America, The Insolvent

Authored by Chris Martenson via,

A reckoning is due. One the elites are already readying for…

Watching the world these days, I’m experiencing the same fury that rises up from my gut when the driver in the car ahead me is weaving drunkenly, endangering everyone on the road.

Fury is a normal and rational human response when threatened with unnecessary harm. Women who are groped (or worse) by a disgusting predator like Harvey Weinstein, pensioners whose funds are stolen by Wall Street shysters, everyone who is being fleeced by corporations in search of a few extra dollars this quarter —  all have the right to be infuriated.

It’s been especially hard of late for those of us who are “reality”-based; who value data, fundamentals and historical context.

I earn my living by reading, analyzing and making sense of the world, and then working to help orient people’s actions to align with both the current reality and future probabilities. But that’s become pretty damn difficult in a world where the financial markets are rigged and the main news outlets are unwilling (unable?) to cover the real issues, preferring instead to focus on distractions that mainly serve to keep us isolated and divided.

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Born on the Fourth of July

by Uncola via

In a flurry of hectic activity, the patient was brought in for emergency surgery.  She was very obese, wearing a rumpled frock the size of a red, white and blue tarp over her entire, engorged body.  A photo of the Statue of Liberty stretched out on the cloth above her sagging breasts over words written in a bold font, that said:  “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”.

The doctor entered the room, arms raised, as the nurse assisted in sheathing his hands with disposable polymer gloves.

“What do we have here?” the doctor asked in a professional manner.

“Overweight female, difficulty breathing,” said the nurse.  Driver’s license says she was born July 4th, 1776.  Must be a misprint.”

“Well, judging by the looks of her, maybe she is over 240 years old”, replied the doctor with a sarcastic smirk.  “What does her blood work show?”

Continue reading “Born on the Fourth of July”