What Biden’s “Affordable Housing” Plan Will Do To Suburbia

Via Blue State Conservative

Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign website revealed plans for a federal takeover of local zoning laws. If enacted, the plan will force suburban jurisdictions with single-family homes and minimum lot sizes to permit construction of “affordable” high-density housing (apartments) on lots currently zoned for single-family living.

The professed purpose of the takeover is “to invest in our communities through housing by rebuilding the middle class and ensuring that this time everyone is included.” Translation: Inundate the suburbs with public housing projects.

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The ‘Affordable Housing’ Fraud

Guest Post by Thomas Sowell

Nowhere has there been so much hand-wringing over a lack of “affordable housing,” as among politicians and others in coastal California. And nobody has done more to make housing unaffordable than those same politicians and their supporters.

A recent survey showed that the average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco was just over $3,500. Some people are paying $1,800 a month just to rent a bunk bed in a San Francisco apartment.

It is not just in San Francisco that putting a roof over your head can take a big chunk out of your pay check. The whole Bay Area is like that. Thirty miles away, Palo Alto home prices are similarly unbelievable.

One house in Palo Alto, built more than 70 years ago, and just over one thousand square feet in size, was offered for sale at $1.5 million. And most asking prices are bid up further in such places.

Another city in the Bay Area with astronomical housing prices, San Mateo, recently held a public meeting and appointed a task force to look into the issue of “affordable housing.”

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