America on the Brink

Guest Post by Elizabeth Woodworth

Author of more than 50 books, Dr. David Ray Griffin has been compared to Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King for his courage and dedication to seeking truth.

Griffin was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace prize, and was named in 2009 by the New Statesman as “one of the 50 people who matter today.”

His final book, a chilling yet deeply moving page-turner with over 500 references, recounts the history of US global domination strategies of “democracy promotion.”

A world-famous theologian, Griffin died in November, 2022, amidst media silence: As seen below, he was far too dangerous to be remembered in an obituary.

America on the Brink,” which he completed from his death-bed, has now been published six months after his passing.

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America on the Brink by David Ray Griffin

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Unlike today’s ideological academics, David Ray Griffin was a true scholar. His contributions to Western Civilization have been recorded by others.  No need for me to repeat them.

David Ray Griffins’s works represent the epitome of Western Civilization.  Scholars of his distinction and commitment are no longer possible.  The replacement mechanism has been destroyed by the criminalization of Western Civilization and free inquiry.  In place of scholars, universities are now homes for Woke ideologues who hate Western Civilization and white people and carry on campaigns against both.

Everywhere we see this. Monuments removed. Plaques taken down. Universities denouncing and removing memorabilia of those who founded the universities.  The white ethnicities demonized beyond  repair as racists, oppressors, exploiters.

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America Is Only One Step Away From A South African-Style Social Implosion

Authored by Brandon Smith via,

On the global news front I have been watching one event with special attention, mainly because it seems like almost no one else is – I am speaking of course about the social and economic collapse in South Africa that has been escalating over the past couple weeks. What is strange to me is that certain parallels between South Africa and the US are being summarily ignored.

Basically, the South African situation is a more exaggerated version of what is happening in America, and we need to consider if it is merely a preview of future events as the extra financial protections in the US begin to fall away.

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