King Charles says money he took from billionaire not corruption

Submitted by Austrian Peter

Guest Post by Laura K

King Charles says there is a totally legitimate reason why he was taking six-figure payments from an Australian businessman called Anthony Pratt, you’re just not allowed to know what it is. Charles explained he told the billionaire to stop paying him before he became king because he “didn’t want the appearance of anything” like corruption, for example.

This was obviously a sensible move. Charles had already agreed to knight Saudi billionaire Mahfouz Marei Mubarak and help him get British citizenship in exchange for money. This is because Charles is so poor, he lives in 27 council houses on state benefits and needs all the help he can get.

Thankfully, Charles proved he was innocent of wrongdoing by letting his servant Michael Fawcett take the blame and sacking him. Personally, I would have beaten Fawcett with a polo mallet and fed him to the corgis to send out a message.

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The Reset Riddle

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • In June 2020, King Charles III, then The Prince of Wales, announced he was launching a “new global initiative, The Great Reset,” along with WEF’s and His Royal Highness’ Sustainable Markets Initiative
  • King Charles’ charitable enterprise spans a “global web of trusts, foundations and funds” intent on creating a control system in which the world’s resources are owned by the richest of the rich, while the rest of the population can be controlled through the allocation of those resources
  • Terms like “social finance” and “impact investing” are used to hide an underlying impact agenda, or impact imperialism, which is present throughout Charles’ empire and will lead to digital serfdom
  • Charles III may continue the imperialistic agenda of his predecessors, “fusing old-style feudalism with modern corporate control to forge a “sustainable” global empire built on digital serfdom and impact vampirism”
  • By becoming educated and exposing wrong-doing, we can move from passive spectators to active resistance, and change the course of the future

Throughout the pandemic and beyond, you’ve likely heard top political figures and Big Tech leaders talking about the opportunity to “reset” and “build back better.” Founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Klaus Schwab is often said to be the mastermind behind this and is credited with circulating the idea of The Great Reset, of which “build back better” is an integral part.

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The Homage of the Slaves

Guest Post by Iain Davis

As the coronation of Charlie-boy approaches, the Royal household thought it would be nice to offer the British public the opportunity to swear their allegiance to King Charles III and declare themselves his slave. This “homage of the people” has been very popular amongst some. Presumably, they’re dead keen to live a life of slavery.

Apparently, Shabana Mahmood, the Labour Party’s national campaign coordinator, thinks slavery is a “lovely idea” and that involving the people in the coronation, by offering them to opportunity to become slaves, was a “lovely touch.” The UK transport secretary, Mark Harper, thinks that elective slavery represents a “fantastic opportunity.” Although, he didn’t specify for whom.

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A Kingly Proposal: Letter from Julian Assange to King Charles III

Guest Post by Julian Assange

To His Majesty King Charles III,

On the coronation of my liege, I thought it only fitting to extend a heartfelt invitation to you to commemorate this momentous occasion by visiting your very own kingdom within a kingdom: His Majesty’s Prison Belmarsh.

You will no doubt recall the wise words of a renowned playwright: “The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath.”

Ah, but what would that bard know of mercy faced with the reckoning at the dawn of your historic reign? After all, one can truly know the measure of a society by how it treats its prisoners, and your kingdom has surely excelled in that regard.

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What we all need to know about King Charles, the would-be Great Resetter, and scion of a clan with a horrendous (and still mostly unknown) history of genocide, false flags and pedophilia

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

James Corbett digs into the awful history of British royal perfidy (going back to the Gunpowder Plot in 1605), thereby unearthing the reality submerged by centuries of lavish propaganda

Those of you who’ve seen the British House of Cards (the 1990 TV series on which the US House of Cards is based) may chuckle at its very flattering portrayal of Charles as a near-saintly prince, earnestly devoted to the public good, but ruthlessly done in by the nefarious prime minister.

That the fabulously wealthy Windsors are among our very highest overlords is a fact unknown to most of us, since the true history of Britain’s global doings has (with just a few exceptions) either been blacked out or wildly prettified; and so this powerful new half-hour documentary is one to watch, and share:

“Meet King Charles, the Great Resetter”:

Prince Charles, Jimmy Savile
Prince Charles and Jimmy Savile. PHOTO: TIM OCKENDEN/PA IMAGES VIA GETTY

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