Not only are the majority of TBP readers in the high risk category, but further studies have shown that regular readers of TBP double their chances of alcohol poisoning because they are driven to drink after reading the dire doom and gloom articles on a daily basis.

According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, six people die from alcohol poisoning in the United States every day. The majority of them are middle aged men between 35 and 64. Indeed the risk level is substantially higher for men than women – 76 percent of all victims are male.

Approximately 2,200 Americans die from alcohol poisoning every year and the problem costs the country over $200 billion annually. Broken down on a regional basis, Alaska is the state with the most alcohol poisoning deaths per million people while Alabama has the least.

Infographic: Middle Aged Males Most At Risk From Alcohol Poisoning | Statista

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