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Russia Is About To Overrun Ukraine’s Defenses – Why Are There No Peace Negotiations?

Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.us,

There are two classic propaganda narratives used by governments when it comes to keeping the public invested in any war campaign that does nothing to advance their national interests:

  • First, there’s the “commitment” lie, which says that once you step in to support a war effort you then must stay exponentially committed, even if that war effort is exposed as pointless. Anytime the public pulls back from that war in a bid to reconsider what purpose it serves they are ridiculed for potentially “risking lives” and setting the stage for defeat. In other words, you must support the effort blindly. You’re not allowed to examine the conflict rationally, because who wants to be blamed for losing a war?
  • Second, there’s the “domino effect” lie, which says that if you allow a particular “enemy” to win in one conflict, they will automatically be emboldened to invade other countries until they own the entire planet. It’s the same claim used to trick the American populace into supporting the war in Vietnam and it rarely turns out to be true. In fact, nations that engage in regional wars tend to be so weakened by the fighting that they don’t have the means to move on to another country even if they wanted to.

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How Food Giants Get Kids Hooked on Junk Food — and How to Stop Them

Guest Post by

Parents are protectors of their children. They have to be especially on guard to protect their children from pervasive direct mass marketing, using influencers, peer groups and abduction of their youngsters into the Internet Gulag.

About 45 years ago, at a social gathering, I asked an executive of a Minneapolis-based large food processing company if he fed heavily sugared cereals to his children.

He smiled as he shook his head. Smart person. His and other major companies producing what is now called ultra-processed foods (UPFs) had scientists and labs.

They knew that ever higher doses of sugars, fats and salts were being poured into nutritionally stripped foods and deceptively promoted to youngsters on kiddy television. They profitably ignored the serious damage they were causing!

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Al Gore Said the Ice Caps would be Gone by 2014 – Yes 2014!

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The Press REFUSES to hold all of these failed Climate Change forecasts to test. All they do is keep moving the date for our doom, all due to CO2. In fact, the real crisis is the continued weakening of the magnetic field, which leads to pole shifts about every 43000 years – yes, that conforms to the ECM frequency. The major shifts we discovered from the data scientists provided us came out to be 720,000 years.

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Ashley Biden’s Journal Confirmed to be Factual Yet Again

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Snopes.AshleyBidenDiaryThe mainstream media continues to sweep this information under the rug, but if it were not (D)ifferent), this would be one of the biggest presidential scandals in modern history. Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley Biden, left a diary a rehabilitation facility for sex-related trauma. The diary was shrouded in mystery and Biden’s PR team vehemently denied that the diary ever belonged to Ashley Biden. Snopes, a fact-checking website used by the left to promote propaganda, quietly revealed that the diary does indeed belong to Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley.

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Toxins Cause Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Patients with severe heart failure have 12,000-fold more antimony in their heart muscle cells than healthy controls and 22,000-fold more mercury
  • Heavy metals like mercury, cadmium and copper directly impair mitochondrial function, which is crucial for cellular energy production
  • Antimony exposure is linked to cardiovascular issues and has estrogenic activity, which may contribute to chronic diseases including cancer
  • The heart often serves as a collection site for heavy metals, significantly contributing to heart failure
  • Chelation therapy may reverse heart damage caused by heavy metal toxicity. Routine phlebotomy is recommended for managing high iron levels and can also lower your microplastic burden

According to research1 published in 1999, people with severe heart failure have 12,000-fold more antimony in their myocytes (the heart muscle cells responsible for contraction) than healthy controls. They also have 22,000-fold more mercury.

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Putin Needs to Shake-Up Himself

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Putin is conducting a large shake-up in the Russian government. He needs to give himself a good shaking as well.

Ramzan Kadyrov, leader of Russia’s Chechen providence said on Russia’s Rossiya TV channel:

“I believe that we need to attack more actively, we need to hit hard while there is time. This month we need to take the nearest territory, we definitely need to take Odessa and Kharkiv. Then sit this Zelensky down and force him to sign all the papers that Russia needs for the security of our state, citizens and the Russian-speakers who live on the territory of Ukraine.”

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Should You Believe Faulty U.S. Crime Stats Or Your Own Lying Eyes?

Authored by James Varney via RealClearInvestigations,

Americans can be forgiven for suffering from whiplash regarding law and order. 

In recent weeks the Biden administration and many news outlets, including USA Today and The Hill, have touted declines in violent crime statistics to argue that America is becoming a safer place.

“Right now, with 2023 figures and early 2024, the trends are all pointing down, in a positive direction,” Jeff Asher, whose New Orleans-based AH Datalytics is developing his own “Real-Time Crime Index,” told RealClearInvestigations.

Conservative outlets, including City Journal and the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, assert that minor declines in headline grabbers like homicides fail to capture what is really happening in the U.S. 

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Mass Starvation: Here’s Why Most Of America Is Completely Unprepared

Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.us,

The concept of mass starvation has not been in the forefront of American society for a very long time. Even during the Great Depression the US was majority agrarian and most people knew how to live off the land. In fact, the US has never suffered a true national famine. There have been smaller regional instances of famine (such as during the Dust Bowl in the 1930s), but nothing coming remotely close to the kinds of famines we have seen in Asia, the Eastern Bloc, Africa or the Middle East in the past 100 years.

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Bitcoin Paves the Way for a New Era of Free Market Banking

Guest Post by Nick Giambruno

Hal Finney was a pioneering computer scientist, cryptographer, and prominent Cypherpunk who played a crucial role in the early development of Bitcoin.

He was one of the first supporters, contributors, and adopters of Bitcoin.

In short, Finney was a visionary who understood Bitcoin’s potential before almost everyone else.

In December 2010, Finney wrote:

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$27,000 Gold

Guest Post by Jim Rickards

I’ve previously said that gold could reach $15,000 by 2026. Today, I’m updating that forecast.

My latest forecast is that gold may actually exceed $27,000.

I don’t say that to get attention or to shock people. It’s not a guess; it’s the result of rigorous analysis.

Of course, there’s no guarantee it’ll happen. But this forecast is based on the best available tools and models that have proved accurate in many other contexts.

Here’s how I reached that price level forecast…

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