Let the Games Begin

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“To an authoritarian ruling elite, insane narratives serve as both loyalty test and humiliation ritual.” —Kit Knightly

The ordeal of the holidays, and the void of action that attends it, is over. Now, history resumes its awesome out-spooling. Will it be tyranny, collapse, war, civil war, renewal? Probably some wicked combo of all that. The players are taking the field again. The great engine of the game comes back to life with a cough and a rumble.

Did you notice that “Joe Biden” ceremonially kicked off his “reelection campaign” with that speech at Valley Forge, blaring the “insurrection” klaxon? Is it not astounding that half the people in our country have no idea that the joke is on them? “Joe Biden” is marking time in the oval office until the moment he must use his unique legal prerogative to pardon himself and all the members of his family for their roles in the influence-peddling racket he fronted as veep. . . and then he’ll gallantly step aside.

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