in 2014. If they are up for re-election I will disclose who is running against them, their platform, and financial contributors. If you want to participate, look up your Congress and Senate Representatives for your district and post their name in the comment section.




Come along, follow me, as I lead through the darkness
As I provide just enough spark that we need
To procede, carry on, give me hope

Give me strength, come with me, and I won’t steer you wrong
Put your faith, and your trust, as I guide us through the fog
To the light, at the end, of the tunnel we gon’ fight

We gon’ charge, we gon’ stomp, we gon’ march through the swamp
We gon’ mosh through the marsh, take us right through the doors

All the people up top, on the side and the middle
Come together let’s all form, and swarm just a little
Just let it gradually build, from the front to the back
All you can see is a sea of people some white and some black
Don’t matter what color all that matters we’re gathered together

To celebrate for the same cause no matter the weather
If it rains, let it rain, yeah the wetter the better
They ain’t gon’ stop us they can’t, we’re stronger now more than ever

They tell us no, we say yeah, they tell us stop, we say go
Rebel with a rebel yell, raise hell, we gon’ let ’em know
Stomp, push shove, mush, fuck Bush
Until they bring our troops home c’mon

Imagine it pouring, just raining down on us
Mosh pits outside the Oval Office, someone’s trying
To tell us something maybe this is God just
Saying we’re responsible, for this monster

This coward that we have empowered, this is Bin Laden
Look at his head nodding – how could, we allow
Something like this without, pumping our fist now

This is our, final hour

Let me, be the voice, and your strength, and your choice
Let me simplify the rhyme just to amplify the noise
Try to amplify it, times-it, and multiply it by six-teen
Million people all equal at this high pitch

Maybe we can reach Al’Qaeda through my speech
Let the President answer a higher anarchy
Strap him with an AK-47, let him go
Fight his own war, let him impress daddy that way

No more blood for oil, we got our own battles
To fight on our own soil, no more psychological warfare

To trick us to thinking we ain’t loyal

If we don’t serve our own country we’re patronizing a hero
Look in his eyes it’s all lies

The stars and stripes have been swiped, washed out and wiped
And replaced with his own face, mosh now or die

If I get sniped tonight, you’ll know why – cause I told you to fight!

And as we procede, to mosh through this Desert Storm
And these closing statements, if they should argue
Let us beg to differ

As we set aside our differences, and assemble our own army
To disarm, THIS weapon of mass destruction
That we call our President
, for the present
And mosh for the future of our next generation
To speak, and be heard
Mr. President! Mr. Senator!


“The Man in the Arena” April 23, 1910



“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. ” -Theodore Roosevelt