Sixteen Promises And What Do You Get?

Not one, not two, not three, not four …. but SIXTEEN times the Head Nigger In Charge promised not send boots on the ground to Syria.

The sixteen promises are documented here; —->

“Boots on the ground” …. the most god-awful euphemism in the English language.  We are not sending young men — often teenagers — to DIE in a god-forsaken place.  No, we are just sending “boots”.  Boots are easily replaced when worn out.  Boots don’t die They don’t bleed. They  have no guts spilling out of them.  They are just …. boots. No one weeps over a discarded boot. And they are so easily replaced.

Oreo needs to be tried, and if convicted of war crimes and/or treason against the United States, hung until dead.  Of course, that will never happen … not in this life.  One can only hope that if there is a God, that his Hand Of Justice will fall furiously upon this cockroach.

Sung to the tune of “Sixteen Tons” My favorite version is by Johnny Cash.

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