WARNING TO DEPOSITORS! Is this the trigger of a run on the world’s private largest bank?

Via State of the Nation

…Denial of Withdrawals Due To
“Liquidity Challenges”

Editor’s Note: Every banker and investor insider has known for some time that the European banking system has been operating under unprecedented stress for several years.  Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank were only two of the biggest train wrecks waiting to happen and now that UBS owns CS, the crash and burn will only be bigger.  Of course, the Ukraine War has only added another major financial burden to that exceedingly stressful environment.  For the Khazarian banksters made sure that every European nation contributed way beyond their means to that ongoing genocide and monumental series of war crimes.  In point of fact, the entire EU economy is in great jeopardy now that it economic flagship — Germany — is heading right toward the Titanic-sized iceberg. See: GERMANY: The Huge Crisis in the Making

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