Eight great films for those with eyes wide open

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

In this time of darkness, let these movies entertain AND hearten you and yours

If you’re a daily reader here, I figure that, like me, you’re utterly disgusted by the anti-human crud now gushing, more than ever, out of Hollywood (I still wake up screaming from The Power of the Dog), and so are always looking for some movies that affirm humanity, so as to help us through this daily horror.

Now, there are countless films, and TV shows, that bring us back to life, with stories, told exquisitely, of worlds in no way like the one we’re living in. Those are restorative indeed, and I could recommend so many that I’d have to sit here listing them for days. I just (almost) finished bingeing on John Ford’s work (reading Joseph McBride’s superb biography), and rewatched Shtisel a few months ago (it’s on Netflix); and there are many, many works of that sort.

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